I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Today is 12/18/2024, Post #2
On Now: Spokane MeTV channel, 11:30 pm 12/17/2024
Perry Mason
The Case Of The Cautious Coquette (s1, ep18)
Mason navigate his way through a hornet's nest of murder, hit-and-run, secret marriage and a missing witness.
Perry Mason
The Case of the Cautious Coquette
Episode aired Jan 18, 1958
Raymond Burr as Perry Mason
Elaine is being threatened and blackmailed by her husband, Harry Pitkin, so she consults Perry. In a complex series of moves, Perry is sent on a wild goose chase to Elaine's apartment, Harry ends up dead, and Elaine is charged with murder.
insurance adjusters
stick you in the back
didn't know married
more profit because of the secrecy
From 1/18/1958 ( ) To 2/19/2017 ( ) is 21582 days
From 11/2/1965 ( ) To 12/4/2024 ( ) is 21582 days
From 9/19/1989 ( premiere USA TV series "Doogie Howser, M.D." ) To 12/4/2024 ( ) is 12860 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/17/2001 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Welcome to New York"::"The Brother" ) is 12860 days
From 3/2/1977 ( Chris Martin ) To 12/4/2024 ( ) is 17444 days
17444 = 8722 + 8722
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/19/1989 ( premiere USA TV series "Doogie Howser, M.D." ) is 8722 days
From 11/7/2006 ( as me, Kerry Burgess, from my official United States of America Veterans Affairs psychiatric-hospital documents, the final appointment with the psychiatrist ) To 12/4/2024 ( ) is 6602 days
6602 = 3301 + 3301
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/16/1974 ( the Arecibo radio telescope message beamed into space ) is 3301 days
From 7/11/1997 ( premiere USA film "Contact" ) To 12/4/2024 ( ) is 10008 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/28/1993 ( Scott Douglas Cunningham dead ) is 10008 days
2017_Nk20_DSCN1320 contact
"Contact" by Carl Sagan, author
excerpts, Chapter 10.
(from internet transcript)
“Now that’s an interesting one,” said Joss. “You’re talking, of course, about DNA. But you know the physician’s staff, the symbol of medicine? Army doctors wear it on their lapels. It’s called the caduceus. Shows two serpents intertwined. It’s a perfect double helix. From ancient times that’s been the symbol of preserving life. Isn’t this exactly the kind of connection you’re suggesting?”
“Well, I thought it’s a spiral, not a helix. But if there are enough symbols and enough prophecies and enough myth and folklore, eventually a few of them are going to fit some current scientific understanding purely by accident. But I can’t be sure. Maybe you’re right. Maybe the caduceus is a message from God. Of course, it’s not a Christian symbol, or a symbol of any of the major religions today. I don’t suppose you’d want to argue that the gods talked only to the ancient Greeks. what I’m saying is, if God wanted to send us a message, and ancient writings were the only way he could think of doing it, he could have done a better job. And he hardly had to confine himself to writings. Why isn’t there a monster crucifix orbiting the Earth? Why isn’t the surface of the Moon covered with the Ten Commandments? Why should God be so clear in the Bible and so obscure in the world?”
Joss had apparently been ready to reply a few sentences back, a look of genuine pleasure unexpectedly on his face, but Ellie’s rush of words was gathering momentum, and perhaps he felt it impolite to interrupt.
“Also, why would you think that God has abandoned us? He used to chat with patriarchs and prophets every second Tuesday, you believe. He’s omnipotent, you say, and omniscient. So it’s no particular effort for him to remind us directly, unambiguously, of his wishes at least a few times in every generation. So how come, fellas? Why don’t we see him with crystal clarity?”
“We do.” Rankin put enormous feeling in this phrase. “He is all around us. Our prayers are answered. Tens of millions of people in this country have been born again and have witnessed God’s glorious grace. the Bible speaks to us as clearly in this day as it did in the time of Moses and Jesus.”
“Oh, come off it. You know what I mean. Where are the burning bushes, the pillars of fire, the great voice that says ‘I am that I am’ booming down at us out of the sky? Why should God manifest himself in such subtle and debatable ways when he can make his presence completely unambiguous?”
“But a voice from the sky is just what you found.” Joss made this comment casually while Ellie paused for breath. He held her eyes with his own.
