I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Today is 04/13/2024, Post #2
by me, Kerry Burgess, 04/11/2024 11:38 AM
By today, still wasn't sure if I was going to finish this note and post it.
But then I noticed that curious photo with the rifle scope
Happened same day as the Event Date that is the subject that starts this note
Several days ago, I was reminiscing in my mind about my youth and about deer-hunting
Year 1980, I was 14 years old, when moved from DeQueen, Arkansas, to Ashdown, Arkansas
Because Thedia just married a new guy. Her 5th husband during my first 14 years of life, the fourth one a source of tremendous turmoil in our lives and now she's hooked up with some other yokel she just met.
So we packed up and moved about 30 miles south to that stinky, paper-mill town and into his rented mobile-house on the outskirts of Ashdown city limits
The next year, they purchased an old house in the country-side, on Hicks Road, and I was proud of that place and all the work we did to get it fixed up.
Because her previous, maniacal husband had been part of an established commercial interest in DeQueen, then I can only _guess_ that she got a better lawyer because of the extended divorce proceedings against him. So, if that's true, then she would have got good advice on how to avoid being easily dumped by husband number 5 when he inevitably got tired of. He was a short little guy with a big moustache and a comical haircut and Thedia was one of the best looking broads in that little town so there was a good chance he would stick with her for a while. Probably until he learned the truth about her.
The only thing I liked about that new arrangement was I got to go deer-hunting a lot
Denzil was some sort of manager at the local gravel-pit - which made him proud of his 4th grade education because that made him somehow better than me, I can only guess, and my reputation of being intelligent and 14 years old.
Girls my age loved me and I wanted all of them to love me. All of them. At least, all the pretty girls my own age.
Deer-hunting was a source of glory for me. That's how I proved my superiority. And how I earned admiration from everyone. That's how I remember it now 45 years later
Presumably, my success at being a part-time, after-school employee of Donald Mills in Wilton, Arkansas, was because it brought him more business to his hardware and grocery store from the gravel-pit operation outside Wilton. Could have been also because older women liked seeing me there, but that's just a guess
Because of that employment, I could afford to purchase my own rifle and I purchased a brand-new Marlin 35-caliber lever-action hunting rifle with a variable-power, widefield-lens telescope on raised sights and I was extremely proud of that rifle
The thing with hunting with Denzil is he was part of a group, mainly because of Ambrose, as I remember it, that used hunting-dogs. Apparently, Ambrose (or Ambrus), had access to large plot of Weyrhauser timber land and he often let his hunting dogs out there year round to chase wild animals. That was their sport: listening to dogs barking as they chased around fox and coyote and deer and anything else that ran from them. I guess they were trained to target specific animals but I don't remember anything about that.
So we got up in the morning, went to Mac's cafe for breakfast, and then Denzil dropped me off at some non-random place along the path the animals are known to follow as the dogs chase them. If the deer follows the regular path as it runs from the barking dogs and that path leads to where I am posted then I am supposed to use my high-power rifle to kill the deer
One day, I missed. I was standing on the edge of a dirt-road in a place I had never been and a deer suddenly popped out of the dense brush close to me from where I stood and bounced maybe twice before disappearing into the brush and trees on the other side.
When Denzil drove back later with his son and to pick me up from my posting, I was laughing about it. I drew up my rifle and sighted through the scope and triggered off a round that was probably no where close to it. I was laughing about it, sitting there by the door in his employer-owned pickup truck and that made Denzil angry at me. "You should have that scope shoved up your ass" was his response.
The problem was I was flinching, anticipating the jolt from the rifle.
Instead of focusing on the sight of the target, all I was thinking of, subconsciously, mostly, was the kick from that rifle.
What he should have done was encourage me to get more time practice firing it.
I doubt I had fired it more than a dozen times and I was just a stupid kid finally with a real source of power in my hands that I didn't understand very well.
His buddy, Ambrus, was at times encouraging and positive, but that was rare. Later, I began to realize that was _probably_ coming from my high-school teacher, Mr. Laron Smith. I never saw him anywhere after school but I learned he was big into hunting-dogs as well so that would seem to explain that. I began to think that Ambrus and he was friends and Ambrus was repeating back stuff from my teacher that I had learned from him earlier in class at school. Ambrus was a skilled-worker at the paper-mill so I was probably going to pay attention to him more than Denzil. Denzil, and everything else, was just another mistake in a very long string of mistakes I had to endure because of Thedia's incompetence as a mother.
I continued working on this note because of that rifle-scope
Still don't know the precise date when I killed that trophy deer with the antlers that had a rack of 9 sharp points sprouting from its skull
I wondered about it because I am certain I would find it as a variable in my original work code pattern
There are a few facts that I have established: one: I began 9th grade in 1980. two: I was in 10th grade when I killed it. therefore: that was year 1981
Camp Couchdale was a few months earlier, in the summer of 1981.
An unsuccessful candidate for Thedia's husband number five took me deer-hunting in what I guess was November 1979. Could have been 1978 but I don't think so. Deer camp was a lot of fun. He let me borrow a 30-30 rifle and I fired it once at a white-tail deer and missed. Tradition was they cut off part of the back of my shirt for missing. They didn't use dogs and so I remember walking through the woods in sort of a skirmish line - I think at least one of them was a military veteran - and also riding in his truck. He kept telling me that me riding in the back of his truck with my rifle was illegal but I continued to insist until he let me do just that.
There was other stuff that probably caused him to opt out and escape her designs for her husband number 5. She too lazy to find a real job.
Another candidate was a rodeo-clown with a fractured skull. He and she went out on the town one night in distant Texarkana and they dropped me off at the theatre to watch the new "Empire Strikes Back" movie. Don't recall ever seeing that clown again after that night.
And then in the summer of 1980, she brought home to that crappy bug and rodent infested rental house in DeQueen, Arkansas, her successful candidate for husband number 5: Denzil.
I was furious.
The 1980 school-year began in September. That was 9th grade for me. So I would have started 10th grade in year 1981.
My first deer-season after she married Denzil would have been November 1980. I went out by myself one morning a few yards away from the house and into where the deep wilds of the Little River began, there outside Wilton, Arkansas. Earlier, I had found a tree-mounted deer-stand overlooking a small creek and I was in it when a 4-point strolled up and was below and facing away from me. A perfect place to shoot it. I had only the used, 20-gauge shotgun they had given me for my 15th birthday. I leveled it down on that deer, squeezed the trigger, and... nothing. Tried again, nothing. Had enough time to double-check the safety. Nope, that's not the problem. Finally, all I could think to do was eject the shell and hope to hit it as it raced away. So, did that, deer started racing away, aimed, pulled the trigger, still nothing.
It would fire sometimes, but not the times I needed it to fire, because another deer got away from me later for the same problem as I walked around out there. He finally called Ambrus over to examine it and they seem to have fixed it finally but I soon purchased my own rifle.
Didn't help much when I fell asleep one other time leaning up against a tree and woke to find a deer standing beside me, looking at me. It raced away as I groggily jumped up and chambered a round but the deer was gone too fast for me to fire. I took a hunting safety class at Camp Couchdale that stayed with me for a long time.
The deer-hunting season begins in November, best I recall. I searched the internet but did not find anything for the days in year 1981 when deer-hunting was permitted by the state of Arkansas.
But the facts support my memory that it was November 1981 when I killed that trophy, 9-point white-tail deer.
There was a Polaroid picture of me standing next to it. We were at the house Ambrus owned nearby that hunting ground. I can almost visualize it, of me as the deer was suspended from the branch of a pine-tree with a rope around its neck
I had the head and neck mounted as a trophy but I lost that somewhere years ago after my enlistment ended in 1990.
