I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Believe It Or Not.
Am I hallucinating? I know - I KNOW FOR A FACT - I read the term 'systematize' in some form in "The Passage". Now I can find it no where. It's a perfect term for a bunch of nutjobs. I can't recall precise words about Wolgast in that section. Vaguely seems to be about something mystical but I feel certain it was not about religion. But that's a perfect term for all the wacko nutjobs that are people who claim to believe in any religion or "spirituality". They're all grasping at straws because of their cowardly terror of mortality.
Did they modify my internet streamed version of the book and add that word to it and then remove it after I read it? Does the Amazon Kindle indexer not work as well as one would expect? But it doesn't show up in a text file I found for the book at another source. The only other thing to do is go back and read the entire book again in the parts about Wolgast. I'm not going to do that until at least I finish the entire book. Bugging the hell out of me.
There's more work I could do on this post, but screw it. What's the point. And I want to get it posted before the 11 PM news so I can hear them waste more time again today blathering away about the same moronic crap that blubber on about every day.
The Passage: A Novel (Book One of The Passage Trilogy)
Justin Cronin
page 225 of 881 (Amazon Kindle Version)
"Main Lab, report. Somebody tell me what the fuck is going on down there."
A terrified voice came through: Fortes? "They let them out!"
"Who? Who let them out?"
A blast of static, and Richards heard the first screams coming over the audio, and gunshots, and more screams - the screams men made when they died.
"Holy fuck!" Another blast of static. "They're all loose down here! The fucking sweeps let them all go!"
Kerry Burgess 20161116_131111.jpg
2016November14_Chloe55_DSC00936.jpg - Kerry Burgess
2016November14_Chloe55_DSC00936-magn.jpg - Kerry Burgess
2016September23_Chloe55_DSC00747.jpg - Kerry Burgess
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Denial, in ordinary English usage, is asserting that a statement or allegation is not true. The same word, and also abnegation (German: Verneinung), is used for a psychological defense mechanism postulated by psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence. An individual that exhibits such behaviour is described as a denialist or true believer. Denial also could mean denying the happening of an event or the reliability of information, which can lead to a feeling of aloofness and to the ignoring of possibly beneficial information.
The subject may use:
simple denial: deny the reality of the unpleasant fact altogether
minimisation: admit the fact but deny its seriousness (a combination of denial and rationalization)
projection: admit both the fact and seriousness but deny responsibility by blaming somebody or something else.
In psychoanalysis
The concept of denial is particularly important to the study of addiction.
The theory of denial was first researched seriously by Anna Freud. She classified denial as a mechanism of the immature mind, because it conflicts with the ability to learn from and cope with reality. Where denial occurs in mature minds, it is most often associated with death, dying and rape. More recent research has significantly expanded the scope and utility of the concept. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross used denial as the first of five stages in the psychology of a dying patient, and the idea has been extended to include the reactions of survivors to news of a death.
Many contemporary psychoanalysts treat denial as the first stage of a coping cycle. When an unwelcome change occurs, a trauma of some sort, the first impulse to disbelieve begins the process of coping. That denial, in a healthy mind, slowly rises to greater consciousness. Gradually becoming a subconscious pressure, just beneath the surface of overt awareness, the mechanism of coping then involves repression, while the person accumulates the emotional resources to fully face the trauma. Once faced, the person deals with the trauma in a stage alternately called acceptance or enlightenment, depending on the scope of the issue and the therapist's school of thought. After this stage, once sufficiently dealt with, or dealt with for the time being, the trauma must sink away from total conscious awareness again. Left metaphorically upon a back burner or put away in a cupboard, the process of sublimation involves a balance of neither quite forgetting nor quite remembering. This allows the trauma to re-emerge in consciousness if it involves an ongoing process such as a protracted illness. Or sublimation may begin the full resolution process, where the trauma finally sinks away into eventual forgetfulness. Occasionally this entire cycle has been referred to in modern parlance as denial, often confusing the full cycle with only one stage in the cycle. As well, to further muddy discourse, the term denial or cycle of denial sometimes gets used to refer to an unhealthy, dysfunctional cycle of unresolved coping, particularly with regard to addiction and compulsion.
Unlike some other defense mechanisms postulated by psychoanalytic theory (for instance, repression), the general existence of denial is fairly easy to verify, even for non-specialists. On the other hand, denial is one of the most controversial defense mechanisms, since it can be easily used to create unfalsifiable theories: anything the subject says or does that appears to disprove the interpreter's theory is explained, not as evidence that the interpreter's theory is wrong, but as the subject's being "in denial". However, researchers note that in some cases of corroborated child sexual abuse, the victims sometimes make a series of partial confessions and recantations as they struggle with their own denial and the denial of abusers or family members. Use of denial theory in a legal setting therefore must be carefully regulated and experts' credentials verified. "Formulaic guilt" simply by "being a denier" has been castigated by English judges and academics. The main objection is that denial theory is founded on the premise that that which the supposed denier is denying is truth. This usurps the judge (and/or jury) as triers of fact.
