I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Thursday, August 01, 2019
The Horrible Truth
Because you're a dullard dim-wit, you're incapable of imagination.
You're incapable of imagining the vast and deep history of this ancient planet Earth that has been cranking out life-forms for billions of years.
You're incapable of comprehending a time-span of billion years because your dullard dim-wit brain can hardly comprehend anything beyond a few days at best.
Your lack of imagination prevents you from trying to predict anything about the future that doesn't concern you personally.
That's why all the religions are still fervently popular in the world and all the hypocrites here in the United States of America.
All religion is just a get-out-of-jail-for-free for all of you, all you cowards and your terror of mortality.
The only thing you can predict for certain about the future is your own mortality. And you have no control over it. Or anything else. So you thump your bible. Because all you have to protect you from the scary Real World is your superstition.
Your lack of imagination prevents you from understanding the feeble attempts by your dullard mind to predict the future is because your monkey ancestors, in their constant bid for survival of the fittest in the cruel, unfair jungle, developed a sense of danger.
They imagined the dangers of the other creatures slithering around with them in the dark on the desert floor or from the predators flying above, the descendants of the dinosaurs.
Your monkey ancestors learned that safety existed in the trees so, because of the stresses of the environment, or perhaps simply because again their DNA was mutated from solar radiation and ultraviolet radiation from beyond, they developed hands and feet for climbing. Because of stress. The stress of real events happening to them and stress of dangers witnessed occurring to others they associated with personally and because of the stress of dangers imagined in their feeble brains.
Millions of years later, you're not much different than your monkey ancestors covering the surface of this planet with crap.
I'm reading this book and I'm thinking again about the almost precise line of thought I have had for a long time. Specific details. Some of those I've wrote about in my personal comments. That green light. I had extensive lines of thought about that, before I read the book.
There are examples that could have caused that line of thought in my mind. But I'm not sure if those were the cause.
One example is the two movies "Skyline". That's the best example I can think now as I compose this note. I might think of others later. I'm aching to go out and ride my bicycle but I know I won't, going on three weeks now.
The 1979 "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" hinted at the same plot element. But the only person affected was the bald woman from the Planet Delta. The 1998 "Star Trek: Insurrection" had the scene established almost the same as the book.
But those are just all the same recurring theme that most of the public would recognize from popular culture: abducted by aliens.
Those are all entertaining stories meant to squeeze money out of the slack-jaw yokel public of the dullard dim-wits infesting this planet Earth. And they got entertainment and the producers and workers got paid.
I am personally taking more of a serious interest in their silly stories because a lot of stuff just does not add up for me.
I believe I am a rational personal and I believe I am one of the few people capable of critical thought.
Right now out there - RIGHT NOW AT THIS VERY MOMENT! - there are people, perhaps only one person, *causing* people at United States of America NASA to make me *seem* more credible.
The people I document and describe here in my posts are not personally trying to make me more credible. No person is in direct contact with me.
Rather, there are people behind the scenes, perhaps NASA people or not, who are *causing* people at NASA make me seem credible in my allegations here on this blog.
Why do I need to be credible to the public masses?
I imagine a person who is out there and that one person LITERALLY knows the future. These stories I find are stories that are some part created, some part caused, creations and manipulations by that person.
Stories that are literal or that are imaginative retelling of events that will happen in the future, the imaginative rationalizations of a true and professional story teller, which none of you are, and are meant to be understood in the *future*. Understood as sheesh-that's-a-relief or meant to prepare some people for The Horrible Truth and the inevitable mental consequences of surviving events incomprehensible to the modern human being.
With each passing day I realize I have reached some sort of plateau in this initiative of mine.
Throughout it all I struggle each day here at this day to understand that elusive question: Why?
Why do I need to be credible?
And it doesn't really seem to be about credibility to you *now*.
I continue to suspect the need for credibility is about the *future*.
But it's not the typical sort of hyping up of public figures that is essential to the sales of their crappy products.
I continue to suspect there is something lurking down the road that is going to scare the bejesus out of you monkeys and so then I...what?
I am not going to be more motivated to build a spaceship to come out there and save your monkey asses.
Before those of you today, 100 billion humans lived pathetic and meaningless full of petty drama and then they died and, if they were lucky, then they were buried in the dirt to become worm-food. And that Horrible Truth was 100% the end of them. There was absolutely *nothing* after that, a suitable ending for any monkey or animal on this planet, as that's all they were. All you are.
Why should you expect anything different?
But what if those of you TODAY will experience a much different fate, something different and that is completely new in provable, recorded history of the humans on this planet.
What if *you* are the ones *THEY* are coming for?
Your life is pathetic and meaningless.
As with those 100 billion humans before you, *YOU* have never and *YOU* will never make a positive contribution to the progress of the human race.
