I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, August 02, 2019
Of The Stars
For *you*, this means nothing.
Because all *you* have is *wishful* thinking.
Me, I have thoughts that are consistent and well-documented.
A few minutes earlier, just before I saw this for the first time, I had those consistent thoughts, never knowing what I would see a few minutes later.
In my thoughts however, a person approached me as I walked away from my apartment. Told me the "time-dilation field" would soon activate. Wanted to know for the final time if that's what I really wanted. That is what I wanted but I also wondered about my stuff in my apartment. That person told me that it would be taken care of. Within the magical "time-dilation field" I would find a magical object. I was told specifically that object would be an orb. That was new today. Usually it's just a sphere, sort of like from "Phantasm", sort of, or more aptly from the 1997 "The Arrival". The "orbs" from today would contain all my stuff, transferring it from this real world into that Universe created for me by the "time-dilation field". In that conversation with that person, the field activated and I clearly saw a rapidly expanding omnidirectional "bubble" of the field traveling away from us.
I don't know why I even record details about any of this stuff. None of you will ever have anything other than your wishful thinking, caused by your meaningless life.
For *me*, I *have* to consider everything, especially the bizarre. Because I still cannot explain those 878 days. The only explanation for those 878 days is that something tremendous and unheard of for a rational, non-superstitious mind as is mine is happening, something you monkeys will never understand or experience.
- posted by Kerry Burgess 04:41 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 02 August 2019