Saturday, June 15, 2019

American Made


American Made (2017)


It's not a felony if you're doing it for the good guys



The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)

Release Info

USA 12 August 1988 (limited)


The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)

Full Cast & Crew

Willem Dafoe ... Jesus

From 6/7/1953 ( Dwight Eisenhower - Letter to President Syngman Rhee of Korea, Concerning Acceptance of the Panmunjom Armistice ) To 5/4/2005 ( the incident at the police department City of Kent Washington State after my voluntary approach to report material criminal activity directed against my person and I am secretly drugged against my consent ) is 18959 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/29/2017 is 18959 days

From 7/27/1953 ( the Korea Armistice Agreement ) To 6/23/2005 ( ) is 18959 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/29/2017 is 18959 days

From 1/1/1955 ( premiere US TV series "Secret File, U.S.A."::series premiere episode "Mission Assassin" ) To 11/28/2006 ( ) is 18959 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/29/2017 is 18959 days

From 12/20/1994 ( in non-aviator related duties on the ground in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) To 9/29/2017 is 8319 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 8/12/1988 ( premiere US film "The Last Temptation of Christ" ) is 8319 days

From 5/1/1967 ( premiere US film "40 Guns to Apache Pass" ) To 9/29/2017 is 18414 days

18414 = 9207 + 9207

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 officially the United States Apache attack helicopter pilot ) is 9207 days

From 2/18/1997 ( as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-82 pilot astronaut and my 4th official United States of America National Aeronautics Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall I begin repairing the US Hubble Telescope while in space and orbit of the planet Earth - extravehicular activity #5 completes the mission's servicing and refurbishment of the Hubble Space Telescope ) To 9/29/2017 is 7528 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 6/13/1986 ( premiere US fillm "Back to School" & premiere US film "The Manhattan Project" ) is 7528 days

From 2/18/1997 ( as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-82 pilot astronaut and my 4th official United States of America National Aeronautics Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall I begin repairing the US Hubble Telescope while in space and orbit of the planet Earth - extravehicular activity #5 completes the mission's servicing and refurbishment of the Hubble Space Telescope ) To 9/29/2017 is 7528 days

7528 = 3764 + 3764

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 2/22/1976 ( The Point Of No Return - my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship survived a catastrophic collision with a meteor and at extreme personal risk to himself he continues the mission as planned to intercept and divert the Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is 3764 days

From 6/16/2005 ( as Kerry Burgess my official records United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital includes: Date of Admission, psychiatric unit ) To 9/29/2017 is 4488 days

4488 = 2244 + 2244

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 12/25/1971 ( George W. Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States confined to federal prison in Mexico for illegally smuggling narcotics in Mexico ) is 2244 days


American Made (2017)

Release Info

USA 29 September 2017


American Made (2017)

Full Cast & Crew

Tom Cruise ... Barry Seal


from my private journal as Kerry Burgess: 02/04/07 9:13 PM
The period of 3/3/59 to 8/30/83, the launch date of STS-8, was 8947 days. Dividing 8947 by 3 equals 2982.33. The date difference of 3/3/59 and 5/1/67 was 2982 days. Maybe that was the day of my first flight in a jet aircraft.


40 Guns to Apache Pass (1967)

Release Info

USA 1 May 1967


40 Guns to Apache Pass (1967)

Full Cast & Crew

Audie Murphy ... Captain Coburn

See also possible future updates and see also other posts by me on this topic including:

STS-82 Day 9 Highlights

Back to STS-82 Flight Day 08 Highlights:

On Wednesday, February 19, 1997, 6:00 a.m. CST, STS-82 MCC Status Report # 17 reports:

Discovery's astronauts bid farewell to the Hubble Space Telescope early this morning as they placed the orbiting observatory back into its own orbit to continue its investigation of the far reaches of the universe.







Posted by Kerry Burgess - H.V.O.M at 3:15 PM Monday, March 07, 2011 -

From 12/7/1998 ( my first day working at Microsoft Corporation with my official United States Marshals Service federal undercover identity ) to 7/14/2003 ( ) is 1680 days

1680 = 840 + 840

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 11/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me:my official United States Marshals Service federal undercover identity birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA & Kerry Wayne Burgess - Deputy United States Marshal ) is 840 days

Other posts by me on this topic

The Seattle Times

Monday, September 29, 2003

Controversy deepens over inquiry into leak of CIA officer's identity

By Mike Allen

The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — President Bush's aides promised yesterday to cooperate with a Justice Department inquiry into an administration leak that exposed the identity of a CIA operative, but Democrats said the administration cannot credibly investigate itself and called for an independent investigation.

