From 5/21/1969 ( my graduation from Princeton University includes degree as medical doctor ) to 9/19/1986 ( National P.O.W./M.I.A. Recognition Day, 1986 ) is: 6330 days
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 7/2/1976 ( I intercepted the comet in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is: 6330 days
From 12/24/1968 ( Apollo 8 at Moon I was onboard that Apollo 8 spacecraft ) to 9/19/1986 ( National P.O.W./M.I.A. Recognition Day, 1986 ) is: 6478 days
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 11/26/1976 ( my first landing Jupiter moon Callisto ) is: 6478 days
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 9/19/1986 ( National P.O.W./M.I.A. Recognition Day, 1986 ) is: 10062 days
10062 = 5031 + 5031
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 12/11/1972 ( Apollo 17 lunar landing and I was one of the Apollo 17 astronauts walking on the Earth's moon ) is: 5031 days
Proclamation 5520—National P.O.W./M.I.A. Recognition Day, 1986
August 28th, 1986
Courage and sacrifice are no strangers to America. In every war since our first struggle for independence, America's prisoners of war have endured terrible hardships and have been called upon to make extraordinary sacrifices. The bravery, perseverance, and profound devotion to duty of our POWs and MIAs have earned them a place of honor in the hearts of all Americans. Their heroism is an inspiration to future generations. Their spirit of hope and their commitment to the defense of freedom are a claim on our loyalty to them.
All Americans are also deeply moved by the pain and suffering endured by the families and friends of those who remain missing or unaccounted for. We share both their burden and their commitment to secure the release of any U.S. personnel who may still be held against their will, to recover the missing, to resolve the accounting, and to relieve the suffering of our missing servicemen. Until the P.O.W./M.I.A. issue has been resolved, it will continue to be a matter of the highest national priority. As a symbol of this national commitment, the P.O.W./M.I.A. Flag will fly over the White House, the Departments of State and Defense, the Veterans' Administration, and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on September 19, 1986. It will also fly over the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Memorial Day and Veterans Day.
In order to recognize the special debt all Americans owe to the men and women who gave up their freedom in the service of our country and to reaffirm our commitment to their families, the Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution 220, has designated September 19, 1986, as "National P.O.W./M.I.A. Recognition Day," and authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation in observance of this occasion.
Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim Friday, September 19, 1986, as National P.O.W./M.I.A. Recognition Day. I call on all Americans to join in honoring all former American prisoners of war, those still missing, and their families who have made extraordinary sacrifices on behalf of this country. I also call upon State and local officials and private organizations to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-eighth day of August, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-six, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and eleventh.
From 2/9/1964 ( my final day as competitor at Innsbruck Olympics where I won Olympic gold medals ) to 6/12/1981 ( Proclamation 4848—National P.O.W.-M.I.A. Recognition Day, 1981 ) is: 6333 days
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 7/4/1976 ( my target date to divert the comet in the outer solar system and I was successful ) is: 6333 days
Proclamation 4848—National P.O.W.-M.I.A. Recognition Day, 1981
June 12th, 1981
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
Throughout American history our prisoners of war have been called upon to make uncommon sacrifices. In fulfilling their duty as citizens of the United States they have defended American ideals while suffering unimaginable indignities under the absolute control of the enemy. They remained steadfast even while their treatment contravened international understandings and violated elementary consideration of compassion and morality.
All Americans ought to recognize the special debt we owe to our fellow citizens who, in the act of serving our Nation, relinquished their freedom that we might enjoy the blessings of peace and liberty. Likewise, we must remember the unresolved casualties of war—our servicemen who are still missing. The pain and bitterness of war endure for their families, relatives and friends—and for all of us. Our Nation will continue to seek answers to the many questions that remain about their fate.
Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim Friday, July 17, 1981, as National P.O.W.-M.I.A. Recognition Day, a day dedicated to all former American prisoners of war, to those still missing, and to their families. I urge all Americans to join in honoring those who made the uncommon sacrifice of being held captive in war, and to honor as well their loved ones who have also suffered valiantly and patiently. I also call on appropriate officials of the Federal, State and local governments, as well as private organizations, to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this twelfth day of June, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and fifth.
Remarks on Signing a Resolution and a Proclamation Declaring National P.O.W.-M.I.A. Recognition Day, 1981
June 12th, 1981
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to what I think is a very important and worthwhile little signing ceremony here in the Rose Garden. I am pleased that I'm going to sign a joint resolution and a proclamation designating July 17th, 1981 National P.O.W.-M.I.A. Recognition Day.
The brave men and women who fought for our country should all know that America does remember and is grateful and will always be proud of their courage and honor on the battlefield. And it's fitting that we pay this special tribute to those who so heroically endured the hardships and torture of enemy captivity—unusual in any war in our history, because it was the longest period that American fighting men have ever been held in captivity. Just the thought of the terrible pain that they suffered and endured should be seared in our memories forever. And let us remember, too, that 6 years after American involvement in Vietnam, in the war, we still don't have a full accounting of our missing servicemen from that conflict, an accounting that was guaranteed in the Paris peace accords that brought the fighting there to an end, an agreement which has been violated.
Recently there have been reports that Americans are still being held captive in Indochina. None of these reports, I'm sorry to say, has been verified, but the world should know that this administration continues to attach the highest priority to the problem of those missing in action. We intend to seek the fullest possible account from the governments involved.
I'm grateful that we have with us here today one of America's outstanding heroes from the Vietnam war, one of the former prisoners of war, and now the Senator from Alabama, Jeremiah Denton, accompanied by his lovely wife Jane. July 17th, it is just 16 years—or that will be—to the day that he was shot down over Southeast Asia. Now, lest someone think that there's a little confusion there, he was shot down on July 18th, 1965, but when it was the 18th there, on this side of the dateline it was the 17th. Jeremiah Denton. Who will ever forget on that first night in that first plane that arrived at Clark Field in the Philippines, and he was the first man we saw come down the ramp from the plane, salute our flag, ask God's blessing on America, and then thank us for bringing them home.
They're joined here by leaders of the House and Senate, many of their colleagues, Cap Hollenbeck and Bob Dornan, John LeBoutillier and Bill Hendon and John Paul Hammerschmidt and Tom Lantos from the House, and Senators Dennis DeConcini and Bob Dole, along with Senator Jeremiah Denton.
And now, I'm going to have the happy task of signing the proclamation and the bill.
Note: The President spoke at 3:02 p.m. at the signing ceremony in the Rose Garden at the White House.
As enacted, S.J. Res. 50 is Public Law 9713, approved June 12.
Võ is a common Vietnamese surname. The word Võ can mean martial arts, fighting arts or force.
Trang: decorated, honored
40th President of the United States
In office
January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989
Ronald Wilson Reagan (February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004) was the 40th President of the United States (1981–1989) and the 33rd Governor of California (1967–1975).
From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 11/26/1976 ( my first landing Jupiter moon Callisto ) is: 4882 days
From 2/9/1964 ( my final day as competitor at Innsbruck Olympics where I won gold medals ) to 11/3/1981 ( Proclamation 4882—National Family Week ) is: 6477 days
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 11/26/1976 ( my first landing Jupiter moon Callisto ) is: 6477 days
Proclamation 4882—National Family Week
November 3rd, 1981
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
The family is the basic unit of our society, the heart of our free democracy. It provides love, acceptance, guidance, support, and instruction to the individual. Community values and goals that give America strength also take root in the home. In times of change and challenge, families keep safe our cultural heritage and reinforce our spiritual foundation.
As the mainstay of our national life, family life must be preserved. When a family needs external assistance to help it to perform its unique role, this assistance should not interfere with the family's fundamental responsibilities and prerogatives. Rather, aid should be supportive and purposeful in strengthening the family's stability, self-sufficiency and permanence.
National Family Week is a time to be thankful for the family as a national heritage and resource. It is a time to recommit ourselves to the concept of the family—a concept that must withstand the trends of lifestyle and legislation. Let us pledge that our institutions and policies will be shaped to enhance an environment in which families can strengthen their ties and best exercise their beliefs, authority, and resourcefulness. And let us make our pledge mindful that we do so not only on behalf of individual family members, but for America.
Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, in accordance with Senate Joint Resolution 4, do hereby proclaim the week beginning November 22, 1981, as National Family Week. I call upon the people of the United States to observe this week with appropriate activities in their homes and communities.
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 3rd day of November, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and sixth.
From 7/21/1969 ( I am one of the Apollo 11 astronauts walking on the Earth's moon ) to 11/21/1986 ( Proclamation 5576—National Family Week, 1986 ) is: 6332 days
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 7/4/1976 ( my target date to divert the comet in the outer solar system and I was successful ) is: 6332 days
Proclamation 5576—National Family Week, 1986
November 21st, 1986
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
Family life and the life of freedom are interdependent. In the arena of the family, children learn the most important lessons they will ever receive about their inherent dignity as individuals. They learn as well about the social and religious traditions that unite generation to generation, and they begin to acquire the values for which their ancestors sacrificed so much for freedom.
The centrality of the family is acknowledged even by those forces that would weaken or destroy it. Totalitarian societies see in the family a natural enemy, a bulwark of basic loyalties and inherited ideals that places allegiance in relationships that precede the claims of the state. Corrosive influences such as illegal drugs and pornography seek to substitute for the permanent bonds of family life a transient and ultimately false sense of happiness and fulfillment. Against these forces the family can often seem helpless and ineffective, but experience shows that it is in being tested that the strength of the family finally reveals itself. After all, the family has been with us from the dawn of human history, and there is no reason to believe that it will not endure.
National Family Week affords all Americans the opportunity to frankly face and assess the quality of family life in our Nation and to reflect on what each of us can do as a father, daughter, mother, son, or grandparent—as a member of a family-to strengthen this divine institution. Better yet, let us undertake this reflection as families and as a family of free people. As Chesterton said, "The family is the test of freedom." Let us make this another test America refuses to fail.
The Congress, by Public Law 99-94, has authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation in observance of "National Family Week."
Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim the week of November 23, 1986, as National Family Week. I invite the Governors of the several States, the chief officials of local governments, and all Americans to celebrate this week with appropriate ceremonies and activities. Taking note that this observance coincides with the celebration of Thanksgiving, I ask that all Americans give thanks to God on that day for the blessings of family life in our Nation and for His continued favor on our people.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-first day of November, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-six, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and eleventh.
From 7/4/1976 ( my target date to divert the comet in the outer solar system and I was successful ) to 11/19/1987 ( Proclamation 5747—National Family Week, 1987 ) is: 593 weeks, 4 days
'59-34' ( my birth date UK )
Proclamation 5747—National Family Week, 1987
November 19th, 1987
The destiny of America is shaped not only by events within the councils of government, industry, and finance, but also by the hand of God and the life and the love in each and every home in our Nation. America's families are a tremendous source of strength and faith and freedom for our children and our country, and during National Family Week we recognize this truth and pay glad tribute to the families of our land.
The family is a source of well-being, a place to give and receive love and to learn and live our traditions and the virtues and the values of responsibility, selflessness and self-reliance, loyalty, mutual respect, fairness, and the power of faith. In families we also come to know our inherent dignity and worth as individuals and to enjoy the Godgiven rights that are the basis of freedom.
We must remember during National Family Week, and especially during the Bicentennial of the Constitution, that freedom, the family, and the individual have everything to do with each other. That is a truth that the Founders of our country knew well. The more the integrity of the family is fostered—the more social and public policy influences that weaken the family are eliminated—the stronger is freedom and the healthier is society. Let us forever remember this personally and as a people, for the good of our families and the good of our country.
The Congress, by Public Law 100-166, has authorized and requested the President to proclaim the week of November 22 through November 28, 1987, as "National Family Week."
Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim the week of November 22 through 28, 1987, as National Family Week. I invite the Governors of the several States, the chief officials of local governments, and all Americans to celebrate this week with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this nineteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twelfth.
From 12/16/1955 ( Xander Berkeley ) to 10/9/1971 ( I am board-certified surgeon ) is 15 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, 3 days
'1-59-33' ( my birth date US )
From 12/16/1955 ( Xander Berkeley ) to 5/1/1967 ( my first flight by myself as jet pilot ) is: 593 weeks, 3 days
'59-33' ( my birth date US )
Xander Berkeley
Date of Birth: 16 December 1955
Apollo 11 (1996) (TV) .... Buzz Aldrin
From 3/11/1962 ( Jeffrey Nordling ) to 7/20/1969 ( The Eagle has landed and I was onboard that Apollo 11 lunar lander ) is: 2688 days
From 7/20/1969 ( The Eagle has landed and I was onboard that Apollo 11 lunar lander ) to 11/28/1976 ( I launched from Jupiter moon Callisto for Earth and home ) is: 2688 days
Jeffrey Nordling
Date of Birth: 11 March 1962
Apollo 11 (1996) (TV) .... Neil Armstrong
From 7/20/1969 ( The Eagle has landed and I was onboard that Apollo 11 lunar lander ) to 3/5/1989 ( Jake Lloyd ) is: 7168 days
7168 = 3584 + 3584
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 12/24/1968 ( Apollo 8 at Moon for first ever orbit by humans of Earth's moon and I was onboard that Apollo 8 spacecraft ) is: 3584 days
Jake Lloyd
Date of Birth: 5 March 1989
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) .... Anakin Skywalker
Apollo 11 (1996) (TV) .... Mark Armstrong
From 12/21/1955 ( Jane Kaczmarek ) to 11/11/1966 ( Gemini 12 launches and I was onboard that Gemini 12 spacecraft for my first flight into Earth orbit ) is: 3978 days
3978 = 1989 + 1989
From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 12/25/1968 ( Apollo 8 at Moon and I was onboard that Apollo 8 spacecraft ) is: 1989 days
Jane Kaczmarek
Date of Birth: 21 December 1955
"The Simpsons" .... Judge Constance Harm
Apollo 11 (1996) (TV) .... Jan Armstrong
"when you're 17 I'll know the end is near and I am going to work you like a dog"
That's pretty funny.