It is important to note what makes denial denial and not just refusal to admit to or accept a truth or fact rests in the degree of individual's awareness of the existence of the truth or fact. In denial, an individual does not see or is mostly unconscious of existence of the truth or fact. The choice to refuse reality, then, is unconscious as well. Refusal to admit to or accept a truth or fact differs from denial in that the individual recognizes or is conscious of the existence of the truth or fact but consciously refuses to accept it as such.[citation needed]
Denial and disavowal
Freud employs the term Verleugnung (usually translated either as "disavowal" or as "denial") as distinct from Verneinung (usually translated as "denial" or as "abnegation"). In Verleugnung, the defense consists in denying something that affects the individual and is a way of affirming what he or she is apparently denying. For Freud, Verleugnung is related to psychoses, whereas Verdrängung is a neurotic defense mechanism.
Posted by Kerry Burgess
From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 2:40 PM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: Re: manipulate
Kerry Burgess wrote:
[This reminds me of something I told a doctor in the VA. He was relating something to me about Freud. I commented about the difference between invention and discovery. My basic understanding of Freud is that you can't really prove anything he said. It's sort of like astrology, in the sense that it shapes the way people perceive the universe. Essentially people see things [ the way ] they want to see them and discard the stuff they don't want to see]
The Passage (2010)
Justin Cronin
(from internet transcript)
Chapter 3
“I’ve probably said too much. But I think this will help you put things in perspective. We’re not talking about curing one disease, Agent. We’re talking about curing everything. How long would a human being live if there were no cancer, no heart disease, no diabetes, no Alzheimer’s? And we’ve reached the point where we need, absolutely require, human test subjects. Not a nice term, but there really is no other. And that’s where you come in. I need you to get me these men.”
“Why not the marshals? Isn’t this more up their alley?”
Sykes shook his head dismissively. “Glorified corrections officers, if you’ll excuse my saying so. Believe me, we started there. If I had a sofa I needed carried up the stairs, they’d be the first guys I’d call. But for this, no.”
Sykes opened the file on his desk and began to read. “Bradford Joseph Wolgast, born Ashland, Oregon, September 29, 1974. BS in criminal justice 1996, SUNY Buffalo, high honors, recruited by the Bureau but declines, accepts a graduate fellowship at Stony Brook for a PhD in political science but leaves after two years to join the Bureau. After training at Quantico sent to—” He raised his eyebrows at Wolgast. “—Dayton?”
Wolgast shrugged. “It wasn’t very exciting.”
“Well, we all do our time. Two years in the sticks, a little of this, a little of that, mostly piddly shit but good ratings all around. After 9/11 asks to transfer to counterterrorism, back to Quantico for eighteen months, assigned to the Denver field office September ’04 as liaison to the Treasury, tracking funds moved through U.S. banks by Russian nationals, i.e., the Russian Mafia, though we don’t call them that. On the personal side: no political affiliations, no memberships, doesn’t even subscribe to the newspaper. Parents deceased. Dates a little but no steady girlfriends. Marries Lila Kyle, an orthopedic surgeon. Divorced four years later.” He closed the file and lifted his eyes to Wolgast. “What we need, Agent, is somebody who, to be perfectly candid, has a certain polish. Good negotiation skills, not just with the prisoners but with the prison authorities. Somebody who knows how to tread lightly, won’t leave a large impression. What we’re doing here is perfectly legal—hell, it may be the most important piece of medical research in the history of mankind. But it could be easily misunderstood. I’m telling you as much as I am because I think it will help if you understand the stakes, how high they are.”
Wolgast guessed Sykes was telling him maybe ten percent of the story—a persuasive ten percent, but even so. “Is it safe?”
Sykes shrugged. “There’s safe and then there’s safe. I won’t lie to you. There are risks. But we’ll do everything we can to minimize them. A bad outcome isn’t in anybody’s interest here. And I remind you that these are death row inmates. Not the nicest men you’d ever care to meet, and they don’t exactly have a lot of options. We’re giving them a chance to live out their lives, and maybe make a significant contribution to medical science at the same time. It’s not a bad deal, not by a long shot. Everybody’s on the side of the angels here.”
Wolgast took a last moment to think. It was all a little hard to take in. “I guess I don’t see why the military is involved.”
At this, Sykes stiffened; he seemed almost offended. “Don’t you? Think about it, Agent. Let’s say a soldier on the ground in Khorramabad or Grozny takes a piece of shrapnel. A roadside bomb, say, a bunch of C-4 in a lead pipe full of deck screws. Maybe it’s a piece of black-market Russian ordnance. Believe me, I’ve seen firsthand what these things can do. We have to dust him out of there, maybe en route he bleeds to death, but if he’s lucky he gets to the field hospital, where a trauma surgeon, two medics, and three nurses patch him up as best they can before evacuating him to Germany or Saud. It’s painful, it’s awful, it’s his rotten luck, and he’s probably out of the war. He’s a broken asset. All the money we’ve spent on his training is a total loss. And it gets worse. He comes home depressed, angry, maybe missing a limb or something worse, with nothing good to say about anyone or anything. Down at the corner tavern he tells his buddies, I lost my leg, I’m pissing into a bag for the rest of my life, and for what?” Sykes leaned back in his chair, letting the story sink in. “We’ve been at war for fifteen years, Agent. By the looks of things, we’ll be in it for fifteen more if we’re lucky. I won’t kid you. The single biggest challenge the military faces, has always faced, is keeping soldiers on the field. So, let’s say the same GI takes the same piece of shrapnel but within half a day his body’s healed itself and he’s back in his unit, fighting for God and country. You think the military wouldn’t be interested in something like that?”