I killed it because I drilled a 35-caliber bullet directly through its heart as it stood far in the distance in the thick brush and trees as I fought very unsuccessfully for a while the subconscious self-doubt and my racing heart-rate, which is rare for me in stressful situations and might not have even been a problem back then - something I had heard about affecting other people but that I didn't understand because it never happened to me - but the self-doubt certainly was in those brief, few moments I mentally-fumbled around to shoot it before it raced away again just like that 4-point the previous year when my shotgun malfunctioned. After I hit it, it jumped up and then dropped dead almost at spot it was standing. The dog chasing it ran up to me wagging its tail
But before that, that huge deer just stood there in the distance - broad-side - looking at me as I fired three times with my lever-action rifle and missed it three times looking at it through the scope. The telescope was on mounts exposing the fixed barrel rifle sights and that's what I finally hit it with, those rifle-sights fixed to the barrel of the rifle - a perfect shot to the deer's heart from a distance and among obstructions.
This work I publish here in this note is part of my present theory
My present theory is that it's meant by people - clandestinely and beyond the understanding any of those people involved - to be some sort of influence on me
My guess is that at some point in the future (hopefully today, finally) I will have to make some decision
Presently, I am thinking that this work I publish will then be a source of wonder and amazement to everyone else. You all sit around reading my notes and exclaim "Wow! That was really neat!"
An Officer and a Gentleman (1982)
Foley: Wave good-bye to your buddies, Mayonnaise! Oh, I forgot. You don't have any buddies, do you? Only customers!
by me, Kerry Burgess: Aug 23, 2023
Marketing is not about what you are.
Marketing is about what you are *not*
by me, Kerry Burgess, 04/09/2024 12:29 PM
Don't everyone at once thank them
Yahoo! News
US Navy wins against familiar and unprecedented Red Sea threats are being driven by defense decisions it made decades ago
Jake Epstein
Wed, April 10, 2024 at 10:09 AM PDT
The US Navy has relied on a variety of tools and systems to engage Houthi missiles and drones.
Many of the US combat platforms and weaponry have origin stories that go back decades.
read full text here:
The American Presidency Project
40th President of the United States: 1981 - 1989
Address at Commencement Exercises at Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey
May 21, 1983
Because this graduation year is so similar to that one of 50 and 51 years ago, in the depths of that Great Depression, I remember, diploma in hand, going back to my summer job that I'd had for 7 years, lifeguarding on a river beach out there in Illinois. And I remember all you didn't think of career, listening to those announcements I mentioned a little while ago on the radio all you thought about was how, how when the beach closes this fall, where do I go? What job is there?
And I was fortunate. A man who had survived the Great Depression until then, and was doing well out in the business world, gave me some advice. He said, "Look, I could tell you that maybe I could speak to someone and they might give you a job. But," he said, "they'd only do it because of me." And then he said, "They wouldn't have a particular interest in you." He said, "May I tell you that even in the depths of this depression," and so I will say to you even in the depths of this recession, there are people out there who know that the future is going to depend on taking young people into whatever their undertaking is and starting them out so that whether it's business, industry, or whatever it might be it will continue on.
"Now," he said, "a salesman has to knock on a lot of doors before he makes a sale. So," he said, "if you will make up your mind what line of work you want to be in, what industry, what business, whatever it is, profession or other," he said, "and then start knocking on doors, eventually you'll come to one of those men or women who feels that way. And all you have to do-don't ask for the particular job you want; tell them you'll take any job in that industry or that business, whatever it may be, because you believe in it and its future and you'll take your chances on progressing from there."
Report: Veterans with extremist views had bad experiences in military
Nikki Wentling
Tue, April 9, 2024 at 11:51 AM PDT
Most veterans recently interviewed by the RAND Corporation about their extreme political views told researchers they had negative and even traumatic experiences while serving in the U.S. military, ranging from combat trauma and sexual abuse to interpersonal conflicts that led to their discharge.
The findings, released in a report Tuesday, add to other evidence that suggests negative experiences in the military could be a risk factor for people becoming radicalized into extremist ideologies, according to Todd Helmus, a co-author on the report. Data compiled last year by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism revealed a pattern of failed military recruits who were later charged with extremist-driven plots and crimes.
“A number of folks in our study had problematic experiences,” Helmus said. “We and other scholars have suggested before that those problematic experiences in the military could lead people to be vulnerable to these groups. So, we think that’s a significant finding.”
Helmus and his co-author, Ryan Brown, aren’t sure on the broader significance of their findings, and they said more studies would need to be done to understand the connection.
To compile the report, Brown and Helmus interviewed 21 veterans who had indicated in a RAND survey last year that they held extremist views. The veterans had either expressed support for specific groups, such as Antifa and the Proud Boys, endorsed political violence, black nationalism or white supremacy or supported conspiracy theories like QAnon or the Great Replacement theory.
Extremism stand-down checked a box with no lasting result, critics say
Three-quarters of the veterans interviewed were forthcoming about negative life events during their military service, Brown said. One veteran described developing post-traumatic stress disorder after recovering casualties from the bombing in Beirut, Lebanon, which killed 241 US service members in 1983, the report states.
Another veteran said he developed a substance-abuse problem while serving and drank because he disliked the routine of the military and being told what to do. Two women veterans described physical, psychological and sexual abuse they experienced at the hands of fellow service members.
Some of the veterans said they faced problems while transitioning into civilian life. They experienced financial issues or severed romantic relationships and others become homeless or were arrested and imprisoned.
“I was surprised how clear the descriptions were of some extremely negative events, and the extent of how negative life experiences compound each other,” Brown said. “There’s a lot of hardship. You start to get a sense for how and why these beliefs develop.”
When asked about how they came to believe in their extreme viewpoints, most of the veterans said they became highly interested in politics after historic events. They cited Donald Trump’s rise to the presidency in 2016, the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the 2020 riots following the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, the coronavirus pandemic and the U.S. Supreme Court decision that settled a recount dispute in Florida’s 2000 presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore.
Six of the 21 veterans said they developed their current beliefs while in the military or afterward while working in law enforcement.
“When I got into the military, I started to get into conspiracy theories because of conversations with my peers,” one veteran is quoted as saying. “That’s when I learned about the Illuminati... a bunch of Satanists that run the world. Now I’m a full tin hat.”
Rand survey finds level of extremism among veterans same as public
Sixteen veterans cited specific news organizations, alternative news sites, political influencers or social media platforms that helped shape their viewpoints, the report states. Those ranged from traditional news outlets such as CNN and Fox News to the right-wing outlet Newsmax and Russia Today, a channel funded by the Russian government, as well as specific Reddit and Telegram channels and Facebook groups.
Thirteen veterans interviewed said their friends or families held the same extreme views. Some said their parents influenced their political beliefs, while others said they developed their viewpoints through their involvement in social or college clubs. One veteran described having a large network of like-minded friends who he regularly met with in person and online.
“I am not fighting this battle alone. I have several people who are right on board with me,” he’s quoted as saying. “We meet three times a week to put documents together and fight the battle... there’s a lot of people that are digging.”
Four veterans in RAND’s original survey had previously expressed strong support for the Proud Boys, a white supremacist organization that’s known to have recruited veterans. When interviewed as part of RAND’s newest report, those four veterans all denied supporting the group.
Conversely, nearly all the veterans who originally said they believed the Great Replacement theory affirmed that support during their interviews. The Great Replacement theory refers to a baseless idea that lenient immigration policies are being designed to replace the power and culture of white people in the U.S. The theory has become more popular in recent years and has incited multiple instances of violence.
The five veterans whose views aligned with QAnon also said during their interviews that they still supported at least some of the conspiracy theories claimed by the group. QAnon is an umbrella term for several theories that falsely allege a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles run the world.
“People laugh about this because it’s so sick and twisted, but I 100% agree with it,” one veteran was quoted as saying.
Many of the veterans who were interviewed said they supported the notion that American patriots would have to resort to political violence in order to save their country. However, none talked about specific plans to participate in violence in the near future, Helmus said.