"The Simpsons"
Barting Over (2003)
Original Air Date: 16 February 2003 (Season 14, Episode 11)
Plot Outline: When Bart finds out Homer has used all the money Bart got for doing a commercial when he was a baby, he moves out of the house and into the same building as famous skateboarder, Tony Hawk, whose skateboarding tour Bart joins.
Jane Kaczmarek ... Judge Constance Harm (voice)
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 7/4/1976 ( my target date to divert the comet in the outer solar system and I was successful ) is 17 years, 4 months
Maurice Picard was a Human man, a native of La Barre, France. He was the husband of Yvette Gessard and father of Robert and Jean-Luc Picard. He continued the family business of winemaking under the Chateau Picard label.
From 6/9/1917 ( Herta Ware ) to 7/4/1976 ( my target date to divert the comet in the outer solar system and I was successful ) is 59 years, 3 weeks, 4 days
'59-34' ( my birth date UK )
Herta Ware
Date of Birth: 9 June 1917
"Star Trek: The Next Generation" .... Yvette Picard (1 episode, 1987)
Where No One Has Gone Before (1987) TV Episode .... Yvette Picard
2010 (1984) .... Jessie Bowman
Yvette Gessard-Picard was a Human woman, who lived in La Barre, France during the early-24th century. She was wife to Maurice Picard and mother to Robert and Jean-Luc Picard.
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 7/2/1976 ( I intercepted comet in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is: 6331 days
From 10/11/1968 ( Apollo 7 launches into Earth orbit and I was onboard that Apollo 7 spacecraft ) to 2/10/1986 ( reception for Maureen Reagan, my biological mother ) is: 6331 days
Remarks at a State Department Reception Honoring Maureen Reagan
February 10th, 1986
Well, I want to thank Secretary Shultz and Assistant Secretary Keyes for hosting this reception and all of you for coming by this evening. And I can't tell you how much fun it is to spring this little surprise on Maureen. [Laughter] Some of you may think it a little unfair to catch her off guard like this, but I can assure you I'm only returning a favor she's been doing for me all my life. [Laughter] The truth is, Maureen's been surprising me and making me very proud for a very long time.
If you'll just let me tell this one little story. I think all of you know that when a candidate for President gets the required number of votes at a political convention, it's traditional for the press and the cameras to come bursting into his hotel room for pictures of the family celebrating. Well, back in 1980, when we were in that gigantic Renaissance Center in Detroit, I noticed just before the magic moment that everybody in the Reagan clan was there except Maureen. And naturally with only a few minutes to go, I started asking everyone, I'd say, "Where's Maureen, where's Maureen?" And I could already hear some commentators saying, "Oh, yeah, that's this fellow who's just been nominated to run for the most powerful post in the free world. He can't even find his own daughter." [Laughter]
Then, sure enough, it hit me and everyone else in the room. And only a few seconds later, there was confirmation right there on the television set in front of us. Maureen wasn't there because she had duties to perform as an alternate delegate and leader in the California delegation-and one of which, come to think of it, was voting for me. [Laughter] Now, I hadn't been in politics as long as some people, but I did know that that was the wrong moment to start taking anything for granted. So, as I listened to Maureen on television, just this once— [laughter] —I was glad she was on the floor and not with us. [Laughter]
And there's a little sequel to this. Last year I kept seeing in the press all those reports about the U.N. conference wrapping up a decade of women. I think some of you remember that there was a good deal of speculation that the whole conference was going to become politicized, a propaganda exercise on extraneous matters rather than a serious exchange on the issues that uniquely affect women. And there was some talk, too, about how the American delegation, which Maureen was heading, was going to be outsmarted, outmaneuvered, and probably embarrassed by all of this. And, you know, every time I read one of these reports, I got this big Cheshire catlike grin— [laughter] —because I was thinking to myself, somebody out there sure doesn't know my daughter. [Laughter]
Well, those of us here today do know Maureen. At State, you know her by the wonderful job she did do in Nairobi. You know how effectively she worked to get agreement on the consensus document that would make the conference the success that it was and bring the American delegation the credit it deserved. And you know, too, that she'll do a fine job as our Representative to the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women.
And, of course, for Nancy and me, Maureen is someone we love dearly and yet someone whom we also recognize as the extraordinary individual that she is. And that isn't all that easy. As I said, it's always a little bit of a surprise for a father, just as it was that night in Detroit, to realize that that's your daughter up there on the TV screen, not only a grown woman—and I'm not that old yet— [laughter] —but a leader, a mover, someone who is making the world a whole lot better place to live.
But all these things Maureen is, and that's why Nancy and I and all of you love her for it. So, I want to thank Maureen today as her father for making me so proud of her on this occasion and so many others. But also as her President, I want to thank her on behalf of the American people for distinguished service to her country and the cause of human freedom and dignity.
Note: The President spoke at 6:46 p.m. in the Benjamin Franklin Room at the State Department. The reception, hosted by Secretary of State George P. Shultz and Assistant Secretary of State for International Affairs Alan L. Keyes, was in honor of Maureen Reagan's role as U.S. Representative to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
From 1/3/1935 ( Jeremy Kemp ) to 10/11/1968 ( Apollo 7 launches into Earth orbit and I was onboard that Apollo 7 spacecraft ) is: 12335 days
12335 = 1 + 6167 + 6167
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 1/21/1976 ( my first landing on the planet Mars ) is: 6167 days
Jeremy Kemp (born 3 January 1935; age 72) is an English actor.
In 1990, he played the role of Jean-Luc Picard's brother, Robert in TNG: "Family".
Jeremy Kemp
Date of Birth: 3 January 1935
"Star Trek: The Next Generation" .... Robert Picard (1 episode, 1990)
Family (1990) TV Episode .... Robert Picard
From 4/12/1981 ( 1st space shuttle launch into Earth orbit and I was commander of that spacecraft Columbia ) to 10/1/1990 ( premiere TV episode "Star Trek: The Next Generation, Family" ) is: 3459 days
'34-59' ( my birth date UK )
The crew visits family.
Air Date: 10.01.1990
TNG, Episode 4x02
First aired: 1 October 1990
With the Enterprise in drydock following the battle with the Borg, Captain Picard returns home to France in an attempt to find himself again after his brutal ordeal with the Borg.
From 4/12/1981 ( 1st space shuttle launch into Earth orbit and I was commander of that spacecraft Columbia ) to 7/21/1987 ( formal wedding ceremony for my wife Phoebe and me ) is: 2291 days
From 7/21/1987 ( formal wedding ceremony for my wife Phoebe and me ) to 10/28/1993 ( "The Simpsons, Treehouse of Horror IV" ) is: 2291 days
"The Simpsons"
Treehouse of Horror IV (1993)
Original Air Date: 28 October 1993 (Season 5, Episode 5)
Plot summary for
"The Simpsons"
Treehouse of Horror IV (1993)
When Homer announces he would sell his soul for a donut, the Devil, disguised as Ned Flanders, shows up to take him up on the offer. Second Act, while ridings to school, Bart believe he sees a malevolent gremlin on the side of the bus. And final act, Mr. Burns is Dracula, in a spoof of Francis Ford Coppola's vampire film.
Memorable quotes for
Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)
Picard: You have the bridge... Mr. Troi.
From 2/21/1946 ( Tyne Daly ) to 5/12/1965 ( I am awarded U.S. Navy aviator wings ) is: 7020 days
7020 = 3510 + 3510
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 10/11/1968 ( Apollo 7 launches into Earth orbit and I was onboard that Apollo 7 spacecraft ) is: 3510 days
Tyne Daly
Date of Birth: 21 February 1946
The Enforcer (1976) .... Insp. Kate Moore
"Magnum, P.I." .... Kate Sullivan (1 episode, 1982)
- The Jororo Kill (1982) TV episode .... Kate Sullivan
From 11/2/1975 ( I launch from Earth by myself to intercept the comet in the outer solar system ) to 12/22/1976 ( movie premiere US "The Enforcer" ) is: 416 days
416 = 208 + 208
From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 2/9/1964 ( my final day as competitor at Innsbruck Olympics where I won gold medals ) is: 208 days
The Enforcer (1976)
Release Date: 22 December 1976 (USA)
Clint Eastwood ... Insp. 'Dirty' Harry Callahan
From 2/9/1964 ( my final day as competitor at Innsbruck Olympics, where I won gold medals ) to 12/25/1973 ( premiere US movie "Magnum Force" ) is: 3607 days
3607 = 1 + 1803 + 1803
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 2/9/1964 ( my final day as competitor at Innsbruck Olympics, where I won gold medals ) is: 1803 days
Magnum Force (1973)
Release Date: 25 December 1973 (USA)
Clint Eastwood ... Insp. 'Dirty' Harry Callahan
From 3/1/1956 ( Tim Daly ) to 5/12/1965 ( I am awarded U.S. Navy aviator wings ) is: 3359 days
'33-59' ( my birth date US )
Tim Daly
Date of Birth: 1 March 1956
"Wings" .... Joe Montgomery Hackett
"From the Earth to the Moon" (1998) (mini) TV mini-series .... Astronaut James Lovell
"Commander in Chief" .... Cameron Manchester (1 episode, 2006)
- Happy Birthday, Madam President (2006) TV episode .... Cameron Manchester
From 7/4/1976 ( my target date to divert the comet in the outer solar system and I was successful ) to 6/7/2006 ( premiere TV episode "Commander in Chief, Happy Birthday, Madam President" ) is 3 days, 359 months
'33-59' ( my birth date US )
From 9/2/1965 ( my first day as student at Princeton University where I earned degree as medical doctor ) to 6/7/2006 ( premiere TV episode "Commander in Chief, Happy Birthday, Madam President" ) is: 14888 days
14888 = 7444 + 7444
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 7/21/1979 ( my wife and I are married ) is: 7444 days
From 10/9/1971 ( I am board-certified surgeon ) to 6/7/2006 ( premiere TV episode "Commander in Chief, Happy Birthday, Madam President" ) is: 12660 days
12660 = 6330 + 6330
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 7/2/1976 ( I intercepted the comet in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is: 6330 days
"Commander in Chief"
Happy Birthday, Madam President (2006)
Original Air Date: 7 June 2006 (Season 1, Episode 17)
Tim Daly ... Cameron Manchester
From 1/29/1964 ( my first day as competitor at Innsbruck Olympics where I won gold medals ) to 6/18/1976 ( premiere US movie "Midway" ) is: 4524 days
4524 = 2262 + 2262
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 5/12/1965 ( I am awarded U.S. Navy aviator wings ) is: 2262 days
Midway (1976)
Release Date: 18 June 1976 (USA)
Tagline: The glory, the suspense, the spectacular drama of the men who won the most decisive naval battle in U.S. history.
Plot Outline: A dramatization of the battle that turned out to be the turning point of the Pacific Theatre of World War II.
Charlton Heston ... Capt. Matthew Garth
Edward Albert ... Ens. Thomas Garth
Christina Kokubo ... Miss Haruko Sakura
From 2/20/1951 ( Edward Albert ) to 2/9/1964 ( my final day as Innsbruck Olympics competitor, where I won gold medals ) is: 4737 days
From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 7/4/1976 ( my target date to divert the comet and I was successful ) is: 4737 days
Edward Albert
Date of Birth: 20 February 1951
Midway (1976) .... Ens. Thomas Garth
From 7/27/1950 ( Christina Kokubo ) to 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) is: 4737 days
From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 7/4/1976 ( my target date to divert the comet in the outer solar system and I was successful ) is: 4737 days
Christina Kokubo
Date of Birth: 27 July 1950
Midway (1976) .... Miss Haruko Sakura
From 1/5/1931 ( Robert Duvall ) to 6/25/1940 ( Thomas Köhler ) is: 3459 days
'34-59' ( my birth date US )
Robert Duvall
Date of Birth: 5 January 1931
The Great Santini (1979) .... Lieutenant Colonel Bull Meechum
... aka The Ace
"Saturday Night Live" .... Various (1 episode, 1998)
- Garth Brooks (1998) TV episode .... Various
Deep Impact (1998) .... Capt. Spurgeon 'Fish' Tanner
From 9/2/1965 ( my first day as student at Princeton University where I earned degree as medical doctor ) to 2/28/1998 ( "Saturday Night Live" ) is: 11867 days
11867 = 1 + 5933 + 5933
'59-33' ( my birth date US )
From 12/14/1972 ( Apollo 17 Challenger leaves Moon surface and I was onboard that Apollo 17 Challenger spacecraft ) to 2/28/1998 ( "Saturday Night Live" ) is: 9207 days
9207 = 1 + 4603 + 4603
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 10/9/1971 ( I am board-certified surgeon ) is: 4603 days
"Saturday Night Live"
Garth Brooks (1998)
Original Air Date: 28 February 1998 (Season 23, Episode 14)
Robert Duvall ... Various
From 11/2/1975 ( I launched from Earth by myself to intercept the comet in the outer solar system ) to 10/26/1979 ( premiere US movie "The Great Santini" ) is 3 years, 359 days
'33-59' ( my birth date US )
The Great Santini (1979)
Release Date: 26 October 1979 (USA)
Robert Duvall ... Lieutenant Colonel Bull Meechum
The Great Santini is a novel written by Pat Conroy and published in 1976.