Wolgast felt chastened. “I see your point.”
“Good, because you should.” Sykes’s expression softened; the lecture was over. “So maybe it’s the military who’s picking up the check. I say let them, because frankly, what we’ve spent so far would make your eyes pop out. I don’t know about you, but I’d like to live to meet my great-great-great-grandchildren. Hell, I’d like to hit a golf ball three hundred yards on my hundredth birthday and then go home to make love to my wife until she walks funny for a week. Who wouldn’t?” He looked at Wolgast searchingly. “The side of the angels, Agent. Nothing more or less. Do we have a deal?”
They shook, and Sykes walked him to the door. Richards was waiting to take him back to the van. “One last question,” Wolgast asked. “Why ‘NOAH’? What’s it stand for?”
Sykes glanced quickly at Richards. In that moment, Wolgast felt the balance of power shifting in the room; Sykes might have been technically in charge, but in some way, Wolgast felt certain, he also reported to Richards, who was probably the link between the military and whoever was really running the show: USAMRIID, Homeland, maybe NSA.
Sykes turned back to Wolgast. “It doesn’t stand for anything. Let’s put it this way. You ever read the Bible?”
“Some.” Wolgast looked at the both of them. “When I was a kid. My mother was a Methodist.”
Sykes allowed himself a second, final smile. “Go look it up. The story of Noah and the ark. See how long he lived. That’s all I’ll say.”
That night, back in his Denver apartment, Wolgast did as Sykes had said. He didn’t own a Bible, probably hadn’t laid eyes on one since his wedding day. But he found a concordance online.
And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years; and he died.
From 10/24/1994 ( premiere US film "Stargate" ) To 6/8/2010 is 5706 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/17/1981 ( premiere US TV series episode "Charlie's Angels"::"Mr. Galaxy" ) is 5706 days
From 10/18/1993 ( the launch of the US space shuttle Columbia orbiter vehicle mission STS-58 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-58 pilot astronaut and my 2nd official United States of America National Aeronautics Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) To 6/8/2010 is 6077 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/23/1982 ( Ronald Reagan - Remarks on Signing the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982 ) is 6077 days
From 7/18/1952 ( premiere US TV series episode "Schlitz Playhouse of Stars"::"Early Space Conquerors" ) To 2/21/1997 ( the landing of the US space shuttle Discovery orbiter vehicle mission STS-82 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-82 pilot astronaut and my 4th official United States of America National Aeronautics Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) is 16289 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/8/2010 is 16289 days
Many other recent posts by me on this topic includes: https://hvom.blogspot.com/2018/10/to-stand-mercy.html
You purchased this item on October 23, 2018.
The Passage: A Novel (Book One of The Passage Trilogy) Kindle Edition
by Justin Cronin (Author)
Publication Date: June 8, 2010
from my private journal as Kerry Burgess: July 29, 2006
When Tavener showed me that video back in July 2002, I told Vince later that I wanted to kick his ass but it would as easy as beating up a little girl and I didn't find any thing comforting about that.
The Passage: A Novel (Book One of The Passage Trilogy)
Justin Cronin
page 518 of 881 (Amazon Kindle Version)
The events that began with Jimmy's visit to Auntie's house were destined to be misremembered, beginning with the name. The Night of Blades and Stars was, in fact, three separate nights, with a pair of days between. But as with all such occurrences - those destined to be recounted not only in the immediate aftermath but for many years to come - time seemed compressed; it was a common error of memory to impose upon such events the coherence of a concentrated narrative, beginning with the assignment of a specific interval of time. That season. That year. The Night of Blades and Stars.
The error was compounded by the fact that the events of the night of the sixty-fifth of summer, from which the rest descended, unfolded in a series of discrete compartments with overlapping chronologies, no single piece being wholly aware of the others. Things were happening everywhere. For instance: while Old Chou was rising from the bed he shared with his young wife, Constance, propelled by a mysterious urge to go to the Storehouse, across the Colony, Walter Fisher was thinking the same thing. But the fact that he was too drunk to get out of bed and lace his boots would delay his visit to the Storehouse, and his discovery of what lay there, by twenty-four hours. What these two men had in common was that they had both seen the girl, the Girl From Nowhere, when the Household had visited the Infirmary at first light; but it was also true that not everyone who had encountered her firsthand experienced this reaction. Dana Curtis, for instance, was wholly unaffected, as was Michael Fisher. The girl herself was not a source but a conduit, a way for a certain feeling - a feeling of lost souls - to enter the minds of the most susceptible parties, and there were some, like Alicia, who would never be affected at all. This was not true of Sara Fisher and Peter Jaxon, who had experienced their own versions of the girl's power. But in each case, their encounters had taken a more benign, if still troubling form: a moment of communion with the beloved dead.
from my private journal as Kerry Burgess: 02/13/09 11:07 PM
What are we doing?
