This Is What I Think.

Friday, July 02, 2010

Battlestar Galactica - Home (2005) DVD video


2X06 - HOME (1)

Original Airdate (SciFi): 19-AUG-05

Galactica - Adama's Quaters

Adama: It's interesting. Betrayal has such a powerful grip o­n the mind. It's almost like a python. It can squeeze out all other thought. Suffocate all other emotion until everything is dead except for the rage. I'm not talking about anger. I'm talking about rage. I can feel it. Right here. Like it's gonna burst. Feel like I wanna scream. Right now, matter of fact.

Dualla: If I may say something?

Adama: Speak your mind, dee.

Dualla: I don't think the problem is that you've been betrayed. I think it's that you feel helpless. You were shot, you were injured. You couldn't do anything.

Adama: Don't make excuses for me.

Dualla: And when you finally had a chance to do something--

Adama: Sorry I did this.

Dualla: You let us down. You let us down. You made a promise to all of us... to find earth, to find us a home. Together. It doesn't matter what the President did or even what Lee did, because every day that we remain apart is a day that you've broken your promise. The people aboard those ships made their own decision.

Adama: It was their decision, not mine. Thank you, petty officer. You may leave now.

Dualla: You asked to talk to me, sir... maybe because you think that I don't have anything to say. But I do. It's time to heal the wounds, commander.

Adama: That'll be enough.

Dualla: People have been divided.

[ Adama: ] I said, that's enough.

[ Dualla: ] They're separated from their parents.