This Is What I Think.

Friday, July 02, 2010

Bill Gates-Barack Hussein Obama-Microsoft-Corbis the International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States of America

----- Original Message ----
From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 1:30:09 PM
Subject: Bill Gates-Barack Hussein Obama-Microsoft-Corbis the International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States of America


From: Kerry W. Burgess (official United States Marshals Service federal undercover identity created to investigate and prosecute and convict the criminal activity against the legitimate operations of the United States Department of Defense and against the legitimate operations of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; an identity completely compromised by forces hostile to the United States of America)


1-11 - Colonial Day 01/10/05



Original Airdate: March 18, 2005 (USA)

Helo: I've been trying to make sense out of the two women we saw with the Cylons.

Caprica Boomer: And?

Helo: I can't fathom why anybody would wanna help the toasters. And they just happened to be twins? That's too weird.

Caprica Boomer: You got a better explanation?

Helo: You think the Cylons could be messing with human D.N.A.? Cloning people or something?

Caprica Boomer: Could be.

Helo: That would explain how they took us by surprise. They had these replicated humans infiltrating the colonies laying the groundwork for a surprise attack.

Caprica Boomer: You know, if they were human clones that means they're capable of-- of complex emotions, maybe even love. Maybe they were misguided in the way they were indoctrinated, but—

Helo: Whatever they are, they're not human. No human could do the things that they've done. Killed billions of innocent people. They've gotta be fraking Cylons, just like the rest of them.

Courts-martial in the United States

Courts-martial in the United States are criminal trials conducted by the Military of the United States. Most commonly, courts-martial are convened to try members of the U.S. military for violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which is the U.S. military's criminal code. However, they can also be convened for other purposes, including military tribunals and the enforcement of martial law in an occupied territory. Courts-martial are governed by the rules of procedure and evidence laid out in the Manual for Courts-Martial and Military Rules of Evidence, respectively.

a military judge determines questions of law, and the members of the panel (or military judge in a judge-alone case) determine questions of fact.

From 6/19/1968 ( my 1st United States Navy Medal of Honor date of record and I am United States military fighter jet ace-in-single-day during Vietnam War ) to 5/1/1973 ( my graduation from University of Oxford at Lincoln College includes law degree ) is: 1777 days

From 5/1/1973 ( my graduation from University of Oxford at Lincoln College includes law degree ) to 3/13/1978 ( United States Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan United States Navy ) is: 1777 days

From 9/2/1974 ( I returned to planet Earth after my 18 January 1974 first landing planet Venus ) To 6/7/1976 ( my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to me and my wife ) is 644 days

From 6/7/1976 ( my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to me and my wife ) To 3/13/1978 ( United States Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan United States Navy ) is 644 days

General of the Armies

General of the Armies and General of the Armies of the United States are the highest possible ranks in the United States Army.

After World War II, which saw the introduction of U.S. "5-star" officers who outranked Washington, both Congress and the President revisited the issue of Washington's rank. To maintain George Washington's proper position as the first Commanding General of the United States Army, he was appointed, posthumously, to the grade of General of the Armies of the United States by congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 January 19, 1976, approved by President Gerald R. Ford on October 11, 1976. The law established the grade as having "rank and precedence over all other grades of the Army, past or present,"clearly making it superior to General of the Army. The Department of the Army Order 31-3, issued on March 13, 1978 had an effective appointment date of July 4, 1976. The rank ensures that no United States military officer outranks George Washington

Fleet Admiral (United States)

Fleet Admiral of the United States Navy (FADM), or more commonly referred to as Fleet Admiral, is a five-star flag officer rank and is presently considered the highest possible rank in the United States Navy.

The insignia for Fleet Admiral comprises five stars in a pentagon design with a thick rank stripe, below four smaller stripes, on the service dress blue uniform.

The Fleet Admiral rank is reserved for war-time use only


1-11 - Colonial Day 01/10/05



Original Airdate: March 18, 2005 (USA)

Cloud 9 – Party Hall

McManus: We’re here with Dr. Gaius , representative of Caprica. Doctor , I have one question. Is President Roslin's political career terminal, or is there hope of resuscitating it?

Baltar: Laura Roslin's political career is very much alive and to underestimate her would be a very serious mistake.

#6: You missed the limelight, don't you, Gaius?

Baltar: Yes, I have.