Are we all rediscovering our individuality?
I don't think that is it.
02/13/09 11:08 PM
This is about me.
Something about me as the instigator, perhaps?
I am instigating something for all of us
02/13/09 11:09 PM
something beyond the obvious that is associated with the chapters I write and the chapters I read from the others
02/13/09 11:10 PM
Ah yes, I think she was referring to "The Watchtower" by Bob Dylan but I am not certain what she was referring to.
02/13/09 11:12 PM
Is it I that generated a sense among my kind that we have extra-terrestial connections?
Did the others know - or at least begin to suspect - that I am the one who traveled off the planet?
02/13/09 11:14 PM
One of them did know.
But others did not know - at least not consciously.
02/13/09 11:15 PM
That is our challenge.
we know everything the others know - but not necessarily consciously.
The Passage (2010)
Justin Cronin
(from internet transcript)
Chapter 35
The night was inhabited by dreams. In the houses and barracks, in the Sanctuary and Infirmary, dreams moved through the dozing souls of First Colony, alighting here and there, like wafting spirits.
Some, like Sanjay Patal, had a secret dream, one they’d been having all their lives. Sometimes they were aware of this dream and sometimes they were not; the dream was like an underground river, constantly flowing, that might from time to time rise to the surface, briefly washing their daylight hours with its presence, as if they were walking in two worlds at the same time. Some dreamed of a woman in her kitchen, breathing smoke. Others, like the Colonel, dreamed of a girl, alone in the dark. Some of these dreams became nightmares—what Sanjay did not remember, had never remembered, was the part of the dream that involved the knife—and sometimes the dream wasn’t like a dream at all; it was more real than reality itself, it sent the dreamer stumbling helplessly into the night.
Where did they come from? What were they made of? Were they dreams or were they something more—intimations of a hidden reality, an invisible plane of existence that revealed itself only at night? Why did they feel like memories, and not just memories—someone else’s memories? And why, on this night, did the entire population of First Colony seem to lapse into this dreamer’s world?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
July 12 – The planet Neptune completes its first orbit since it was discovered in 1846.
Posted by Kerry Burgess - H.V.O.M at 11:50 AM Tuesday, July 12, 2011
From me to me.
Posted by Kerry Burgess - H.V.O.M at 10:45 PM Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Mesa Anchorage time travel destination selected. Confirmed. My personal time traveler power source active. Check.
Posted by Kerry Burgess - H.V.O.M at 4:15 PM Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Neptune alignment.
Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun in the Solar System.
Discovered on September 23, 1846, Neptune was the first planet found by mathematical prediction rather than by empirical observation.
Orbit and rotation
The average distance between Neptune and the Sun is 4.50 billion km (about 30.1 AU), and it completes an orbit on average every 164.79 years, subject to a variability of around ±0.1 years.
On July 11, 2011, Neptune completed its first full barycentric orbit since its discovery in 1846, although it did not appear at its exact discovery position in our sky because the Earth was in a different location in its 365.25-day orbit. Because of the motion of the Sun in relation to the barycentre of the Solar System, on 11 July Neptune was also not at its exact discovery position in relation to the Sun; if the more common heliocentric coordinate system is used, the discovery longitude was reached on July 12, 2011.
CBS News
CBS/AP July 12, 2011, 10:51 PM
Emotions color astronauts' final spacewalk
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida - Astronauts making the last spacewalk of NASA's space shuttle era on Tuesday retrieved a broken pump from the International Space Station and installed a fill-er-up experiment for a robot.
The space station's two-armed robot Dextre won't tackle the $22.6 million playset - a fancy Fisher-Price toy as one astronaut describes it - until long after Atlantis departs and the shuttle program ends.
But perhaps more than anything else on this final journey by a shuttle, the robotic demo illustrates the possibilities ahead for NASA: satellite-refueling stations in space run by robots.
In a departure from previous shuttle visits, the spacewalking job fell to space station astronauts, Michael Fossum and Ronald Garan Jr., who teamed up for three spacewalks in 2008. The four-person Atlantis crew is the smallest in decades, and so the lone spacewalk of the mission was handed over to the full-time station residents.
It was the 160th spacewalk in the 12½-year life of the orbiting outpost, and the last one planned for Americans for more than a year.
"To see that we've really done it, it's just awe-inspiring," Fossum said of the completed space station and all the spacewalks that went into it. "Ron and I are honored to be a part of it, to help close out one of the final chapters."
Fossum and Garan completed the two major chores - the pump removal and robotic test hookup - inside of 3½ hours. They spent the rest of the 6½-hour spacewalk on a variety of small tasks.