Rankin quickly picked up the thought. “Absolutely. Just what I was going to say. Abraham and Moses, they didn’t have radios or telescopes. They couldn’t have heard the Almighty talking on FM. Maybe today God talks to us in new ways and permits us to have a new understanding. Or maybe it’s not God—”
“Yes, Satan. I’ve heard some talk about that. It sounds crazy. Let’s leave that one alone for a moment, if it’s okay with you. You think the Message is the Voice of God, your God. Where in your religion does God answer a prayer by repeating the prayer back?”
“I wouldn’t call a Nazi newsreel a prayer, myself,” Joss said. “You say it’s to attract our attention.”
“Then why do you think God has chosen to talk to scientists? Why not preachers like yourself?”
“God talks to me all the time.” Rankin’s index finger audibly thumped his sternum. “and the Reverend Joss here. God has told me that a revelation is at hand. When the end of the world is nigh, the Rapture will be upon us, the judgment of sinners, the ascension to heaven of the elect—”
“Did he tell you he was going to make that announcement in the radio spectrum? Is your conversation with God recorded somewhere, so we can verify that it really happened? Or do we have only your say-so? Why would God choose to announce it to radio astronomers and not to men and women of the cloth? Don’t you think it’s a little strange that the first message from God in two thousand years or more is prime numbers… and Adolf Hitler at the 1936 Olympics? Your God must have quite a sense of humor.”
“My God can have any sense He wants to have.”
Der Heer was clearly alarmed at the first appearance of real rancor. “Uh, maybe I could remind us all about what we hope to accomplish at this meeting,” he began.
Here’s Ken in his mollifying mode, Ellie thought. On some issues he’s courageous, but chiefly when he has not responsibility for action. He’s a brave talker… in private. But on scientific politics, and especially when representing the President, he becomes very accommodating, ready to compromise with the Devil himself. She caught herself. The theological language was getting to her.
“That’s another thing.” She interrupted her own train of though as well as der Heer’s. “If that signal is from God, why does it come from just one place in the sky—in the vicinity of a particularly bright nearby star? Why doesn’t it come from all over the sky at once, like the cosmic black-body background radiation? Coming from one star, it looks like a signal from another civilization. Coming from everywhere, it would look much more like a signal from your God.”
“God can make a signal come from the bunghole of the Little Bear if He wants.” Rankin’s face was becoming bright red. “Excuse me, but you’ve gotten me riled up. God can do anything.”
“Anything you don’t understand, Mr. Rankin, you attribute to God. God for you is where you sweep away all the mysteries of the world, all the challenges t our intelligence. You simply turn you mind off and say God did it.”
“Ma’am I didn’t come here to be insulted…”
Posted by me, Kerry Burgess, October 21, 2021
May The Aether Be With You!
You dim-wit dullards desperate for escape from your pathetic life, incapable of independent thought or actually learning anything
by me, Kerry Burgess, posted by me: September 21, 2020
Sloan Great Wall
From Wikipedia
The Sloan Great Wall (SGW) is a cosmic structure formed by a giant wall of galaxies (a galaxy filament). Its discovery was announced from Princeton University on October 20, 2003
by me, Kerry Burgess:
Just look at all that ignorance.
Any person who tries to tell you - through their pathetic wishful thinking - the origin of the creation of the human race on this planet Earth IS COMPLETELY AND ABSOLUTELY FULL OF SHIT.
Your monkey-ancestors were completely ignorant as you
by me, Kerry Burgess, December 16, 2017 7:01 pm
Jesus Christ bible-thumpers, will simply change their story when the facts prove they are wrong. Million of monkey-men were wrong about Zeus so they simply invented a phony God easier to believe.
{by me, Kerry Burgess: Any "God" is mere superstition. You do not have an Imaginary Friend "up there" in the clouds. You do not have an Imaginary Friend that can hear your thoughts as you plead and beg with Him to not hurt you again. Do not believe the lies told to you by any clergy peddling their bunk. "Faith" is meaningless word that is merely their marketing-buzzword because they know you're gullible and naive and you cannot think for yourself and you stopped reading this after the first few words.}
by me, Kerry Burgess, 09/28/2024 11:55 PM
Actual Imbeciles (A.I.)
