This Is What I Think.

Friday, July 02, 2010

The Arrow of Apollo

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Fri, May 19, 2006 10:02:20 AM

Subject: Re: Star Trek: TNG: Time's Arrow, June 15, 1992

Kerry Burgess wrote:
I've started thinking about the similarities between my father and step-brother and Picards brother and nephew. And there's the image of movie poster from Generations that I just saw: two captains, one destiny. There's the "major" that shows up, I hear people stressing something about "marine air." What does it mean? I'm getting this weird sense that I have a wife and maybe even kid(s) somewhere, which troubles me somewhat. If that is true I hope my memory clicks into place somewhere along the line and I don't have to see them as strangers. It feels weird.



2-03 - Fragged 07/29/05



Original Airdate (SciFi): 29-JUL-05

Caprica-Baltar's House (Daydream)

Baltar: It's all so pointless. We kill them. And they kill us. So we kill more of them. They kill more of us. What's the point anymore?

#6: You and your...race invented murder. Invented killing for sport, greed, envy. It's man's one true art form.

Baltar: You've done some killing of your own, I think.

#6: Yes, well,we're you're children. You taught us well.

Baltar: Why does god want to bring a child into this kind of world anyway?

#6: Because, despite everything, despite all of it, he still wants to offer you salvation. Our child will bring that salvation, but only if you accept your role as her father. And her guardian.