The veterans who supported political violence offered several issues they believed would justify it, including the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border or “overzealous” government policies to curb climate change. They also cited baseless ideas about the government stripping away First Amendment and Second Amendment protections and forcing children to receive coronavirus vaccines without parents’ permission.
One participant made baseless claims that a Democratic win in the November presidential election would lead to “the loss of the First Amendment,” which he said would ignite a civil war.
“It was disconcerting the degree to which people were willing to highlight how violence is a potential solution – and at times, a necessary solution – to address the current political state,” Helmus said. “Their notions of threats were highly exaggerated. You could see how, if they believed those threats, then those ideas of violence become more palpable.”
From 2/20/1924 ( Gerson Goldhaber ) To 7/28/1982 ( premiere USA film "An Officer and a Gentleman" ) is 21343 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 4/9/2024 ( ) is 21343 days
From 2/19/1997 ( as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps commissioned-officer and United States STS-82 pilot astronaut and my 4th official United States of America National Aeronautics Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall I begin repairing the US Hubble Telescope while in space and orbit of the planet Earth - the Hubble Space Telescope placed back into its own orbit of the planet Earth ) To 4/9/2024 ( ) is 9911 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 12/21/1992 ( official State of South Carolina documents, date recorded by State of South Carolina: "the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold, and released, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and release unto Kerry Wayne Burgess" the house I owned at Country Club Estates in South Carolina, USA ) is 9911 days
From 5/4/1979 ( Jimmy Carter, 39th President of USA: Undocumented Aliens ; Letter to State Governors ) To 4/9/2024 ( ) is 16412 days
16412 = 8206 + 8206
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 4/21/1988 ( as me, Kerry Burgess, my official enlisted US Navy documents includes: Qualified M-14 Rifle, USS Wainwright CG-28, US Navy, primary-duty: CF-division, Missile Plot - guided-missiles Fire Control Computers Complex (UNIVAC digital-computers Mk152 Terrier System for, primarily, SM2-ER {Extended Range} Standard Missiles ordnance), while enlisted paygrade E-5, designated Fire Controlman Petty Officer Second Class (FC2) ) is 8206 days
General quarters
From Wikipedia
General quarters, battle stations, or action stations is an announcement made aboard a naval warship to signal that all hands (everyone available) aboard a ship must go to battle stations (the positions they are to assume when the vessel is in combat) as quickly as possible.
According to The Encyclopedia of War, formerly "[i]n naval service, the phrase 'beat to quarters' indicated a particular kind of drum roll that ordered sailors to their posts for a fight where some would load and prepare to fire the ship's guns and others would arm with muskets and ascend the rigging as sharpshooters in preparation for combat."
Aboard U.S. Navy vessels, the following announcement would be made using the vessel’s public address system (known as the 1MC):
General Quarters, General Quarters. All hands man your battle stations.
by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 4:35 PM
Number 878: The Farthest Man From Home
I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
Tuesday, March 05, 2024
Today is 03/05/2024
Here's what I think.
What makes those clowns such as Sean Cahill - including that poseur David Grusch - so dangerous is their idiotic influence on the other junior personnel, especially because they are figures of mainstream-media deception.
Sean Cahill and those other imbeciles saw nothing other than balloons and satellites
But they are so freaking moronic and idiotic and gullible they blow up the whole matter on mainstream-media and those other nutjobs are worked into a frenzy
The dangerous part is they get those other naive, easily-influenced types convinced that they are righteous in revealing details that are deemed secret
People lurking about in the shadows shelling out a lot of money to those clowns to make you hostile towards the USA DOD.
They become convinced by those morons that they are righteous against The Establishment authorities, authorities who don't want important details leaked out because you monkeys don't know the first thing about radar or satellites or drones.
I haven't watched any of those UFO-bunker episodes but I read and studied many of the posts by that clown Sean Cahill on Twitter (which I no longer use)
It's obvious he's a moron.
His Twitter name is mintyhyperspace so he's CLEARLY trying to deceive you with references to that ridiculous "tic tac" incident frenzied by the mainstream-media
"Tic tac" and minty-flavor
Clearly, he's one of those "abrupt left-turn" morons that think someone saw E.T. on radar DEFILING! the "laws of physics". Those morons think that the government doesn't want you to learn that "hyperspace" is real so that you cannot escape from your mediocrity. You're like some retarded kids playing Star Wars and arguing which of you is that ridiculous Chewbacca character.
Get a life, you losers. You're too dumb and stupid to grasp how you are so dumb and stupid.
There's no danger other than selfish, polluter First Worlders carelessly unleashing hordes of mylar balloons into air-traffic corridors above the USA
whitetail-deer-buck-standing-woods-35011303 .jpg, from internet
576340_01__35_caliber_marlin_deer_rifle_640 .jpg, from internet
An-Officer-and-a-Gentleman-1275 .jpg, images from internet
An Officer and a Gentleman (1982)
Zack Mayo: Call an ambulance. You dumb, fucking Okie. I was your friend. Why didn't you come and talk to me about it? You didn't even try. You didn't even say goodbye to me.
An Officer and a Gentleman (1982)
Lynette: Oh, Sid! Let's do it right now! I wonder where we'll get stationed? I've always wanted to go to Hawaii!
Worley: Honey, we're not being stationed anywhere. I D.O.R.'d.
Lynette: [Shocked] You what?
Worley: I D.O.R.'d. I wasn't cut out to be a pilot. I was faking it. I've been faking everything up to now.
Lynette: But... What'll we do? Where would we go?
Worley: Oklahoma. I'll get my old job back at JC Penney's. Hell, in two years, I'll be floor manager. You're going to love Oklahoma! You and mama will get along great. Money might be tight, so we'll live at home. It's going to work out.
Lynette: Sid... There's no baby.
Worley: What?
Lynette: I'm not pregnant. I got my period this morning. There's no baby, Sid.
Worley: I'll be goddamned. What do you say we get married anyway? I love you! I don't think I really knew that till just now, just this second. I have never been happier in my life than I have in the last seven weeks. I've never felt so relaxed, and I've never felt so loved for who I really am. Lynette, marry me. Make me the happiest man in the whole world.
Lynette: I'm sorry, Sid. But I don't want to marry you. I really like you, and we've had ourselves some really great times, but I thought you understood. I want to marry a pilot. I want to live my life overseas... the wife of an aviator!
Lynette: [Getting visibly angry with Sid] Damn you! Goddamn you! Nobody D.O.R.'s after 11 weeks! NOBODY!
An Officer and a Gentleman (1982)
Lynette: [justifying why she dumped Sid] I don't need no Okie from Muskogee! I can get that right here!
Name Lesa Lynette Withem
Birth 30 Jun 1966 Little River County, Arkansas, United States of America
Texarkana Gazette
ASHDOWN, Ark. Lesa Jewell Withem of Ashdown
Lesa L Withem (1966 - 2011)
Lesa was born on June 30, 1966.
The American Presidency Project
36th President of the United States: 1963 ‐ 1969
Remarks at the Swearing In of Richard Helms as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
June 30, 1966
Mr. Helms, Members of the Cabinet, distinguished Members of the Congress, my friends:
It was a little more than a year ago that I asked Admiral Raborn to come out of a hard-earned retirement in California to take on one of the most critical tasks in Government and to succeed a great Director, John McCone, as head of the Central Intelligence Agency.
I knew that I was asking a great deal of this good man. He had already served his country--and he had served it long and well. He had capped his career by playing a vital role in the development of the Polaris missile system. But once again I felt that his country needed him and the President needed him, and he complied, though reluctantly, with my request. He agreed to make still one more contribution to the security of his country and he attached only one condition, that he could leave as soon as we decided upon a permanent successor.
We have come to the White House this morning because both Admiral Raborn and I are satisfied that we have found the best man available as that successor. Both of us have worked closely during the past 14 months with the very able public servant whom we are swearing in today as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and who became a partner of Admiral Raborn as his Deputy by appointment at the same time the Admiral was selected.