White House officials said they would turn over phone logs if the Justice Department asks them to. But the aides said Bush has no plans to ask his staff members whether any of them played a role in revealing the name of an undercover officer who is married to former Ambassador Joseph Wilson IV, one of the most visible critics of Bush's handling of intelligence about Iraq.

An administration official told The Washington Post on Saturday that two White House officials leaked the information to selected journalists to discredit Wilson. The leak could constitute a federal crime, and intelligence officials said it might have endangered confidential sources who had aided the operative throughout her career. CIA Director George Tenet has asked the Justice Department to investigate how the leak occurred.

National-security adviser Condoleezza Rice said on "Fox News Sunday" that she knew "nothing of any such White House effort to reveal any of this, and it certainly would not be the way that the president would expect his White House to operate."

She also said the White House would leave the investigation in the hands of the Justice Department, calling it the "appropriate channel now."

White House press secretary Scott McClellan said the Justice Department has requested no information so far. He said the White House will cooperate with any request from investigators.

Asked about the possibility of an internal White House investigation, McClellan said, "I'm not aware of any information that has come to our attention beyond the anonymous media sources to suggest there's anything to White House involvement."

The controversy erupted over the weekend, when administration officials reported that Tenet sent the Justice Department a letter raising questions about whether federal law was broken when the operative, Valerie Plame, was exposed. She was named in a column by Robert Novak that ran July 14 in The Post and other newspapers.

from my private journal as Kerry Burgess: 11/28/2006 11:40 AM
She gave me a hammer. That is what I was trying to remember from a series of vivid “foreign dreams” from last night. I was talking to Nancy Reagan and she gave me a hammer. I already had a compass she had given me an earlier time. She said something about tomorrow morning, but I was left with a sense I wasn’t going home the next morning. I can’t begin to describe the visual imagery I still have in my mind from that dreams. In one, there was a long, detailed conversation when I was undercover against a drug dealer. I can’t remember everything he said, but as he put about 20 bullets through my windshield as I ducked for cover under the dashboard, he was saying something about me being a hit man. A uniformed police officer killed him soon after he arrived on the scene with some other people that were there for a picnic at the lake we were nearby. I didn’t want them to know I was undercover. In another sequence, I must have been in Russia and I was trying to drive past a government checkpoint. The conversation switched back in forth between Russian and English and I heard myself speaking in Russian effortlessly but I don’t know what I was saying. In another sequence, I want to say I was in North Korean and a woman was putting me into the trunk of a car to try to sneak me out.

From 8/17/1960 ( the Soviet Union trial of the United States Central Intelligence Agency pilot Gary Powers begins in Moscow Russia Soviet Union ) To 3/23/2001 is 14828 days

14828 = 7414 + 7414

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 2/19/1986 ( the Soviet Union launches the Mir space station into orbit of the planet Earth ) is 7414 days

From 2/8/1960 ( my biological paternal grandmother Queen Elizabeth announced that her future descendants would bear her husband's name as well as her own creating the surname Mountbatten-Windsor ) To 6/29/1995 ( the Mir space station docking of the United States space shuttle Atlantis orbiter vehicle mission STS-71 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-71 pilot astronaut and my 3rd official United States of America National Aeronautics Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) is 12925 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/23/2001 is 12925 days

From 2/27/1990 ( as Kerry Burgess my official United States Navy documents includes: "TRAN 90FEB27" - while inport at anchor Monaco my permanent transfer from US Navy warship USS Wainwright CG 28 to Naval Station Charleston South Carolina for active duty separation processing and Honorable Discharge ) To 3/23/2001 is 4042 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/26/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in solar system deep space in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day makes his first landing the Jupiter moon Callisto ) is 4042 days

From 4/3/1917 ( Arthur Graeme West killed during World War I ) To 1/11/1988 ( as Kerry Burgess my official United States Navy documents includes: Sea Service Deployment Ribbon USS Wainwright (CG-28) 88 Jan 11 - 88 Jul 11 ) is 25850 days

25850 = 12925 + 12925

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/23/2001 is 12925 days

From 12/25/1991 ( in non-aviator related duties on the ground as United States Marine Corps chief warrant officer Kerry Wayne Burgess I was prisoner of war in Croatia ) To 3/23/2001 is 3376 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/30/1975 ( Gerald Ford - Proclamation 4345 - Program for the Return of Vietnam Era Draft Evaders and Military Deserters ) is 3376 days

From 2/4/1996 ( premiere US TV series episode "Space: Above and Beyond"::"Never No More" ) To 3/23/2001 is 1874 days

1874 = 937 + 937

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 5/27/1968 ( the fraudulent enlistment by George Walker Bush in the Texas Air National Guard eventually deserting his military obligations ) is 937 days

Encyclopædia Britannica


Mir, Soviet/Russian modular space station, the core module (base block) of which was launched into Earth orbit by the U.S.S.R. in 1986.