The Great Santini tells the story of hard-nosed Marine fighter pilot Lt. Col. Wilbur "Bull" Meecham, who calls himself "The Great Santini," and the family he runs with a strict hand. It follows the Meecham family as they move to and struggle to fit into the Marine town of Ravanel, South Carolina.
The novel explores main character Ben Meecham's growth into manhood, his experiences playing basketball for his high school, as well as his friendship with a Jewish boy. The novel exposes the love-hate relationship between Ben and his father, and the lengths Ben goes to in an effort to win his father's acceptance and love. In the end, Bull is killed when his fighter plane crashes late in the book.
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 9/13/1993 ( filming begins 1994 movie "Princess Caraboo," starring my wife ) is: 12612 days
12612 = 6306 + 6306
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 6/7/1976 ( my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe ) is: 6306 days
From 4/30/1982 ( my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 ) to 9/13/1993 ( filming begins 1994 movie "Princess Caraboo," starring my wife ) is: 593 weeks, 3 days
'59-33' ( my birth date US )
Princess Caraboo (1994)
Completed shooting November 9, 1993.
Began shooting September 13, 1993.
Phoebe Cates Princess Caraboo
From 2/12/1973 ( Operation Homecoming begins and I was one of the C-141A pilots ) to 4/24/2001 ( Released in USA on DVD 1994 movie "Princess Caraboo," starring my wife ) is: 10298 days
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 5/13/1987 ( my M.I.A. status in Africa ends and I am being transported home ) is: 10298 days
Princess Caraboo (1994)
Released in USA on DVD April 24, 2001.
Phoebe Cates Princess Caraboo
Long, Long Way From Home
It was a monday
A day like any other day
I left a small town
For the apple in decay
It was my destiny
Its what we needed to do
They were telling me
Im telling you
I was inside looking outside
The millions of faces
But still Im alone
Waiting, hours of waiting
Paying a penance
I was longing for home
Im looking out for the two of us
I hope well be here when theyre through with us
I was inside looking outside
Oh the millions of faces
But still Im alone
Waiting, hours of waiting
I could feel the tension
I was longing for home
Im looking out for the two of us
And I hope well be here when theyre through with us
Im coming home
Monday, sad, sad monday
Shes waiting for me
But Im a long, long way from home
Sad, sad monday
Shes waiting for me
But Im a long, long way from home
Sad, sad monday
Oh shes waiting for me
But Im a long, long way from home
Memorable quotes for
The Caine Mutiny (1954)
Lieutenant Tom Keefer: "There is no escape from the Caine, save death. We're all doing penance, sentenced to an outcast ship, manned by outcasts, and named after the greatest outcast of them all."
Where's that coming from?
What is that?
What's he doing?
He does that sometimes.
From 2/22/1976 ( my Orion ship suffers catastrophic damage and fire after collision with meteor while enroute to comet in the outer solar system ) to 4/5/1994 ( release date US Pink Floyd album "The Division Bell" ) is: 6617 days
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 4/14/1977 ( I return to Earth after successfully diverting comet in the outer solar system ) is: 6617 days
From 7/4/1976 ( my target date to divert the comet in the outer solar system and I was successful ) to 3/30/1994 ( release date UK Pink Floyd album "The Division Bell" ) is: 6478 days
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 11/26/1976 ( my first landing Jupiter moon Callisto ) is: 6478 days
From 4/12/1981 ( first ever space shuttle launch and I was onboard that space shuttle Columbia ) to 3/30/1994 ( release date UK Pink Floyd album "The Division Bell" ) is: 4735 days
From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 7/2/1976 ( I intercepted the comet in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is: 4735 days
Studio album by Pink Floyd
30 March 1994 (UK)
5 April 1994 (U.S.)
The Division Bell is the most recent studio album by Pink Floyd
Track listing
"Cluster One"
"What Do You Want from Me"
"Poles Apart"
"A Great Day for Freedom"
"Wearing the Inside Out"
"Take It Back"
"Coming Back to Life"
"Keep Talking"
"Lost for Words"
"High Hopes"
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 2/22/1976 ( my Orion spaceship suffers catastrophic damage and fire ) is: 6199 days
From 2/22/1976 to 7/4/1976 ( my target date to divert the comet and I was successful ) is: 133 days
Star Trek: Generations
Recently I've become aware that there
are fewer days ahead than behind.
But I took some comfort from the fact
that the family would go on.
Hi, Dad.
I'll see you back at Pearl, Tom.
There's a picture of Haruko and me
that I'd like you to bring ashore.
I'll take care of it, Tiger.
Thanks, Dad.
Sacrifice themselves like samurai,
these Americans.
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 2/13/1993 ( premiere TV episode "Star Trek: The Next Generation, Tapestry" ) is: 12400 days
12400 = 6200 + 6200
From 2/22/1976 ( my Orion spaceship suffers catastrophic damage and fire while I am enroute to comet in the outer solar system ) to 2/12/1993 ( premiere US movie "Groundhog Day" ) is 6200 days
From 5/1/1967 ( my first flight by myself as jet pilot ) to 2/13/1993 ( premiere TV episode "Star Trek: The Next Generation, Tapestry" ) is: 9420 days
9420 = 4710 + 4710
From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 6/7/1976 ( my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe ) is: 4710 days
"Star Trek: The Next Generation"
Tapestry (1993)
Original Air Date: 13 February 1993 (Season 6, Episode 15)
Plot summary for
"Star Trek: The Next Generation"
Tapestry (1993)
Captain Picard is seriously wounded and his artificial heart fails, then finds himself in an "afterlife" run by Q. Q gives Picard an opportunity to alter his past to avoid a confrontation from which he receives his artificial heart, but finds his new life unrewarding.
Star Trek: The Next Generation :: Tapestry
Gravely injured in a Lenarian attack, Picard slips into a white, seamless limbo while Beverly struggles to save his life. There, he encounters Q, who informs Picard that he is dead and this is the afterlife — and that Q himself is God! Picard refuses to believe that he is dead, let alone that Q is the supreme being. But Q is determined to prove otherwise. He produces the artificial heart that failed Picard and caused his death, which triggers Picard's sense of regret. With Q's urging, he admits that, given the opportunity to live life over, he would do things differently.
Picard's wish is Q's command. He is suddenly a young ensign of 21 and Q gives him the opportunity to relive and avoid the fight that led to his being stabbed through the heart. If he succeeds, he will return to the present with his real heart intact, and the galaxy's history will remain unchanged. If not, he will die in that present and spend eternity with Q.
Initially, Picard was stabbed when he rigged a gambling table to help his Starfleet friend Corey get revenge against a Nausicaan who cheated him. Since he must avoid that conflict, he attempts to talk Corey out of gambling in the first place. Corey plays anyway, the Nausicaan cheats him and wins, and Corey naturally asks Picard to help him get revenge. But Picard refuses, backed up by a another friend named Marta, and a furious Corey storms off.
Further changing his past behavior, Picard spends the night with Marta. But in the morning, she worries that they have ruined their friendship. When Picard, Marta and Corey get together that night, the tension between the three of them is palpable. Then things get worse. Three Nausicaans appear and taunt the group, hoping to provoke a fight. Picard sees the Nausicaans prepare to draw their weapons and quickly knocks Corey to the floor in order to prevent the fight from occurring. But since Corey and Marta can't understand Picard's actions, they see them as a betrayal and walk away in disgust, announcing to Picard that they are no longer friends. Q congratulates Picard for changing his destiny, and he is thrown back into the present time. However, he has returned to the U.S.S. Enterprise as a lieutenant, junior grade.
According to Q, everything is as it should be — the changes in Picard's present reflect the changes he made in his youth. But Picard is unable to go about his business as a lowly astrophysics officer. Disoriented by the lack of respect he encounters at the hands of his former subordinates, he speaks to Troi and Riker about his chances for advancement, and is crushed to hear that while he is a good, reliable officer, he just doesn't stand out. Desperate, Picard summons Q and begs that he would rather die than live any longer as an average, dreary man. Q obliges and the dreaded fight ensues. However, at the moment he is stabbed through the heart, Picard wakes up in Sickbay in the present time, surrounded by a very relieved Beverly, Worf and Riker. Despite the traumatic ordeal, Picard realizes that he feels grateful toward Q, who gave him a chance to understand why he is the man he is today.
From 12/25/1968 ( Apollo 8 at Moon and I was onboard that Apollo 8 spacecraft ) to 11/15/1975 ( J.C. Brandy ) is: 3 days, 359 weeks
'33-59' ( my birth date US )
J.C. Brandy
Date of Birth: 15 November 1975
"Star Trek: The Next Generation" .... Ensign Marta Batanides (1 episode, 1993)
- Tapestry (1993) TV Episode .... Ensign Marta Batanides
From 4/1/1958 ( Rende Rae Norman ) to 2/5/1964 ( I am competitor at Innsbruck Olympics and an Olympic gold medalist again on this day ) is: 2136 days
From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 5/21/1969 ( my graduation from Princeton University includes degree as medical doctor ) is 2136 days
From 4/1/1958 ( Rende Rae Norman ) to 2/22/1976 ( my Orion spaceship suffers catastrophic damage and fire while I am enroute to comet in the outer solar system ) is: 5 days, 933 weeks
'59-33' ( my birth date US )
Rende Rae Norman
Date of Birth: 1 April 1958
"Star Trek: The Next Generation" .... Penny Muroc (1 episode, 1993)
- Tapestry (1993) TV episode (as Rae Norman) .... Penny Muroc
"Seinfeld" .... Ms. Baines (1 episode, 1996)
- The Soul Mate (1996) TV episode .... Ms. Baines
From 2/14/1964 ( Zach Galligan ) to 7/4/1976 ( my target date to divert the comet and I was successful ) is: 4524 days
4524 = 2262 + 2262
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 5/12/1965 ( I am awarded U.S. Navy aviator wings ) is: 2262 days
From 2/14/1964 ( Zach Galligan ) to 11/2/1975 ( I launch from Earth by myself to intercept the comet in the outer solar system ) is: 4279 days
From 11/2/1975 ( I launch from Earth by myself to intercept the comet in the outer solar system ) to 7/21/1987 ( formal wedding for my wife Phoebe and me ) is: 4279 days
Zach Galligan
Date of Birth: 14 February 1964
Gremlins (1984) .... Billy Peltzer
Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990) .... Billy Peltzer
"Star Trek: Voyager" .... Ensign David Gentry (1 episode, 1998)
- In the Flesh (1998) TV episode .... Ensign David Gentry
From 7/28/1944 ( Frances Lee McCain ) to 12/14/1972 ( Apollo 17 Challenger leaves Moon surface and I was onboard that Apollo 17 Challenger spacecraft ) is: 10366 days
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 7/21/1987 ( formal wedding for my wife Phoebe and me ) is: 10366 days
Frances Lee McCain
Date of Birth: 28 July 1944
Back to the Future (1985) .... Stella Baines
Gremlins (1984) .... Lynn Peltzer
Is something wrong?
No, it's a sad movie.
From 4/27/1964 ( release date The Beatles "Love Me Do," "P.S. I Love You" ) to 4/14/1977 ( I returned to Earth after successfully diverting the comet in the outer solar system ) is: 4735 days
From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 7/2/1976 ( I intercepted the comet in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is: 4735 days
“Love Me Do”
Single by The Beatles
from the album Please Please Me
B-side "P.S. I Love You"
Released 5 October 1962
April 27, 1964 (USA)
"Love Me Do" is an early Lennon/McCartney song, principally written by Paul McCartney in 1958–59 while playing truant from school. John Lennon wrote the middle eight.[1][2][3] The song was The Beatles' first single, backed by "P.S. I Love You" and released on 5 October 1962.
"Love Me Do" is mentioned in the Bad Company song "Shooting Star" off their 1975 album, Straight Shooter. It's the first rock n' roll song that Johnny hears.
From 4/12/1975 ( release date Bad Company album "Straight Shooter" ) to 11/2/1975 ( I launched from Earth by myself to intercept the comet in the outer solar system ) is: 204 days
From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 2/5/1964 ( I am competitor at Innsbruck Olympics and an Olympic gold medalist again on this day ) is: 204 days
From 5/12/1965 ( I am awarded U.S. Navy aviator wings ) to 4/12/1975 ( release date Bad Company album "Straight Shooter" ) is 335 days, 9 years
'33-59' ( my birth date US )
From 9/2/1965 ( my first day as student at Princeton University ) to 4/12/1975 ( release date Bad Company album "Straight Shooter" ) is: 3509 days
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 10/11/1968 ( Apollo 7 launches into Earth orbit and I was onboard that Apollo 7 spacecraft ) is: 3509 days
Straight Shooter
Studio album by Bad Company
Released April 12, 1975
Straight Shooter is a 1975 rock album released by rock band Bad Company.