I am extremely proud of both of these men and their colleagues. The nature of their work does not often allow public acknowledgment. Praised or damned (and we are living in an era where men who spend all their time concerned with the protection of the security of their country are frequently damned more than they are praised, I regret to say) these men must go about their work without standing up for bows and sometimes are not even permitted to speak out in their own defense. Their role is misunderstood by some of their supporters, and I never read a morning paper without seeing it being distorted by their critics.
In 2½ years of working with these men I have yet to meet a "007." I have met dozens of men who are moved and motivated by the highest and most patriotic and dedicated purposes--men who are specialists in economics, and political science, and history, and geography, and physics, and many other fields where logic and analysis are crucial to the decisions that the President of their country is called upon to make. Through my experience with these men I have learned that their most significant triumphs come not in the secrets passed in the dark but in patient reading, hour after hour, of highly technical periodicals.
by me, Kerry Burgess, 11 July 2013
My 11th grade year was my 3rd year at Ashdown. I was awarded the American Legion award that year for my class. I was elected class president that year. I can still visualize to a certain degree sitting in class when the teacher, whom I do not now recall, was handing out the ballots to vote for class president and my name was the only person listed for class president and the teacher commented to me that was how they did things in Russia, having only one person to vote for. Is that how they do things in De Queen I would have asked if my puny brain had been capable of forming such a relevant question.
Recently I have been thinking of the circumstances that led to me and Lesa Jewell going to the prom together. We weren't dating or anything. I had an after-school job at Mills Store, Lynette, where I was often tasked with such lovely activities as sweeping the floor and sometimes assembling furniture and often bagging groceries and many many other activities I was glad to get a paycheck for during the three years I worked there, and I didn't have much of a social life.
So I wasn't dating Lesa but I had known her since I moved to Ashdown and we had some classes together and I talked to her often. The way I remember it now we went to the prom together because Tammie Hood asked me who I was going to ask to the prom, her precise words I do not now recall. I am also vague on whether she is the person who I am thinking of because she and I talked probably the most our 11th grade year. I recall she and I had every class together and I thought of her later as somebody the closest to a best friend I had that year. So the way I remember it now she was asking me who I wanted to take to the prom that 11th grade year and I recall now specifically my first response was Shalie Wylie. She was very cute. Tammie, the way I remember it now, said she thought of that too but that Shaylie had already been asked by someone else and so that wasn't an option for me then. So I think Tammie is who suggested to me that I ask Lesa to go to the prom with me.
Whether I asked Lesa or she asked me is something lost now from my mind. I could ask her what she remembers but all you dullards out there know how that story ends.
I always did like Lesa very much. She was a person I always thought of as a good friend.
I don't recall precisely when we first met but I do recall she is one of the first people I met when I moved to Ashdown. The way I remember it now she asked me to meet her at the skating rink one Friday night in Ashdown and so I had my mother drive me over there to that popular hangout for kids in Ashdown. I remember very well that Lesa surprised me that first night and she came around from behind Thedia's car and I was standing there and Lesa kissed me and I was surprised. I don't recall if that was the first night I went there but could have been.
Battlestar Galactica - tv miniseries - 12/08/2003, 12/09/2003
(from internet transcript)
(We follow Gaeta out into the hallway as Adama rehearses his speech yet again in the background. Colonel Tigh is leaning against a wall with a cup in his hand.)
Gaeta: Colonel? (They salute each other and then walk in different directions; we follow Tigh, who passes the same tour group.)
Tour guide: You'll see things here that look odd, even antiquated. (To Tigh) Hello. (Tigh walks past, we stay with the group.) Uh, antiquated to modern eyes, like phones with cords, awkward manual valves, computers that, well, barely deserve the name. It was all designed to operate against an enemy who could infiltrate and disrupt even the most basic computer systems. Galactica is a reminder of a time when we were so frightened by our enemies that we literally looked backward for protection.
2024-04-09_9 .jpg, of content previously published by me
by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 3:59 AM
Number 878: The Farthest Man From Home
I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Today is 02/29/2024
"Metamorphosis" [ Star Trek ]
Original Airdate: Nov 10, 1967
NANCY Hedford, Federation Commissioner: What's happening? I demand to know.
by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me:
excerpts ; source unknown to me ; probably another of those UFO-bunkers infesting the internet with their UFO-escape-from-mediocrity fantasy
UFOs - USS Nimitz
Published online (December 2020).
With comments by Kevin Day.
November 10-13, 2004: Kevin Day (Air Controller, USS Princeton) and Gary Voorhis (Fire Controlman and Aegis Computer/CEC technician, USS Princeton) keep seeing unidentified objects on the radar, proceeding slowly from north to south along the training area.
From 11/14/2004 ( the mainstream-media hoax driving UFO-bunkers and other blabbermouths into frenzy - "Tic Tac" incident with USS Nimitz and USS Princeton ) To 4/9/2024 ( Tuesday ) is 7086 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/28/1985 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Hill Street Blues"::"G.Q." ) is 7086 days
From 4/18/1988 ( as me, Kerry Burgess, while enlisted paygrade E-5, designated Fire Controlman Petty Officer Second Class (FC2), from my official enlisted US Navy records: during USA Armed Forces Expeditionary Operation Earnest Will with my personal participation and commendation - CF-division, Missile Plot - guided-missiles Fire Control Computers Complex (UNIVAC digital-computers Mk152 Terrier System for, primarily, SM2-ER {Extended Range} Standard Missiles ordnance) - aboard the USS Wainwright CG-28 US Navy the United States Operation Praying Mantis ) To 4/9/2024 ( ) is 13140 days
13140 = 6570 + 6570
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 10/29/1983 ( Ronald Reagan, 40th President of USA: Radio Address to the Nation on Nuclear Weapons ) is 6570 days
From 10/28/1994 ( premiere USA film "Stargate" ) To 4/9/2024 ( ) is 10756 days
10756 = 5378 + 5378
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 7/24/1980 ( Jimmy Carter, 39th President of USA: Billy Carter's Activities With the Libyan Government ; White House Statement on the Senate Judiciary Committee Inquiry ) is 5378 days
From 5/15/1984 ( as me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, I began active service for an enlistment period of six years as a US Navy enlisted seafarer ) To 4/9/2024 ( ) is 14574 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/27/2005 ( premiere USA TV series "Commander in Chief" ) is 14574 days
From 5/15/1984 ( Ronald Reagan, 40th President of USA: Proclamation 5194 - Missing Children Day, 1984 ) To 4/9/2024 ( ) is 14574 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/27/2005 ( premiere USA TV series "Commander in Chief" ) is 14574 days
From 12/18/1964 ( Lyndon Johnson, 36th President of USA: Statement by the President on the New Level of Personal Income in the United States ) To 4/9/2024 ( ) is 21662 days
21662 = 10831 + 10831
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 6/29/1995 ( the Mir space station docking of the United States space shuttle Atlantis orbiter vehicle mission STS-71 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps commissioned-officer and United States STS-71 pilot astronaut and my 3rd official United States of America National Aeronautics Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) is 10831 days
From 7/22/2005 ( as me, Kerry Burgess, from my official records United States Veterans Affairs psychiatric-hospital in Seattle: "Mr. Burgess checked into Urgent Care this AM complaining of constipation" - Psychiatry Emergency Services ) To 4/9/2024 ( ) is 6836 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 7/21/1984 ( Ronald Reagan, 40th President of USA: Radio Address to the Nation on Commercial Space Initiatives ) is 6836 days
Trial begins for Navy chief facing multiple espionage charges
Geoff Ziezulewicz
Tue, April 9, 2024 at 2:05 AM PDT
The court-martial trial of a Navy chief charged with passing classified information to a foreign contact is scheduled to begin Tuesday.