On March 23, 2001, the abandoned Mir made a controlled reentry, with the surviving pieces falling into the Pacific Ocean.

"Space: Above And Beyond"

"Never No More" Part 1 of 2 precedes "The Angriest Angel"

4 February 1996

Episode 14 DVD video:

US Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel T.C. McQueen: Gentleman, respectfully, I was briefed on Operation Shadow Watch. I am not questioning the validity of the mission nor its objectives. However, the use of an entire squadron to deploy one MIRG and the nature of the directives indicates to a veteran pilot that the rumors of an alien ace out there are true. It does exist. And, gentlemen, respectfully, my senior officers appear scared.

chron Houston Chronicle Archives

Mir falls to Earth in fiery return / Abandoned space station crashes into South Pacific, Russians say

Houston Chronicle News Services

FRI 03/23/2001 Houston Chronicle

KOROLYOV, Russia - The Mir space station returned to Earth in pieces early today, ending its 15-year, 2.2 billion-mile odyssey with a fiery plunge into the South Pacific, Russian space officials said.

History vs. Hollywood


Starring Tom Cruise


Did Col. Oliver North inadvertently get Barry Seal killed?

Not likely. No other name is perhaps more associated with the Iran-Contra affair than Oliver North, but his involvement in exposing Barry Seal's mission and blowing his cover is unknown and entirely speculation. A July 17, 1984 front-page Washington Times article by Edmund Jacoby described a link between Nicaragua's Sandinista government and the Medellín drug cartel. Jacoby mentioned Seal's mission as evidence, which effectively outed Seal as a government agent. When asked who his source was, Jacoby implied that it was "an aide in the White House" and that Oliver North had the most motivation to release the information. Despite the movie attempting to pin it on North, Jacoby later said that North was not his source and that it was a deceased Special Forces and CIA guy named Ted Lunger, who at the time worked as a staff member for Representative Dan Daniel.

"I can state absolutely that Oliver North had nothing to do with my story as far as I knew, or as far as I know today," said Jacoby. Regardless, Jacoby's article led to the abandonment of the final piece of Barry Seal's undercover operation. Pablo Escobar and the Ochoas were going to be arrested at a celebration of Seal's successful cocaine transport. The arrests never happened since Seal's cover was blown. -Smuggler's End: The Life and Death of Barry Seal

Did the cartel put a contract out on Barry Seal?

Yes. "One day Barry came in and said there was a contract on him - half a million dead, a million alive," says widow Debbie Seal. "He thought we had more time. I guess he also thought Colombians would stick out like a sore thumb in Louisiana and they wouldn't come here." It is believed that the Colombians put a hit out on Barry after they learned he was going to help the feds with the extradition of Jorge Ochoa from Spain, one of the heads of the Medellín Cartel. Barry and his wife talked about going into witness protection, but like in the movie, he decided against it. -Daily Mail Online

Why wasn't Barry Seal forced into witness protection?

Author Del Hahn, a former FBI agent who wrote the book about Seal titled Smuggler's End: The Life and Death of Barry Seal, told Vice, "Seal thought he was smarter and cleverer than the Ochoas," who are one of the founding families of the Medellín Cartel. He wasn't. Barry Seal's widow, Debbie Seal, and others have wondered why the government didn't do more to protect Seal, whether he wanted the protection or not. Conspiracy theorists have gone as far as suggesting that the government ordered the hit on Seal, not the cartel, a suggestion that has never been supported by any proof.

Was Barry Seal assassinated in a parking lot?

Yes. The assassination happened on February 19, 1986 in the parking lot in front of the Salvation Army building

The Advocate

Dismissal of Barry Seal movie rights lawsuit affirmed by Louisiana high court

BY JOE GYAN JR. JAN 23, 2019 - 11:30 AM

A lawsuit that claimed slain drug smuggler-turned-government informant Adler “Barry” Seal’s privacy rights were violated — and his public image damaged — when his third wife and their three children sold his life story to a major motion picture studio in 2014 has been dismissed by Louisiana’s highest court.