Track listing
4. "Shooting Star"
The Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star is an American-built jet trainer. It was produced by Lockheed and made its first flight in 1948, piloted by Tony LeVier. The T-33 was developed from the Lockheed P-80/F-80 starting as TP-80C/TF-80C in development, then designated T-33A. It was used by the USN as the initially as TO-2 then TV-2 and after 1962, T-33B.
1986 movie "Iron Eagle" DVD
From 12/11/1972 ( Apollo 17 lunar landing and I was one of the Apollo 17 astronauts walking on the Earth's moon ) to 4/29/1985 ( filming begins 1986 movie "Iron Eagle" ) is: 4522 days
4522 = 2261 + 2261
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 5/12/1965 ( I am awarded U.S. Navy aviator wings ) is: 2261 days
Iron Eagle (1986)
Began shooting April 29, 1985.
From 2/9/1964 ( my final day as competitor at Innsbruck Olympics where I won Olympic gold medals ) to 1/1/1977 ( premiere UK movie "Rocky" ) is: 4710 days
From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 6/7/1976 ( my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe ) is: 4710 days
Release dates for
Rocky (1976)
UK 1 January 1977
From 1/5/1931 ( Robert Duvall ) to 6/25/1940 ( Thomas Köhler ) is: 3459 days
'34-59' ( my birth date US )
Robert Duvall
Date of Birth: 5 January 1931
The Great Santini (1979) .... Lieutenant Colonel Bull Meechum
... aka The Ace
Deep Impact (1998) .... Capt. Spurgeon 'Fish' Tanner
From 6/25/1940 ( Thomas Köhler ) to 10/27/1957 ( Jeff East ) is: 6333 days
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 7/4/1976 ( my target date to divert the comet in the outer solar system and I was successful ) is: 6333 days
From 1/14/1944 ( U.S. Navy SEAL Lt. Thomas R. Norris, Medal of Honor, Vietnam War ) to 10/27/1957 ( Jeff East ) is: 5035 days
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 12/14/1972 ( Apollo 17 Challenger leaves Moon surface and I was onboard that Apollo 17 Challenger spacecraft ) is: 5035 days
From 10/27/1957 ( Jeff East ) to 7/20/1969 ( The Eagle has landed and I was onboard that Apollo 11 lunar lander spacecraft ) is: 4284 days
From 7/20/1969 ( The Eagle has landed and I was onboard that Apollo 11 lunar lander spacecraft ) to 4/12/1981 ( 1st space shuttle launch into Earth orbit and I was commander of that spacecraft Columbia ) is: 4284 days
Jeff East
Date of Birth: 27 October 1957
Superman (1978) .... Young Clark Kent
Memorable quotes for
Superman (1978)
Jonathan Kent: [after Clark has beaten Brad's car to the Kent farmhouse... by RUNNING!] Been showing off a bit, haven't you, son?
Young Clark Kent: ...Oh, I didn't mean to show off, Pop. It's just that... well, guys like that Brad, I just wanna... well, I know I shouldn't, but...
Jonathan Kent: I know. You can do all these amazing things, and sometimes you think that you will BURST WIDE OPEN unless you can tell someone about it, don't you?... There's one thing I know for sure, son. And that is, YOU ARE HERE FOR A REASON. I don't know what it is, exactly, but I do know this much: it's NOT to score touchdowns.
Superman (also known as Superman: The Movie) is a 1978 superhero film based on the fictional DC Comics character Superman
Special effects
Young Clark Kent's long-distance football punt was executed courtesy of a cannon placed in the ground.
From 5/21/1969 ( my graduation from Princeton University includes degree as medical doctor ) to 2/25/1990 ( premiere TV episode "The Simpsons, The Telltale Head" )(Sunday) is: 7585 days
7585 = 1 + 3792 + 3792
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 7/21/1969 ( I am one of the Apollo 11 astronauts walking on the Earth's moon ) is: 3792 days
The Telltale Head
Episode Number: 8
Season Num: 1
First Aired: Sunday February 25, 1990
All of Springfield becomes enraged at Bart after he decapitates the town statue of Jebediah Springfield.
(While Reverend Lovejoy preaches in church, Homer listens to a football game using a personal radio and headphones.)
Football Announcer: Now they're lining up for this crucial kick. One final tick of the clock remains. If they win, it will cap an amazing comeback. But, it's a 49-yard field goal into the wind.
Homer: (Quietly) Make it! Make it! Make it! Make it!
Football Announcer: The kick is up.
Homer: (Quietly) Oh, please, please, please, please!
Football Announcer: It's got the distance. Holy Toledo, it's good!
Homer: (Homer stands up and shouts.) It's good! It's good! It's good!
(The entire congregation murmurs and stares at Homer.)
Homer: It's...good to see you all in church.
(The topic of Heaven is discussed in Sunday School class.)
Milhouse: Will there be cavemen in heaven?
Sunday School Teacher: Certainly not!
Bart: Um, ma'am, what if you're a really good person, but you get into a really, really bad fight and your leg gets gangrene and it has to be amputated. Will it be waiting for you in heaven?
Sunday School Teacher: For the last time, Bart, yes!
Season 1, Episode 8: The Telltale Head
Original Air Date: 25 February 1990
Bart gets more than he bargained for when he saws the head off a statue of the town's founder.
From 5/12/1965 ( I am awarded U.S. Navy aviator wings ) to 1/16/2000 ( premiere TV episode "The Simpsons, Faith Off" ) is: 12667 days
12667 = 1 + 6333 + 6333
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 7/4/1976 ( my target date to divert the comet in the outer solar system and I was successful ) is: 6333 days
From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 1/16/2000 ( premiere TV episode "The Simpsons, Faith Off" )(Sunday) is: 13333 days
13333 = 1 + 6666 + 6666
From 1/29/1964 ( my first day as competitor at Innsbruck Olympics ) to 4/30/1982 ( my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982, where I was the starting field goal kicker, as well as other kicker activities, for Navy Midshipmen football team ) is: 6666 days
"Faith Off" is the eleventh episode of The Simpsons' eleventh season. The episode aired on January 16, 2000.
Homer visits Springfield University (from "Homer Goes to College") to pull a prank on Dean Bobby Peterson with his old nerd friends, Benjamin, Doug, and Gary (mistakenly referred to as his old roommates.) Homer tries to put a bucket filled with glue on the Dean's head, but another bucket full of glue is already above the door and falls on Homer's head, and he cannot get it off. The family attends a religious revival, hosted by a faith healer named Brother Faith, and Bart pulls the bucket off Homer's head. Brother Faith considers this act a sign that Bart has the "gift" of healing. Lisa is skeptical and attempts to use reason to explain that the hot stage lights heated the metal bucket, allowing Bart to pull it off. Undaunted, Bart becomes a faith healer, pulls miracles of his own, and even forms his own church where he heals Springfield's residents.
The church is cut short, however, when Milhouse is run down after he mistakes an oncoming truck for a dog. Bart had "healed" him of his myopia during his revival meeting by knocking his glasses off his face. Subsequently, Bart decides to end his career as a faith healer. Meanwhile, Homer prepares for Springfield University's homecoming football game by building a float that he has fashioned out of flowers he has stolen from Ned Flanders. At the game, everyone (including the family) cheers for S.U.'s football team's star player, a kicker named Anton Lubchenko. Homer gets drunk and forgets he has made a float to celebrate SU. He crowd surfs down to the playing field, and runs to his float. Unfortunately, the other floats have left the field and the players have come back on. Homer drives his float over the leg of Lubchenko, horribly wounding him. Fat Tony threatens to kill Homer with an ice pick if Lubchenko does not return to the game. Homer convinces Bart to try and heal the kicker. Bart prays to God to help him heal the kicker. With his team down by 2 points, Lubchenko returns to the game and kicks the winning field goal, losing his leg in the process. Bart announces at the end of the game that he does not have special powers and is not a healer. Dr. Hibbert tells Bart he is happy with this, as he will surgically reattach Lubchenko's leg and get all the healing business for himself.
From 10/9/1971 ( I am board-certified surgeon ) to 6/25/1986 ( Proclamation 5506—National Homelessness Awareness Week, 1986 ) is: 5373 days
From 6/25/1986 ( Proclamation 5506—National Homelessness Awareness Week, 1986 ) to 3/11/2001 ( premiere TV episode "Futurama, The Luck of the Fryrish" ) is: 5373 days
"The Luck of the Fryrish" is the fourth episode in season three of Futurama. It originally aired in North America on March 11, 2001.
Back in the 1980s, a teenage Fry hides the seven-leaf clover inside his Ronco record vault. In the year 3000, Bender opens the record vault, but Fry discovers that the clover is missing, concluding that Yancy must have stolen it. They happen across a statue of Yancy, with the seven-leaf clover in his lapel. The inscription: “Philip J. Fry-First person on Mars” angers Fry because he believes Yancy stole his name and his dream.
Philip J. Fry II (deceased) – Nephew and namesake of Philip J. Fry, Philip J. Fry II owned the seven-leaf clover found by his uncle/great-grandfather in the 1980s. The clover ensured that he was the luckiest man in history. His achievements included a string of top ten hits with his band Leaf 7, a fling with an Icelandic singer-supermodel, and striking oil in the bathroom of the mansion that he won in the lottery. The achievement he’s most famous for, though, is being the first man on Mars. Philip Fry II was named in honor of Fry; based on his accomplishments, his personality seems to be very much like his namesake, however he looks identical to Yancy, his father. This led Fry, finding information about Philip Fry II, to believe Yancy had usurped his identity after he was frozen. Professor Hubert Farnsworth, Fry's great-great-great-...-great-nephew/grandson, is presumably a direct descendant of Philip J. Fry II, since Fry's only sibling was Yancy, and as far as is known Philip J. Fry II was Yancy's only child.
From 11/11/1966 ( Gemini 12 launches with me onboard that Gemini 12 spacecraft for my first flight into Earth orbit ) to 5/11/1999 ( premiere TV episode "Futurama, A Big Piece of Garbage" )(Tuesday) is: 11869 days
11869 = 1 + 5934 + 5934
'59-34' ( my birth date UK )
A Big Piece of Garbage (1999)
Original Air Date: 11 May 1999 (Season 1, Episode 8)
Plot Summary: When a big ball of garbage from the 21st Century returns to threaten New New York, Philip is the only expert on making the weapon to fight it.
Memorable quotes for
Major League (1989)
Willie Mays Hayes: What the hell league you been playing in?
Rick Vaughn: California Penal...
Willie Mays Hayes: Never heard of it. How'd you end up playing there?
From 5/1/1973 ( my graduation from University of Oxford includes law degree ) to 1/26/1991 ( premiere TV episode "Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Wounded" ) is: 6479 days
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 11/28/1976 ( I launched from the Jupiter moon Callisto for Earth and home ) is: 6479 days
From 5/1/1982 ( my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 ) to 1/26/1991 ( premiere TV episode "Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Wounded" ) is: 3192 days
3192 = 1596 + 1596
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) is: 1596 days
From 12/14/1972 ( Apollo 17 Challenger leaves Moon surface and I was onboard that Apollo 17 Challenger spacecraft ) to 1/26/1991 ( premiere TV episode "Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Wounded" ) is: 6617 days
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 4/14/1977 ( I returned to Earth after successfully diverting the comet in the outer solar system ) is: 6617 days
"Star Trek: The Next Generation"
The Wounded (1991)
Original Air Date: 26 January 1991 (Season 4, Episode 12)
Memorable quotes for
"Star Trek: The Next Generation"
The Wounded (1991)
[last lines]
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Take this message to your leaders, Gul Macet: we'll be watching.
Memorable quotes for
Back to the Future (1985)
Marty McFly: Do you know where Riverside Drive is?
Sam Baines: It's on the other end of town, a block past Maple. East end of town.
Marty McFly: A block past Maple? That's John F. Kennedy Drive.
Sam Baines: Who the hell is John F. Kennedy?
United States Ship PT-109 was a PT boat last commanded by Lieutenant (Junior Grade) (LTJG) John F. Kennedy (later President of the United States) in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Kennedy's actions to save his surviving crew after the sinking of the PT-109 made him a war hero, which proved helpful in his political career.
PT-59 was one of the first PT boats converted to a gunboat primarily tasked with hunting down targets their own size or smaller, and was crewed by Kennedy and those from PT-109 who chose to stay in the war rather than go home.
The Pegasus class hydrofoils were a series of fast attack patrol boats employed by the U.S. Navy. They were in service from 1977 through 1993. These hydrofoils carried the designation "PHM" for "Patrol, Hydrofoil, Missile."
The Pegasus class ships were powered by two 1,600 horsepower (1,200 kW) Mercedes-Benz diesels when waterborne, giving them a speed of 12 knots. When foilborne, the ships were powered by a General Electric LM2500 gas turbine, good for a speed of 48 knots.
Pegasus ships were well armed for their size, carrying two four-rack RGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missiles and an Oto Melara 76 mm gun. The Harpoons, specifically, were capable of sinking far larger ships at distances in excess of 60 nm. The German version would have carried the MM38 Exocet.
As Pegasus was constructed several years before the rest of the series, there are some slight differences, such as the fire-control system.
All six vessels were constructed by Boeing, in Seattle at the Renton plant at the south end of Lake Washington. They were stationed at NAS Key West.