McManus: You have what, Dr. ?

Baltar: Nothing-- you were saying?

McManus: Yes, so you seriously believe that this schoolteacher is able to handle the job of Presidency?

From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 6/19/1975 ( introduction of United States of America congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 General of the Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan United States Navy ) is: 4356 days

4356 = 2178 + 2178

From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 2/17/1965 ( I am active duty United States Navy SEAL ) is: 2178 days

From 9/2/1965 ( my first day as university student and graduate student instructor at Princeton University where I earned Medical Doctor degree ) to 6/19/1975 ( introduction of United States of America congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 General of the Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan United States Navy ) is: 3577 days

From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 5/1/1973 ( my graduation from University of Oxford at Lincoln College includes law degree ) is: 3577 days

From 11/16/1973 ( I was Skylab 4 space station astronaut entering orbit of planet Earth before leaving orbit for my 18 January 1974 first landing on planet Venus ) To 9/2/1974 ( I returned to planet Earth after my 18 January 1974 first landing planet Venus ) is 290 days

From 9/2/1974 ( I returned to planet Earth after my 18 January 1974 first landing planet Venus ) To 6/19/1975 ( introduction of United States of America congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 General of the Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan United States Navy ) is 290 days

From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 6/19/1975 ( introduction of United States congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 General of the Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan United States Navy ) is: 4356 days

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 2/5/1971 ( I was Apollo 14 Antares command astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) is: 4356 days

From 5/22/1969 ( I was Apollo 10 spacecraft astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) To 6/19/1975 ( introduction of United States congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 General of the Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan United States Navy ) is 2219 days

From 6/19/1975 ( introduction of United States congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 General of the Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan United States Navy ) To 7/16/1981 ( my wife ) is 2219 days


Title: Joint resolution to provide for the appointment of George Washington to the grade of General of the Armies of the United States.

Sponsor: Rep Biaggi, Mario [NY-10] (introduced 6/19/1975)

Cosponsors (None)

Latest Major Action: 10/11/1976 Public law 94-479.

General of the Armies

General of the Armies and General of the Armies of the United States are the highest possible ranks in the United States Army.

After World War II, which saw the introduction of U.S. "5-star" officers who outranked Washington, both Congress and the President revisited the issue of Washington's rank. To maintain George Washington's proper position as the first Commanding General of the United States Army, he was appointed, posthumously, to the grade of General of the Armies of the United States by congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 January 19, 1976, approved by President Gerald R. Ford on October 11, 1976. The law established the grade as having "rank and precedence over all other grades of the Army, past or present,"clearly making it superior to General of the Army. The Department of the Army Order 31-3, issued on March 13, 1978 had an effective appointment date of July 4, 1976. The rank ensures that no United States military officer outranks George Washington


1-11 - Colonial Day 01/10/05



Original Airdate: March 18, 2005 (USA)

Astral Queen

Zarek: Citizens of the Twelve colonies, I am humbled and moved by this great honor. I will be a voice for those who have gone too long unheard by a government that serves only the privileged and the powerful. That turns a blind eye to the needs of the weak and the poor. But Roslin and her confederates will no longer be able to ignore us. People of the fleet, look up. The winds of change are blowing. A new era is about to dawn.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 02/28/09 8:46 AM
That damned restaraunt next to the bank hardly even bothered to cook my breakfast. It was digusting. The other waitress that I told about because the order waitress had not come back by said something about the cooks needing to drink coffee. That place always creeps me out anyway with those people in there but goddamnit I am sick of having to eat the same thing all the time.


JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 12/28/07 9:31 AM
A zombie made a comment a few minutes earlier at McDonalds that I overheard suggesting I was waiting for my "space meal."


JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/15/08 12:47 PM

I started laughing and then I actually threw up into the sink, which is puzzling. My stomach felt all right and I don't understand what caused me to throw up.


JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/09/08 2:36 PM

I think it was yesterday morning on the employees there said something creepy to me about it.


I have never even SEEN any of these people

/09 1: PM
I go into some place I have never even been before and I cannot



1-03 - Bastille Day 11/01/04



Original Airdate: January 21, 2005 (USA)

Zarek: Son of Zeus. Good with a bow, god of the hunt... and also a god of healing. Now, a god can reconcile those two opposing forces. But a mortal has to pick one side or the other. Have you picked a side, Apollo?