Chief Fire Controlman (Aegis) Bryce Steven Pedicini’s general court-martial is scheduled to run through April 19, according to the Navy’s online trial docket.
Pedicini, has elected for a judge-alone trial, with no military jury, according to officials.
His Navy-appointed defense attorneys did not respond to a request for comment.
He faces eight espionage charge specifications for alleged crimes that occurred between November 2022 and May, according to a copy of his charge sheet obtained by Navy Times.
Pedicini is the first sailor to be charged with espionage in at least the past five years, according to the Navy’s Office of the Judge Advocate General.
Currently assigned to the Japan-based destroyer Higgins, Pedicini has been held in pre-trial confinement since May, according to Navy records.
Navy chief could face severe sentence if convicted of espionage
Pedicini is accused of delivering a classified national defense document to “a citizen and employee of a foreign government” on Nov. 22, 2022, in Hampton Roads, Virginia, and that the chief had “reason to believe that it would be used to the injury of the United States and the advantage of a foreign nation,” his charge sheet states.
The charge sheet does not state which foreign nation Pedicini allegedly worked with.
But the chief is also accused of delivering similar classified information to a foreign contact seven other times, with the most recent alleged occurrence taking place on May 17 in Yokosuka, Japan.
Two days later, on May 19, Pedicini was placed in pre-trial confinement, according to his charge sheet.
Pedicini is also accused of wrongly transporting information he believed to be classified, and for processing material he believed to be classified “on a system that was not approved for classified material” in May in Yokosuka, his charge sheet states.
Prosecutors also allege he failed to report a foreign contact in Yokosuka in April and that he failed “to report solicitation of classified information by an unauthorized person.”
Pedicini is also accused of taking a personal electronic device into a secure room aboard Barge APL-67 in Yokosuka in May, according to his charge sheet.
He also faces multiple charge specifications for communicating defense information to foreign contacts from December 2022 to May in Hampton Roads.
Naval Surface Forces declined further comment on the ongoing case.
Pedicini had a motions hearing scheduled for Wednesday of this week, and officials have not said when his trial is scheduled to begin.
Charges were brought against the chief in January, and the head of Naval Surface Forces, Vice Adm. Brendan McLane, is the convening authority in the case.
A Tennessee native, Pedicini enlisted in 2008 and advanced to chief in 2022, according to his service record.
He reported to Higgins in April 2023 and was also assigned to the Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center in Norfolk, Virginia, during the time of his alleged crimes.
Pedicini also served aboard the destroyers Curtis Wilbur and McFaul earlier his career.
The American Presidency Project
36th President of the United States: 1963 ‐ 1969
Statement by the President on the New Level of Personal Income in the United States.
December 18, 1964
I AM HAPPY to announce a historic milestone in the economic progress of the United States. Personal income rose $3.3 billion in November to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $502 billion, crossing the half trillion dollar mark for the first time.
This is a tremendous achievement for the American people and for our free enterprise system. Never before in our history or in the history of any other country has there been such an outpouring of the means to buy the good things Of life. And never before have so many people shared in this wealth.
Most of the November rise in personal income occurred in private wages and salaries, reaching a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $340 billion. This represents a 25 percent increase over the 1960 level for wages and salaries and for total personal income.
While we still face the challenge of eliminating poverty from our society, this great income gain in the last 4 years clearly demonstrates that we have the means to achieve a decent standard of living for all Americans. It shows what American business, labor, agriculture, and the Government can accomplish by working together for the common good.
A phot (ph) is a photometric unit of illuminance, or luminous flux through an area. It is not an SI unit, but rather is associated with the older centimetre gram second system of units. The name was coined by André Blondel in 1921.
Stripes (1981)
Cruiser: I thought I'd better join before I got drafted.
Sergeant Hulka: Son, there ain't no draft no more.
Cruiser: There was one?
John Diehl
Biography / Credits
Born May 1, 1950 Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Credits include:
Stripes (1982) - US Army Private Howard J. Turkstra a.k.a. "Cruiser"
Stargate (1994) - US Air Force lieutenant-colonel Kawalsky
USS_Wainwright CG-28 .jpg, from internet
The American Presidency Project
RICHARD NIXON 37th President of the United States: 1969 - 1974
Radio Address About the State of the Union Message on the Economy.
February 21, 1973
Good afternoon: Tomorrow I will send to the Congress the economic section of my State of the Union report.
One fact stands out above all others in this report: For the first time in nearly 20 years, we can look forward to genuine prosperity in a time of peace.
For most people, talking about the economy brings to mind some vast, complicated machine. Today, I want to talk about the economy in personal terms-about its impact on you and your family.
Star Trek - "Metamorphosis" - tv-series Season 2 Episode 9, 11/10/1967
Episode Summary
When their shuttle is diverted to a planetoid, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy encounter Earth's Warp Drive pioneer, Zefram Cochrane, who appears to have survived there alone for 150 years.
(from internet transcript)
"Metamorphosis" [ Star Trek ]
Original Airdate: Nov 10, 1967
NANCY Hedford, Federation Commissioner: What's happening? I demand to know.
"Metamorphosis" [ Star Trek ]
Original Airdate: Nov 10, 1967
KIRK: You already know as much as we do, Miss Hedford. Whatever that thing is outside, it's yanked us off course from the Enterprise.
SPOCK: Now on course nine eight mark one two, heading directly toward Gamma Canaris region.
MCCOY: Jim, we've got to get Miss Hedford to the Enterprise. Her condition.
KIRK: I know, Bones, but there's nothing I can do about it.
NANCY: I insist you make your scheduled rendezvous with the Enterprise.
KIRK: Miss Hedford, we'll do what we can, when we can. At the moment, we're helpless. You might as well sit back and enjoy the ride.
from my private journal, as me, Kerry Burgess, typed after being released from the USA Veterans Affairs psychiatric hospital enduring many months sitting in a grungy two-computer room in a homeless shelter on the waterfront in downtown Seattle:
by me, Kerry Burgess, excerpts from my private journals: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 6:24 PM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: Re: Journal May 27, 2006
Went to Camp Couchdale in the summer of '81, after graduating 9th grade.
Met a girl named Phoebe, took her out on the lake in a boat and paddled around. We wrote letters for a long time afterwards.
season 1 episode 3
Rene Bellamy: I'm totally nice!
Trevor Holden: I'm sorry, you're not.
season 1 episode 3
(from internet transcript)
Hey! You don't think I'm nice?
Do you think you're nice?
Well, I'm nice to you.
[com beeps.]
[Philip, over com.]
Please stop.
What is wrong with you?
[text alert chimes.]
Are you even listening to me? Who's texting you? Trevor! Who's texting you?
I got to go.
"Metamorphosis" [ Star Trek ]
Original Airdate: Nov 10, 1967
NANCY Hedford, Federation Commissioner: How perceptive of you to notice I needed one.
