This Is What I Think.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis the International Terrorist Organization violently against the space program and the United States of America

----- Original Message ----
From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Sun, July 4, 2010 1:28:10 PM
Subject: Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis the International Terrorist Organization violently against the space program and the United States of America


From: Kerry W. Burgess (official United States Marshals Service federal undercover identity created to investigate and prosecute and convict the criminal activity against the legitimate operations of the United States Department of Defense and against the legitimate operations of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; an identity completely compromised by forces hostile to the United States of America)

Official Website of the UNITED STATES NAVY

090731-N-1325N-001 KITSAP, Wash. (July 31, 2009) The Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine USS Alabama (SSBN 731) cycles it's missile hatches during the ships return from a deterrent patrol while the tugs Catahecassa and Mitchell Herbert guide the submarine to be moored at the Delta Pier on board Naval Base Kitsap. (U.S. Navy photo by Ray Narimatsu/Released)


Bart Gets an Elephant

Original airdate in N.A.: 31-Mar-94

Bart is inexorable: "Uh, Gentlemen, I am not leaving without my elephant." But he and Homer are both tossed out anyway. "Where's my elephant?" Bart demands at the window repeatedly. The DJs close the window, but over the song they play next, Bart's queries can still be heard faintly. At the Springfield Retirement Castle, Abe notes, "Hey, they're playing the elephant song!" Jasper loves that; it reminds him of elephants. Kent Brockman even editorializes, "So isn't that what we're all asking in our own lives -- 'where's my elephant?' I know that's what I've been asking."

Courts-martial in the United States

Courts-martial in the United States are criminal trials conducted by the Military of the United States. Most commonly, courts-martial are convened to try members of the U.S. military for violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which is the U.S. military's criminal code. However, they can also be convened for other purposes, including military tribunals and the enforcement of martial law in an occupied territory. Courts-martial are governed by the rules of procedure and evidence laid out in the Manual for Courts-Martial and Military Rules of Evidence, respectively.

a military judge determines questions of law, and the members of the panel (or military judge in a judge-alone case) determine questions of fact.

From 6/19/1968 ( my 1st United States Navy Medal of Honor date of record and I am United States military fighter jet ace-in-single-day during Vietnam War ) to 5/1/1973 ( my graduation from University of Oxford at Lincoln College includes law degree ) is: 1777 days

From 5/1/1973 ( my graduation from University of Oxford at Lincoln College includes law degree ) to 3/13/1978 ( United States Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan United States Navy ) is: 1777 days

From 9/2/1974 ( I returned to planet Earth after my 18 January 1974 first landing planet Venus ) To 6/7/1976 ( my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to me and my wife ) is 644 days

From 6/7/1976 ( my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to me and my wife ) To 3/13/1978 ( United States Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan United States Navy ) is 644 days

General of the Armies

General of the Armies and General of the Armies of the United States are the highest possible ranks in the United States Army.

After World War II, which saw the introduction of U.S. "5-star" officers who outranked Washington, both Congress and the President revisited the issue of Washington's rank. To maintain George Washington's proper position as the first Commanding General of the United States Army, he was appointed, posthumously, to the grade of General of the Armies of the United States by congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 January 19, 1976, approved by President Gerald R. Ford on October 11, 1976. The law established the grade as having "rank and precedence over all other grades of the Army, past or present,"clearly making it superior to General of the Army. The Department of the Army Order 31-3, issued on March 13, 1978 had an effective appointment date of July 4, 1976. The rank ensures that no United States military officer outranks George Washington

Fleet Admiral (United States)

Fleet Admiral of the United States Navy (FADM), or more commonly referred to as Fleet Admiral, is a five-star flag officer rank and is presently considered the highest possible rank in the United States Navy.

The insignia for Fleet Admiral comprises five stars in a pentagon design with a thick rank stripe, below four smaller stripes, on the service dress blue uniform.

The Fleet Admiral rank is reserved for war-time use only

Operation Praying Mantis

Operation Praying Mantis was an April 18, 1988 attack by U.S. naval forces in retaliation for the Iranian mining of the Persian Gulf and the subsequent damage to an American warship.

On April 14, the guided missile frigate USS Samuel B. Roberts struck a mine while deployed in the Persian Gulf as part of Operation Earnest Will, the 1987-88 convoy missions in which U.S. warships escorted reflagged Kuwaiti oil tankers to protect them from Iranian attacks. The explosion put a 25-foot hole in the Roberts' hull and nearly sank it. The crew saved their ship with no loss of life, and Roberts was towed to Dubai on April 16.