The two paused during their spacewalk to admire the view 245 miles (395 kilometers) below - Kennedy Space Center - and on the next swing around the world, Houston, home to Mission Control.
"Hello Kennedy, beautiful launch," Fossum called out. Atlantis departed Kennedy on Friday on the very last shuttle launch.
The ammonia coolant pump stopped working last July and, for more than two weeks, left the space station with only half its cooling capability. Space station residents had to perform three emergency spacewalks last summer to replace the pump and restore full cooling to all the on-board equipment.
NASA wants the pump brought back to Earth so engineers can figure out why it failed to help them keep the on-board station pumps running. The space station is intended to operate until at least 2020.
Garan gripped the pump as the space station's robot arm maneuvered him over to Atlantis. The pump was anchored in the shuttle's payload bay, ready for next week's ride home. A small object ended up floating away, possibly a fabric strap from some insulation.
As they turned their attention to the robotic experiment, the spacewalkers thanked all the thousands of people who worked on the shuttle. "It is really beautiful," Garan said.
Flight controllers choked up as Garan wrapped up work in the shuttle payload bay and noted that he was leaving it for the last time - the last time by anyone.
"We're technical people and we keep our heads in the game in real time," said Mission Control's Glenda Brown, the lead spacewalk officer, "but there wasn't any one of us who didn't have a little bit of a catch in our throat."
The robotic workbench - which the astronauts attached to a shelf on Dextre's base - consists of a 3½-foot box holding four customized tools, including a wire cutter and a safety cap removal device, as well as an assortment of knobs, caps, valves and a half gallon of ethanol.
Dextre - a hulking metal robot with 11-foot arms - will release locks on the tools in August but won't try out the workbench until January.
The designers of the experiment - based at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland - envision robots one day using these methods to fill the fuel tanks of satellites orbiting as high as 22,300 miles (35,886.71 kilometers). That would keep the spacecraft operating longer, instead of becoming expensive pieces of space junk. What's more, spacecraft bound for distant worlds could fill up after launch, thereby flying more payloads because of the savings in fuel weight.
While the spacewalk unfolded, some of the eight astronauts inside worked to unload the nearly 5 tons of supplies that were delivered in a giant cargo carrier by Atlantis. It represents a year's worth of food, clothes and other housekeeping items, to tide the crew over in case commercial rocket makers fall behind in their own cargo runs. The first such haul is supposed to take place by year's end.
Until now, the shuttle has hoisted the bulk of supplies to the space station. Cargo runs by Russia, Japan and Europe will continue.
NASA is turning to private enterprise in the post-shuttle period, so it can meet the White House goal of sending astronauts to an asteroid by 2025 and Mars the decade after that.
The 13-day flight by Atlantis is the last for the 30-year shuttle program. Atlantis is due to return July 21 to Kennedy, where it will go on display at a tourist center.
From 10/14/1912 ( Theodore Roosevelt wounded by gunfire from attempted assassin ) To 3/1/2004 ( for me personally as Kerry Burgess: my lease expires at my Redmond apartment and I travel to and arrive at Spokane Valley for the Crossland ) is 33376 days
33376 = 16688 + 16688
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/12/2011 is 16688 days
From 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) To 7/12/2011 is 6048 days
6048 = 3024 + 3024
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/12/1974 ( premiere US TV series episode "Banacek"::"Rocket to Oblivion" ) is 3024 days
From 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/12/2011 is 6748 days
6748 = 3374 + 3374
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/28/1975 ( premiere US TV series episode "Thriller"::"Someone at the Top of the Stairs" ) is 3374 days
From 10/18/1993 ( the launch of the US space shuttle Columbia orbiter vehicle mission STS-58 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-58 pilot astronaut and my 2nd official United States of America National Aeronautics Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) To 7/12/2011 is 6476 days
6476 = 3238 + 3238
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/14/1974 ( premiere US TV series episode "Valley of the Dinosaurs"::"What Goes Up" ) is 3238 days
The Seattle Times
Originally published Tuesday, July 12, 2011 at 6:32 AM
Astronauts turn into 'moving men' at space station
The 10 astronauts on the orbiting shuttle-station complex can turn all their attention to hauling things back and forth now that their single spacewalk is over.
AP Aerospace Writer
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — The 10 astronauts on the orbiting shuttle-station complex can turn all their attention to hauling things back and forth now that their single spacewalk is over.
The last spacewalk of NASA's 30-year shuttle era ended successfully Tuesday. It cleared the way for Wednesday's focus on space station stockpiling.
Atlantis delivered a year's worth of food, clothes and other supplies to the International Space Station. Both crews are unloading the cargo carrier that flew up on the shuttle. They will fill it back up with space station trash and discarded equipment for return to Earth next week.
The 13-day mission is the last ever for a space shuttle. After that, all three shuttles will become museum displays.
