Friday, February 18, 2011

How about giving a break for once, Jor-El?

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/24/10 12:02 PM
After I made that last note about needing to overhaul the code for my process I currently use, which is the process I created and that I have since rediscovered, I had the sense in my mind of precisely or something very close that "It is forbidden" in the context of writing the improved code for the process I originally created.

I have been wondering about that lingering sense of "It is forbidden" and I wonder if that is another one of those vague but intelligent messages that means something other than the obvious. The first line of thought is about that movie "Forbidden Planet" which has a robot in it, but I don't know. Then I think about how "Superman" is going to turn back time in the 1978 film "Superman" and I think he was hearing "Jor El" reminding him of an earlier speech about how "Kal El" was forbidden from interfering with human history and so "Superman" was hovering there in the sky and clouds and he was conflicted on what he should do next.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 24 April 2010 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 7:37 PM Friday, April 23, 2010


Stargate Universe (New)

676 SYFYHD: Friday, April 23 6:00 PM

Science fiction


Dr. Rush links himself directly to the destiny's computer hoping it will reveal the code needed to control the flight path.

Cast: Robert Carlyle, Louis Ferreira, David Blue, Brian J. Smith, Jamil Walker Smith, Elyse Levesque, Alaina Huffman, Ming-Na, Lou Diamond Phillips Executive Producer(s): Robert C. Cooper, Brad Wright

Original Air Date: Apr 23, 2010

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 23 April 2010 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 14:24:34 -0700 (PDT)

From: "Kerry Burgess"

Subject: Re: Sleep journal 4/6/06

To: "Kerry Burgess"

Kerry Burgess wrote:

Details about my recent sleep are very fuzzy today. Can't remember for sure when I woke up. 3 am maybe. Or maybe shortly after midnight, can't really remember as I usually can. Remember dreaming something about driving my Jeep. Then I returned to it where it was parked in a parking lot after I was traveling through some passageways, hallways in a transit facility maybe.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 6 April 2006 excerpt ends]


If anybody has anything to say,
now's the time to say it.

''Vector tracking set.''

Molecular deconstruction
in progress.

Jackson, it's all right.
It's over. Stay with him.

Jackson, listen to me. Keep moving.

It wears off in a minute.


JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 05/09/10 3:48 AM
First Contact.

I am waiting for a First Contact event with me and another entity.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 9 May 2010 excerpt ends]