Sunday, August 02, 2009

Be very very quiet.


You just don't have a clue about
what brought you here, do you?

You'd fight for any son of a bitch
if he convinced you you were right.

- Someone convinced you.
- Not someone, something.

The Alliance was formed
to support you.

You're right, Jefferson. And it
divided my country and my world.


So as much as you're dying
to get shot by some NEB soldier, -

- we're going to make peace
with these people, you and me.

We're going to rip you off
of that experience.


Look at this place.


I came here 20 years ago
to mine berynium for the NEB.

We were all NEBs then.

The scientists found radiation
and shut down the mines.

The NEB Corporation threatened them,
and there was a stand-off for years.

They they started to rain everything
down on us.

Nuclear disc bombs, chain bombs,
bacteria crystals.

Civilian survivors were evacuated.
We retreated to the bunker.

- How did you fight back?
- We reinvented an early weapon.


- The sword?
- The autonomous mobile sword.


The screamer.


Save it.


They don't eat rats, do they?


We're not sure.
They"re scavengers and they learn.

They use everything. Rotting meat
gives off methane gas for fuel.

Maybe eyeball jelly
makes good blade wax.

Are they machines? Are they alive?
I don't understand . . .

I don't have the answers, Jefferson.

- But where are they coming from?
- Underground.

The first design was sent to us
from the Alliance on Earth.

It's all automated now.

No one's been down there since they
pushed the first button and ran.

- They make themselves now.
- And no one knows how?

They're down there breeding
like rabbits and no one knows?

Last updated August 2, 2009 1:07 p.m. PT

Spielberg hops onto update of rabbit tale 'Harvey'


LOS ANGELES -- Steven Spielberg has a giant rabbit on his mind for his next film.

Spielberg is directing a new take on "Harvey," the story of a big-hearted eccentric who's branded a crackpot for claiming to have a 6-foot tall invisible rabbit buddy.

James Stewart starred in the classic 1950 version of "Harvey," which was based on Mary Chase's Pulitzer Prize-winning play. Novelist Jonathan Tropper adapted Chase's play for Spielberg's version, an update set in contemporary times.

Casting is just starting, with production expected to begin early next year.

>>>>>----- Original Message ----
From: Kerry Burgess
Cc:;;; House Speaker
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 9:26:52 AM
Subject: Re: Seattle FBI

Which of you in the Seattle office, and among your criminal conspirator accomplices, wants to be called Elmer now that I know Larry Carr's name?

I've got Daffy pegged and then there is the other hyena-in-a-suit named Dopey.

That's a curious name for a hyena, isn't it?

Dopey the Hyena.

That's hilarious.

No wonder my work is in such demand.

Any of you clowns planning to resist arrest or are you going to go quietly to prison when that time arrives?

You can count on a fair trial from the U.S. federal judiciary before you are found guilty by the U.S. federal judiciary .

----- Original Message ----
From: Kerry Burgess
Cc:;;; House Speaker
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 3:02:30 PM
Subject: Re: Seattle FBI


You girl scouts in the Seattle office are the most pathetic bunch so far that are stupid enough to interfere with my dangerous occupation of being an active duty U.S. Navy SEAL.

Maybe you should look for work as stewardesses.

I assume that Harriet Miers appearance was supposed to be a message to me about how your piracy of my true identity is supposed to turn out.

----- Original Message ----
From: Kerry Burgess
Cc:;;; House Speaker
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 11:15:57 AM
Subject: Re: Seattle FBI

Another day has passed and those of you in the Seattle office are no less a threat to public safety than you were yesterday.

You have already passed the point where I can justifiably put a decisive stop to your hostility in terms of self-defense to my property, family and interests.

What steps will I have to take in order to bring you traitorous cowards to justice in order to protect public safety in this country and our allies, as well in self-defense of my property, family and my own personal safety?

Have those of you in the Seattle office been advised by your criminal defense lawyer that you have absolutely no defense to your criminal actions?

The choice is yours in the manner of how I bring you to justice.


International Terrorist Organization against the U.S. federal government that is the U.S. Department of Justice/F.B.I. & International Terrorist Organization that is Microsoft-Corbis actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all International Terrorist Organization against the U.S. federal government that is the U.S. Department of Justice/F.B.I. & International Terrorist Organization that is Microsoft-Corbis partners staff employees lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings