This Is What I Think.

Friday, July 02, 2010

Battlestar Galactica - Home - Part 2 (2005) DVD video


2X07 - HOME (2)

Original Airdate (SciFi): 26-AUG-05

#6: Okay, look. There is no cylon chip implanted in your brain. I'm not real. You're not really getting secret messages from the Cylons. You're just crazy.

Baltar: Very funny. Hysterical. Do you, um, do you write your own material?

#6: You don't believe me, do you?

Baltar: No, I don't.

#6: [Laughter] That's great. I love it.

Baltar: Is it? Good. I've had enough of this. All right? So can we just stop playing this stupid game?

#6: Oh, I'm sorry.But it's the truth. There is no chip.

Baltar: If there is no chip, then who... or what... are you, exactly?

#6: I'm you. I'm your subconscious frakking with your mind. Okay. Check it out. You helped the cylons commit genocide against your own people, and your fragile little mind couldn't handle it. So poof, I appear and start telling you how special you are. How god has chosen you. Yeah... right.

Baltar: Well, I don't know what game you're playing anymore. But I don't like playing these stupid games. So, uh, now you've had your fun.

#6: Why don't you get yourself checked out, hmm? Go down to sick bay and get a brain scan. That would settle it, wouldn't it? Go ahead. I dare you.


2X07 - HOME (2)

Original Airdate (SciFi): 26-AUG-05

Kobol - Presidential Party Campsite

Apollo sees Helo and Boomer acting very friendlyt o one another. They are clearly in love.

Apollo: Gives me the creeps seeing him acting like that with her.

Starbuck: He loves her. And, yeah, he knows she's a machine. He doesn't care. He loves her anyway.

Apollo: Frak! How can one of us get that roped in by one of them? You know, we should keep an eye on him too.

Starbuck: Helo's a friend of mine, all right? He's one of the good guys.

Apollo: Yeah? Sharon was a friend of yours too.

Helo: Feel like I'm back on Caprica.

Boomer: No thanks. I'm happy right here.

Helo: Really?

Boomer: Yeah, actually. Just being with you and Kara feels like I've come home. It's like I'm back in the fleet.

Helo: But you were never in the fleet. That was the other sharon.

Boomer: I know. I know that. But I remember all of it. Like getting my wings. My first trip aboard the Galactica. You know, the memory of being in a uniform is so strong, is so potent, it's, like, I'm Sharon Valerii and this is my family. That's pretty weird, huh?

Helo: That's okay. I like weird.