Sunday, April 24, 2011


I went to a funeral in 1998. I cannot recall the specific date. I was working on a software project that French-based company in York South Carolina asked me to work on. I told the controller I was only going to try working for myself for one year before I started looking for a full-time employment job and when that one year had passed, which was more like close to two years, I accepted that offer of employment from Microsoft Corporation and I accepted their offer to begin employment with Microsoft Corporation in Washington State on 7 December 1998.

So anyway, before that, when I was still working for that France-based company, which I noted several years ago no longer operates in the United States, and was a manufacture of high-voltage insulator equipment, the controller asked me to create a software application using Microsoft Project 98 that would improve the way they scheduled the production of their products. I didn't really want to do it because I had already given their production procedures a lot of thought and I was waiting for the release of the next version of Microsoft Office to start writing code for an application that would improve the production schedule of their products. The controller wanted me to start at the present time though because he thought Project 98 would be the improvement he wanted. I did create an application for them and as I told them, when that time period had elapsed I was going to start looking for work elsewhere. I did accept that employment offer from Microsoft Corporation and that France-based company did contact me later for technical support but the problems that arose were easily corrected and were simple problems introduced by the people who started trying to provide technical support after I left. I talked with the technical support people hired by the company and they seemed competent but the problems were introduced by that external group I knew about.

So as for the funeral there was a new receptionist in the office and I talked to her regularly and there was also the fact that I was not an employee of that company but I did come in there quite often because I was the person they called for computer software and hardware support. I had other customers, such as a local bank that called me often, but that manufacturing company was clearly a regular source of business for me and I knew almost every person in that office and spoke with them at some point. The new receptionist was married to a former U.S. military helicopter pilot, I heard, and one day during 1998, he went out jogging, they told me, and he just dropped over dead from a heart attack, I think was what they told. I can still recall that day when I heard there was a funeral service for him in downtown York South Carolina and I was planning to go over to it and all the company employees would be there too. When the time came around I was there in the office of that manufacturing company and the controller asked me if I wanted to ride over with him and I got in the van with him and the CPA who worked for him. I can still visualize myself in that funeral home in York South Carolina.

Sometimes I wonder if that company in York South Carolina represents the place where I underwent extensive brainwashing in order to forget my real past. I hate to use the term 'brainwashing' but the fact is my mission parameters require me to undertake activity that is as bad as the communists that are currently in control of the United States federal government have resorted to. I forced myself to become a control subject because the situation had deteriorated to critical point.

[ Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi the cowardly International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States federal government actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]

US Marshals

A cab's leaving the cemetery.|Have NYPD pick it up.
What's going on?
l don't know.|l bet Sheridan does, though.
Sam. We're at the consulate.
{y:i}No sign of Chen since he went inside.|{y:i}What should we do?
Put the NYPD on him. l want you and|Royce here now at Queens Hill Cemetery.
{y:i}Where's Queens Hill Cemetery?
Ask a cop.
-You know?|-l'll get us there. Put it out.
Throw it out. Thank you.
What do we do now?
We wait.
You know...
...our day could be worse, right?
ls that...?
Right there.
lt's Barrows. What's he doing here?
{y:i}You won 't believe who just arrived|{y:i}in a funeral procession.
{y:i}Agent Barrows. He's in a silver Lumina|{y:i}about 7 or 8 cars back.
Got him?
Think he's here for a funeral?

The Seattle Times Search

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Party starts for Clinton's presidential library

By David Hammer

The Associated Press

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Top Clinton administration officials, both Presidents Bush, rock stars and ordinary admirers of Bill Clinton turned out today to pay homage to "a man of compassion" at the opening of the Clinton Presidential Center.

An estimated 30,000 guests were on hand for the dedication of the $165 million glass-and-steel home of artifacts and documents gathered during Clinton's eight years in the White House.


a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person.

lacking courage; very fearful or timid.