John Flammang Schrank
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Flammang Schrank (March 5, 1876 – September 15, 1943) was a Bavarian-born saloonkeeper of New York who attempted to assassinate former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt on October 14, 1912, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Roosevelt, who had left office three and a half years earlier, was running for President as a member of the Progressive Party. While campaigning in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Schrank, who had been stalking him for weeks, shot Roosevelt once in the chest with a .38-caliber Colt Police Positive Special revolver. The 50-page text of his campaign speech folded over twice in Roosevelt's breast pocket and a metal glasses case slowed the bullet, saving his life. Schrank was immediately disarmed, captured and might have been lynched had Roosevelt not shouted for Schrank to remain unharmed.
At Schrank's trial, the would-be assassin claimed that William McKinley had visited him in a dream and told him to avenge his assassination by killing Roosevelt.
Los Angeles Times
7 Astronauts Fly High in Orbit, Draw Blood in Name of Science
October 19, 1993 From Associated Press
KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Fla. — Columbia and its seven astronauts blasted off on a belated mission Monday, carrying 48 rats, that will be poked, prodded and in some cases decapitated by guillotine and dissected in orbit.
All in the name of science.
Five of the rats are part of UC Irvine research on the effects of weightlessness. Scientists Kenneth Baldwin and Vincent Caiozzo have designated a series of muscle mass tests for the five, hoping to learn more about why and how loss of gravity causes muscles to change in humans and animals.
The astronauts aboard Columbia quickly got started on their 14 days of space checkups, drawing blood from one another, measuring their blood pressure and noting any symptoms of motion sickness.
The mission--the longest ever planned for a space shuttle--is intended to help scientists develop measures for counteracting the debilitating effects of space travel, including changes in muscle mass. Astronauts will test the UCI rats in space, while Baldwin and Caiozzo are simultaneously testing comparison rats on the ground at UC Irvine labs.
In an interview Monday in Irvine, Baldwin said the UCI researchers believe the tests will result in knowledge useful for humans on land as well as in space.
"We think the information we learn from the tests will apply to people who go through stages of aging, as well as to people who have injuries and have a dramatic reduction in physical activities," Baldwin said.
The two Irvine scientists are scheduled to greet Columbia when it lands at Edwards Air Force Base in Los Angeles County on Nov. 1. They will then examine firsthand their lab rats and make additional tests.
Columbia blasted from its Florida launch pad Monday morning after two previous delays.
"Guys, the third time's a charm," orbiter test director Brian Monborne assured the crew before liftoff.
Delayed 10 seconds by a stray Navy plane, the 2,000-ton spaceship rose from its seaside pad at 7:53 a.m. PDT and tore through three decks of clouds on its way to a 176-mile-high orbit.
Two crew members had catheters threading through their veins for launch--Martin Fettman, the first U.S. veterinarian in space, and Shannon Lucid, a biochemist who became the first woman to fly in space four times. The catheters were hooked to white backpacks with floating cables, making the two look like a pair of bees.
In addition to the UCI rats being used for tests of muscle mass, other rats on the Columbia will be tested for such things as bone loss in space.
Throughout the mission, Fettman and the others will draw blood from the 2- to 3-month-old male rodents, inject isotopes and hormones, and collect the animal droppings to measure calcium content, an indicator of bone loss.
From 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/9/1997 is 1602 days
1602 = 801 + 801
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/12/1968 ( premiere US TV series episode "Star Trek"::"A Piece of the Action" ) is 801 days
From 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) To 6/9/1997 is 902 days
902 = 451 + 451
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/27/1967 ( Lyndon Johnson - Remarks at the Signing of the Treaty on Outer Space ) is 451 days
From 11/4/1986 ( from my official United States Navy documents as Kerry Burgess - Date Completed - United States Navy Fire Control Technician Class "A", (A-113-0019), Service School Command, Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois ) To 6/9/1997 is 3870 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/7/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in deep space of the solar system in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day was his first landing the Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to my brother Thomas Reagan ) is 3870 days
From 9/30/1960 ( premiere US TV series episode "The Twilight Zone"::"King Nine Will Not Return" ) To 5/7/1992 ( the first launch of the United States space shuttle Endeavour orbiter vehicle mission STS-49 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-49 pilot astronaut and my 1st official United States of America National Aeronautics and Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) is 11542 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/9/1997 is 11542 days
From 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 officially the United States Apache attack helicopter pilot ) To 6/9/1997 is 2335 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/25/1972 ( Richard Nixon - Statement About Signing the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 ) is 2335 days
Other post by me on this topic: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2018/08/she-still-got-plenty-lonely-but-thats.html
The American Presidency Project
William J. Clinton
XLII President of the United States: 1993 - 2001
Message to the Congress Transmitting Proposed Human Cloning Prohibition Legislation
June 9, 1997
To the Congress of the United States:
I am pleased to transmit today for immediate consideration and prompt enactment the "Cloning Prohibition Act of 1997." This legislative proposal would prohibit any attempt to create a human being using somatic cell nuclear transfer technology, the method that was used to create Dolly the sheep.