Useful Fools (U.F.)
by me, Kerry Burgess, 12/16/2023 6:57 PM
As for those UFO-bunkers, they STILL !!! do not explain WHY Tim Burchett has the same birthdate as the fictional character "Dr. Ellie Arroway" from the 1997 "Contact"
Just a bunch of losers
They want the USA Department of Defense to reveal important secrets FOR NO REASON other than to satisfy the obsessive-compulsion of you UFO-bunkers, so desperate to escape your mediocre life
You're an ineffective little guy in a pathetic attempt to exert dominance over those with real power, because their mere existence reminds you of your ineffectiveness.
Kevin Day doesn't know a damn thing about RADAR. Sean Cahill doesn't know a damn thing about RADAR. That guy bounces out the good name of the US Navy just to peddle his crappy product. And those ineffective little guys rage with threats to Area 51.
AND my personal interpretation suggests their heroic US Navy pilot *might be* an actual drunk who's never flown at 500 miles per hour and passed a mylar balloon
I gave a lot of people on Twitter the opportunity to refute my sensible rebuttal
Kerry Wayne Burgess @hvom2022 6:54 PM August 21, 2023
Is that all just porno for you, Daisy?
Is that why all those people a few years ago got all worked up into a frenzy to trespass at Area 51?
Is that what you're still hoping to do?
UFO-worshippers are harassing USA DOD so they will give you their UFO-porno?
Mike Colangelo @MikeColangelo
Lets have transparency on UFOs: Rep. Tim Burchett
Interview with Tim Burchett on Fox News last night, talking about the latest UFO news and Chris Christie's terrible answer at the Republican debate.
I'm very thankful for all the work Mr. Burchett has done for the UFO issue, Show more
Kerry Wayne Burgess @hvom2022
Why Are Solar Panels So Inefficient?
air pollution in the United States continues to harm people s health and the environment 2:30 PM Aug 26, 2023
by me, Kerry Burgess, 07/31/2023
More of those guys muddying up the water with ridiculous questions.
That guy is not a pilot, as far as I know
He has zero amount of aerodynamics expertise
You are never going to know if it was a "perfect sharp" 90-degree turn
Just stupid.
Kerry Wayne Burgess @hvom2022 2:27 PM Aug 26, 2023
Why Are Solar Panels So Inefficient?
air pollution in the United States continues to harm people s health and the environment
Kerry Wayne Burgess @hvom2022 10:39 AM September 17, 2023
"Believer" ? "Thinker" ?
Why the scorn for "the government" keeping secrets about E.T.?
Are there not more important matters to OCD about?
Why aren't solar-panels more efficient?
written by me, Kerry Burgess, posted by me: July 27, 2023
I outright dismiss Grusch's claims made under oath
And I think you are sadly misinformed if you think the entire process was not a scam.
Personally, I suspect he is simply someone's Useful Fool and doesn't have the good sense to recognize that possibility.
"Contact" by Carl Sagan, author
excerpts, Chapter 13.
(from internet transcript)
Years before, he had invented a module that, when a television commercial appeared, automatically muted the sound. It wasn’t at first a context-recognition device. Instead, it simply monitored the amplitude of the carrier wave. TV advertisers had taken to running their ads louder and with less audio clutter than the programs that were their nominal vehicles. News of Hadden’s module spread by word of mouth. People reported a sense of relief, the lifting of a great burden, even a feeling of joy at being freed from the advertising barrage for the six to eight hours out of every day that the average American spent in front of the television set. Before there could be any coordinated response from the television advertising industry, Adnix had become wildly popular. It forced advertisers and networks into new choices of carrier-wave strategy, each of which Hadden countered with a new invention. Sometimes he invented circuits to defeat strategies that the agencies and the networks had not yet hit upon. He would say that he was saving them the trouble of making inventions, at great cost to their shareholders, which were at any rate doomed to failure.
As his sales volume increased, he kept cutting prices. It was a kind of electronic warfare. And he was winning.
They tried to sue him—something about a conspiracy in restraint of trade. They had sufficient political muscle that his motion for summary dismissal was denied, but insufficient influence to actually win the case. The trial had forced Hadden to investigate the relevant legal codes. Soon after, he applied, through a well-known Madison Avenue agency in which he was now a major silent partner, to advertise his own product on commercial television. After a few weeks of controversy his commercials were refused. He sued all three networks and in this trial was able to prove conspiracy in restraint of trade. He received a huge settlement that was, at the time, a record for cases of this sort, and which contributed in its modest way to the demise of the original networks.
There had always been people who enjoyed the commercials, of course, and they had no need for Adnix. But they were a dwindling minority. Hadden made a great fortune by eviscerating broadcast advertising. He also made many enemies.
