Saturday, July 24, 2010

So I just thought that's how people lived


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

Alien: Resurrection (1997)

Purvis: [shouting] What's in-fucking-side me?

Ripley: There's a monster in your chest. These guys hijacked your ship, and they sold your cryo tube to this... human. And he put an alien inside of you. It's a really nasty one. And in a few hours you're gonna die. Any questions?

Purvis: Who are you?

Ripley: I'm the monster's mother.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

You two,
you're on weapons detail.

Let's go.

One thing about my mom--

she always plans ahead.


From 10/8/1949 ( Sigourney Weaver ) To 10/11/1968 ( I was United States Apollo 7 spacecraft United States Navy astronaut entering orbit of planet Earth ) is 6943 days

From 9/26/1956 ( Linda Hamilton ) To 9/30/1975 ( I was primary test pilot for the first flight of the Hughes and McDonnell Douglas AH-64 Apache attack helicopter and for the United States Army AH-64 Apache test program ) is 6943 days

From 11/19/1969 ( I was United States Apollo 12 Intrepid spacecraft United States Navy astronaut landing on Earth's moon ) To 11/22/1988 ( I was primary test pilot for the United States Air Force B-2 Spirit strategic stealth bomber and the United States Air Force B-2 Spirit strategic stealth bomber was publicly displayed for first time ) is 6943 days

From 5/22/1969 ( I was United States Apollo 10 spacecraft United States Navy astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) To 5/25/1988 ( premiere US film "Rambo III" ) is 6943 days

From 11/15/1977 ( premiere US film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" ) To 11/18/1996 ( premiere US film "Star Trek: First Contact" ) is 6943 days

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 08/02/09 1:13 AM
I have been trying to fall asleep for a while now but I don't feel the least bit sleepy and it is worse because my leg aches. So anyway, I just now suddenly remembered a dream I had just before waking up last time, or at I think it was just before waking up, but I know it was the last time I was asleep and I woke up I guess about 8:00 AM yesterday. There were several sequences in the dream but I only remember now this one scene that I wanted to write about after I got up. As I write this now I think to myself that I woke up after the dream I wanted to write about and I might have gone back to sleep for a short time because I was thinking about how I could no longer visualize the details I wanted to remember from the dream. The dream seemed to be of me in a bank and I was given a key to a safety deposity box and I could clearly see the four digit number on the key and then I could see that I was looking at a wall with the doors of a group of safety deposit boxes and one of those doors matched the number on the key. I found myself thinking after I woke up though that these setting seemed to precisely match what I would see if I was in a post office though and I even thought during the dream that whatever was in my safety deposit box was getting more packed because apparently information was being put into it and that matches precisely to a mailbox in a U.S. Post Office. But yet, the notion lingers that it had something to do with a safety deposit box and that remains as an important notion despite the fact that my visualizations seem to match with the post office. So I was standing there and I clearly saw the number on the key but there was some dialog in my mind that I was not going to open that box at that time and so I was walking through the notional bank office but that visually seemed to be a post office and I was going into another room and I cannot now remember what happened there. It seemed there was another storage locker that I was going in there for but I cannot remember anything else except some scenes as I walked around through the structures in that bank or post office. I found myself wondering several times after waking about that number on that key and I think it was '6943' but there was some uncertainty in my mind after waking up because I could no longer visualize it although I feel certain that I did visualize it clearly during the dream.


Terminator 2: Judgment Day

So what do you think, Doctor?

Haven't I shown improvement?

Well, Sarah, here's the problem.

I know how smart you are.

You're just telling me
what I want to hear.

I don't think you really believe
what you're telling me today.

If I put you in minimum security,
you'll just try to escape again.

You have to let me see my son.


He's in great danger.
He's naked without me.

If I could make a phone call--

From 10/8/1949 ( Sigourney Weaver ) To 11/28/1976 ( I launched from Jupiter moon Callisto for Earth and home ) is 9913 days

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 08/03/09 1:02 PM
There was a lot of stuff in a dream just before I woke up but I only remember fairly clearly one part and I wish I could remember it all. I also just now remember as I write this that I was dreaming of work again. I woke up at some point in the middle of my sleep period and I had been dreaming extensively of all this work I am now doing and I have that type of dream often, as I have noted. So anyway, it was not until after I had been awake for a few minutes that what the dream visuals reminded me of is of a parachute tandem jump but in the dream it was different and I don't think that is what it represents as I doubt I have ever made a tandem jump as it appeared in the dream. The reason I started thinking about a tandem jump is because there was a guy behind me and there was some kind of device that had us both attached as though it was connected to our clothing and that was in turn linked together. As I wrote that last sentence, I started thinking it could actually represent we were on a 'chain gang.' So anyway, in the dream, we were in some large room not unlike a warehouse or an auditorium and I am aware there were other people around. The point I remember clearly and that started me thinking about a tandem parachute jump was the I saw my foot and my lower leg in the air as I was falling to the ground but what I was doing in the dream was that I had knocked the feet out from that guy I was attached to and I was causing him to fall to the ground so I could cause all my weight to land on top of him as he hit the ground so I could injure him as much as possible. The next scene is in some kind of room and it almost seems to be some kind of machinery room but I cannot visualize any specifics so I can describe why I feel that is where we are and I am left with the vague sense that it is some kind of tool and machinery room on an aircraft carrier. I am also left with the vague sense that new person in that room is the actor Edward James Olmos but that person is really only an indistinct figure. The dream at this part seems to be that I am getting the lock taken off me and I can visualize the lock as the kind of brass lock with the U-hinge that the U.S. Navy uses and the guy that had been attached to me as well as the other person in the room both have a large set of keys and they are trying to figure out which key will open the lock. I look down and read that there is a '9913' stamped on the lock that restrains me and it is that Olmos-figure that has the key stamped '9913' and that does indeed unlock my lock. I don't remember anything else after that in the dream and I guess that is when I woke up and got out of bed.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 08/03/09 1:15 PM
the period of 3/4/1959 to 4/24/1986 is 9913 days.

