This Is What I Think.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Railroad tracks

There are railroad tracks, according to the map, near the point on the map that is labeled Stampede Pass.

Today I have been thinking that a post-1994 version of Kerry Burgess arrived to talk to Tom Reagan just an hour before the flight and told him that he must make the flight because there were extraterrestrials in space nearby that were monitoring the flight and the flight itself was of no consequence to the them but the event was more of a handshaking event among my group and that group. Tom Reagan had encountered that Future Kerry Burgess before, in the year 1987, and the Future Kerry Burgess showed him, with amusement, his drivers license identification card that was from Washington State and that was issued after the year 2000. That detail was especially interesting because Tom Reagan materialized on the summit of Stampede Pass and he showed up well over one day after the crash had occurred although to him the transition was almost instantaneous and even his wristwatch still showed the time relative to before he materialized after the crash. Before he left for the flight, Tom Reagan took a intravenous blood sample from the hand of that future Kerry Burgess and sent it courier to a special laboratory where he was conducting research and during the flight one of the scientists that works at the lab for Tom made an emergency call to Tom while he was the pilot of the L-1011 Stargazer aircraft and told him, not knowing where the blood came from, that Tom had found the key to the vaccine they were trying to create. The aircraft was destroyed a short while later because saboteurs had infected the aircraft's computer with a computer virus.