I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, August 16, 2019
NASA Artemis
Blake Crouch
page 30 of 276 Kindle version
Dee turned on the radio, let it seek the AM dial - nothing but static - and FM landed just one station, an NPR affiliate out of southwest Colorado that had diverged markedly from its standard programming. A young man read names and addresses over the airwaves.
From 9/10/1983 ( premiere TV series "The All-New Scooby and Scrappy-Doo Show" ) To 8/16/2019 is 13124 days
13124 = 6562 + 6562
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 10/21/1983 ( premiere US film "The Right Stuff" ) is 6562 days
From 1/22/2016 ( premiere US film "The Fifth Wave" ) To 8/16/2019 is 1302 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 5/27/1969 ( Jeffrey Hunter dead ) is 1302 days
From 5/7/1992 ( the first launch of the United States space shuttle Endeavour orbiter vehicle mission STS-49 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-49 pilot astronaut and my 1st official United States of America National Aeronautics and Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) To 8/16/2019 is 9962 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/10/1993 ( Bill Clinton - Memorandum on Restriction of Government Aircraft ) is 9962 days
From 4/25/2012 ( Daily Kos "Dan Rather got it right George W. Bush DID go AWOL" ) To 8/16/2019 is 2669 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/22/1973 ( premiere US film "Payday" ) is 2669 days
From 11/22/1996 ( premiere US film "Star Trek: First Contact" ) To 8/16/2019 is 8302 days
8302 = 4151 + 4151
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/15/1977 ( premiere US TV series "Three's Company" ) is 4151 days
From 3/1/2004 ( for me personally as Kerry Burgess: my lease expires at my Redmond apartment and I travel to and arrive at Spokane Valley for the Crossland ) To 8/16/2019 is 5646 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/18/1981 ( The New York Times "Star Bars" ) is 5646 days
Jim Bridenstine
Verified account
12:52 PM - 16 Aug 2019
NEWS: @NASA_Marshall will be the lead @NASA center for human lunar landing systems - a critical component of infrastructure to return to the Moon, along with @NASA_SLS, @NASA_Orion and the Gateway. Learn more about this #Artemis announcement: https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-marshall-to-lead-artemis-program-s-human-lunar-lander-development/
NASA official
Aug. 16, 2019
RELEASE 19-069
NASA Marshall to Lead Artemis Program’s Human Lunar Lander Development
The New York Times
Archives 1981
April 18, 1981
The New York Times Archives
Imagine a giant penitentiary orbiting the Earth at a height of 22,000 miles. Visionary? A futuristic dream? We at the Institute of Social Dynamics don't think so. That's why our engineers started planning it five years ago. We call it Sky Pen. With the successful flight of the space shuttle Columbia we now have the technology to make Sky Pen a reality. Shuttles able to take off and land at Earth bases will carry construction workers and materials readily to the site. Once Sky Pen is built, shuttle trips in rocket-powered paddy wagons will transport convicted felons to the proper orbit altitude for rendezvous with the penitentiary and return to Earth with parolees.
Regrettably, certain circles still fail to see the advantages of putting penitentiaries in orbit. ''Hoosegow Schmoosegow'' is the headline over a recent newspaper editorial. Its author describes our institute's brilliant strategic penal thinkers as ''boobs and crackpots.''
Normally we pay no attention to hired scribblers and their vulgar invective. This one, however, happens to work for a newspaper that successfully opposed the Government's plan to build a new maximumsecurity prison abutting the rose garden of its publisher's country estate.
This same newspaper has called loudly for judges to send more people to prison. We at the Institute have always favored sending more people to prisons, including editorial writers.
Like the vulgar newspaper's publisher, however, we don't want them sent to prisons in our neighborhood. After the latest assassination attempt, everyone agreed that nothing could be done to prevent these assaults except to imprison more people. Simultaneously, everyone agreed the only place to build prisons was in someone else's neighborhood.
The Institute recognized years ago that the American prison population could not be successfully expanded until we discovered new neighborhoods without strong block associations. Our solution: Sky Pen.
Unlike earthbound prisons, the orbiting penitentiary is economically feasible. It will have powerful support from large, efficient lobbies connected with NASA and the space-technology industry. It will have the emotional support of all patriots who want to see America put a penitentiary in space ahead of the Russians.