Seal’s oldest daughter, who was born of his first marriage, filed the lawsuit in 2015 in Baton Rouge state court against Seal’s widow, the three children she had with him, and Universal City Studios.

Universal turned Seal's story into the 2017 film "American Made" starring actor Tom Cruise as Seal.

Lisa Seal Frigon, the administrator of Seal’s estate, claimed Deborah "Debbie" Dubois Seal and her three children violated Seal's privacy rights when they sold the story of his life to Universal for $350,000 without court approval or the estate’s consent. None of that money went to the estate, the lawsuit claimed.

Frigon also alleged the actions of Debbie Seal and her children violated the right of publicity, or Frigon's right as administrator of Seal's estate to control the commercial appropriation of her father's identity or public image.

The state's 1st Circuit Court of Appeal last June disagreed with Frigon and dismissed her lawsuit. The state Supreme Court, without issuing a written reason last Friday, denied Frigon’s appeal.

The 1st Circuit had written that the right of privacy is “strictly personal” and died with Seal when he was assassinated in Baton Rouge in 1986. The appellate court also said the state Legislature has not put the right of publicity into state law.

Universal, Debbie Seal and her children had argued that they merely exercised their free speech rights on an issue of public interest, and the appeals court agreed.

Frigon’s attorney, Roy Maughan Jr., said Wednesday he thought he had raised several legal issues that the state Supreme Court would want to tackle, particularly the right of publicity argument.

“I think they missed a good opportunity,” he said.

Seal, 46, who was born in Baton Rouge, was gunned down in February 1986 outside a Salvation Army halfway house on Airline Highway. Drug traffickers with ties to the Medellin cartel in Colombia arranged for the machine-gun slaying. Three Colombian men were found guilty and sentenced to life in prison in Seal's slaying.

Seal had infiltrated the Medellin cartel and agreed to cooperate with U.S. authorities after his own 1983 arrest on drug charges in Florida.

Two years before his death, Seal was indicted for conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute 462 pounds of cocaine with a street value of $168 million. He was fined as part of his plea deal and ordered to serve time at the Salvation Army halfway house.

Seal was expected to be a key witness in a case against Colombian drug kingpin Pablo Escobar, among others. Escobar was killed in 1993.

Frigon claimed in her suit that the movie script falsely portrayed Seal as a drunkard, reckless pilot and father of three children, not five.

Seal also was portrayed by actor Dennis Hopper in the 1991 television movie “Doublecrossed.” Seal’s estate received no money from that movie because it was not authorized by the family, Maughan has said.

Seal served in the U.S. Army Special Forces and also was the youngest U.S. pilot to fly 707 and 747 jets. He was fired by Trans World Airlines for his role in a scheme to smuggle guns and explosives to Mexico. Seal then turned to drug smuggling.


National Space Science Data Center


NSSDC ID: 1986-017A

Facts in Brief

Launch Date: 1986-02-19

Launch Vehicle: Proton Booster Plus Upper Stage

Launch Site: Tyuratam (Baikonur Cosmodrome), U.S.S.R

Funding Agency

Unknown (U.S.S.R)


Timeline: Space flight

A chronology of key events:

19 February 1986 - The Soviet Union launches its space station Mir into Earth orbit.


NORAD ID: 16609

Int'l Code: 1986-017A

Launch date: February 19, 1986

Source: Commonwealth of Independent States (former USSR) (CIS)

Decay date: 2001-03-23


Fourth Report of the Task Force on the Shuttle-Mir Rendezvous & Docking Missions

March 1, 1995

A Task Force of the NASA Advisory Council

The Mir base block was launched on February 19, 1986.




Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 10:31 AM

To: kerry burgess


we are leaving in a little bit to go back to la. i was so glad to see you and know that you are safe fed and looking well. maybe we can stay in touch better. it made me happy to see you laugh . my wish for you is that you might trust someone in your world a tiny bit every day. it might be the person at a food place or the lady at the front desk. just remember that not everyone is part of what you are feeling . you might give them the only kind word or smile that they have had in a long time. a lot of people have problems a lot bigger than yours and they still have a smile. you were always a very kind and sweet person. i love you very much and it made me sad to leave you. i still feel like the mother of a small child that needs to be nurtured and protected. love mama





More and more absolutely irrefutable proofs are quoted by the prosecutor general. We are sitting next to the box where the members of the family of the defendant Powers are. His mother, a woman with white hair, is tormented by shame.

Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 20:08:38 -0800

From: Kerry Burgess


To: Theda Draper

Do you know yet where you're staying when you arrive out here?

from my private journal as Kerry Burgess, January 18, 2008

01/18/08 6:06 AM
confusing dreams.

I am beginning to feel lousy again

01/18/08 6:12 AM
and disappointed. extremely disappointed

Francis Gary Powers

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Francis Gary Powers (August 17, 1929 – August 1, 1977) was an American pilot whose Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) U-2 spy plane was shot down while flying a reconnaissance mission in Soviet Union airspace, causing the 1960 U-2 incident.

Political consequence

The incident set back talks between Khrushchev and Eisenhower. Powers's interrogations ended on June 30, and his solitary confinement ended on July 9. On August 17, 1960, his trial began for espionage before the military division of the Supreme Court of the USSR. Lieutenant General Borisoglebsky, Major General Vorobyev, and Major General Zakharov presided. Roman Rudenko acted as prosecutor in his capacity of Procurator General of the Soviet Union. Mikhail I. Grinev served as Powers's defense counsel. In attendance were his parents and sister, and his wife Barbara and her mother.



Each word of the prosecutor falls on her heart like a stone. In fact, the purpose of that speech is to protect millions of mothers from the torment to which the bosses of Washington have condemned this woman. Soviet justice is being done in this hall so that smiles, not tears, may be seen on the faces of mothers, Russian or American,

all those who think of peace, not of war.


Lace (1984)


Lili: Incidentally, which one of you bitches is my mother?

From 2/6/1911 ( my biological maternal grandfather Ronald Reagan ) To 7/7/1995 ( the return to Earth landing of the United States space shuttle Atlantis orbiter vehicle mission STS-71 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-71 pilot astronaut and my 3rd official United States of America National Aeronautics Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) is 30832 days

30832 = 15416 + 15416

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/17/2008 is 15416 days

From 9/10/1948 ( Thedia Gay Newman Burgess Nevells Parker Romine Draper Whatever - the surrogate mother of Kerry Burgess the human being cloned from another human being ) To 1/17/2008 is 21678 days

21678 = 10839 + 10839

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 7/7/1995 ( the return to Earth landing of the United States space shuttle Atlantis orbiter vehicle mission STS-71 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-71 pilot astronaut and my 3rd official United States of America National Aeronautics Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) is 10839 days

Whom Gods Destroy [ Star Trek television series episode ]

Original Airdate: 3 Jan, 1969

Captain KIRK: Captain Garth

GARTH: Lord Garth!

KIRK: No, sir. Captain Garth, Starship fleet Captain. That's an honourable title.

GARTH: And I was the greatest of them all, wasn't I?

KIRK: Yes, you were.

KIRK: think. Think back to what you were before the accident

Kirk: Try.

GARTH: I can't remember. It's almost as if I had died and was reborn.

KIRK: No, I, I can remember. You were the finest student at the Academy, the finest Starship Captain. You were the prototype, the model for the rest of us.

GARTH: Yes, I do remember that. It was a great responsibility, but one I was proud to bear.

KIRK: And you bore it well. And the disease that changed you, it's not your fault. And the terrible things you did since then, not truly responsible.

From 8/17/1960 ( the Soviet Union trial of the United States Central Intelligence Agency pilot Gary Powers begins in Moscow Russia Soviet Union & premiere US film "The Time Machine" ) To 1/18/2008 is 17320 days

17320 = 8660 + 8660

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash in Sioux City Iowa and the end of Kerry Burgess the natural human being cloned from another human being ) is 8660 days

From 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 officially the United States Apache attack helicopter pilot ) To 1/18/2008 is 6210 days

6210 = 3105 + 3105

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 5/4/1974 ( Richard Nixon - Remarks Opening Expo '74, Spokane, Washington ) is 3105 days

From 12/15/1961 ( premiere US TV series episode "The Twilight Zone"::"Once Upon a Time" ) To 3/1/2004 ( for me personally as Kerry Burgess: my lease expires at my Redmond apartment and I travel to and arrive at Spokane Valley for the Crossland ) is 15417 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/18/2008 is 15417 days

