Friday, February 04, 2011

I get it. The Borg.

I understand it now. The "Borg," or whatever very real and very evil force that has taken over control of certain evil doers on this planet have created conditions to give the humans that are now under their control, a choice to not be evil.

For example, when I point out that Bill Gates is about to launch another murderous rampage, and then he does not, at least not that I know about, then that is because Bill Gates chose to not launch that murderous rampage because she-he-it was afraid that she-he-it was going to get caught and then sent to prison by United States Marshals.

So the "Borg," or that extraterrestrial and evil force that literary device is supposed to represent, are establishing to, for example, Bill Gates, and Google, also for example, that they still have the power of choice and that Bill Gates, for example, chooses to remain evil.