Gaeta: (on comms) Astral Queen, Astral Queen, this is the Battlestar Galactica. Commander Adama wishes to speak to Mr. Zarek. Please, respond

Zarek: Zeus is calling. (on comms) Commander Adama, Tom Zarek. How can I help you?


1-11 - Colonial Day 01/10/05



Original Airdate: March 18, 2005 (USA)

Bagot: There is only one man here who is willing to work for the betterment of the people in this fleet. When I asked for his help, he sent a crew to fix the air filtration system on my ship and hell, they were finished and they were gone while I was still waiting for the President's office to return my call. I nominate Tom Zarek.

Zarek: Thank you.

Roslin: Is there a second?

Porter: Geminon seconds the nomination.

Roslin: The nomination of Tom Zarek for the Vice Presidency has been accepted.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 12:23:48 PM

Subject: Re: Journal June 21, 2006

Kerry Burgess wrote:

Hell, if Microsoft, especially Bill Gates, enjoyed my work with Operation Opera so much, I'm certain a live demonstration could be arranged in Redmond. I like those X-shaped building; the v-shaped sides make good aim points. Give them an opportunity to hear the fat lady sing. A 2000 pound fat lady.


JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 12:23:48 PM

Subject: Re: Journal June 21, 2006

Kerry Burgess wrote:

A failure of diplomacy.

So many Microsoft buildings, so few wing pylons.



1-11 - Colonial Day 01/10/05



Original Airdate: March 18, 2005 (USA)

Colonial one

Roslin: Thomas Zarek is not going to be my Vice President.

Billy: Six months until the Presidential election, we could have hand-picked a candidate.

Gray: You know, it didn't shock me when Bagot nominated him. But Porter, that was surprising.

Roslin: Not really, the Geminon ships use more water per capita than any other ships in the fleet. She wanted more rations, I said no.

Gray: Well, Zarek may have made some new friends in the last few weeks, but there are still plenty of people out there who hate him.

Apollo: Don't underestimate Zarek. He's charismatic and knows which buttons to push. And frankly, Madame President, I am concerned about the security aboard Cloud 9.

Roslin: I want you leaning forward on this, Captain. If they so much as sneeze, they'd better have a handkerchief.

Apollo: Understood.

Roslin: We need a candidate. Someone who will quickly win the delegates' support.

Billy: An established name.

Gray: I'm not a politician.

Roslin: But you know how to get things done. You have kept this fleet functioning all this time.

Gray: No. Thanks, but...

Roslin: I cannot allow Tom Zarek to be one heartbeat away from the presidency, Wally. I need you.

Gray: You've got me, Madame President.

Cloud 9 -Park

Playa: How can we reassure people that you're looking out for their interests, as opposed to the rehabilitation of Tom Zarek?

Zarek: That's a great question, Playa. This is how I see it, we're facing a situation so unique, so specific, that I believe we need not only new leadership but a whole new way of thinking.

Hamilton: Like blowing up a building or two.

[ Barack Hussein Obama the cowardly violent criminal has never been a legal citizen of the United States of America & Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white people and the cowardly violent criminal and the Domestic Terrorist violently against the United States federal government & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis the International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States federal government actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis & Gary Locke & Barack Hussein Obama staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely
Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]




Sec. 2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death

and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.


Houston Chronicle Archives

"I'm sure it's not lost on anyone that we've tried this a couple of times," Obama said with a smile as he introduced Locke.

From 8/15/1964 ( Melinda French Gates the International Terrorist violently against the United States federal government actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the United States of America ) To 2/25/2009 ( Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white people & Barack Hussein the cowardly violent criminal & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 16265 days

16265 = 8132 + 8133

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 6/7/1981 ( my 3rd United States Navy Medal of Honor hijacked from me and the Iraq-Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush Baghdad Osirak terrorist nuclear weapons construction site destroyed by Israeli Air Force with my personal assistance as a United States federal military officer and F-16 Falcon pilot flying combat to destroy the Iraq-Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush Baghdad Osirak terrorist nuclear weapons construction site ) is 8132 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 6/8/1981 ( I was American Prisoner of War in Iraq after I single-handedly this day averted the planned nuclear strike contingency to finish the destruction of Iraq-Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush Baghdad Osirak terrorist nuclear weapons construction site before my F-16 Falcon fighter bomber jet was destroyed by enemy antiaircraft fire and I was captured in Iraq as hospitalized and then tortured to get me to admit I am American but I did not admit that I was American while held as Prisoner of War in Iraq in 1981 or again in Libya in 1986 ) is 8133 days