From 7/13/1984 ( premiere US film "The Last Starfighter" ) To 1/18/2008 is 8589 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 5/9/1989 ( Tom Harkins the United States Senator representing the state of Iowa introduces the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 in the United States Senate ) is 8589 days

From 1/28/1950 ( Harry Truman - Executive Order 10100—Regulations Relating to the Granting of Certain Allowances by the Director of Central Intelligence ) To 1/18/2008 is 21174 days

21174 = 10587 + 10587

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 10/28/1994 ( premiere US film "Stargate" ) is 10587 days

From 1/28/1950 ( premiere US film "Montana" ) To 1/18/2008 is 21174 days

21174 = 10587 + 10587

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 10/28/1994 ( premiere US film "Stargate" ) is 10587 days

From 9/3/1954 ( Dwight Eisenhower - Memorandum of Disapproval of Bill Providing for a Commission To Regulate Public Transportation of Passengers in the Washington Area ) To 11/18/1996 ( premiere US film "Star Trek: First Contact" ) is 15417 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/18/2008 is 15417 days

from my private journal as Kerry Burgess, 01/18/08 9:46 AM
The thought occurs to me that I am a physical clone of Thomas Ray, but I am not certain, since I am not certain if anyone even knew how to clone another person before I was born.


Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 9:48 AM

To: kerry burgess

Subject: today

i got up early this morning but went back to sleep until 8:00. we will be over to pick you up at 12:30. let me know if this is okay. love mama


The Twilight Zone Season 3 Episode 13

Once Upon a Time

Aired Dec 15, 1961


(Closing Narration)

Narrator: "To each his own" - so goes another old phrase to which Mr. Woodrow Mulligan would heartily subscribe, for he has learned, definitely the hard way, that there is much wisdom in a third old phrase which goes as follows: "Stay in your own backyard." To which it might be added, "and if possible, assist others to stay in theirs"-- via, of course, the Twilight Zone.

Transcribed excerpts by me



the Soviet court proclaimed a verdict on an American who used American machinery for aggression against a peaceful people, for a provocation against peaceful toil. There was no need for Powers to be at the bar. He could be preparing for space flights. His experience and health are suitable for such a purpose, but he has become a criminal, a spy. He was pushed onto this road by those who threaten universal peace. He was pushed on this road by the whole savage system of capitalism.

From 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash in Sioux City Iowa and the end of Kerry Burgess the natural human being cloned from another human being ) To 1/19/2008 is 6758 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 5/4/1984 ( my Ashdown Arkansas High School Class of 1984 awards ceremony ) is 6758 days

From 4/2/1936 ( premiere US film "Pride of the Marines" ) To 1/19/2008 is 26224 days

26224 = 13112 + 13112

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/26/2001 ( premiere US TV series "Star Trek: Enterprise"::series premiere episode "Broken Bow" ) is 13112 days

From 2/21/1997 ( the landing of the US space shuttle Discovery orbiter vehicle mission STS-82 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-82 pilot astronaut and my 4th official United States of America National Aeronautics Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) To 1/19/2008 is 3984 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/29/1976 ( premiere US TV movie "Francis Gary Powers: The True Story of the U-2 Spy Incident" ) is 3984 days

From 1/3/1969 ( premiere US TV series episode "Star Trek"::"Whom Gods Destroy" ) To 1/19/2008 is 14260 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/17/2004 ( premiere US TV series episode "Lost"::"Solitary" ) is 14260 days

From 2/26/1984 ( premiere US TV movie "Lace" ) To 1/19/2008 is 8728 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/25/1989 ( premiere US TV series "Alien Nation"::series premiere episode "Fountain of Youth" ) is 8728 days


Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 10:31 AM

To: kerry burgess


we are leaving in a little bit to go back to la.

a lot of people have problems a lot bigger than yours and they still have a smile.

In this Aug. 17, 1960, file photo, Francis Gary Powers sits in a dock in Moscow's Hall of Columns, during the opening of his espionage trial. Powers was the pilot of the U.S. U-2 photo-reconnaissance plane shot down May 1, 1960, near Sverdlosvk in the central USSR.

from my private journal as Kerry Burgess, August 9, 2006

The school counselor came into Mr. Finley's American History class the next Monday and gave me that agricultural award from DeKalb.


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90006a_ .jpg

album: "Ten" (1991)

Pearl Jam


At home
Drawing pictures
Of mountain tops
With him on top
Lemon yellow sun
Arms raised in a V
And the dead lay in pools of maroon below

Daddy didn't give attention
Oh, to the fact that mommy didn't care
King Jeremy The Wicked
Ruled his world

Jeremy spoke in class today
Jeremy spoke in class today

Clearly I remember
Pickin' on the boy
Seemed a harmless little fuck
But we unleashed a lion

From 10/1/1917 ( the Max Planck Institute for Physics was first established as the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics in Munich with Albert Einstein was appointed the first director ) To 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash in Sioux City Iowa and the end of Kerry Burgess the natural human being cloned from another human being ) is 26224 days

26224 = 13112 + 13112

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/26/2001 is 13112 days

From 5/29/1919 ( Arthur Eddington performs the first experimental test of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity ) To 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) is 26224 days

26224 = 13112 + 13112

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/26/2001 is 13112 days

From 2/26/1984 ( premiere US TV movie "Lace" ) To 9/26/2001 is 6422 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 6/3/1983 ( premiere US film "WarGames" ) is 6422 days

Star Trek: Enterprise Season 1 Episode 1

Broken Bow (1)

AIRED: 9/26/01

Broken Bow - Star Trek: Enterprise - television series premiere - season 1 episode 1 - Wednesday 26 September 2001

(from internet transcript)


ARCHER: How are we doing, Trip?

TUCKER: Ready when you are.


ARCHER: Prepare for warp.

Max Planck Institute for Physics

100 years of the Max Planck Institute for Physics


The Max Planck Institute for Physics commemoratds its 100th anniversary. On October 1, 1917, the former Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics started operations with Albert Einstein as director.

Max Planck

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Karl Ernst Ludwig Max Planck, ForMemRS (23 April 1858 – 4 October 1947) was a German theoretical physicist whose discovery of energy quanta won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918.

Kerry Burgess, Nov 16, 2016 5:05 pm

Physicist Max Planck wrote that “the new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.







Transcribed excerpts by me



Each word of the prosecutor falls on her heart like a stone. In fact, the purpose of that speech is to protect millions of mothers from the torment to which the bosses

of Washington have condemned this woman. Soviet justice is being done in this hall so that smiles, not tears, may be seen on the faces of mothers, Russian or American,


all those who think of peace, not of war.

Whom Gods Destroy [ Star Trek television series episode ]

Original Airdate: 3 Jan, 1969

(internet transcript)

SPOCK: Captain Kirk speaks somewhat figuratively and with undue emotion. However, what he says is logical and I do, in fact, agree with it.

GARTH: Blind! Truly blind! Captain Kirk is your commanding officer and you are his subordinate. That is all. Yet, Mister Spock, you are a worthy commander in your own right, and in my fleet, you will surely have a Starship to command.

SPOCK: Please forgive me, but exactly where is your fleet?

GARTH: Out there waiting for me. They will flock to my cause, and for good reason. Limitless power, limitless wealth, and solar systems ruled by the elite. We, gentlemen, are that elite, and we must take what is rightfully ours from the decadent weaklings that now hold it.

SPOCK: Captain Garth

GARTH: Lord Garth!

Excerpts transcribed by me



Commentator: The hall listens attentively to the speech of counsel for the defense.

Grinev (Powers's defense counsel): It is regrettable that it is only Powers who sits in the defendant's block

Grinev (Powers's defense counsel): First of all, I would like to draw the court's attention to the defendant's age. Powers is still young.

I also believe it my duty to remind the court of the fact that when he signed his contract with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency he did not know the true aims of the tasks given to him.

"Lost" tv series

Episode 9 - "Solitary"

DANIELLE: Where is Alex?

SAYID: Please listen...

DANIELLE: Where is Alex?

SAYID: I don't know any Alex.

[Sayid gets electrocuted again.]

SAYID: Stop!

[Flashback - Shot of a prisoner being beaten by Sayid in Iraq.]


"Lost" tv series

Episode 9 - "Solitary"

SAYID: And all the pain will stop. Your Shiite friends have already implicated you in the bombing. [shouting] You planted the device in the Baathist headquarters, didn't you? You killed two soldiers. [lowered voice] Confess it. Confess it, and perhaps it will only cost you your hands instead of your life.

[The prisoner throws up.]

[Shot of Sayid and his boss/friend, Omar, walking in military type surroundings.]

SAYID: He doesn't know anything. Your sources were wrong.

OMAR: Perhaps. But that's really not the point, is it?


Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 10:31 AM

To: kerry burgess

my wish for you is that you might trust someone in your world a tiny bit every day. it might be the person at a food place or the lady at the front desk. just remember that not everyone is part of what you are feeling . you might give them the only kind word or smile that they have had in a long time. a lot of people have problems a lot bigger than yours and they still have a smile.

and it made me sad to leave you. i still feel like the mother of a small child that needs to be nurtured and protected.

"Lost" tv series

Episode 9 - "Solitary"

[Shot of an "interrogation" light. We hear a bunch of voices/languages asking "Where is Alex?" (The voice may just be one voice slowing, morphing into Rousseau's voice as Sayid is coming to. It's like the voice is becoming clearer through a fog). Sayid is tied to a metal bed frame.]

SAYID: What? Who are you?

DANIELLE: Where is Alex?

SAYID: I don't know what you're talking about.

[A figure runs across the frame and does something that electrocutes Sayid.]

DANIELLE: Where is Alex?

SAYID: Please listen...

DANIELLE: Where is Alex?

"Lost" tv series

Episode 9 - "Solitary"

[Flashback - Shot of a prisoner being beaten by Sayid in Iraq.]


SAYID: Arabic [Subtitles: You want me to stop, Falah? Then start answering my questions because I can do this all day. I assure you we already know the truth. But I want you to admit it.]

SAYID: [In English] And all the pain will stop. Your Shiite friends have already implicated you in the bombing. [shouting] You planted the device in the Baathist headquarters, didn't you? You killed two soldiers. [lowered voice] Confess it. Confess it, and perhaps it will only cost you your hands instead of your life.

[The prisoner throws up.]

[Shot of Sayid and his boss/friend, Omar, walking in military type surroundings.]

SAYID: He doesn't know anything. Your sources were wrong.

OMAR: Perhaps. But that's really not the point, is it? You handled yourself very well in there.


OMAR: I'll put in for your reassignment to Intelligence Division, if you wish it.

SAYID: Yes, sir, very much so.

OMAR: Good, now stop calling me sir when it's just the two of us.

SAYID: You're my superior officer, Omar -- for now.

OMAR: And I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

"Lost" tv series

Episode 9 - "Solitary"

DANIELLE: You have a bullet wound.

SAYID: I was a soldier.

DANIELLE: You were. And are you still?

SAYID: That was a long time ago.

DANIELLE: Tell me more about her, the woman -- Nadia.

SAYID: Alex. Who is he?

"Lost" tv series

Episode 9 - "Solitary"

SAYID: You mean Alex?

DANIELLE: Robert. This was such a comfort to me in the first few years here.

SAYID: I could fix it for you. I could take a look at it, if you freed my hands. [Danielle gets up quickly.] I'm very good with mechanical things. I need my hands.

[Danielle gets a syringe, scrapes it with sandpaper, and fills it with some medication.]

DANIELLE: What is written on the back of your photograph?

SAYID: What are you doing?

DANIELLE: Did she write it? Or did you? Perhaps you don't want to tell me because it causes too much pain.

SAYID: Rousseau, you don't need to do that.

[Shot of Danielle giving him the injection.]

"Lost" tv series

Episode 9 - "Solitary"

[Shot of Sayid being electrocuted.]

SAYID: Please just listen to me! I keep telling you I don't know who Alex is! I'm a survivor of a plane crash. I found a wire on the beach, I followed it. I thought it might have something to do with the transmission we picked up on our receiver. A recording, a mayday, with a French woman repeating on a loop for 16 years.

"Lost" tv series

Episode 9 - "Solitary"

SAYID: Danielle, who is Alex?

DANIELLE: Alex was my child.

From: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2012 9:26 AM

To: 'Chad Trammell'

I moved out of that Bellevue apartment and moved to an Issaquah apartment and I think that was around March or April 2002 when I moved out to Issaquah. I remember that my rent payments were going to be drastically lower in Issaquah and I could then afford a car and that is when I got a loan for a brand-new 2002 Jeep Wrangler. Some time later is when I think Thedia was trying to get me to brag about being gunshot in 1993 and when I guessed she had tricked me so could rifle through my glovebox to see the name on the vehicle registration. She brought a cute girl with her that time and that I had never met before and that "fine bitch" insisted on giving me a hug and she said something odd just before that. I was so depressed later that day I couldn't even drag myself out of my apartment to go meet them for dinner.

- posted by Kerry Burgess 12:28 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Saturday 15 June 2019