From 11/10/1967 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Star Trek"::"Metamorphosis" ) To 8/13/1982 ( ) is 5390 days
5390 = 2695 + 2695
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/20/1973 ( premiere USA TV series pilot "Police Story" ) is 2695 days
From 6/7/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in deep space of solar system in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day was his first landing the Saturn moon Phoebe, 27 days before his strike to divert comet nicknamed "Lucifer", threatening extinction by death and destruction to all life on this planet Earth ) To 8/13/1982 ( ) is 2258 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/8/1972 ( premiere USA TV movie "The Astronaut" ) is 2258 days
From 7/20/1969 ( disguised, my biological brother Thomas Reagan the US Navy Commander circa 1969 was United States Apollo 11 Eagle spacecraft US Navy astronaut landing and walking on the planet Earth's moon - his 1st of his 6 Earth-Luna lunar-landings with USA Project Apollo to the Earth's moon ) To 8/13/1982 ( ) is 4772 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/26/1978 ( premiere USA TV episode "Battlestar Galactica"::"The Living Legend - Part 1" ) is 4772 days
From 1/17/1976 ( USA NASA launches the Communications Technology Satellite ) To 8/13/1982 ( ) is 2400 days
2400 = 1200 + 1200
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 2/14/1969 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Star Trek"::"Requiem for Methuselah" ) is 1200 days
From 1/3/1913 ( Thomas Edison gave the first demonstration of his new invention the kinetophone ) To 7/25/1946 ( the United States Operation Crossroads - Bikini Atoll - 2nd of 2 atomic bomb detonations and underwater detonation code-name Baker ) is 12256 days
12256 = 6128 + 6128
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 8/13/1982 ( ) is 6128 days
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
Release Info
USA 13 August 1982
Full Cast & Crew
Phoebe Cates ... Linda Barrett
The Astronaut (Sci-Fi, Drama) ABC Movie of the Week - 1972
The Made-For-Television Movie
Original Airdate: January 8, 1972
Aired in United States January 8, 1972
The Astronaut (1972 film)
From Wikipedia
Original release January 8, 1972
Television coverage of Brice Randolph, the first astronaut on the surface of Mars, is interrupted, indicating the signal has been lost. Shortly afterward, Eddie Reese is recruited, and shown what happened after the TV signal was interrupted
The Astronaut (1972 TV Movie)
Release Info USA 8 January 1972 ABC Movie of the week
Gail Randolph: [ slaps him ] Stop it! Stop looking at me with his face!
from my private journal, as me, Kerry Burgess, typed after being released from the USA Veterans Affairs psychiatric hospital enduring many months sitting in a grungy two-computer room in a homeless shelter on the waterfront in downtown Seattle:
10/11/2006 5:32 PM
As I was writing about my memories of Phoebe at Camp Couchdale, I was thinking about this scene from "2001." I was writing a while back about how she told me to never forget that dance where we first met.
by me, Kerry Burgess: Journal May 27, 2006
They lined up all the girls at the start of the dance and told me to pick who I wanted to dance with. I still remember thinking about how she just seemed the right choice.
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
Linda Barrett: He's no high school boy.
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
(from internet transcript)
[Montana woods]
(Cochrane, running away pursued by Riker and Geordi, is confronted by four guards)
GUARD #1: Doctor!
GUARD #2: Sir.
LAFORGE: Still looking for the bathroom?
Dr. Zefram COCHRANE: I'm not going back.
Police Story
Episode aired Mar 20, 1973
Star Trek - "Metamorphosis" - tv series Season 2 Episode 9 - 11/10/1967
KIRK: Mister Cochrane. We were forced off our course and taken here by some force we couldn't identify.
SPOCK: Which seems to be on the surface of this body at the moment.
COCHRANE: Well, I wouldn't know anything about that.
SPOCK: You say we'll be unable to get the ship to function again?
COCHRANE: Not a chance. There's some sort of damping field down here. Power systems don't work. Take my word for it.
SPOCK: You don't mind if we continue to try?
COCHRANE: Go right ahead. You've got plenty of time.
KIRK: What about you, Cochrane? How did you get here?
COCHRANE: Marooned, I told you. Look, we'll have lots of time to learn about each other. I have a small place over that way. All the comforts of home. I can even offer you a hot bath.
NANCY: How perceptive of you to notice I needed one.
KIRK: If you don't mind, Mister Cochrane, I'd like more than just a statement that you were marooned here. It's a long way off the beaten path.
COCHRANE: That's right. That's why I'm so glad to see you. Look, I'll tell you everything you want to know, but not here. Your ship is sure a beauty.
KIRK: Yes, she is. And you've been out of circulation quite a while. The principles may be new to you. Mister Spock, why don't you explain our methods of propulsion to Mister Cochrane?
(Spock and Cochrane go to the other side of the shuttlecraft.)
MCCOY: Talks a lot, but he doesn't say much.
KIRK: I've noticed something else.
MCCOY: What's that?
KIRK: He looks familiar.
MCCOY: Familiar? Now that you mention it, he does.
KIRK: I can't quite place him, but. What about Miss Hedford?
MCCOY: No temperature yet, but we've got to get under way soon, Jim. I guarantee you, it will develop.
From 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash in Sioux City Iowa and from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: the end of Kerry Burgess - *me* - the natural human being cloned from another human being {Thomas Reagan} ) To 11/21/1996 ( ) is 2682 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/7/1973 ( premiere USA TV series pilot "The Six Million Dollar Man" ) is 2682 days
From 6/8/1993 ( commencement, Princeton University Class of 1993 ) To 11/21/1996 ( ) is 1262 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 4/17/1969 ( premiere USA TV series pilot "Medical Center" ) is 1262 days
From 5/16/1956 ( premiere US film "The Man Who Knew Too Much" and "While the City Sleeps" ) To 6/5/1987 ( as me, Kerry Burgess, my official enlisted US Navy documents includes: Earned NEC 1189 - Based on graduation from the Terrier Mk 152 Guided-missiles Fire Control Computers Complex course - Naval Guided Missiles School, Dam Neck, Virginia Beach, Virginia, US Navy - leading to permanent assignment until 1990 to CF-division, Missile Plot - guided-missiles Fire Control Computers Complex (UNIVAC digital-computers Mk152 Terrier System for, primarily, SM2-ER {Extended Range} Standard Missiles ordnance), USS Wainwright CG-28, US Navy, while enlisted paygrade E-5, designated Fire Controlman Petty Officer Second Class (FC2) ) is 11342 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/21/1996 ( ) is 11342 days
Princeton University
Daily Princetonian, Volume 120, Number 116, 21 November 1996
University may pay millions for computer recalibration
The imminent arrival of the year 2000 isn't causing much celebration among some university administrators. Computer systems used by many of the university's administrative departments have already begun to fall victim to a widespread glitch known as "the 2000 problem," Vice President for Computing and Information Technology Ira Fuchs said. The problem occurs when older computer systems, like many of those the university uses, try to do calculations involving dates after Dec. 31, 1999. Most of these systems only use the last two digits of a year, and therefore cannot distinguish between years such as 1996 and 2096.
It may cost the university between $800,000 and $5 million to correct the 2000 problem, Associate Provost Georgia Nugent '73 said. The expenses of fixing the 2000 problem have been grouped with a larger effort to update the university's computer systems, Fuchs said. That plan, known as "Partnership 2000," may cost $50 million, he added. Under Partnership 2000, all university departments will evaluate their computer systems and upgrade them
"The Six Million Dollar Man" (1974)
Oscar Goldman: Steve Austin, astronaut. A man barely alive. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster.
The Six Million Dollar Man Opening and Closing Theme (With Intro)
from my private journal, as me, Kerry Burgess, typed after being released from the USA Veterans Affairs psychiatric hospital enduring many months sitting in a grungy two-computer room in a homeless shelter on the waterfront in downtown Seattle:
From: Kerry Burgess {me}
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 11:04 AM
To: Kerry Burgess {me}
Subject: Re: Journal May 21, 2006
Kerry Burgess wrote:
I think it was my first thought after waking up this morning that I used to date Julia Roberts a long time ago.
I also have these unexplained thoughts that I was a fighter pilot in the U.S. military, although I'm not sure which service, but I may have been in two different branches over time. I am also confused about thoughts that I may have been a helicopter pilot. What's next? A space shuttle pilot? Seems like a lot for someone that is only 40. And, while I am not sure when this divergence happened, I am reasonably certain it was before I turned 33. So I must have been a pretty busy guy. Especially because I have thoughts that I was some kind of mathmetician too. I have these thoughts too that I was captured by enemy forces at some point and tortured while in captivity.
by me, Kerry Burgess, excerpts from my private journal: 9/26/2006 3:06 PM
As I was trying to go to sleep last night, I had a thought that I have a doctorate in computer science from Princeton.
and I had thoughts that I studied music as well at Princeton.
from my private journal, as me, Kerry Burgess, typed after being released from the USA Veterans Affairs psychiatric hospital enduring many months sitting in a grungy two-computer room in a homeless shelter on the waterfront in downtown Seattle:
by me, Kerry Burgess, excerpts from my private journals: 9/28/2006 7:13 PM
This sounds very interesting. In my memory of taking Physics my Senior year at Ashdown, I remember being very interested in the class, but we didn’t cover such an interesting topic.