Announcement of the Recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom

April 24, 1986

The President today announced his intention to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award of our government, at a luncheon to be held at the White House on May 12, 1986. The following individuals will be awarded this prestigious award by the President.

Ambassador Walter H. Annenberg, for his contributions in the fields of education, public service, philanthropy, and especially as the pioneer in the use of television for educational purposes.

Col. Earl H. (Red) Blaik, former head football coach at Dartmouth and the United States Military Academy, for his contributions in the fields of education and public service.

Senator Barry Goldwater, for his contributions in the field of public service and national interests of the United States.

Miss Helen Hayes, actress, for her contributions in the field of the arts and entertainment and other significant public endeavors.

Gen. Matthew Ridgway, distinguished military hero, for his contributions to the security and national interest of the United States.

Mr. Vermont Royster, journalist, for his contributions in the fields of journalism and communications.

Dr. Albert Sabin, physician and scientist, for his contributions in the fields of education and science.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 08/03/09 1:19 PM

William J. Clinton

XLII President of the United States: 1993-2001

Remarks Honoring the National Volunteer Action Awards Recipients

April 22, 1994

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I'm sorry we're starting a little bit late, but there are worse places to spend an extra half an hour on a beautiful spring day than here in the Rose Garden. We're delighted to see all of you here.

I'm proud to celebrate the close of National Volunteer Week, 1994, with you and with the individuals and organizations we honor today for their extraordinary service, from among the more than 95 million Americans who give of themselves to help other people every year.

This afternoon we'll hear stories of ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things all over our country, ranging from little children to noted doctors, from small neighborhood organizations to one of our Nation's largest corporations, from a refugee who barely escaped the fall of Saigon to men and women whose families have belonged to the American middle class for generations. Our honorees have confronted gangs and comforted the sick. They've tutored children, fed families, planted trees, and built homes. As they have helped to rebuild their communities, they've shown each of us what can be done when all of us join together.

We know that communities have never been built with brick and mortar alone. Our communities are a product of common effort and common connections to neighbors with whom we share a city block or country road.

Community service is neither a program nor a panacea; it really is a way we live our lives. It stems from a refusal to accept things as they are, a personal commitment to make them better and to help our fellow men and women, boys and girls live up to their God-given potential.

Service, like life, is a series of challenges. Thirty-three years ago, almost exactly on this day, President Kennedy spoke of this challenge when he announced the first Peace Corps project. His challenge in that example inspired many, many members of my generation. In just a few months our Nation's and our generation's answer to history's challenge will begin working in communities all across America. They'll be members of AmeriCorps, our new national service initiative. They won't replace the efforts we honor today, but they will expand them. Working mainly through local nonprofit groups, AmeriCorps will provide the kind of commitment and energy and daring that makes heroes and communities and that makes a difference.

Robert Kennedy perhaps said it best 28 years ago in Cape Town, South Africa. He said, "Each time someone," and I quote, "stands up for an ideal or acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls."

To those we honor today, thank you for your courage and your daring. To paraphrase Robert Frost, you took the road less traveled. And it has made all the difference. I ask that each of you stay on the road to public service and voluntarism, because you can continue to make a difference.

Here in Washington we are working as hard as we know how to move this country in the right direction and to pull the American people together, to reach across the many divides that separate us from one another so that once again we can become one people and one community burning with a common desire to move into the next century still the greatest nation on Earth, still the greatest hope for children here at home and around the world.

Eli Segal, the Director of our national service program, and my good friend Edward James Olmos, in their different ways exemplify that ideal. I thank them for being here today and for leading this endeavor. I thank all of you for what you have done. And I ask that today we rededicate ourselves to the principle that the Government cannot solve all the problems in America and that in the end, the Government is just another organization of the rest of us. And we have to do it in whatever way we can wherever we live.

Thank you very much.


JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 Posted by H.V.O.M at 2:24 PM

A-list women celebrate their own in Hollywood

Oct 7, 12:49 PM (ET)


Elle's annual dinner pays tribute to women "who are telling our stories" in Hollywood, said editor Roberta Myers. This year's honorees included Berry, Fonda, Kidman, Anne Hathaway, Sigourney Weaver, Isla Fisher and director Catherine Hardwicke - all of whom are featured in the magazine's November issue.

"Someday hopefully it won't be necessary to allocate a special evening to celebrate where we are and how far we've come," Weaver said. "Someday women writers, producers and crew members will be so commonplace, and roles and salaries for actresses will outstrip those for men, and pigs will fly."


JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 10/06/08 7:23 PM

but I got no where to fly to





Original Airdate (SciFi): 25-MAR-2007

Cottle: What's going on? You're both freaking out at the same time?

Roslin: We need a moment. [Indicating her IV] Take this off. Get this off me, please.

Cottle: Will somebody please tell me what the hell is going on?


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

The Terminator: The Skynet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes on-line August 4th, 1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.