The human race is *not* more advanced because of you.
The human race is *not* more intelligent because of you.
For all these years and years and years I have accepted all this as the precursor of my final freedom. That when it happens then I am free. Free to live on but with the horrible truth active in my memory of events I witnessed in the past.
Recently, yesterday I think it was - for the *first time ever* - a new thought occurred to me about that same old question "Why me?"
"Why me" is because I will be there among you monkeys when the aliens zap us up to their massive spaceship. I'm supposed to be a figure with credibly you recognize and trust.
And that just depresses the hell out of me, after all these years of anticipating finally my personal freedom.
Charlton Heston - Omega Man
The Omega Man (1971)
Neville: There is no phone.
The Event (The Survivors Book One)
Nathan Hystad
Chapter 26
"Those arrogant bastards created life where it wasn't meant to be created. Human-Kraski hybrids like me just weren't meant to exist in the universe. Then they get us to risk our lives and die for their cause, telling us that they would live in harmony with the other half of our genetic makeup, the humans. Close to a hundred died while on Earth, some within minutes of setting foot on the planet. Each of us had a different tolerance for the Shield, and those that lasted the longest were cloned even more. [spoiler] was one of the first to have the gene of survival,
Hence why you see so many of us fitting her description."
The Event (The Survivors Book One)
Nathan Hystad
Chapter 25
pressed his button and was enveloped in a green light. Following suit, we both glowed as we used a rail above us to push down gently. I didn't feel my legs moving through the ship wall, but soon I was neck deep in ship and after a quick eye closing and opening, I was out in space. Then, just as quickly, I was entering the huge black container, rope still firmly in place. We entered into a small room with dim lights on each wall. It took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust - then I saw the bodies.
The room was about thirty feet square, and maybe a hundred people lay on the floor, unmoving. I knelt down to the nearest person, and saw her chest rising and falling slowly. She was alive!
Are any of you awake? It's okay, we're here to help you,"
"It can't be," the skinny man said. "We're dead, don't you see?"
"No, you're not. We're human like you. Here to save you."
The Event (The Survivors Book One)
Nathan Hystad
Chapter 25
I heard something coming from down the hall and turned, straining to hear it through my suit.
"Wait!" a pleading voice called.
"They're in the there... well, one level up, actually. We tried to fight them off at the start, but they shot and killed a whole room. A thousand of us dead in an instant. We've kept our heads down ever since."
Homeless Veteran Of Microsoft
I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
SUNDAY, JUNE 03, 2018
Beyond Skyline (2017)
Kerry Burgess
December 16, 2017 at 6:42 pm
For several days the past week I had decided to make another excursion to downtown Spokane.
I have to take 2 metro bus routes to get over there to downtown and then the same 2 to get back and I haven't been downtown Spokane very often, probably about a half-dozen times.
So I had a plan of what I was going to look for but I also wanted my trip to coincide with the day that new snowfall was possible.
The TV news had reported for several days that new snowfall was possible that day Friday so that was the objective of my plan, to travel over there if snowfall looked likely that day.
We've been in somewhat of a snowfall drought so far this season so traveling there made the day seem somewhat more random.
The whole point was to not check the numbers until I got back.
I still remember how suddenly the snowfall arrived yesterday. Perhaps my vantage point on the metro bus diminished that. I couldn't see outside in the direction ahead of the bus. But it was a sudden outburst of snow.
I got off the bus in the south-side of downtown Spokane and after a few steps, my right foot slipped on the sidewalk, looking down, seeming in slow motion to it all, to see a narrow corridor exposing under the snow a shiny gray metal plate.
I didn't fall but, in what seemed to be slow motion, my right-foot was sliding forward and my left-foot planted firmly behind me and I felt my left knee gently reach the pavement and then I reached out to a railing with my right hand and brought myself back up. A few hours later I discovered that astronaut statue.
Beyond Skyline (2017)
Release Info
USA 15 December 2017
Kerry Burgess shared a post.
May 14, 2018 at 1:27pm
Kerry Burgess
January 27, 2018 at 4:47 pm
I didn't even notice that shop on that first day I walked along that sidewalk on Sprague Avenue in downtown Spokane.
I had never before walked along that area of the city until that day 15 December 2017.
I captured image 2017_Nk20_DSCN3356.jpg with my small camera just a few moments before I walked into that Spaceman Trap, as it were.
In the heavy snowfall, having got off the metro bus a few moments earlier, I was alert mainly to only the other pedestrians on the sidewalk near me and to the street signs pointing me to my destination, all new to me that day as I walked through the city.
I walked along there and suddenly, and in what seemed to be very slow motion, my foot skidded along the sidewalk, and I found myself in a kneeling position with one knee on the sidewalk. My right hand thrust out to a railing to help me return to an upright walking position.