From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 5/10/1973 ( USS Pegasus PHM 1 keel ) is: 3586 days
3586 = 1793 + 1793
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 1/29/1964 ( my first day as competitor at Innsbruck Olympics where I won Olympic gold medals ) is: 1793 days
Class: PHM 1
Keel Date: 05/10/1973
From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 7/9/1977 ( USS Pegasus PHM 1 commissioned and I was the first Commanding Officer of USS Pegasus PHM 1 ) is 13 years, 359 days
'1-33-59' ( my birth date US )
From 10/11/1968 ( Apollo 7 launches into Earth orbit and I was onboard that Apollo 7 spacecraft ) to 7/9/1977 ( USS Pegasus PHM 1 commissioned and I was the first Commanding Officer of USS Pegasus PHM 1 ) is: 3193 days
3193 = 1 + 1596 + 1596
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) is: 1596 days
Commission Date: 07/09/1977
Star Trek: First Contact
- Tough little ship.
- Little?
[ begin examples of piracy of my true identity, which has tremendous commercial value, and details of continued death threats against me and my wife ]
From 10/11/1968 ( date hijacked from me: Apollo 7 launches into Earth orbit and I was onboard that Apollo 7 spacecraft ) to 9/4/2001 ( Boeing moves to Riverside, to further support coup d’état against the U.S. government by foreign power ) is 12016 days
From 7/16/1963 ( date hijacked from me and another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 6/8/1996 ( date hijacked from me: USS Cole DDG-67 commissioned while I was the first Commanding Officer of the USS Cole DDG-67 ) is 12016 days
SEATTLE, May 10, 2001 -- The Boeing Company solidified a series of strategic changes to its corporate architecture today by choosing to locate its new world headquarters in Chicago.
By Sept. 4, the company plans to begin operations in its new headquarters at 100 North Riverside Plaza in Chicago.
From 8/2/1941 ( Philip Murray Condit, who actively supports insurrection against the U.S. government by foreign power ) to 5/16/1955 ( date hijacked from me: my associate, actress Debra Winger, starring role, 1982 movie "An Officer And A Gentleman" ) is: 5035 days
From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US ) to 12/14/1972 ( date hijacked from me: Apollo 17 Challenger lunar lander leaves Moon surface and I was onboard that Apollo 17 Challenger spacecraft ) is: 5035 days
From 8/2/1941 ( Philip Murray Condit, who actively supports insurrection against the U.S. government by foreign power ) to 11/26/1976 ( date hijacked from me: my first landing Jupiter moon Callisto ) is: 12900 days
From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US ) to 6/27/1994 ( I am the pilot and the only survivor of a plane crash that experienced many fatalities on that aircraft after the external cargo, a Pegasus rocket-launched space satellite, exploded under that aircraft ) is: 12900 days
Philip Murray Condit (born August 2, 1941) - best known as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Boeing company from 1996 to 2003.
From 12/7/1998 ( my official United States federal special undercover operation begins ) to 12/1/2003 ( Harry Curtis Stonecipher returned as president and CEO ) is 59 months, 3 weeks, 3 days
'59-33' ( my birth date US )
From 5/21/1969 ( date hijacked from me: my graduation from Princeton University includes degree as medical doctor ) to 12/1/2003 ( Harry Curtis Stonecipher returned as president and CEO ) is: 12612 days
12612 = 6306 + 6306
From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US ) to 6/7/1976 ( date hijacked from me: my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe ) is: 6306 days
NAME: Harry Curtis Stonecipher.
BIRTHDATE: May 16, 1936
returned as president and CEO Dec. 1, 2003.
From 5/16/1936 ( Harry Curtis Stonecipher, who actively supports insurrection against the U.S. government by foreign power ) to 10/5/1951 ( date hijacked from me: my associate, actress Karen Allen, starring role 1981 movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and 1984 movie "Starman" ) is: 5620 days
5620 = 2810 + 2810
From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US ) to 11/11/1966 ( date hijacked from me: Gemini 12 launches with me onboard that Gemini 12 spacecraft for my first flight into Earth orbit ) is: 2810 days
From 5/16/1936 ( Harry Curtis Stonecipher, who actively supports insurrection against the U.S. government by foreign power ) to 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me: I intercepted the comet in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is: 14657 days
From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK ) to 4/20/1999 ( Columbine massacre ) is: 14657 days
Harry C. Stonecipher (born May 16, 1936 in Robbins, Tennessee) is the former President and Chief Executive of American aerospace giant Boeing. He submitted his resignation upon request of the Boeing Board of Directors on March 6, 2005, due to an improper relationship with a Boeing executive named Debra Peabody (who also resigned shortly thereafter.)
Boeing said an internal investigation revealed a "consensual" relationship between Stonecipher and the female executive that was "inconsistent with Boeing's Code of Conduct" and "would impair his ability to lead the company". His wife of 50 years, Joan Stonecipher, filed for divorce just days after news of his affair became public.
Chief Financial Officer James A. Bell succeeded him as interim President and Chief Executive.
NAME: Harry Curtis Stonecipher.
BIRTHDATE: May 16, 1936
From 5/13/1987 ( date hijacked from me: my M.I.A. status in Africa ends and I am being transported to a U.S. military base for intensive care hospitalization ) to 5/7/2001 ( Harry Stonecipher, Vice Chairman ) is 13 years, 359 days
'1-33-59' ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US )
From 1/31/1964 ( date hijacked from me: I am competitor at Innsbruck Olympics, where I won gold medals ) to 5/7/2001 ( Harry Stonecipher, Vice Chairman, who actively supports insurrection against the U.S. government by foreign power ) is: 13611 days
From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK ) to 6/8/1996 ( date hijacked from me: USS Cole DDG-67 commissioned while I was the first Commanding Officer of the USS Cole DDG-67 ) is: 13611 days
SEATTLE, May 10, 2001 -- The Boeing Company solidified a series of strategic changes to its corporate architecture today by choosing to locate its new world headquarters in Chicago.
On May 7, the company announced the related promotion of Harry Stonecipher to the position of Vice Chairman, shifting his emphasis from the day-to-day running of the company to developing long-term growth strategies.
I wonder who would win in a fist-fight between Howard Schultz and Bill Gates. Sounds like an even match.
From 8/5/1930 ( date hijacked from me: my associate Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut Neil Armstrong, NASA ) to 7/19/1953 ( Howard Schultz, who actively supports insurrection against the U.S. government by foreign power ) is: 8384 days
From 7/19/1953 ( Howard Schultz, who actively supports insurrection against the U.S. government by foreign power ) to 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me: I intercepted the comet in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is: 8384 days
From 7/19/1953 ( Howard Schultz, who actively supports insurrection against the U.S. government by foreign power ) to 5/1/1967 ( date hijacked from me: my first flight by myself as jet pilot ) is: 5034 days
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK, hijacked ) to 12/14/1972 ( date hijacked from me: Apollo 17 lunar lander leaves Moon surface and I was onboard that Apollo 17 lunar lander spacecraft ) is: 5034 days
Howard Schultz
Born: 19-Jul-1953
Executive summary: Founder of Starbucks
[ STARBUCKS is a criminal enterprise to pirate my identity and an instigator of insurrection against the USA ],%20LLC
Trademark Assignment Assignee Details
Citizenship: NEVADA
From 1/20/1930 ( date hijacked from me: my associate Buzz Aldrin, NASA ) to 4/23/1989 ( postal code 89423 ) is 3 days, 3 months, 59 years
'33-59' ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US )
From 4/23/1989 ( postal code 89423 ) to 9/11/2001 ( New York City and Pentagon attacked with massive fatalities and destruction ) is: 4524 days
4524 = 2262 + 2262
From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US ) to 5/12/1965 ( date hijacked from me: I am awarded U.S. Navy aviator wings ) is: 2262 days
From 4/14/1977 ( date hijacked from me: I returned to Earth after successfully diverting comet in the outer solar system ) to 4/23/1989 ( postal code 89423 ) is: 4392 days
4392 = 2196 + 2196
From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 7/20/1969 ( date hijacked from me: The Eagle has landed and I was onboard that Apollo 11 lunar lander ) is: 2196 days
ZIP Code™ Matches in MINDEN, NV
From 11/26/1976 ( date hijacked from me: my first landing Jupiter moon Callisto ) to 3/22/1993 ( Pentium, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA by foreign power ) is: 5960 days
5960 = 2980 + 2980
From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK ) to 5/1/1967 ( date hijacked from me: my first flight by myself as jet pilot ) is: 2980 days
The Pentium[1] brand refers to Intel's single-core x86 microprocessor[2] based on the P5 fifth-generation microarchitecture considered here as such only. The name 'Pentium' was derived from the Greek penta, meaning 'five', and the Latin ending -ium.
Introduced on March 22, 1993[3], the Pentium succeeded the Intel486, which number "4" signified the fourth-generation microarchitecture. Intel selected the Pentium name after courts had disallowed trademarking of names containing numbers - like "286", "i386", "i486" - though, sometimes, the Pentium is unofficially referred to as i586. In 1996, the original Pentium was succeeded by the Pentium MMX branded CPUs still based on the P5 fifth-generation microarchitecture.
From 8/29/1939 ( Craig R. Barrett, who actively supports insurrection against the U.S. government by foreign power ) to 7/4/1976 ( my target date to divert the comet in the outer solar system and I was successful ) is: 13459 days
'1-34-59' ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK )
From 8/29/1939 ( Craig R. Barrett, who actively supports insurrection against the U.S. government by foreign power ) to 10/23/1983 ( As a U.S. Navy officer, I am at the U.S. Marines barracks in Beirut when it was destroyed and I survived while many U.S. Marines did not ) is: 16126 days
16126 = 8063 + 8063
From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US ) to 3/30/1981 ( President Ronald Reagan shot and wounded in assassination attempt ) is: 8063 days
Craig R. Barrett (born August 29, 1939) is the Chairman of the Board of the Intel Corporation since May 2005.
Previously, he served as the President of Intel Corporation starting in 1997 and its Chief Executive Officer from 1998 to 2005. He successfully led the corporation through some of its worst times, including the burst of the "dot-com bubble" and a severe recession.
Dr. Barrett was employed by Intel Corporation in 1974 as a manager. He was promoted to vice presidency of the corporation in 1984; to senior vice president in 1987, and executive vice president in 1990. Dr. Barrett was elected to Intel Corporation's Board of Directors in 1992 and was named the company's Chief Operating Officer in 1993. He became Intel's fourth President in May 1997, and Chief Executive Officer in 1998. He became Chairman of the Board in May 2005, when he was replaced as a CEO by Paul Otellini.
From 6/7/1981 ( Osirak domed structure demolished by Israeli Air Force ) to 3/26/2000 ( Kingdome imploded, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 6867 days
From 7/16/1963 ( date hijacked from me and another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 5/4/1982 ( Great Britain Royal Navy HMS Sheffield D80 sailors and my military allies killed while I was onboard that warship as a U.S. Navy officer ) is: 6867 days
From 2/9/1964 ( date hijacked from me: my final day as competitor at Innsbruck Olympics, where I won gold medals ) to 3/26/2000 ( Kingdome imploded, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 13195 days
From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK ) to 4/19/1995 ( Oklahoma City bombing with many fatalities and massive destruction ) is: 13195 days
The Kingdome was an indoor sports and entertainment arena owned and operated by King County, Washington. The Kingdome received its nickname from King County,[1] and was officially known as the King County Domed Stadium and often called the Dome. Before its destruction it was located at the west end of Seattle's Industrial District, just south of Pioneer Square. The building was completed in 1976 on reclaimed tideflat land formerly occupied by the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway's freight yards. It served as home to the Seattle Mariners baseball team, the Seattle Seahawks American football team, and the Seattle SuperSonics basketball team for several years. The Kingdome was demolished by implosion on March 26, 2000 the implosion was filmed by legendary avant-garde/experimental filmmaker Jon Behrens.
The footprint is now occupied by Qwest Field.
From 4/21/1926 ( date hijacked from me: Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II ) to 5/12/1965 ( date hijacked from me: I am awarded U.S. Navy aviator wings ) is: 14266 days
From 5/12/1965 ( date hijacked from me: I am awarded U.S. Navy aviator wings ) to 6/2/2004 ( Seahawks Stadium, a criminal enterprise, renamed to Qwest Field, which was constructed on the site of the imploded Kingdome ) is: 14266 days
From 6/8/1996 ( date hijacked from me: USS Cole DDG-67 commissioned while I was the first Commanding Officer of the USS Cole DDG-67 ) to 6/2/2004 ( Seahawks Stadium, a criminal enterprise, renamed to Qwest Field, which was constructed on the site of the imploded Kingdome ) is: 2916 days
From 7/22/1955 ( date hijacked from me: my associate, actor Willem Dafoe, who portrays U.S. Navy Lt. Commander "Tiger Cole" in 1991 movie "Flight of the Intruder" ) to 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) is: 2916 days
The stadium was originally named Seahawks Stadium. The name Qwest Field was announced on June 2, 2004, after Qwest bought the naming rights for $75 million (for 15 years). Although some people began using the new name immediately, the official approval wasn't given until twenty-two days later (June 24) by the Washington State Public Stadium Authority. Seahawks owner Paul Allen funded about 30% of the stadium's cost out of his pocket, the remainder being paid by a funding package of user fees, sports lottery revenue, and taxes on related industries.
Sports: Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Qwest buying naming rights to Seahawks Stadium
By Jose Miguel Romero
Seattle Times staff reporter
As of today, Seahawks Stadium is now known as Qwest Field.