By the time context-recognition chips were commercially available, he was ready with Preachnix, a submodule which could be plugged into Adnix. It would simply switch channels if by chance a doctrinaire religious program should be tuned in. You could preselect key words, such as “Advent” or “Rapture,” and cut great swaths through the available programming. Preachnix was a godsend for a long-suffering but significant minority of television viewers. There was talk, some of it half-serious, that Hadden’s next submodule would be called Jivenix, and would work only on public addresses by presidents and premiers.
As he further developed context-recognition chips, it became obvious to him that they had much wider applications—from education, science, and medicine, to military intelligence and industrial espionage. It was on this issue that the lines were drawn for the famous suit United States v. Hadden Cybernetics. One of Hadden’s chips was considered too good for civilian life, and on recommendation of the National Security Agency, the facilities and key personnel for the most advanced context-recognition chip production were taken over by the government. It was simply too important to read the Russian mail. God knows, they told him, what would happen if the Russians could read our mail.
Hadden refused to cooperate in the takeover and vowed to diversify into areas that could not possibly be connected with national security. The government was nationalizing industry, he said. They claimed to be capitalists, but when push came to shove they showed their socialist face. He had found an unsatisfied public need and employed an existing and legal new technology to deliver what they wanted. It was classic capitalism. But there were many sober capitalists who would tell you that he had already gone too far with Adnix, that he had posed a real threat to the American way of life. In a dour column signed V. Petrov, Pravda called it a concrete example of the contradictions of capitalism. The Wall Street Journal countered, perhaps a little tangentially, by calling Pravda, which in Russian means “truth,” a concrete example of the contradictions of communism.
He suspected that the takeover was only a pretext, that his real offense had been to attack advertising and video evangelism. Adnix and Preachnix were the essence of capitalist entrepreneurship, he argued repeatedly. The point of capitalism was supposed to be providing people with alternatives.
“Well, the absence of advertising is an alternative, I told them. There are huge advertising budgets only when there’s no difference between the products. If the products really were different, people would buy the one that’s better. Advertising teaches people not to trust their judgment. Advertising teaches people to be stupid. A strong country needs smart people. So Adnix is patriotic. The manufacturers can use some of their advertising budgets to improve their products. The consumer will benefit. Magazines and newspapers and direct mail business will boom, and that’ll ease the pain in the ad agencies. I don’t see what the problem is.”
Adnix, much more than the innumerable libel suits against the original commercial networks, led directly to their demise. For a while there was a small army of unemployed advertising executives, down-and-out former network officials, and penniless divines who had sworn blood oaths to revenge themselves on Hadden. And there was an ever-growing number of still more formidable adversaries. Without a doubt, she thought, Hadden was an interesting man.
“So I figure it’s time to go. I’ve got more money than I know what to do with, my wife can’t stand me, and I’ve got enemies everywhere. I want to do something important, something worthy. I want to do something so that hundreds of years from now people will look back and be glad I was around.”
“You want—”
“I want to build the Machine. Look, I’m perfectly suited for it. I’ve got the best cybernetics expertise, practical cybernetics, in the business—better than Camegie-Mellon, better than MIT, better than Stanford, better than Santa Barbara. And if there’s anything clear from those plans, it’s that this isn’t a job for an old-time tool-and-die maker. And you’re going to need something like genetic engineering. You won’t find anybody more dedicated to this job. And I’ll do it at cost.”
“Really, Mr. Hadden, who builds the Machine, if we ever get to that point, isn’t up to me. It’s an international decision. All sorts of politics is involved. They’re still debating in Paris about whether to build the thing, if and when we decrypt the Message.”
“Don’t you think I know that? I’m also applying through the usual channels of influence and corruption. I just want to have a good word put in for me for the right reasons, by the side of the angels. Yon understand? And speaking of angels, you really shook up Palmer Joss and Billy Jo Ran-kin. I haven’t seen them so agitated since that trouble they had about Mary’s waters. Rankin saying he was deliberately misquoted about supporting the Machine. My, my.”
He shook his head in mock consternation. That some long-standing personal enmity existed between these active proselytizers and the inventor of Preachnix seemed probable enough, and for some reason she was moved to their defense.
“They’re both a lot smarter than you might think. And Palmer Joss is … well, there’s something genuine about him. He’s not a phony.”