A few hours later is when I first discovered the statue.
We've had a winter thaw around here this month and I've been meaning to go back there and capture images of that metal plate but I haven't got around to it.
I didn't even notice Spaceman Coffee that first day. That day 15 December 2017 I got back home and thinking about the statue I had first discovered that day I decided to look closer at that area of the city, several blocks away from the statue, and that was when I noticed the Google images of the photography shop and that photography studio had a spacesuit in the lobby. I traveled back there on 25 December 2017 and that was when I discovered Spaceman Coffee.
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The day I rode my bicycle there specifically to capture images for illustration snow-free of that earlier incident, of all the days I could have traveled there, I chose that specific calendar day:
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from my online journal as Kerry Burgess
May 11, 2018 6:34am
Kerry Burgess updated his status.
EPISODE NUMBER - 102 [ season 1 episode 2 ]
KENNEDY: I have a lot of questions to ask so if there are no objections. What can you tell us about the power source the Goa'uld use to power their weapons, ships?
TEAL'C: Nothing.
KENNEDY: I see. Do you yourself have an understanding of the physics behind the Stargate?
TEAL'C: Knowledge of Goa'uld magic is forbidden.
Jack walks up the stairs.
O'NEILL: It's not magic Teal'c. They just want you to think that. Permission to barge in Sir?
KENNEDY: Colonel O'Neill. I was hoping to meet you. Your mission report from Chulak made for the most engrossing analysis of my career.
O'NEILL: Well thanks. What was your favourite part?
HAMMOND: Perhaps now is not the time Colonel?
O'NEILL: General, you know what I went and did? I told Teal'c how we all respect a persons rights in this country.
KENNEDY: I assure you, there is nothing untoward taking place here, Colonel. Please, join us.
O'NEILL: Thank you. Hey Teal'c.
TEAL'C: O'Neill.
O'NEILL: That's Teal'c with an apostrophe. T, E, A, L, apostrophe, C.
HAMMOND: Colonel.
O'NEILL: Yes sir.
KENNEDY: Very well, Teal'c. What can you tell me about the Goa'ulds?
TEAL'C: They rule by force. Their numbers were very few but they are growing.
KENNEDY: How many worlds do they control?
TEAL'C: Many hundreds. Perhaps more.
KENNEDY: And should we expect to encounter these Goa'ulds everywhere we go?
Jack mouths to Hammond, `we'.
TEAL'C: It is possible. But there are many more worlds the Goa'ulds have no use for. On those worlds the people are abandoned and left to fend for themselves.
KENNEDY: Is there a leadership or Government with which we could negotiate a peace.
TEAL'C: Some, like Apophis, are great Kings and rule over many worlds as their Gods but they have no need for peace. If they could kill you, they would.
KENNEDY: Could they? They have spacecraft, right?
TEAL'C: Yes. Without a Stargate, such a journey would take many months, perhaps even years. It would take many vessels, many slave armies.
O'NEILL: We're not that much of a nuisance, just yet.
KENNEDY: These slaves, where do they come from?
excerpt ends from my online journal as Kerry Burgess May 11, 2018 6:34am
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from my (inactive) online journal as Kerry Burgess
December 16, 2017 at 6:42 pm Pacific Time USA
I haven't been to downtown Spokane's Riverfront Park very often. The first time I can specifically recall being there was the first day of Autumn in 2015 and I traveled there specifically to see the Rotary Fountain
from my (inactive) online journal as Kerry Burgess
May 11, 2018 5:56pm
From 9/23/2008 To 5/11/2018 is 3517 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/20/1975 ( premiere US film "Jaws" ) is 3517 days
From 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate ) To 5/11/2018 is 9918 days
9918 = 4959 + 4959
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/1/1979 ( Werner Forssmann deceased ) is 4959 days
From 12/14/1940 ( premiere US film "March On, Marines" ) To 5/11/2018 is 28272 days
28272 = 14136 + 14136
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/16/2004 ( premiere US TV series "Stargate: Atlantis" ) is 14136 days
Jaws (1975)
Release Info
USA 20 June 1975
Jaws (1975)
Full Cast & Crew
Roy Scheider ... Chief Martin Brody
from my private journal as Kerry Burgess: September 23, 2008
09/23/08 5:33 AM
A giant red binary star, the brightest in the constellation Scorpio, about 424 light-years from Earth.
from my private journal as Kerry Burgess: 09/23/08 9:03 PM
I wake up from a dream and I ponder over it for a while but what I am wondering most about right now again is why I feel compelled to record certain dreams and why I feel a certain sense of being compelled to not record other dreams. I wonder if that is some kind of mechanism in my mind to keep my real memory from returning to conscious awareness. I also ponder over the nature of having dreams that are from the mind that is based on artificial memory. Dreams are puzzling enough but then to have dreams while living with artificial memory.