Persuading governments to spend for earthbound prisons is nearly impossible, despite public demand for putting more people under lock and key. With the space lobbies and patriots prodding them, however, governments will finally take action.
There is no limit to prison capacity in space orbit. Once the technology is mastered, we can provide cell space for millions. Thus we take a giant step toward solving the assassination problem.
Moreover, the escape of vicious felons will no longer terrorize law-abiding folks. To break out, prisoners will have to build highly sophisticated escape suits and portable pressurizing tanks from scraps smuggled back to their cells from the sheet-metal shop.
Even then their hopes of getting back to Earth will be slim unless a relative has sent them a small rocket engine and a fairly complex guidance system baked into a cake. And of course, they are likely to fare very badly indeed if they forget to bring along a heat shield.
Will a 10-year sentence to hard orbiting be construed by the Supreme Court as cruel and unusual punishment? We think not. Incarcerated in a condition of weightlessness, prisoners will not feel any tonnage of balls and chains the most brutal keeper might use to hold them down.
Solitary confinement will no longer be a dreary business of squatting on the floor of dark cells. Weightless in space, the solitary prisoner will be able to pass the time amusingly by floating from wall to wall and from ceiling to floor.
A few problems remain to be solved. To maintain prisoners' morale by assuring them of an ample supply of inedible swill to spark messhall rebellions, for example, we must develop a dehydrated swill substitute capable of being served in plastic packets.
We must also develop emergency evacuation procedures to rescue the inmates if a penitentiary's orbit starts to decay and it threatens to fall to Earth. Our statistical studies show that a falling penitentiary is 11 times more likely to fall harmlessly into an ocean than to strike a city the size of Chicago.
The risk of being struck by a falling Sky Pen is negligible compared to the risk of being shot if we have no space penitentiaries with which to get the trigger-happy off the streets. We at the Institute believe the slight risk of obliteration by falling penitentiary is a small price to pay to preserve our constitutional right to buy pistols.
A version of this op-ed appears in print on April 18, 1981, on Page 1001019 of the National edition with the headline: OBSERVER; Star Bars.
The American Presidency Project
42nd President of the United States: 1993 ‐ 2001
Memorandum on Restriction of Government Aircraft
February 10, 1993
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies and Employees of the Executive Office of the President
Subject: Restricted Use of Government Aircraft
The taxpayers should pay no more than absolutely necessary to transport Government officials. The public should only be asked to fund necessities, not luxuries, for its public servants.
WED APR 25, 2012 AT 01:33 PM PDT
Dan Rather got it right George W. Bush DID go AWOL
byLefty Coaster
I always suspected something like this was the case. The new issue of Texas Monthly delves into the long neglected story of George W. Bush less than stellar military career in the Texas Air National Guard. The Texas Monthly lays out the surprisingly complicated mechanizations that led to the Junior Bush landing this plumb spot in the T.A.N.G.
That George W. got special treatment at a time when draftees were likely to end up slogging through the jungles of Viet Nam shouldn't come as too much of a surprise to anyone who knows how America routinely gives special treatment to the offspring of the 1%.
The Right Stuff (1983)
Chuck Yeager: These astronaut boys, they know that, see?
Jeffrey Hunter
Born November 25, 1926 in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Died May 27, 1969 in Los Angeles, California, USA
Birth Name Henry Herman McKinnies Jr.
The 5th Wave (2016)
Release Info
USA 22 January 2016
DSC00251.jpg, Kerry Burgess 09/28/2013 Spokane
DSC00252.jpg, Kerry Burgess 09/28/2013 Spokane
The 5th Wave (2016)
(from internet subtitle transcript of incomplete dialog)
SOLDIER: Security teams, clear zones three and four.
Security teams, clear zones three and four.
Support team members, meet arrivals on the tarmac. Support team members, meet arrivals on the tarmac.
Stand in the red circle.
Wait for your number to be called.
Stand in the red circle.
Wait for your number to be called.
MAN: Number 127.
Stand in the red circle.
Wait for your number to be called.
Stand in the red circle.
Wait for your number to be called.
2016_Nk20_DSCN1776 trek tos cage.jpg
Posted by Kerry Burgess at 11:05 PM
Number 878: The Farthest Man From Home
I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
The Menagerie. An Astronaut's View of the Earth
2016_Nk20_DSCN1777 trek tos cage.jpg
- posted by Kerry Burgess 6:30 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 16 August 2019