Microsoft Pre-Split and Post-Split Closing Stock Prices
View the history of closing stock prices by week, both adjusted for all stock splits
History of Microsoft Common Stock Splits
Microsoft's initial public offering (IPO) was March 13, 1986
From 1/31/1964 ( date hijacked from me: I am competitor at Innsbruck Olympics, where I won gold medals ) to 3/13/1986 ( Microsoft MSFT IPO, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 8077 days
From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK ) to 4/14/1981 ( date hijacked from me: the first space shuttle flight, STS-1, re-enters the Earth's atmosphere and I was onboard that spacecraft Columbia until landing approach ) is: 8077 days
From 10/5/1951 ( my associate, actress Karen Allen, starring role 1981 movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and 1984 movie "Starman" ) to 3/13/1986 ( Microsoft MSFT IPO, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is 159 days, 34 years
'1-59-34' ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK )
History of Microsoft Common Stock Splits
Payable Date
Sept. 18, 1987
Split Type*
2 for 1
Closing Price before/after
Sept. 18- $114.50/Sept. 21-$53.50
From 5/1/1967 ( date hijacked from me: my first flight by myself as jet pilot ) to 9/18/1987 ( 1st stock split Microsoft MSFT, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 7445 days
From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US ) to 7/21/1979 ( date hijacked from me: my wife and I are married ) is: 7445 days
From 5/4/1982 ( Great Britain Royal Navy warship HMS Sheffield D80 sailors and my military allies killed while I was onboard that warship as a U.S. Navy officer ) to 9/18/1987 ( 1st stock split Microsoft MSFT, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 1963 days
'1963' ( another threat sent to me against my wife )
History of Microsoft Common Stock Splits
Payable Date
April 12, 1990
Split Type*
2 for 1
Closing Price before/after
April 12-$120.75/April 16-$60.75
From 12/11/1972 ( date hijacked from me: Apollo 17 lunar landing and I was one of the Apollo 17 astronauts walking on the Earth's moon ) to 4/12/1990 ( 2nd stock split Microsoft MSFT, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 6331 days
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 7/2/1976 ( I intercepted the comet in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is: 6331 days
From 7/21/1979 ( date hijacked from me: my wife and I are married ) to 4/12/1990 ( 2nd stock split Microsoft MSFT, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 3918 days
3918 = 1959 + 1959
'1959 March 3' ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US )
From 7/16/1981 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 4/12/1990 ( 2nd stock split Microsoft MSFT, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 3192 days
3192 = 1596 + 1596
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) is: 1596 days
History of Microsoft Common Stock Splits
Payable Date
June 26, 1991
Split Type*
3 for 2
Closing Price before/after
June 26-$100.75/June 27-$68.00
From 7/16/1981 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 6/26/1991 ( 3rd stock split Microsoft MSFT, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is 345 days, 9 years
'34-59' ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK )
From 2/14/1986 ( I was POW in Libya ) to 6/27/1991 ( 3rd stock split Microsoft MSFT, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 1959 days
'1959 March 3' ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US )
History of Microsoft Common Stock Splits
Payable Date
June 12, 1992
Split Type*
3 for 2
Closing Price before/after
June 12-$112.50/June 15-$75.75
From 7/21/1979 ( date hijacked from me: my wife and I are married ) to 6/12/1992 ( 4th stock split Microsoft MSFT, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 4710 days
From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 6/7/1976 ( date hijacked from me: my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe ) is: 4710 days
From 3/24/1956 ( Steve Ballmer, Microsoft Corporation, who is an enemy combatant against the USA and USA allies ) to 6/15/1992 ( 4th stock split Microsoft MSFT, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 13232 days
13232 = 6616 + 6616
From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK ) to 4/14/1977 ( date hijacked from me: I returned to Earth after successfully diverting comet in the outer solar system ) is: 6616 days
History of Microsoft Common Stock Splits
Payable Date
May 20, 1994
Split Type*
2 for 1
Closing Price before/after
May 20-$97.75/May 23-$50.63
From 4/10/1972 ( date hijacked from me: date hijacked from me: U.S. Navy SEAL Lt. Thomas R. Norris, Medal of Honor, Vietnam War ) to 5/20/1994 ( 5th stock split Microsoft MSFT, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 8075 days
From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK ) to 4/12/1981 ( date hijacked from me: first ever space shuttle launch and I was onboard that spacecraft Columbia ) is: 8075 days
From 11/28/1976 ( date hijacked from me: I launched from the Jupiter moon Callisto for Earth ) to 5/20/1994 ( 5th stock split Microsoft MSFT, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 6382 days
6382 = 3191 + 3191
From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 4/10/1972 ( date hijacked from me: U.S. Navy SEAL Lt. Thomas R. Norris, Medal of Honor, Vietnam War ) is: 3191 days
History of Microsoft Common Stock Splits
Payable Date
December 6, 1996
Split Type*
2 for 1
Closing Price before/after
December 6-$152.875/December 9-$81.75
From 3/4/1976 ( date hijacked from me: my 17th birthday UK enroute to comet in the outer solar system ) to 12/6/1996 ( 6th stock split Microsoft MSFT, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 7582 days
7582 = 3791 + 3791
From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK ) to 7/20/1969 ( date hijacked from me: Apollo 11 lunar landing and I was one of the Apollo 11 astronauts walking on the Earth's moon ) is: 3791 days
From 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me: I intercepted the comet in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) to 12/6/1996 ( 6th stock split Microsoft MSFT, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 7462 days
7462 = 3731 + 3731
From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK ) to 5/21/1969 ( date hijacked from me: my graduation from Princeton University, includes medical degree ) is 3731 days
History of Microsoft Common Stock Splits
Payable Date
February 20, 1998
Split Type*
2 for 1
Closing Price before/after
February 20-$155.13/February 23-$81.63
From 4/30/1982 ( date hijacked from me: my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 ) to 2/23/1998 ( 7th stock split Microsoft MSFT, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is 15 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, 3 days
'1-59-33' ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US )
From 7/21/1979 ( date hijacked from me: my wife and I are married ) to 2/23/1998 ( 7th stock split Microsoft MSFT, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 6792 days
6792 = 3396 + 3396
From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US ) to 6/19/1968 ( date hijacked from me: my first Medal of Honor and I am U.S. military fighter jet ace during Vietnam War ) is: 3396 days
History of Microsoft Common Stock Splits
Payable Date
March 26, 1999
Split Type*
2 for 1
Closing Price before/after
March 26-$178.13/March 29-$92.38
From 9/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me: my first day as student at Princeton University ) to 6/14/1982 ( date hijacked from me: Falklands War ends and I was allied with the United Kingdom military on my personal initiative ) is: 6129 days
From 6/14/1982 ( date hijacked from me: Falklands War ends and I was allied with the United Kingdom military on my personal initiative ) to 3/26/1999 ( 8th stock split Microsoft MSFT, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 6129 days
History of Microsoft Common Stock Splits
Payable Date
February 18, 2003
Split Type*
2 for 1
Closing Price before/after
February 14-$48.30/February 18-$24.96
From 6/19/1968 ( date hijacked from me: my first Medal of Honor and I am U.S. military fighter jet ace during Vietnam War ) to 2/18/2003 ( 9th stock split Microsoft MSFT, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 12662 days
12662 = 6331 + 6331
From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US ) to 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me: I intercepted the comet in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is: 6331 days
From 3/16/1998 ( date hijacked from me: as a U.S. Navy officer, I was deployed on an official United States federal assignment and I remain 100% deployed ) to 2/18/2003 ( 9th stock split Microsoft MSFT, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 1800 days
From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 6/19/1968 ( date hijacked from me: I am U.S. military fighter jet ace during Vietnam War and my 1st Medal of Honor ) is: 1800 days
From 6/25/1986 ( Proclamation 5506—National Homelessness Awareness Week, 1986 ) to 3/31/2007 ( EMP, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 7584 days
7584 = 3792 + 3792
From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK ) to 7/21/1969 ( date hijacked from me: I am one of the Apollo 11 astronauts walking on the Earth's moon ) is: 3792 days
From 11/15/1995 ( Monica Lewinsky claims the beginning of a sexual relationship with the President of the USA ) to 3/31/2007 ( EMP, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 593 weeks, 3 days
'59-33' ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US )
Beginning March 31, 2007, "after six years of criticism from some community members who felt that the cost of admission made the museum a tourist destination, rather than an educational and recreational resource for locals", the price of a combined admission to EMP and SFM have been cut to [ product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ] for adults, and [ product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ] for children and seniors; there will no longer be a separate admission to each of the two museums
From 7/21/1987 ( date hijacked from me: formal wedding for my wife and me ) to 11/15/1995 ( Monica Lewinsky claims the beginning of a sexual relationship with the President of the USA ) is: 3039 days
From 11/15/1995 ( Monica Lewinsky claims the beginning of a sexual relationship with the President of the USA ) to 3/11/2004 ( The 2004 Madrid train bombings ) is: 3039 days
From 4/14/1977 ( date hijacked from me: I returned to Earth after successfully diverting comet in the outer solar system ) to 3/11/2004 ( The 2004 Madrid train bombings ) is: 9828 days
From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US ) to 1/28/1986 ( space shuttle Challenger explodes after liftoff with the deaths of all astronauts onboard Challenger ) is: 9828 days
From 7/21/1979 ( date hijacked from me: my wife and I are married ) to 3/11/2004 ( The 2004 Madrid train bombings ) is: 9000 days
From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US ) to 10/23/1983 ( As a U.S. Navy officer, I am at the U.S. Marines barracks in Beirut when it was attacked and I survived while many U.S. Marines did not ) is: 9000 days
The 2004 Madrid train bombings (also known in Spanish as 11-M) consisted of a series of coordinated bombings against the Cercanías (commuter train) system of Madrid, Spain on the morning of 11 March 2004 (three days before Spain's general elections), killing 191 people and wounding 1,755
From 11/26/1976 ( date hijacked from me: my first landing Jupiter moon Callisto ) to 3/6/1987 ( date hijacked from me: premiere US movie "Lethal Weapon" ) is: 3752 days
From 3/6/1987 ( date hijacked from me: premiere US movie "Lethal Weapon" ) to 6/13/1997 ( EMP groundbreaking, product of criminal enterprise ) is: 3752 days
From 1/28/1986 ( space shuttle Challenger explodes ) to 6/13/1997 ( EMP groundbreaking, product of criminal enterprise ) is: 593 weeks, 3 days
'59-33' ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US )
Business: Friday, June 13, 1997
Shape Of Things To Come At Seattle Center -- Design Unveiled For Music Museum
Richard Seven
Seattle Times Staff Reporter
And now for something completely different.
Paul Allen wants his Experience Music Project museum to push boundaries, to provoke people to think outside the lines, to embrace the creative process.
So EMP's final design, released today as part of its groundbreaking celebration, figures to be appropriately controversial. A landmark to some, an eyesore to others.
From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 2/28/2007 ( Experience Music Project, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 15933 days
'1-59-33' ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US )
A subsequent exhibit — Sound and Vision: Artists Tell Their Stories, which opened February 28, 2007 — had far more connection to the museums' missions.
From 7/21/1979 ( date hijacked from me: my wife and I are married ) to 11/17/2007 ( Rik Allen and Experience Music Project, who actively supports insurrection against the U.S. government by foreign power and a criminal enterprise ) is: 10346 days
10346 = 5173 + 5173
From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US ) to 5/1/1973 ( date hijacked from me: my graduation from University of Oxford includes law degree ) is: 5173 days
Innersphere: Sculptural Works by Rik Allen
November 17, 2007 - April 27, 2008
In his most recent work, Washington artist Rik Allen reveals his life-long fascination with science fiction themes and futuristic imagery.
From 5/12/1965 ( date hijacked from me: I am awarded U.S. Navy aviator wings ) to 1/14/2000 ( Letterman's alleged heart surgery this day, probably a fabricated event, in support of his piracy of my secret identity, which has tremendous commercial value ) is: 12665 days
12665 = 1 + 6332 + 6332
From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK ) to 7/4/1976 ( date hijacked from me: my target date to divert the comet in the outer solar system and I was successful ) is: 6332 days
On January 14, 2000, a routine check-up revealed that an artery in Letterman's heart was severely constricted. He was rushed to emergency surgery to receive a quintuple bypass.
From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 9/7/2007 ( David Letterman, dedication of a communications facility, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 16124 days
16124 = 8062 + 8062
From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK ) to 3/30/1981 ( President Ronald Reagan shot and wounded in assassination attempt ) is: 8062 days
From 4/19/1995 ( Oklahoma City bombing with many fatalities and massive destruction ) to 9/7/2007 ( David Letterman, dedication of a communications facility, a product of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the USA ) is: 4524 days
4524 = 2261 + 2261
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 5/12/1965 ( I am awarded U.S. Navy aviator wings ) is: 2261 days
David Letterman Communication and Media Building
On September 7, 2007, Letterman visited his alma mater, Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, for the dedication of a communications facility named in his honor
From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino, national traitor, coward, agent of foreign power against the USA ) to 4/19/1995 ( Oklahoma City bombing with many fatalities ) is: 8380 days
From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife from organized criminals that have hijacked my identity, which has tremendous commercial value ) to 6/25/1986 ( Proclamation 5506—National Homelessness Awareness Week, 1986 ) is: 8380 days
Dana Marie Perino (born May 9, 1972) is the current White House Press Secretary for President George W. Bush, having assumed the position on September 14, 2007.