After the mining, U.S. Navy divers recovered other mines in the area. When the serial numbers were found to match those of mines seized along with the Iran Ajr the previous September, U.S. military officials planned a retaliatory operation against Iranian targets in the Persian Gulf.

The battle, the largest for American naval forces since World War II, sank two Iranian warships and three armed speedboats. It also marked the first anti-ship surface-to-surface missile engagement in U.S. Navy history.

The attack by the U.S. helped pressure Iran to agree to a ceasefire with Iraq later that summer, ending the eight-year conflict between the Persian Gulf neighbors.

U.S. naval order of battle

Officer in Tactical Command: Commander Joint Task Force Middle East (aboard USS Coronado)

Battle Group Commander: Commander, Cruiser/Destroyer Group Three (aboard USS Enterprise)

Surface Action Group Charlie

OSC: CO, USS Wainwright

USS Wainwright (DLG/CG-28) - guided missile cruiser

USS Bagley (FF-1069) - frigate

USS Simpson (FFG-56) - guided missile frigate

SEAL platoon

New Kids on the Blecch

Original Airdate on FOX: 25-Feb-2001

% Bart asks everyone to "ball-walk," and the audience does so. In Lt.
% Smash's mind the children, dancing in unison, turn into soldiers
% marching in formation. They do battle with hippies riding a giant
% praying mantis. The hippies, shouting anti-American slogans, fire
% flowers back at the soldiers. One man takes a hit.
% One of Smash's superior officers jolts him back to reality.

Admiral: Lieutenant! Lt. Smash!

Smash: Oh, Admiral.

Admiral: That hippie fantasy again?

Smash: They're getting less frequent, sir.

Admiral: Excellent.


Naval Vessel Register

Class: CG 26
Status: Disposed of in support of Fleet training exercise

Award Date: 05/18/1961
Keel Date: 07/02/1962
Launch Date: 04/25/1964
Commission Date: 01/08/1966
Decommission Date: 11/15/1993

William J. Clinton

XLII President of the United States: 1993 - 2001

Proclamation 6794 - Loyalty Day, 1995

April 29, 1995

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Our country's rich diversity of peoples and cultures has been called "the noble experiment." From its beginnings, our great democracy has guaranteed its citizens the blessings of freedom and the right of self-determination. Each year, with the coming of spring and the rebirth of nature, we pause to consider the progress of our Nation and to reaffirm our allegiance to the American experiment.

Two hundred and twenty years ago in Lexington, Massachusetts, a ragged group of colonial Americans faced a column of British soldiers. As the smoke cleared from the "shot heard round the world," eight American "Minutemen" lay dead—their blood spilled along the path to a new Nation on this soil. Their gift of freedom is held sacred to this day.

All Americans can be proud of the heritage of courage and sacrifice that has extended unbroken through generations of our citizens. The success of the United States today is seen both in our continued prosperity and strength and in our role as an international beacon of liberty. As we recall those who gave their lives for our freedom, we see our Nation's history reflected in their ranks—from the tireless "Minutemen" in Lexington to the brave men and women who fought in the Persian Gulf. These fine citizens, along with their families and those who have served on the home front, deserve our profound respect and gratitude. Let history forever record our loyalty to their legacy.

The Congress, by Public Law 85-529, has designated May 1 of each year as "Loyalty Day." We spend this day in celebration of our Constitution and our precious Bill of Rights and in honor of the sacrifices that have enabled this great charter to endure.

Now, Therefore, I, William J. Clinton, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 1, 1995, as Loyalty Day. I call upon all Americans to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities, including public recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States. I also call upon government officials to display the flag on all government buildings and grounds on this day.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-ninth day of April, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and ninety-five, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and nineteenth.


[ Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis the International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States federal government actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]

From 5/1/1995 ( ignoring lawful orders from United States of America National Command Authority and also unknown to the assigned command crew who acted to carry out those lawful orders from United States of America National Command Authority I personally prevented a United States Navy fleet ballistic missile submarine from launching a salvo of nuclear warheads to destroy Seattle Washington and Redmond Washington and the surrounding region ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 2187 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 2/26/1965 ( premiere US TV series episode "Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C."::"Old Man Carter" ) is 2187 days

From 5/1/1995 ( ignoring lawful orders from United States of America National Command Authority and also unknown to the assigned command crew who acted to carry out those lawful orders from United States of America National Command Authority I personally prevented a United States Navy fleet ballistic missile submarine from launching a salvo of nuclear warheads to destroy Seattle Washington and Redmond Washington and the surrounding region ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 2187 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 2/27/1965 ( premiere US TV series episode "Flipper"::"Flipper and the Elephant - Part 1" ) is 2187 days

