Thursday, February 10, 2011

Emergency 3-3-3

This Bill Gates-Al Qaeda chump also has a very sinister association forming with that future date that I have been tracking because, until lately, I suspected Bill Gates was planning another murdering rampage on that future day.

I mention it now because this will be the last time I make a non-specific reference to that future date because if that day approaches and then passes then my documentation of my suspicions about the next murdering rampage by Bill Gates, of which Bill Gates has caused many murdering rampages in the United States, including the destruction of the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001 by Bill Gates, will reveal the general timeframe of that day I suspected Bill Gates was planning another murdering rampage and I do not want to make any more observations about how I am tracking that specific future date. Of course, Bill Gates is still going to murder more people in the United States sometime in the future. Of that I have no doubt.


The Internet Movie Database

Zachary Levi

Born: Zachary Levi Pugh September 29, 1980

Chuck (TV series) 2007-2011

Chuck Bartowski

Shades of Ray 2008

Ray Rehman