posted by Kerry Burgess - H.V.O.M 10:14 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 27 February 2015 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2015/02/the-post-war-dream.html
Among the myriad sleeping dreams I tossed and turned through trying to sleep last night was one that stayed with me through the night, seeming to resurface more than once as I tried to sleep. From the perspective of my eyes, I saw myself hit the ground among a large group of people. Then I was butchering them after they attacked me. One after another I killed
Arizona Scouting Museum
Lone Scouts
Lone Scouts of America (LSA) was a Scouting organization for American boys that operated from 1915 until it merged with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) in 1924. The LSA was founded by W. D. Boyce, a Chicago newspaper entrepreneur and the same William D. Boyce that incorporated the Boy Scouts of America in 1910. Boyce felt that the program of the BSA did not help the rural boy who could not find enough other boys to form a troop or a patrol. James E. West, the first Chief Scout Executive of the BSA, disagreed with Boyce's concept, believing that the 4-H program was fulfilling the role. After Boyce left the BSA, he started the Lone Scouts of America and incorporated it on January 9, 1915. Boyce became the executive officer or Chief Totem and Frank Allan Morgan became the editor of Lone Scout. In October of 1915, Boyce appointed all of his paperboys as members of the LSA and published the first issue of the Lone Scout magazine.
The LSA program was inspired by the Lonecraft program of the British Boy Scout Association and by Ernest Thompson Seton's Woodcraft Indians program that used American Indian themes. No adult leaders were required in the Lone Scout program, and there were no age limits. By November of 1915, over 30,000 members were reported. Lone Scouts who lived near each other could form a "local tribe", while others could form a "mail tribe" and communicate by post. Tribes could join together to form "wigwams". Tribes elected officers such as chief (president, initially called captain), sachem, (vice-president), scribe (secretary) and wampum-bearer (treasurer). By October of 1916, the LSA reported 133,000 members. By popular demand, a uniform was created in 1917 and the Lone Scout Supply Company was formed.
Through the Lone Scout newspaper, published by W. D. Boyce's company, boys were encouraged to write articles, stories and cartoons for Lone Scout, and several prizes and contests were announced. Many tribes started their own local "tribe papers"– this later became part of a program that became the Authorized Lone Scout Amateur Publications (ALSAPs).
By December of 1920, financial difficulties forced Boyce to publish the magazine on a monthly basis and increase the price. The last issue of Lone Scout in April of 1924 announced the merger with the BSA.
From 9/19/1964 ( premiere US TV series "Flipper" ) To 6/8/2010 ( Justin Cronin - The Passage: Book One of The Passage Trilogy ) is 16698 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/22/2011 is 16698 days
From 9/19/1964 ( premiere US TV series episode "The Outer Limits"::"Soldier" ) To 6/8/2010 ( Justin Cronin - The Passage: Book One of The Passage Trilogy ) is 16698 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/22/2011 is 16698 days
From 6/8/2010 ( Justin Cronin - The Passage: Book One of The Passage Trilogy ) To 7/22/2011 is 409 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/16/1966 ( premiere US TV series episode "The Time Tunnel"::"Night of the Long Knives" ) is 409 days
From 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) To 7/22/2011 is 6058 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/4/1982 ( premiere US film "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" ) is 6058 days
From 1/9/1915 ( William Boyce founded the Lone Scouts of America ) To 6/16/2006 ( referenced in text below here: Kerry Burgess - Journal June 16, 2006, Supplemental ) is 33396 days
33396 = 16698 + 16698
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/22/2011 is 16698 days
From 7/20/1990 ( premiere US film "Navy Seals" ) To 7/22/2011 is 7672 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/4/1986 ( as Kerry Burgess my official United States Navy documents includes: Date Completed - United States Navy Fire Control Technician Class "A", (A-113-0019), Service School Command, Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois ) is 7672 days
Anders Behring Breivik: Norway court finds him sane
24 August 2012
A Norwegian court has found that mass killer Anders Behring Breivik is sane and sentenced him to 21 years in jail.
Breivik, who admitted killing 77 people when he bombed central Oslo and then opened fire at an island youth camp, told the court he would not appeal.
He insisted he was sane and refused to plead guilty, saying last year's attacks were necessary to stop the "Islamisation" of Norway.
Prosecutors had called for him to be considered insane.
Breivik was convicted of terrorism and premeditated murder, and given the maximum sentence of 21 years' imprisonment.
However, that can be prolonged at a later date if he is deemed to remain a danger to society.
Planned attack
Delivering the verdict, Judge Wenche Elisabeth Arntzen said that the court considered Breivik to be suffering from "narcissistic personality characteristics" but not psychosis.
She imposed a sentence of "preventive detention", a special prison term for criminals considered dangerous to society.
She set the minimum length of imprisonment to 10 years.
Afterwards Breivik said he did not recognise the court, which he contended had "sided with the multicultural majority in parliament", but said he would not appeal as this would legitimise the proceedings.
Prosecutors - who had argued the defendant was insane - also said they would not challenge the verdict.
Some of the survivors and relatives of his victims welcomed the verdict and the end of the trial.
"Now we can have peace and quiet," Per Balch Soerensen, whose daughter was among those killed in the shootings on on Utoeya island, told Denmark's TV2.