From 9/17/1963 ( premiere US TV series "The Fugitive"::series premiere episode "Fear in a Desert City" ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 13736 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 10/11/1996 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "The Ghost and the Darkness" ) is 13736 days

From 9/17/1963 ( premiere US TV series "The Fugitive"::series premiere episode "Fear in a Desert City" ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 13736 days

13736 = 6868 + 6868

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 12/21/1977 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "The Gauntlet" ) is 6868 days

From 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) To 9/11/2001 ( New York City and Headquarters of the United States Department of Defense "The Pentagon" attacked by Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-George Bush with massive fatalities and destruction ) is 138 days

138 = 69 + 69

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 5/11/1959 ( Gerard Christopher ) is 69 days

From 5/1/1967 ( date hijacked from me:my first flight by myself as jet pilot and as active duty United States Naval Aviator and United States Astronaut ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 12414 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 2/26/1993 ( the first World Trade Center bombing by Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-George Bush with extensive damage and several fatalities ) is 12414 days

From 12/7/1941 ( United States Navy Pacific Fleet severely damaged in surprise attack at Pearl Harbor Hawaii with the loss of multiple warships including USS Arizona BB 39 and the loss of many aircraft and lives ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 21690 days

21690 = 10845 + 10845

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 11/11/1988 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Iron Eagle II" ) is 10845 days

From 11/12/1981 ( date hijacked from me:I was the commander aboard the United States STS-2 Columbia spacecraft as United States Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 7105 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 12/28/1982 ( United States Navy battleship USS New Jersey BB 62 commissioned into United States Navy service ) is 7105 days

From 11/10/1932 ( Roy Scheider ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 25004 days

25004 = 12502 + 12502

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 5/26/1993 ( premiere US TV movie "Without Warning: Terror in the Towers" ) is 12502 days

From 9/20/1968 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US TV series pilot "Hawaii Five-O" ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 11906 days

11906 = 5953 + 5953

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 6/20/1975 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Jaws" ) is: 5953 days

From 7/15/1988 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Die Hard" features central figure New York City Police Detective "John McClane" ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 4668 days

4668 = 2334 + 2334

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 7/24/1965 ( the first United States military aircraft is destroyed by enemy surface to air missile fire during Vietnam War ) is 2334 days

From 8/14/1987 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "No Way Out" ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 5004 days

5004 = 2502 + 2502

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 1/8/1966 ( United States Navy warship USS Wainwright DLG/CG 28 commissioned into United States Navy active service - departing in 1990 as United States Navy Fire Controlman Petty Officer 2nd Class the 2nd United States Navy fleet assignment beginning in July 1987 of Kerry Wayne Burgess ) is 2502 days

From 6/27/1994 ( I am the pilot and the only survivor of a plane crash that experienced several fatalities on that aircraft after the external mounted rocket-launched space satellite exploded under that aircraft due to continuing Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-NASA terrorism sabotage ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 2495 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 12/31/1965 ( premiere US TV series episode "Hogan's Heroes"::"Anchors Aweigh, Men of Stalag 13" ) is 2495 days

From 6/27/1994 ( Kerry Wayne Burgess - Deputy United States Marshal - killed in the line of duty - Lockheed Martin L-1011 aircraft passengers and crew murdered by Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-NASA-George Bush ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 2495 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 12/31/1965 ( premiere US TV series episode "Hogan's Heroes"::"Anchors Aweigh, Men of Stalag 13" ) is 2495 days

From 6/27/1994 ( I am the pilot and the only survivor of a plane crash that experienced several fatalities on that aircraft after the external mounted rocket-launched space satellite exploded under that aircraft due to continuing Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-NASA terrorism sabotage ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 2495 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 12/31/1965 ( premiere US TV series episode "Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C."::"Gomer Pyle, Civilian" ) is 2495 days

From 6/27/1994 ( Kerry Wayne Burgess - Deputy United States Marshal - killed in the line of duty - Lockheed Martin L-1011 aircraft passengers and crew murdered by Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-NASA-George Bush ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 2495 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 12/31/1965 ( premiere US TV series episode "Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C."::"Gomer Pyle, Civilian" ) is 2495 days

From 11/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me:my official United States federal undercover identity birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 12959 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 8/26/1994 ( premiere US film "Natural Born Killers" ) is 12959 days