From 3/3/1927 ( Harry Whittington ) to 6/25/1986 ( Proclamation 5506—National Homelessness Awareness Week, 1986 ) is 1 day, 3 weeks, 3 months, 59 years
'1-33-59' ( my birth date US, hijacked )
From 3/3/1927 ( Harry Whittington ) to 5/16/1955 ( my associate Debra Winger, starring role 1982 movie, "An Officer And A Gentleman" ) is: 10301 days
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK, hijacked ) to 5/17/1987 ( U.S. Navy warship USS Stark FFG-31 sailors killed while transporting me to Bahrain for intensive care hospitalization ) is: 10301 days
From 3/3/1927 ( Harry Whittington ) to 10/11/1968 ( date hijacked from me: Apollo 7 launches into Earth orbit and I was onboard that Apollo 7 spacecraft ) is: 15198 days
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK, hijacked ) to 10/12/2000 ( USS Cole DDG-67 sailors killed and I was the first Commanding Officer of USS Cole DDG-67 ) is: 15198 days
Harry M. Whittington (born March 3, 1927) is an American lawyer, real estate investor, and political figure from Austin, Texas who received international media attention on February 11, 2006, when he was shot in the face by Vice President Dick Cheney while hunting quail with two women on a ranch in Corpus Christi, Texas.
On February 11, 2006, Whittington, a Bush-Cheney campaign contributor, was accidentally shot and injured by U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney during a quail hunting trip, at a ranch in south Texas owned by Katharine Armstrong. Most of the damage from the shotgun blast was to the right side of his body, including damage to his face, chest, and neck. He was taken to Corpus Christi Memorial Hospital by ambulance.
Armstrong stated that Whittington was shot when Cheney was shooting at a covey of birds. She also says that Whittington did not alert Cheney to his location and was simply caught in the middle.
From 6/27/1966 ( Tony Fratto, coward and national traitor, who actively supports coup d’état against the U.S. government by foreign power ) to 1/28/1986 ( space shuttle Challenger explodes after liftoff with the deaths of all astronauts onboard the Challenger orbiter vehicle ) is: 7155 days
7155 = 1 + 3577 + 3577
From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 5/1/1973 ( date hijacked from me: my graduation from University of Oxford includes law degree ) is: 3577 days
From 6/27/1966 ( Tony Fratto, coward and national traitor, who actively supports coup d’état against the U.S. government by foreign power ) to 6/7/1976 ( date hijacked from me: my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe ) is 345 days, 9 years
'34-59' ( date hijacked from me: my birth date U: )
Salvatore Antonio "Tony" Fratto (born June 27, 1966) is Deputy Assistant to United States President George W. Bush and Deputy Press Secretary.
From 1/28/1986 ( space shuttle Challenger explodes after liftoff with the deaths of all astronauts onboard the spacecraft Challenger ) to 8/30/1993 ( first episode listed "Late Show with David Letterman," product of criminal enterprise )(Monday) is: 2771 days
2771 = 1 + 1385 + 1385
From 7/16/1963 ( date hijacked from me and another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 5/1/1967 ( date hijacked from me: my first flight by myself as jet pilot ) is: 1385 days
From 4/12/1981 ( date hijacked from me: 1st space shuttle launch into Earth orbit and I was commander of that spacecraft Columbia ) to 8/30/1993 ( first episode listed "Late Show with David Letterman," product of criminal enterprise )(Monday) is: 4523 days
4523 = 1 + 2261 + 2261
From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK ) to 5/12/1965 ( date hijacked from me: I am awarded U.S. Navy aviator wings ) is: 2261 days
"Late Show with David Letterman"
Episode #1.1 (1993)
Original Air Date: 30 August 1993 (Season 1, Episode 1)
David Letterman ... Himself - Host
From 4/12/1947 ( David Letterman, who actively supports insurrection against the U.S. government by foreign power ) to 5/21/1969 ( date hijacked from me: my graduation from Princeton University includes degree as medical doctor ) is: 8075 days
From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK ) to 4/12/1981 ( date hijacked from me: 1st space shuttle launch into Earth orbit and I was commander of that spacecraft Columbia ) is: 8075 days
From 4/12/1947 ( David Letterman, who actively supports insurrection against the U.S. government by foreign power ) to 1/21/1976 ( date hijacked from me: my first landing on the planet Mars ) is 345 months, 9 days
'34-59' ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US )
From 4/12/1947 ( David Letterman, who actively supports insurrection against the U.S. government by foreign power ) to 9/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me: my first day as student at Princeton University where I earned degree as medical doctor ) is: 6718 days
6718 = 3359 + 3359
'33-59' ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US )
David Letterman
Date of Birth: 12 April 1947
From 7/16/1981 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 6/27/1994 ( I am the pilot and the only survivor of a plane crash that experienced many fatalities on that aircraft after the external cargo, a Pegasus rocket-launched space satellite, exploded under that aircraft ) is: 4729 days
From 6/27/1994 ( I am the pilot and the only survivor of a plane crash that experienced many fatalities on that aircraft after the external cargo, a Pegasus rocket-launched space satellite, exploded under that aircraft ) to 6/8/2007 ( Kelly A. Frank escapes prison, probably fabricated by David Letterman to support of his piracy of my secret identity, which has tremendous commercial value ) is: 4729 days
From 2/6/2004 ( my final day working at Microsoft Corporation with my official United States federal undercover identity ) to 6/8/2007 ( Kelly A. Frank escapes prison, probably fabricated by David Letterman to support of his piracy of my secret identity, which has tremendous commercial value ) is: 1218 days
From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 11/15/1966 ( date hijacked from me: Gemini 12 splashdown and I was onboard that Gemini 12 spacecraft ) is: 1218 days,2933,279732,00.html
Saturday, June 09, 2007
BUTTE, Mont. — Two inmates, including a man who was once accused of plotting to kidnap David Letterman's son, escaped from the Montana State Prison while working on the prison's ranch Friday.
Kelly A. Frank, 45, and William J. Willcutt, 22, apparently left in one of the prison's work trucks, officials said. Authorities were still searching for them late Friday.
Frank was arrested in 2005 on allegations he was plotting to kidnap Letterman's young son and nanny from his Montana home. However, kidnapping-related charges were eventually dropped, and Frank was sentenced to 10 years for theft for overcharging Letterman for painting work.
Letterman Tot Kidnap Plot Foiled
Cops Say Montana Ranch Hand Planned To Hold Baby, Nanny For $5M
HELENA, Mont., March 18, 2005
(CBS/AP) David Letterman and his girlfriend thanked law enforcement officials for uncovering a plot to kidnap their 16-month-old son from their Montana ranch, saying they were "forever grateful."
The man charged Thursday with hatching the scheme, Kelly A. Frank, worked as a painter at the talk-show host's 2,700-acre spread near the rugged Rocky Mountain Front. The 43-year-old Frank, according to police, had planned to hold the boy and his nanny for $5 million ransom.
The acquaintance contacted authorities Sunday, according to the affidavit. Sheriff George Anderson told the weekly Choteau Acantha newspaper that Frank was arrested the following morning at another area ranch where he was working.
On Nov. 3, 2003, Lasko gave birth to the couple's son. The boy, Letterman's first child, was named after the comedian's late father, Harry Joseph Letterman.
For years, Letterman was targeted by a stalker who called herself "Mrs. David Letterman" and broke into his Connecticut house at least seven times.
Margaret Ray eventually pleaded guilty to breaking and entering. Diagnosed with schizophrenia, she served 10 months in prison and 14 months in a mental institution. In 1998, she committed suicide at age 46 by kneeling in front of a train.
From 1/29/1964 ( my first day as competitor at Innsbruck Olympics where I won Olympic gold medals ) to 11/3/2003 ( another date probably fabricated by David Letterman to aid his evasion of prosecution for his piracy of my identity, which has tremendous commercial value as well as his material support to insurrection against the USA ) is: 14523 days
From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK ) to 12/7/1998 ( my official United States federal special undercover operation begins the current phase ) is: 14523 days
From 5/17/1987 ( U.S. Navy warship USS Stark FFG-31 sailors killed while transporting me to a U.S. military base for intensive care hospitalization ) to 11/3/2003 ( another date probably fabricated by David Letterman to aid his evasion of prosecution for his piracy of my identity, which has tremendous commercial value as well as his material support to insurrection against the USA ) is: 6014 days
6014 = 3007 + 3007
From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 10/9/1971 ( date hijacked from me: I am board-certified surgeon ) is: 3007 days
Letterman has a son, Harry Joseph, (born November 3, 2003
From 7/20/1969 ( date hijacked from me: The Eagle has landed and I was onboard that Apollo 11 lunar lander spacecraft ) to 5/17/1987 ( U.S. Navy warship USS Stark FFG-31 sailors killed while transporting me to a U.S. military base for intensive care hospitalization ) is: 6510 days
From 5/17/1987 ( U.S. Navy warship USS Stark FFG-31 sailors killed while transporting me to a U.S. military base for intensive care hospitalization ) to 3/13/2005 ( Sunday, another date probably fabricated by David Letterman to aid his evasion of prosecution for his piracy of my identity, which has tremendous commercial value as well as his material support to insurrection against the USA ) is: 6510 days
Letterman Tot Kidnap Plot Foiled
Cops Say Montana Ranch Hand Planned To Hold Baby, Nanny For $5M
HELENA, Mont., March 18, 2005
The acquaintance contacted authorities Sunday, according to the affidavit.
[ begin examples I recognize as my work or legitimately associated with my interests ]
From 4/5/1962 ( Lana Clarkson ) to 4/14/1981 ( I was the commander aboard the STS-1 spacecraft Columbia ) is: 6949 days
6949 = 1 + 3474 + 3474
From 4/5/1962 ( Lana Clarkson ) to 10/9/1971 ( I am board-certified surgeon ) is: 3474 days
Lana Clarkson
Date of Birth: 5 April 1962
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) .... Mrs. Vargas
From 11/10/1948 ( Vincent Schiavelli ) to 6/7/1976 ( my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe ) is: 10071 days
10071 = 1 + 5035 + 5035
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 12/14/1972 ( Apollo 17 Challenger leaves Moon surface and I was onboard that Apollo 17 Challenger spacecraft ) is: 5035 days
Vincent Schiavelli
Date of Birth: 10 November 1948
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) .... Mr. Vargas
[ end examples I recognize as my work or legitimately associated with my interests ]
From 5/16/1955 ( date hijacked from me: my associate, actress Debra Winger, starring role, 1982 movie "An Officer And A Gentleman" ) to 4/5/1962 ( date hijacked from me: Lana Clarkson, who is credited as "Mrs. Vargas" in the 1982 movie "Fast Times At Ridgemont High," starring my wife ) is: 3 days, 359 weeks
'33-59' ( my birth date US )
From 4/5/1962 ( date hijacked from me: Lana Clarkson, who is credited as "Mrs. Vargas" in the 1982 movie "Fast Times At Ridgemont High," starring my wife ) to 11/25/1986 ( funeral service for me and my M.I.A. status in Africa changed to K.I.A. ) is: 9000 days
From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US ) to 10/23/1983 ( As a U.S. Navy officer, as I remain to this day, I am at the U.S. Marines barracks in Beirut when it was attacked at I survived while many U.S. Marines did not ) is: 9000 days
Lana Clarkson
Date of Birth: 5 April 1962
From 2/12/1973 ( Operation Homecoming begins and I was one of the C-141A pilots ) to 2/3/2003 ( murder of Lana Clarkson, who is credited as "Mrs. Vargas" in the 1982 movie "Fast Times At Ridgemont High," starring my wife ) is 1 day, 3 weeks, 359 months
'1-33-59' ( my birth date US )
From 5/1/1967 ( my first flight by myself as jet pilot ) to 2/3/2003 ( murder of Lana Clarkson, who is credited as "Mrs. Vargas" in the 1982 movie "Fast Times At Ridgemont High," starring my wife ) is: 13062 days
From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 4/20/1999 ( Columbine massacre ) is: 13062 days
From 4/30/1982 ( my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 ) to 2/3/2003 ( murder of Lana Clarkson, who is credited as "Mrs. Vargas" in the 1982 movie "Fast Times At Ridgemont High," starring my wife ) is: 7584 days
7584 = 3792 + 3792
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 7/20/1969 ( Apollo 11 lunar landing and I was onboard that Apollo 11 lunar lander spacecraft ) is: 3792 days
From 5/9/1985 ( I am the pilot of F-14 Tomcat that is attacked by hostile forces, my RIO is killed ) to 2/3/2003 ( murder of Lana Clarkson, who is credited as "Mrs. Vargas" in the 1982 movie "Fast Times At Ridgemont High," starring my wife ) is: 6479 days
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 11/28/1976 ( I launched from the Jupiter moon Callisto for Earth and home ) is: 6479 days
From 12/8/1964 ( my associate, actress Teri Hatcher ) to 2/3/2003 ( murder of Lana Clarkson, who is credited as "Mrs. Vargas" in the 1982 movie "Fast Times At Ridgemont High," starring my wife ) is: 13936 days
13936 = 6968 + 6968
From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 8/13/1982 ( premiere US movies "Fast Times At Ridgemont High," "An Officer And A Gentleman," "Pink Floyd The Wall" ) is: 6968 days
From 11/11/1966 ( Gemini 12 launches with me onboard that Gemini 12 spacecraft for my first flight into Earth orbit ) to 2/3/2003 ( murder of Lana Clarkson, who is credited as "Mrs. Vargas" in the 1982 movie "Fast Times At Ridgemont High," starring my wife ) is: 13233 days
13233 = 1 + 6616 + 6616
From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 4/14/1977 ( I returned to Earth after successfully diverting comet in the outer solar system ) is: 6616 days
The pioneering record producer is accused of shooting 40-year-old actress Lana Clarkson to death at his Los Angeles area home on February 3, 2003. Jurors were deliberating for an 11th day on a second-degree murder charge.