From 12/7/1998 ( D-Day:my official United States federal special undercover operation as United States Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan consistent with prevailing strategic orders from 1981 and earlier and United Nations sponsored operation to prosecute and convict the Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Al Qaeda alliance of which all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis staff partners employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity are willing allies of the severely treasonous Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Al Qaeda alliance including the criminal support infrastructure of Olympia Washington- Seattle King County Washington States including other severely treasonous regions of the United States including the guaranteed prosecution and conviction of George Bush & Barack Hussein Obama the established national traitors against the US federal government and their severely treasonous criminal conspirators ) To 2/25/2009 ( Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white
people & Barack Hussein the cowardly violent criminal & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 3733 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 5/22/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 10 "Snoopy" spacecraft astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) is 3733 days

From 6/22/1949 ( Lindsay Wagner ) To 2/25/2009 ( Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white people & Barack Hussein the cowardly violent criminal & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 21798 days

21798 = 10899 + 10899

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 1/4/1989 ( the 2nd Gulf of Sidra incident and I was the United States Navy F-14 Tomcat pilot targeted by hostile fire from Bill Gates-Libyan-Microsoft-George Bush-Communist forces during this World War 3 battle against the United States federal government ) is 10899 days

From 10/8/1949 ( Sigourney Weaver ) To 2/25/2009 ( Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white people & Barack Hussein the cowardly violent criminal & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 21690 days

21690 = 10845 + 10845

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 11/11/1988 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Iron Eagle II" ) is 10845 days

From 5/21/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I am Princeton University Medical Doctor degree graduate ) To 2/25/2009 ( Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white people & Barack Hussein the cowardly violent criminal & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 14525 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 4/22/2003 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US TV series pilot "Navy NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service" - "JAG"::"Ice Queen" ) is 14525 days

From 2/25/2009 ( Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white people & Barack Hussein the cowardly violent criminal & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) To 9/16/2010 ( the widely published final launch of the United States space shuttle & Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization that is United States NASA & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis the International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States federal government actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 568 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 9/21/1960 ( David James Elliott ) is 568 days

From 12/12/2008 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "The Day the Earth Stood Still" ) To 2/25/2009 ( Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white people & Barack Hussein the cowardly violent criminal & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 75 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 9/29/1963 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US TV series "My Favorite Martian" ) is 75 days

From 8/29/1970 ( date hijacked from me:first flight McDonnell Douglas DC-10 jet transport aircraft and I was primary test pilot for the first flight and for the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 jet transport aircraft test program and I was civilian executive of McDonnell Douglas aircraft corporation ) To 2/25/2009 ( Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white people & Barack Hussein the cowardly violent criminal & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 14060 days

14060 = 7030 + 7030

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 6/2/1978 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Capricorn One" ) is 7030 days

From 7/21/1979 ( date hijacked from me:my wife Phoebe and I are married ) To 2/25/2009 ( Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white people & Barack Hussein the cowardly violent criminal & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 10812 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 10/8/1988 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US TV series "Superboy" ) is 10812 days

From 2/25/2009 ( Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white people & Barack Hussein the cowardly violent criminal & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) To 5/15/2053 ( date hijacked from me:fictional date setting 7 January 1996 US TV series episode "Space: Above And Beyond"::"Who Monitors the Birds?" - "Cooper Hawkes" ) is 16150 days

16150 = 8075 + 8075

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 4/12/1981 ( date hijacked from me:I was the commander aboard the United States STS-1 Columbia spacecraft as United States Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan ) is 8075 days

From 5/13/1983 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Blue Thunder" ) To 2/25/2009 ( Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white people & Barack Hussein the cowardly violent criminal & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 9420 days

9420 = 4710 + 4710

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 6/7/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to me ) is 4710 days

From 8/1/1980 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "The Final Countdown" features central figure US Navy Commander "Richard T. Owens" as USS Nimitz CVN 68 Commander Air Group and US Navy F-14 Tomcat pilot and time traveler ) To 2/25/2009 ( Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white people & Barack Hussein the cowardly violent criminal & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 10435 days