From 11/2/1965 ( Kerry Wayne Burgess - Deputy United States Marshal ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 12959 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 8/26/1994 ( premiere US film "Natural Born Killers" ) is 12959 days

From 11/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me:my official United States federal undercover identity birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 12959 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 1/7/1999 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS - Microsoft Corporation announces the acquisition of computer games "MechWarrior" and "MechCommander" ) is 12959 days

From 11/2/1965 ( Kerry Wayne Burgess - Deputy United States Marshal ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 12959 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 1/7/1999 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS - Microsoft Corporation announces the acquisition of computer games "MechWarrior" and "MechCommander" ) is 12959 days

From 11/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me:my official United States federal undercover identity birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 12959 days

12959 = 6479 + 6480

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) to 11/28/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I launched from the Jupiter moon Callisto for Earth and home ) is: 6479 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 11/28/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I launched from the Jupiter moon Callisto for Earth and home ) is: 6480 days

From 11/2/1965 ( Kerry Wayne Burgess - Deputy United States Marshal ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 12959 days

12959 = 6479 + 6480

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) to 11/28/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I launched from the Jupiter moon Callisto for Earth and home ) is: 6479 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 11/28/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I launched from the Jupiter moon Callisto for Earth and home ) is: 6480 days

From 1/19/1976 ( date hijacked from me:United States of America congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 General of the Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as United States Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 9229 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 6/8/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Gremlins" starring my wife ) is 9229 days

From 1/19/1976 ( date hijacked from me:United States of America congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 General of the Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as United States Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 9229 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 10/21/1988 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Bat*21" ) is 9229 days

From 7/20/1960 ( launched from the United States Navy warship submarine USS George Washington SSBN 598 the United States Navy conducts the first successful underwater launch of the United States Navy Polaris ballistic missile ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 14890 days

14890 = 7445 + 7445

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 7/21/1979 ( date hijacked from me:my wife Phoebe and I are married ) is 7445 days

From 8/4/2000 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Space Cowboys" ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 265 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 11/23/1959 ( premiere US film "The Angry Red Planet" ) is 265 days

From 12/21/1970 ( date hijacked from me:I was primary United States Navy test pilot for the Grumman F-14 Tomcat first flight and for the United States Navy F-14 Tomcat fighter jet program ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 11084 days

11084 = 5542 + 5542

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 9/17/1978 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US TV series "Battlestar Galactica"::series premiere episode "Saga of a Star World" features central figures "Apollo" and "Starbuck" as fighter pilots in space ) is 5542 days

From 8/1/1980 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "The Final Countdown" features central figure US Navy Commander "Richard T. Owens" as USS Nimitz CVN 68 Commander Air Group and US Navy F-14 Tomcat pilot and time traveler ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 7573 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 11/26/1979 ( premiere US TV series episode "M*A*S*H"::"Life Time" ) is 7573 days

From 12/25/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was United States Apollo 8 spacecraft United States Navy astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 11810 days

11810 = 5905 + 5905

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 5/3/1975 ( date hijacked from me:United States Navy aircraft carrier warship USS Nimitz CVN 68 commissioned into United States Navy active service and later a central element of the 1980 film "The Final Countdown" where USS Nimitz CVN 68 travels back in time to a pivotal event in US Navy history ) is 5905 days

From 2/20/1966 ( Chester William Nimitz - United States Navy Fleet Admiral - deceased ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 12849 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 5/8/1994 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US TV miniseries Stephen King's "The Stand"::miniseries premiere episode "The Plague" ) is 12849 days

From 12/26/1974 ( Jack Benny - deceased ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 9618 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 7/3/1985 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Back to the Future" ) is 9618 days

From 10/11/1975 ( premiere US TV series "Saturday Night Live" ) To 4/26/2001 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government ) is 9329 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 9/16/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US TV series "Miami Vice" ) is 9329 days,2933,17500,00.html


U.S. & World


McVeigh's Apr. 26 Letter to Fox News

Thursday, April 26, 2001

The following letter has been authenticated and was sent to Fox News Correspondent Rita Cosby on April 26, 2001. The opening statement was a photocopied statement in McVeigh's writing. The question-and-answer section following it is clearly an original version in McVeigh's writing.

I explain herein why I bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. I explain this not for publicity, nor seeking to win an argument of right or wrong. I explain so that the record is clear as to my thinking and motivations in bombing a government installation.

I chose to bomb a federal building because such an action served more purposes than other options. Foremost, the bombing was a retaliatory strike; a counter attack, for the cumulative raids (and subsequent violence and damage) that federal agents had participated in over the preceding years