Ayan Chatterjee (left) and Mark Daly measure piano strings as part of a lab project for professor Pierre Piroué's freshman seminar on "Sound, Music and ... Physics."
9/28/2006 7:37 PM
I think I even have memories of the graduate degree process. I am not sure of the terms to describe the process.
9/28/2006 7:47 PM
I actually do remember... something... I can’t explain it. It feels that I am holding an unmarked, undistinguishable book that I don’t know the name of or the contents but I know I have read it already.
9/28/2006 8:34 PM
A few minutes ago I started thinking that maybe I started at Princeton University in 1972. I would have been 13 at the time as Thomas Ray. I remember that Kerry Burgess started first grade in 1972. But then I decided that I probably started Princeton earlier than 1972 and maybe 1972 was the year I completed my first major degree. Or 1972 doesn’t really mean anything in particular to Thomas Ray; rather it is there for continuity sake for the life of Kerry Burgess.
by me, Kerry Burgess, posted by me: H.V.O.M at 3:06 AM Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Also, "Salesman." I saw that in a dream while sleeping recently. I saw myself going through an induction process in the United States Marine Corps and I woke up understanding that I was dreaming of my actual experience in 1990. I saw a document that indicated I was being inducted to the United States Marine Corps with the officer grade of Chief Warrant Officer 2. I saw in the dream another document associated with my induction and that document indicated I had been assigned the informal name "Salesman."
Yahoo! News
US Navy wins against familiar and unprecedented Red Sea threats are being driven by defense decisions it made decades ago
Jake Epstein
Wed, April 10, 2024 at 10:09 AM PDT
The US Navy has relied on a variety of tools and systems to engage Houthi missiles and drones.
Many of the US combat platforms and weaponry have origin stories that go back decades.
The Navy secretary acknowledged on Wednesday the effectiveness of these systems in the Red Sea.
Decisions made decades ago are now defining the Red Sea naval battle unfolding between American forces and the Houthis, the US Navy's top civilian official said on Wednesday, highlighting the long reach of defense decision-making.
For months, Navy warships have engaged Houthi missiles and drones as part of their mission to protect key international shipping lanes from attacks carried out by the Iran-backed rebels. Over the course of these engagements, US forces have at times faced threats unprecedented in combat, like anti-ship ballistic missiles, off the coast of Yemen.
Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro acknowledged the effectiveness of the platforms and weapon systems that American sailors have used to destroy Houthi threats and traced their origins back decades, in some cases as far back as 70 years ago.
"The operations in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden over the past three months illustrate perfectly how technological investments and force design decisions made by naval leaders in the past impact operations for decades," Del Toro said in written testimony to the House Committee on Appropriations.
"The backbone of our air-defense fleet, the Aegis Combat System, first became a program of record as the Advanced Surface Missile System 60 years ago this year," Del Toro said as part of a budget hearing for the upcoming fiscal year.
Development of the Advanced Surface Missile System began in the 1960s as a response to anti-ship missile threats and it eventually evolved into Aegis, which is an automated weapons control system that can battle threats in the air and on the water's surface.
Dozens of Navy warships, including some of those that have deployed to the Red Sea, are outfitted with the Aegis Combat System.
Putting more emphasis on the importance of defense decisions, Del Toro in his statement cited the 47-year-old USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier that also maneuvers in the Red Sea as a leading Navy ship in the ongoing response to the Houthis.
From the busy flight deck of the nuclear-powered Ike, F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fighter jets are taking off and landing around the clock, sometimes intercepting Houthi threats in the air or striking the rebels directly in Yemen.
Del Toro referred to this multi-role combat aircraft as the "workhorse of our air wings" and described it as a "derivative of a strike fighter platform that first flew 45 years ago this year," referring to the F/A-18 Hornet.
In the Red Sea, the Ike's Super Hornets are armed with AIM-9X Sidewinder air-to-air missiles — the latest variant of the AIM-9 Sidewinder, which entered service 68 years ago, Del Toro added.
These "platforms and weapon systems our Sailors and Marines have used with great effect in shooting down Houthi anti-ship cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and drones can be traced back to development efforts and disciplined investments from the '60s, '70s, and '80s," Del Toro said.
They are also, the Navy secretary said, the results of "timely modernizations and upgrades that have enabled these platforms and systems to be relevant in today's threat environment."
The Houthis have been unable to strike any of the US or allied warships operating in the region, although their missiles and drones have managed to strike a number of commercial ships. Earlier this year, for instance, two separate attacks caused one vessel to sink and led to multiple crew fatalities on another. Nonetheless, the US warships and allied vessels have seen notable success.
Most recently, on Tuesday, the Houthis fired an anti-ship ballistic missile that was likely targeting a US-owned vessel being escorted by two American destroyers, but the Pentagon said its forces engaged and destroyed the threat.
As Houthi attacks continue, US officials continue to assert that preemptive strikes in Yemen have degraded the rebels' capabilities and that the Navy will continue its mission in the region for as long as it is needed.
"We certainly will continue to do everything we can to protect commercial shipping through the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden," Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh told reporters last week. "And, of course, do everything that we need to protect our forces as well."
RIM-67 Standard
From Wikipedia
The RIM-67 Standard ER (SM-1ER/SM-2ER) is an extended range surface-to-air missile (SAM) with a secondary anti-ship capability, originally developed for the United States Navy (USN). The RIM-67 was developed as a replacement for the RIM-8 Talos, a 1950s system deployed on a variety of USN ships, and eventually replaced the RIM-2 Terrier as well, since it was of a similar size and fitted existing Terrier launchers and magazines.
The RIM-67A (SM-1ER Block I) was the Navy's replacement for RIM-8 Talos missile. Improved technology allowed the RIM-67 to be reduced to the size of the earlier RIM-2 Terrier missile. Existing ships with the Mk86 guided missile fire control system, or "Terrier" were adapted to employ the new missile in place of the older RIM-2 Terrier missile. Ships that switched from the RIM-2 Terrier to the RIM-67A were still referred to as Terrier ships even though they were equipped with the newer missile.
The second generation of Standard missile, the Standard Missile 2, was developed for the Aegis Combat System, and the New Threat Upgrade (NTU) program that was planned for existing Terrier and Tartar ships. The destroyer USS Mahan served as the test platform for the development of the CG/SM-2 (ER) missile program project. The principal change over the Standard missile 1 is the introduction of inertial guidance for each phase of the missile's flight except the terminal phase where semi-active homing was retained. This design change was made so that missiles could time share illumination radars and enable equipped ships to defend against saturation missile attacks.
Terrier ships reequipped as part of the New Threat Upgrade were refit to operate the RIM-67B (SM-2ER Block II) missile. However, Aegis ships were not equipped with launchers that had space enough for the longer RIM-67B.
The RIM-156A Standard SM-2ER Block IV with the Mk 72 booster was developed to compensate for the lack of a long range SAM for the Ticonderoga class of Aegis cruisers. The Mk72 booster allows the RIM-156A to fit into the Mark 41 Vertical Launching System. This configuration can also be used for Terminal phase Ballistic Missile Defense.
There was a plan to build a nuclear armed standard missile mounting a W81 nuclear warhead as a replacement for the earlier Nuclear Terrier missile (RIM-2D).