09/23/08 9:10 PM
I woke up from a dream and then starting feel concerned that my dream could have been some kind of warning from my real memory about someone that was in danger. I wonder if I read something that only my subconsious mind understood and then it appeared in my dream in a context that was not necessarily threatening.
09/23/08 9:13 PM
but that must be why my memory was suppressed in the first place. The enemy has created a defense that I was out to get them because they have been provoking me all this time.
09/23/08 9:36 PM
I was steering a boat along a river that looked kind of green and then I came to a point where I had to drag the pontoon boat onto the ground because the river seemed to end. I could see a large lake off to the right but I could not figure out how to get there with the boat. The river seemed to have stopped very near to a cliff as I could see the cliff I was standing at and that lake was at a much lower elevation than I was at. I don't know where the water was going. I didn't see a waterfall. I guess the river channel had just stopped and it was some kind back-channel that was not flowing.
from my private journal as Kerry Burgess: 09/23/08 9:47 PM
I have been trying hard to remember the part of the dream that leads up to the point I remember dreaming about but as usual I cannot remember. The first part I remember is that I was steering the pontoon boat along the river and I seemed to be alone but details from later in the dream suggest I was not. On the bank to the right, I saw a group of people and there might have been another river channel leading off in that direction that they were on. I remember a woman saying "How dare you" but I don't know who she was referring to and I cannot actually remember seeing her. One person in the group started swimming in the river and crossed behind the boat towards the other side. Then there was something about a sign posted in the middle of the river channel that cautioned about a buried cable and then something about how people seldom used caution about that particular buried cable or about any other buried cable. I am not certain if the detail I heard from some unseen person was about that particular buried cable or about how people seldom use caution with buried cables in general. I might have cranked up the speed right about then but I am fuzzy on that part. The next part I remember was about dragging the boat out of the water and after being awake for a while I started to wonder if that has something to do with the portage area I was reviewing all those times at Allyn, Washington, but I do not think that is it although it could be some general reference to portage for boat. But I don't know. I don't think that is it.
From 7/16/2004 ( premiere US TV series "Stargate: Atlantis" ) To 9/23/2008 ( ) is 1530 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/10/1970 ( premiere US TV series episode "Adam-12"::"Log 34: Astro Division" ) is 1530 days
From 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate ) To 9/23/2008 ( ) is 6401 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 5/13/1983 ( premiere US film "Blue Thunder" ) is 6401 days
From 10/11/1962 ( premiere US TV series "McHales Navy"::series premiere episode "An Ensign for McHale" ) To 9/1/2005 ( the government of the City of Spokane officially dedicates the Riverfront Park Fountain ) is 15666 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/23/2008 ( ) is 15666 days
pontoon 2016-23-legacy-srs-shp-1000.jpg
Blue Thunder (1983)
Release Info
USA 13 May 1983
Blue Thunder (1983)
Full Cast & Crew
Roy Scheider ... Officer Frank Murphy
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Posted by Kerry Burgess
MONDAY, APRIL 23, 2018
I started off on 4/22/2018 to post the following note to a television news journalist's Facebook page as an add-on to other comments I made.
But Facebook wouldn't let me post it even on my own page because it's too long.
After chopping it down a few times I finally managed to get it posted on my personal Facebook page but gave up trying on the other person's page.
Long ago I encountered similar problem with Blogger.com but this content is nowhere close to being too long for this page.
The hell with it.
Makes for a good summary though so I'm posting it here too.
Jane McCarthy
At the risk of "beating a dead horse" in the sense of how no one wants to discuss a very complex topic, I want to point out another reference that has nothing to do with KREM 2 CBS.
What's important to this is that some person and persons are trying very hard to create the pattern I am interpreting.
The primary question I think anyone should ask is: Why?
Why are they doing it? Why does it have anything to do with me? All that fantastic stuff I have written is nothing from my conscious memory. But yet, the thoughts had to exist in the first place in my conscious mind for me to start looking closer.
The thought appeared in my mind that the reason *why*, as I've been asking, is because people out there - people you possibly don't even know - possibly in your CBS corporate environment - who want my attention because they don't understand what's happened to me.
Going back to those people I suspect are lurking in the shadows and who are causing the code pattern to become active in your organizations scheduling, there must be a reason for it.
They seem to be creating some sort of historical record.
I have been working - in the context of my current mindset - for the past 12 years trying to figure out their motive.
Once again: Why?
Are they creating a historical record for an Event that is going to happen in the future?
Are they creating a historical record because they want more people to generate intelligent observations about this situation?
[ excerpt ends Posted by Kerry Burgess MONDAY, APRIL 23, 2018 ]
- posted by Kerry Burgess 05:58 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Thursday 01 August 2019