“You’re sure it’s not just another pretty face? Excuse me, but it’s important that people understand their feelings on this. It’s too important not to. I know these clowns. Underneath, when push comes to shove, they’re jackals. A lot of people find religion attractive—you know, personally, sexually. You ought to see what happens in the Temple of Ishtar.”
She repressed a small shiver of revulsion. “I think I will have that drink,” she said. Looking down from the penthouse, she could see the gradated tiers of the Ziggurat, each draped with flowers, some artificial, some real, depending on the season. It was a reconstruction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Miraculously, it was so arranged that it did not closely resemble a Hyatt Hotel. Far below, she could make out a torchlit procession headed back from the Ziggurat to the Enlil Gate. It was led by a kind of sedan chair held by four burly men stripped to the waist.
Who or what was in it she could not make out.
“It’s a ceremony in honor of Gilgamesh, one of the ancient Sumerian culture heroes.”
“Yes, I’ve heard of him.”
Chapter 14.
Star Trek - "Metamorphosis" - tv series Season 2 Episode 9 - 11/10/1967
NANCY: (after symbiosis with The Companion) Zefram, we frighten you. We've never frightened you before. Loneliness. This is loneliness. Oh, what a bitter thing. Oh, Zefram, it's so sad. How do you bear it, this loneliness?
From 11/11/1960 ( premiere USA TV series episode "The Twilight Zone"::"Eye of the Beholder" ) To 11/19/1962 ( ) is 738 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/10/1967 ( premiere US TV series episode "Star Trek"::"Metamorphosis" ) is 738 days
From 3/3/1959 ( the birthdate in Hawaii of my biological brother Thomas Reagan ) To 11/19/1962 ( ) is 1357 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 7/21/1969 ( disguised, my biological brother Thomas Reagan the United States Navy Commander circa 1969 was United States Apollo 11 Eagle spacecraft United States Navy astronaut landing and walking on the planet Earth's moon - his 1st of his 6 Earth-Lunar lunar-landings with USA Project Apollo, strictly in planning and preparation for his personal activities in this solar-system's deep-space 1975-1977 ) is 1357 days
Jodie Foster
Born November 19, 1962 Los Angeles, California, USA
Contact (1997)
S.R. Hadden: Dr. Arroway, I presume.
Ellie Arroway: Mr. Hadden.
S.R. Hadden: I've had my eye on you a long time, Doctor. I consider you one of my most valuable long-term investments. And when it comes to my investments, I always do my homework. Eleanor Ann Arroway, born 25th August, 1964, De Pere, Wisconsin. Mother, Joanna, died from complications during childbirth. Early testing indicated high predisposition towards science and mathematics. Father, Theodore, advised to provide enrichment activities in these areas, .did so conscientiously until his death from myocardial infarction, November 10, 1974. You graduated from high school in 1979, almost two full years early. Awarded full scholarship, M.I.T, graduated magna cum laude. Doctoral work, Cal Tech where you worked on the lanthanide-doped ruby maser, dramatically increasing the sensitivity of radio telescopes. Subsequently offered a teaching position at Harvard University which you turned down to pursue SETI work at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. Changes in NSF policy gave rise to certain funding problems, at which point you came to my attention.
album: "X&Y" (2005)
(from internet transcript)
Oh brother I can't, I can't get through
I've been trying hard to reach you, cause I don't know what to do
Oh brother I can't believe it's true
I'm so scared about the future and I wanna talk to you
Oh I wanna talk to you
You can take a picture of something you see
In the future where will I be?
You can climb a ladder up to the sun
Or write a song nobody has sung
Or do something that's never been done
Are you lost or incomplete?
Do you feel like a puzzle, you can't find your missing piece?
Tell me how do you feel?
Well, I feel like they're talking in a language I don't speak
And they're talking it to me
So you take a picture of something you see
In the future where will I be?
You can climb a ladder up to the sun
Or write a song nobody has sung
Or do something that's never been done
Do something that's never been done
So you don't know where you're going, and you wanna talk
And you feel like you're going where you've been before
You tell anyone who'll listen but you feel ignored
Nothing's really making any sense at all
Contact (1997)
Ellie Arroway: You're not real. None of this is real.
Alien: [disguised as her father] That's my scientist.
Ellie Arroway: [looking the beach around you] When I was unconscious, you downloaded my thoughts, my memories, even Pensacola.