10435 = 5217 + 5218

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 6/15/1973 ( Neil Patrick Harris ) is 5217 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 6/15/1973 ( Neil Patrick Harris ) is 5218 days

From 6/15/1973 ( Neil Patrick Harris ) To 2/25/2009 ( Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white people & Barack Hussein the cowardly violent criminal & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 13039 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 3/28/1999 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US TV series "Futurama"::series premiere episode "Space Pilot 3000" ) is 13039 days

From 1/29/1940 ( date hijacked from me:actress Katharine Ross central figure 1980 film "The Final Countdown" as "Laurel Scott" ) To 2/25/2009 ( Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white people & Barack Hussein the cowardly violent criminal & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 25230 days

25230 = 12615 + 12615

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 9/16/1993 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US TV series "Frasier" features central figure "Dr. Frasier Crane" as talk-show psychiatrist on Seattle local radio ) is 12615 days

From 1/25/1970 ( premiere US film "MASH" features starring figure United States Army "Dr. Benjamin 'Hawkeye' Pierce" ) To 2/25/2009 ( Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white people & Barack Hussein the cowardly violent criminal & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 14276 days

14276 = 7138 + 7138

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 9/17/1978 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US TV series "Battlestar Galactica"::series premiere episode "Saga of a Star World" features central figures "Apollo" and "Starbuck" as fighter pilots in space ) is 7138 days

From 12/25/1973 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Magnum Force" ) To 2/25/2009 ( Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white people & Barack Hussein the cowardly violent criminal & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 12846 days

12846 = 6423 + 6423

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 10/3/1976 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US TV series "Quincy M.E." features central figure "Dr. R. Quincy, M.E." as forensic coroner ) is 6423 days

From 2/25/2009 ( Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white people & Barack Hussein the cowardly violent criminal & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) To 6/23/2010 ( --- ) is 483 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 6/28/1960 ( premiere US film "Murder, Inc." ) is 483 days

From 2/25/2009 ( Gary Locke the racist criminal who hates all white people & Barack Hussein the cowardly violent criminal & Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) To 6/23/2010 ( --- ) is 483 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 6/29/1960 ( United States NASA discontinues operations of the first weather satellite - Tiros 1 ) is 483 days


Houston Chronicle Archives



Thu 02/26/2009

Houston Chronicle

Commerce nominee: Former Gov. Gary Locke of Washington state on Wednesday entered a political gantlet that had felled two other prominent politicians as President Barack Obama formally tapped him as the latest nominee for secretary of commerce. "I'm sure it's not lost on anyone that we've tried this a couple of times," Obama said with a smile as he introduced Locke.


A kleptocracy (sometimes cleptocracy) (root: klepto+kratein = rule by thieves) is a government that extends the personal wealth and political power of government officials and the ruling class (collectively, kleptocrats) at the expense of the population. A kleptocratic government often goes beyond merely awarding the prime contracts and civil service posts to friends (a common feature of corrupt governments[citation needed]). They also create projects and programs at a policy level which serve the primary purpose of funnelling money out of the treasury and into the pockets of the executive with little if any regard for the logic, viability or necessity of those projects.

The creation of a kleptocracy powered by dictatorship typically results in many years of general hardship and suffering for the vast majority of citizens, as civil society and the rule of law disintegrate. In addition, kleptocrats routinely ignore economic and social problems in their quest to amass ever more wealth and power.

The protection society has against kleptocracy is largely dependent on the effectiveness of the rule of law to prevent political leaders abusing their powers, the free flow of information (necessary to properly identify kleptocrats) and ability of the population to remove corrupt leaders from office. Many such protections are included in legal documents such as a constitution or a bill of rights and are also found in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 17. Many countries have these protections, on paper; in many cases, the rules have not been enforced. The imposition of a government on property rights may not be limited to taxation, licenses, and eminent domain and may extend to outright nationalization of privately held property if left unchecked by the rule of law.

United States Secret Service

The United States Secret Service is a United States federal law enforcement agency that is part of the United States Department of Homeland Security. The sworn members are divided among the Special Agents and the Uniformed Division. Until March 1, 2003, the Service was part of the United States Department of Treasury.

The US Secret Service has two distinct areas of responsibility:

Treasury roles, covering missions such as prevention and investigation of counterfeiting of US currency and US treasury bonds notes and investigation of major fraud.