I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Saturday, March 05, 2022
Today is $aturday, 03/05/2022, Post #2
That lottery-winner Elon Musk is at it again.
That's a really dumb article.
I have a clearly documented and valid reason for stating my opinion on this topic and others
"Sorry to be a free speech absolutist", someone most certainly told him to say, in such lameoid wording, peddling his stupid Starlink service, hijacking the plight of the people still in Ukraine, who can now truly claim to be "Strong", unlike so many First Worlders who use it as term to shield their cowardly fear
Starlink is the worst possible invention that a human has pushed out in recent years. And it's only going to get worse, with its pollution - air and light - and its potential danger that is certainly recklessness.
I read once an article somewhere on the internet. I don't recall who wrote it.
The article described the public perception of the billionaire-class and I found myself contrasting with that very small class of USAmericans who've served USA military.
The public reviles the billionaire-class.
For many reasons.
One reason, the menial-workers, cheering on AOC and Bernie, are resentful because they can't purchase all the neat stuff and gadgets that one needs money here in the USA to acquire. Personally, I believe in the acquisition of neat stuff. Life is short, there's no reason to not have fun. And while the pursuit of fun may be hollow, then at least one knows what they do not find unfulfilling.
So anyway, they hate the billionaire *class*
But they adore the individual billionaire person, because the adoring crowd are mindless drones.
I've decided the inverse is true with the very small number of individuals served the USA military
So many people jump up and rah-rah-rah about the USA military but not about the individuals
If an individual tries to relate to them then it's an inconvenience
The exception is if the veteran is someone really pathetic. Then that's another opportunity for the non-veteran to look good to their equally pathetic friends, because the veteran is so pathetic and much more pathetic than the non-veteran.
I saw something similar with the Ukrainian flag-wavers, here in the safety where there is no risk, and they were delighted in the personal attention they received from an essentially meaningless, hollow gesture. People taking no personal risk to hijack a tragedy for their own personal, selfish gain.
- posted by me, Kerry Burgess 2:24 PM Pacific-time USA Saturday 03/05/2022