[ begin examples I recognize as my work or legitimately associated with my interests ]
Re: Finally Free
From: POW-MIA InterNetwork
Date: February 12, 2003
"February 12, 2003
POWs will get another homecoming, 30 years later
By Brian Kelly
Herald Writer
OAK HARBOR -- Two words. A snippet of a sentence, a phrase that lifted them higher than the lumbering Air Force C-141 could ever soar.
"Feet wet!" came the call. And in plane after plane, shouts of joy erupted as each "Hanoi Taxi" crossed the coastline of Vietnam.
Thirty years ago today, the first wave of prisoners of war came home from Vietnam. Dubbed "Operation Homecoming," it saw the release of almost 600 of the 801 Americans captured during the war.
Today at Whidbey Island Naval Air Station, the freedom flights will be marked by a symposium and panel discussion hosted by a half-dozen or so Vietnam POWs. It's a hot ticket for people in uniform: Roughly 400 or more sailors and Marines are expected to attend.
Richard "Skip" Brunhaver, the pilot of a Navy A-4 Skyhawk, recalled being on the second flight out of Hanoi on Feb. 12, 1973. He spent 2,729 days, more than seven years, as a prisoner of war, most of them in Hoa Lo prison, better known as the "Hanoi Hilton."
He was 25 when he was captured -- his fighter-bomber went down because of mechanical trouble in August 1965 -- and 33 when he went home as part of Operation Homecoming.
No cheers came from on board when his plane took off from Vietnam, bound for Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines.
"We had developed so much cynicism over such a long period of time, you never knew," Brunhaver recalled. "You thought there might be some trick going on."
Brunhaver, now 62, said the mood changed once the plane crossed the coast.
"When we hit 'feet wet,' we knew it was for real. About that time, your brain clicked over and said it's time to start living again."
Aviator Slang
Yes, military pilots really do talk this way! This is not an all-inclusive list of military acronyms, just the type of lingo you're apt to hear in the Ready-Room, on the flightline, or in the aircraft.
Feet Wet/Dry
The former means "over-water," the latter "over-land."
Adventures in the Air
Following the signals of the yellow shirt, I slowly maneuvered the Intruder into the catapult shuttle—the device that connects to your nosewheel bar and does the actual pulling of the aircraft. When I was “in,” the yellow shirt gave me the “hold” signal. There was a pause as a deck hand attached the “hold back rod” to the rear of the nosewheel. This device is designed to hold the aircraft at full power, but to release it when the cat stroke began. The Catapult Officer then gave the “take tension” signal to the catapult operator who was standing over in the cat walk. I reached forward of the throttles and swung out the “cat grip”and felt the aircraft squat slightly as the nosewheel automatically compressed, as if the Intruder was getting ready to jump off the deck.
Waving two fingers back and forth rapidly, the Cat Officer gave me the “turn up” signal. With my left hand I pushed both throttles to full power, locking my fingers over the cat grip bar. This prevents your hand and the throttles from slipping back during the 24 “G” acceleration that was now just seconds away. You didn’t want to go off the cat with anything less than full power!
The catapult shot is like that of any other manned aircraft. Company officials noted that F/A-18s fire off the ship autonomously anyway (pilots keep there hands off the stick during cat shots)
On 24 June 1969, the first operational "hands off" arrested landing using the AN/SPN-42, Automatic Carrier Landing System (ACLS), on a carrier was performed by Lt. Dean Smith and Lt.j.g. James Sherlock of Fighter Squadron 103 when their F-4 Phantom landed aboard Saratoga.
Being a Plane Captain for the F-14 Tomcat fighter aircraft was a trying, yet rewarding job. The position of Plane Captain is not one that is “given” to you. It is an earned opportunity.
Note that after certain signals given by the PC, a “hands off” signal is also shown. Any time the PC must go near the plane, this signal lets the pilot know that any bumping of flight controls inside the cockpit could injure of kill the PC. A good PC will wait until he sees the pilot with both hands visible before running towards the plane. After the ground locks are secured the pilot is ready for the actual launch procedure. The PC then runs to the front of the plane, and waits for all personnel to leave the danger zones of the plane.
With the jet at full power, just shy of the afterburners, and a quick triple-checking glance, I look left at the catapult officer and give him a salute. Not really for him, he can’t even see me, it’s too dark. More so for my own familiarity. With my pinky finger on the throttles I click forward the exterior light master switch, and the deck comes alive with the light of the form lights, red and green nav lights, and strobes. This is the official salute that I’m ready.
Left palm open and pressed against the throttles (so I don’t inadvertently pull them back from the force of the cat shot), right hand up on the canopy grip, and I press my head back against the seat looking forward down the cat. The only light in front of me is the green cat status light. I’m about to be shot into a black rainy sky, why? With that thought the jet squats again and then it comes. WHAM! I slam the throttle to full afterburner and stare at the airspeed to make sure I see three digits by the end of the cat stroke. Over the span of the next 310 feet and roughly two seconds, myself and my jet have accelerated to over 175 knots. At least that was the last speed I saw prior to the jolt of coming off the front of the ship. It almost hurts. As the jet rotates itself to a nice climb attitude I grab the stick, raise the gear and pull the throttles out of blower. You know what? It’s freakin’ dark out here.
I make my airborne call and get switched over to marshal. Kind of like approach control for the ship. I also realize that I’m in the weather, and it’s dark. This sucks. I check in and my marshal instructions are immediately force-fed to me.
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
So what can I get you?
How 'bout a meatball sandwich,
a medium Coke,
and your phone number?
In some ways aircraft carrier landings are a zen experience. For the fifteen to twenty seconds you are on final approach, there are only three things in the entire universe you care about: Meatball, lineup, and angle-of-attack. Everything else fades into irrelevance. It's a very simple existence.
Landing system
Another British invention was the glide-slope indicator (also known as a "meatball"). This was a gyroscopically-controlled lamp (which used a Fresnel lens) on the port side of the deck which could be seen by the aviator who was about to land, indicating to him whether he was too high or too low in relation to the desired glidepath. It also took into account the effect of the waves on the flight deck. The device became a necessity as the landing speed of aircraft increased.
031114-N-6436W-003 Oak Harbor, Wash. (Nov. 14, 2003) - Commanding Officer, Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Capt. Stephen Black will be the last person in Naval Aviation history to ride the famous “Dilbert Dunker”. He was marked as the 8,333 person to ride dunker at Whidbey Island. The dunker was used to train new Naval Aviators on how to get out of their seat restraints in case they had to ditch their aircraft at sea, and will be replaced by a newer system. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Michael B. W. Watkins (RELEASED)

ID: DN-ST-86-06071
Service Depicted: Navy
An elevated starboard bow view of the aircraft carrier USS SARATOGA (CV 60) underway. An F-14A TOMCAT aircraft is being launched from a forward catapult.

071004-N-5928K-005 PERSIAN GULF (Oct. 4, 2007) - Nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65)
U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class N.C. Kaylor (RELEASED)
Memorable quotes for
The Beverly Hillbillies (1993)
Aunt Pearl: You folks oughta move yourselves to a place like... Beverly Hills, Californy.
Jethro: They got swimming pools and movie stars!
[ end examples I recognize as my work or legitimately associated with my interests ]
From 1/31/1964 ( date hijacked from me: I am competitor at Innsbruck Olympics and I am an Olympic gold medalist on this day ) to 10/5/1998 ( death of Margaret Mary Ray, under suspicious circumstances that are not reported, probably fabricated by David Letterman to aid his evasion of prosecution for his piracy of my identity, which has tremendous commercial value as well as his material support to insurrection against the USA ) is: 12666 days
12666 = 6333 + 6333
From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US ) to 7/4/1976 ( date hijacked from me: my target date to divert the comet in the outer solar system and I was successful ) is: 6333 days
Margaret Mary Ray (1952 - October 5, 1998) was a woman best known for stalking U.S. TV talk show host David Letterman and retired astronaut Story Musgrave.
Ray suffered from schizophrenia, which her mother said manifested itself initially in her late twenties. Mental illness had run in Ray's paternal family. Both of her two older brothers also suffered from schizophrenia and also eventually took their own lives. The youngest brother did not suffer from schizophrenia.
Ray first made the news in regard to Letterman when she was arrested after authorities found her driving Letterman's Porsche. She claimed to be his wife and mother of his child. At the time, Letterman was not married nor did he have any children. Over the next several years she would repeatedly show up at Letterman's Connecticut home. At one point he found her sleeping on his tennis court. Police arrested her several times. One of the patrolmen on the local force claimed that he had come in contact with Ray so often that they were on a first name basis. She was eventually sent to the Niantic State Prison for 10 months because of her harassment of Letterman. And 14 months in a mental ward.
After being released from prison, Ray switched her focus to Story Musgrave and served time for harassing him as well.
In October of 1998 she committed suicide by kneeling on a train track in front of an oncoming train in Colorado.
Foster, David & Levinson, Arlene. Suicide on a railroad track ends a celebrity-stalker's inner agony, Associated Press, October 11, 1998
Suicide on a railroad track ends a celebrity-stalker's inner agony
By David Foster And Arlene Levinson
Associated Press
HOTCHKISS, Colo. - To the world, Margaret Mary Ray was a joke, the daffy celebrity-stalker who kept breaking into David Letterman's house. More recently, she had taken a shine to astronaut Story Musgrave. Usually her antics ended in her arrest.
But to those who knew and loved her in this valley high in the Colorado Rockies, Margaret Ray was a good mother, a compassionate friend, a genial, creative and intelligent woman.
Obsessed stalker? Kindhearted pal? That she could be both illuminates the struggle with schizophrenia, the mental illness that consumed her.
Last Monday, around midday, she walked to the edge of this little town and stood at a railroad track. When a 105-car coal train rumbled in her direction, Ms. Ray stepped onto the tracks, kneeled down and died.
[ end examples of piracy of my true identity, which has tremendous commercial value, and details of continued death threats against me and my wife ]
Last updated March 20, 2008 3:15 p.m. PT
Saturn moon may have ocean of water
PASADENA, Calif. -- Scientists say they have found the best evidence yet that an ocean of liquid water may be hidden below the surface of Saturn's giant moon Titan.
If the results are confirmed, it would be a starting point for further study into whether the ocean could be capable of supporting life.
The latest evidence of an underground ocean is indirect and is based on analyzing radar images and Titan's spin rates from observations by the international Cassini spacecraft from 2004 to 2007.
From 5/12/1965 ( I am awarded U.S. Navy aviator wings ) to 10/21/1998 ( announcement about ocean on Jupiter moon Callisto ) is 33 years, 5 months, 9 days
'33-59' ( my birth date US )
From 6/7/1976 ( my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe ) to 10/21/1998 ( announcement about ocean on Jupiter moon Callisto ) is: 8171 days
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 7/16/1981 ( my wife ) is: 8171 days
October 21, 1998
Jupiter's second largest moon, Callisto, may have a liquid ocean tucked under its icy, cratered crust, according to scientists studying data gathered by NASA's Galileo spacecraft.
The Galileo findings, to be published in the Oct. 22 issue of the journal Nature, reveal similarities between Callisto and another of Jupiter's moons, Europa, which has already displayed strong evidence of a subsurface ocean.
"Until now, we thought Callisto was a dead and boring moon, just a hunk of rock and ice," said Dr. Margaret Kivelson, space physics professor at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and principal investigator for Galileo's magnetometer instrument, which measures magnetic fields around Jupiter and its moons. "The new data certainly suggest that something is hidden below Callisto's surface, and that something may very well be a salty ocean."
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Yes, that's it. Dagobah.
No, l'm not going to change my mind
about this.
I'm not picking up any cities or technology.
Massive life-form readings, though.
There's something alive down there...
From 5/1/1973 ( my graduation from University of Oxford includes law degree ) to 6/28/1980 ( premiere Japan movie "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back" )(Saturday) is: 2615 days
2615 = 1 + 1307 + 1307
From 5/1/1973 ( my graduation from University of Oxford includes law degree ) to 11/28/1976 ( I launched from the Jupiter moon Callisto for Earth and home ) is: 1307 days
Release dates for
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Japan 28 June 1980
From 7/4/1976 ( my target date to divert the comet in the outer solar system and I was successful ) to 4/11/1997 ( special edition UK movie "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back" ) is: 7586 days
7586 = 3793 + 3793
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 7/21/1969 ( I am one of the Apollo 11 Eagle astronauts walking on the Earth's moon ) is: 3793 days
Release dates for
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
UK 11 April 1997 (special edition)
Independence Day
Ladies and gentlemen,
the President ofthe United States.
Good afternoon.
My fellow Americans,
a historic and unprecedented event
has occurred.
The question of whether or not
we're alone in the universe
has been answered.