This Is What I Think.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Battlestar Galactica - The Captain's Hand (2006)

The 2/17/2006, and its extraordinary implications, episode of "The Captain's Hand" of the "Battlestar Galactica" television series has dialog referring to a distance of "40 SU's" as the location of the distress call from "Buster" the "Raptor" pilot.

I do not know if the distance of "SU" is defined in the literary work of the television series but it if represent "Solar Unit" then that could be the literary equivalent of an astronomical unit here on planet Earth.

A distance of 40 AU is over 3.7 billion miles. That is much greated than the minimum distance of 0.9 billion miles I traveled to land at the territory of the planet Saturn.

I definitely had not watched that episode in 2009 and I only recently watched it on DVD. I watch it again now and I wonder if there is something going on similar to the work I created to represent the "V'Ger" spacecraft in the 1979 film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" and because that literary creation represents that I knew something was going to happen in the future that is very close to what that work describes and I am not the only one that is being communicated to by that intelligence as it approaches the planet Earth.

Is it being sinister or just demonstrating that I taught it to have a sense of humor?

Does it matter now?

Has not humanity, at this point, demonstated that humanity does not want to survive.

Humanity has demonstrated the lack of will to survive. This fact is now incontrovertible.