RIM-67 Standard was deployed on ships of the following classes, replacing the RIM-2 Terrier, and it never was VLS-capable. All of the ships used the AN/SPG-55 for guidance. The Mk10 guided missile launching system was used as the launching system. New Threat Upgrade equipped vessels operated the RIM-67B which used inertial guidance for every phase of the intercept except for the terminal phase where the AN/SPG-55 radar illuminates the target.
The RIM-156 Standard Block IV, is a version that has been developed for the Aegis Combat System it has a smaller compact sized booster stage for firing from the Mk41 Vertical Launching System. Like the earlier RIM-67B it employs inertial/command guidance with terminal semi-active homing.
The American Presidency Project
40th President of the United States: 1981 ? 1989
The President's News Conference
October 01, 1981
Saudi Arabia and Iran
Q. Mr. President, you said a few minutes ago that you would not allow, you would not permit what happened in Iran several years ago to happen in Saudi Arabia. How would you prevent that? Would you take military intervention if that was necessary to prevent it?
The President. I'm not going to talk about the specifics of how we would do it, except to say that in Iran, I think the United States has to take some responsibility for what happened there with some very shortsighted policies that let a situation come to a boiling point, that there was no need to do that.
But in Saudi Arabia, I just would call to your attention that it's not only the United States, it's the whole Western World. There is no way, as long as Saudi Arabia and the OPEC nations there in the East and Saudi Arabia's the most important provide the bulk of the energy that is needed to turn the wheels of industry in the Western World, there's no way that we could stand by and see that taken over by anyone that would shut off that oil.
Kerry Wayne Burgess @hvom2022
Is that all just porno for you, Daisy?
Is that why all those people a few years ago got all worked up into a frenzy to trespass at Area 51?
Is that what you're still hoping to do?
UFO-worshippers are harassing USA DOD so they will give you their UFO-porno?
6:54 PM August 21, 2023
Mike Colangelo @MikeColangelo
Let s have transparency on UFOs: Rep. Tim Burchett
Interview with Tim Burchett on Fox News last night, talking about the latest UFO news and Chris Christie's terrible answer at the Republican debate.
I'm very thankful for all the work Mr. Burchett has done for the UFO issue,
Kerry Wayne Burgess @hvom2022
Why Are Solar Panels So Inefficient?
air pollution in the United States continues to harm people s health and the environment
2:30 PM Aug 26, 2023
Kerry Wayne Burgess @hvom2022
2:27 PM Aug 26, 2023
Why Are Solar Panels So Inefficient?
air pollution in the United States continues to harm people s health and the environment
Kerry Wayne Burgess @hvom2022
10:39 AM September 17, 2023
"Believer" ? "Thinker" ?
Why the scorn for "the government" keeping secrets about E.T.?
Are there not more important matters to OCD about?
Why aren't solar-panels more efficient?
1988-01-13_chicago-tribune_1 1988-02-04_chicago-tribune_1 1988-02-13_chicago-tribune_1 1988-03-09_chicago-tribune_1 1988-03-19_chicago-tribune_1 1988-03-22_chicago-tribune_1 1988-03-29_chicago-tribune_1 1988-04-01_chicago-tribune_1 1988-04-20_chicago-tribune_1 1988-04-20_chicago-tribune_2 1988-04-20_chicago-tribune_3 1988-04-22_chicago-tribune_1 1988-04-28_chicago-tribune_1 1988-05-15_chicago-tribune_1 1988-05-20_chicago-tribune_1 1988-06-01_chicago-tribune_1
The American Presidency Project
40th President of the United States: 1981 ‐ 1989
Radio Address to the Nation on Armed Forces Day
May 21, 1988
My fellow Americans:
You may have heard me say before that one of the things I like most about my job as President is visiting and talking with our young men and women in uniform. I've met them all over the world—at our Army outposts along the demilitarized zone in South Korea, on board the U.S.S. Constellation, in the hangars of Tempelhof Air Base in West Berlin, at Parris Island in South Carolina, and at the Coast Guard Academy a few days ago. And everywhere, I've seen that their commanders are right: They're the best we've ever had. I mention this because today is Armed Forces Day. Yes, this is the day for all of us to salute the soldiers, sailors, marines, and aviators who stand sentry on the frontiers of freedom all over the world. We say thanks to the patriots who, whether under the midnight star or the noonday Sun, are always alert so that America's peace and liberty will always be safe.
Seven years ago, when we came to Washington, we found that our armed forces had been badly neglected. We found airplanes that could not fly and ships that could not sail for lack of trained people and spare parts. The military couldn't recruit enough good people or hold on to those they had. Today that's changed. The men and women in the services are well-trained and well-equipped. Almost all new recruits have a high school diploma. Never before in peacetime have we had a military that is as well-prepared.
Just last month, the world saw what those who serve America on freedom's front-what they can do when the chips are down. I'm speaking of the story of the U.S.S. Samuel B. Roberts, a guided-missile frigate and part of our task force to help protect passage through international waters in the Persian Gulf. The Roberts was on patrol when it hit a submerged mine. The mine blew a huge hole in the ship's hull, sent a fireball shooting up the exhaust stack and 150 feet in the air, and almost tore the Roberts in half. Luckily, no one was killed. Some might have said that she was doomed - head for the life rafts. Well, that's not what the men of the Roberts said. They were determined to show what they could do. Acting fast, they held the Roberts together with bolts and wire, took care of their injured, escaped the mine field, and with the help of other Navy ships got safely to harbor. The captain [Comdr. Paul X. Rinn] summed up the spirit and determination of the entire crew when he closed his report saying of the Roberts: "We saved her, we'll fix her, and we'll fight again." And he signed off with their motto, "No higher honor." That's the spirit, skill, and dedication that has been rebuilt in all our armed services today. "No higher honor" could be the motto of every American in uniform.
Los Angeles Times
Frigate Apparently Strikes Gulf Mine; 10 Sailors Hurt
April 15, 1988 JOHN M. BRODER Times Staff Writer
WASHINGTON A U.S. warship apparently hit a mine Thursday, injuring 10 American sailors, after it had escorted a U.S.-registered Kuwaiti tanker through the Persian Gulf, Defense Department officials said.
One Pentagon source told the Associated Press that sailors aboard the Roberts had seen "mine-like" objects in the water shortly before the explosion.
U.S. officials in the past have accused the Iranians of sowing mines in the gulf to intimidate shipping headed for Iraq, with whom Iran has been at war for eight years. Last fall, U.S. warships and helicopters seized an Iranian ship in the act of planting mines.
White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said the National Security Council had "routinely informed" President Reagan of Thursday's explosion, adding that the incident "emphasizes once again our concern for stopping the Iran-Iraq War."
However, U.S. officials refused to discuss possible retaliation. "It's not a declaration of war," said one Administration official who spoke on condition of anonymity. "Besides, who are you going to retaliate against?" The explosion took place as the frigate was sailing south on a routine patrol Thursday morning after completing a convoy that included the Kuwaiti tanker Gas King the night before, Howard said.
The frigate was heading toward Bahrain under auxiliary power Thursday night, escorted by the cruiser Wainwright
It would take Rinn and his crew hours to add up all the clues, but the news they gathered early on wasn't good. The main engineroom and another capacious engineering space were inundated with oil-slicked water, and a third compartment was filling rapidly. Lose that one, and the frigate would likely plunge to the bottom of the Gulf.
The Samuel B. Roberts was flooding, on fire, surrounded by sharks and sea snakes, alone in a minefield in a sea at war.
95a84542-c6e .from internet, original source credited to USN photogrpaher Rudy Pahayo
047-1 .jpg, from internet - USS Wainwright Veterans Association
051-1 .jpg, from internet - USS Wainwright Veterans Association
017-1 .jpg, from internet - USS Wainwright Veterans Association (transit towards Persian Gulf - from USS Wainwright CG-28, US Navy, of USS Samuel B. Roberts FFG-58, US Navy, circa January 1988)
- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 5:54 PM Pacific-time USA Saturday 04/13/2024