Alien: We thought this might make things easier for you.
album: "X&Y" (2005)
Oh brother I can't, I can't get through
I've been trying hard to reach you, cause I don't know what to do
Oh brother I can't believe it's true
I'm so scared about the future and I wanna talk to you
Oh I wanna talk to you
Doogie Howser, M.D.
Aired Wednesday 9:00 PM Sep 19, 1989 on ABC
Personal journal of Doogie Howser, M.D: (Night time entry/end of episode) September 22, 1989 Kissed my first girl. Lost my first patient. Life will never be the same again...
From 12/25/1991 ( from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: in non-aviator related duties boots on the ground as United States Marine Corps chief warrant officer Kerry Wayne Burgess I was prisoner of war in Croatia ) To 6/6/2005 ( ) is 4912 days
4912 = 2456 + 2456
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 7/24/1972 ( David Wong invents Prozac ) is 2456 days
From 6/17/1947 ( Harry Truman, 33rd President of USA: Commencement Address at Princeton University ) To 6/6/2005 ( ) is 21174 days
21174 = 10587 + 10587
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 10/28/1994 ( premiere USA film "Stargate" ) is 10587 days
From 6/5/1987 ( as me, Kerry Burgess, my official enlisted US Navy documents includes: Earned NEC 1189 - Based on graduation from the Terrier Mk 152 Guided-missiles Fire Control Computers Complex course - Naval Guided Missiles School, Dam Neck, Virginia Beach, Virginia, US Navy - leading to permanent assignment until 1990 to CF-division, Missile Plot - guided-missiles Fire Control Computers Complex (UNIVAC digital-computers Mk152 Terrier System for, primarily, SM2-ER {Extended Range} Standard Missiles ordnance), USS Wainwright CG-28, US Navy, while enlisted paygrade E-5, designated Fire Controlman Petty Officer Second Class (FC2) ) To 6/6/2005 ( ) is 6576 days
6576 = 3288 + 3288
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/3/1974 ( the Expo '74 Spokane Washington closes - World's Fair, Environment of Earth ) is 3288 days
From 4/3/1962 ( premiere USA TV series pilot "McHale's Navy"::series pilot "Seven Against The Sea" ) To 6/6/2005 ( ) is 15770 days
15770 = 7885 + 7885
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 6/5/1987 ( see above ) is 7885 days
From 5/13/1992 ( the Intelsat 6 successful rescue during US space shuttle Endeavour orbiter vehicle mission STS-49 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps commissioned-officer and United States STS-49 pilot astronaut and my 1st official United States of America National Aeronautics and Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) To 6/6/2005 ( ) is 4772 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/26/1978 ( premiere US TV episode "Battlestar Galactica"::"The Living Legend - Part 1" ) is 4772 days
From 3/16/1991 ( from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate and possibly the date of the top-secret, doctorate-degree credential from Princeton University, I can theorize only ) To 6/6/2005 ( ) is 5196 days
5196 = 2598 + 2598
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 12/13/1972 ( the final Apollo 17 lunar EVA begins - from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: my biological brother Thomas Reagan the United States Navy Commander circa 1972 {and secretly the Princeton University medical-doctor degree graduate from 1969} was United States Apollo 17 Challenger spacecraft United States Navy astronaut walking on the planet Earth's moon ) is 2598 days
From 10/14/1915 ( Bulgaria declares war on Serbia ) To 12/20/1994 ( from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: in non-aviator related duties boots on the ground in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my US Navy Cross medal date of record ) is 28922 days
28922 = 14461 + 14461
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 6/6/2005 ( ) is 14461 days
From 11/4/1953 ( premiere USA film "Crucifixion" ) To 6/8/1993 ( commencement, Princeton University Class of 1993 ) is 14461 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 6/6/2005 ( ) is 14461 days
From 10/17/1929 ( from The Daily Princetonian, Princeton University: PHRENOLOGY APPLIED ) To 5/21/1969 ( from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: the Princeton University doctor of medicine degree graduation of my biological brother Dr Thomas Reagan MD and the 1973 law-doctorate graduate of University of Oxford, England ) is 14461 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 6/6/2005 ( ) is 14461 days
Released: 6 June, 2005
2005-06-16_0-e updates not in this reference
Coldplay - Talk (Official Video)
(from YouTube)
- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 06:16 AM Pacific-timezone USA Wednesday 12/18/2024