"He doesn't mean anything to me; he is just air."
Court-appointed psychiatrists disagreed on Breivik's sanity. A first team which examined him declared him to be a paranoid schizophrenic, but the second found he was sane.
Before the verdict, Breivik said psychiatric care would be "worse than death".
He will serve his sentence at Oslo's high-security Ila Prison, where he has been held in isolation for most of the time since his arrest.
Initially he will be kept isolated from casual contact with other prisoners.
Breivik, 33, carried out the meticulously planned attack on 22 July 2011, wearing a fake police uniform, and methodically hunted down his victims.
He accused the governing Labour Party of promoting multiculturalism and endangering Norway's identity.
Some victims at the Labour Party youth camp on Utoeya island were shot in the head at point-blank range.
Ahead of the verdict, security barriers were put up outside the district court in Oslo.
A glass partition separated Breivik from relatives of victims in a courtroom custom-built for the trial.
Remote-controlled cameras filmed the proceedings, sending the images to courtrooms around Norway where other relatives could watch the hearing live.
Breivik's trial, which began in March and lasted for 10 weeks, heard graphic testimony from some of the survivors of his attacks.
Mohamad Hadi Hamed, 21, who is now in a wheelchair, told the court how his left arm and his left leg were amputated after he was shot by Breivik.
Another survivor, Einar Bardal, 17, described how he was trying to escape when he heard a loud bang, followed by a loud noise in his head.
Experts in far-right ideology told the trial Breivik's ideas should not be seen as the ramblings of a madman.
Breivik's attacks ignited a debate about the nature of tolerance and democracy in Norway.
From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Fri, June 16, 2006 7:37:12 PM
Subject: Re: Journal June 16, 2006, Supplemental
Kerry Burgess wrote:
On the theme of something I wrote earlier today, I have been thinking for several days, maybe weeks or longer, about something I said to Lynn after I came back from Utah in 2002. I was joking about the lousy lake we had to swim in. I joked that I went down to the water and then asked myself: "who organized this race, Osama bin Laden?" I went on to describe to her some thoughts that I don't know why I was having about how terrorists would go after the most physically fit people in preparation for an invasion. Now that I think about, I now remember something I read about the Soviets planning something like that with pilots in a country, Norway I think, in preparation for a Warsaw Pact invasion of NATO. They kept track of all the pilots in their homes and then planned to murder them just before the invasion took place so they wouldn't be in the air to fight back.
Watching the news today, I'm thinking Reichert is hiding something.
Navy Seals (1990)
Release Info
USA 20 July 1990
Flipper Season 1 Episode 1
300 Feet Below
Aired Sep 19, 1964 on NBC
AIRED: 9/19/64
Red Storm Rising (1986)
Tom Clancy
(from internet transcript)
20 – The Dance of the Vampires
Toland had been a busy fellow for the past twelve hours. The data on Iceland came in slowly, one confusing piece at a time, and even now he didn't have enough to call a clear picture. The group's orders had been changed, though only after too many hours of indecision. The mission to reinforce Iceland was a washout. For the past ten hours the battle group had been heading due east toward friendly air cover from England and France. Someone had decided that if the Marines could not go to Iceland, then they might find useful employment in Germany. Bob had expected them to be diverted to Norway, where a Marine Amphibious Brigade was already in place, but getting them there could prove difficult. A furious air battle had been raging over northern Norway for almost twenty hours, with losses heavy on both sides. The Norwegians had started the war with scarcely a hundred modem fighters. They were screaming for help, but there was no help for anyone as yet.
"Red Storm Rising"
"They're not just chewing the Norwegians up," Toland observed. "They're driving them south. Most of the attacks are on the northern bases, and they're not giving them any breather at all."
Posted by Kerry Burgess - H.V.O.M at 2:55 AM Friday, July 22, 2011 (Seattle - Pacific Time USA)
The Ghost is out of the bag.
I wouldn't even make this kind of report normally and I have resisted for a few minutes the impulse to write about this but I just cannot shake the feeling that it is important to note. A short while after I made my last web log post, I had a brief moment of acid reflux from my lunch, which was some of those very cheap frozen chicken and beef pot pies you can get at the supermarket. I had the strongest sense that something dead was trying to get out of me. The experience was momentary and I quickly chewed a couple of peppermint flavored Tums that I have standing by at moments notice and the feeling has largely past. The reason I cannot shake the impulsive to write about such a detail is because I have the sense that is something to do with me being affected by whatever evil it is that permeates that region in Seattle Washington State. We all affected by it. I write this now because I thought about a few things, such as the girl on the agriculture ship that gets blown up by nuclear missiles from the "Cylons," and I only just now as I write this sentence associate in my mind a detail that I established hours ago in my next comprehensive report. I also think about "28 Weeks Later," and of how that message that is created itself by the people who are uncontrollably affected by the evil, represents the opposite of the truth. For me, it just means that I am completely cured of that effect of the evil presence that permeates Seattle Washington state and that I came here long ago to fight personally.
- posted by Kerry Burgess 10:49 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 30 October 2018