I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, October 12, 2018
"And then, I come here for a couple days, and everyone talks to me, everyone sees me."
So, Jane McCarthy says, standing, as she spoke relevantly yesterday, in front of where they sometimes show in candid camera views the teleprompter "We'll take a break, we'll be right back".
Posted by Kerry Burgess at 9:41 PM
Homeless Veteran Of Microsoft
I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
"Now frontiers shift like desert sands, While nations wash their bloodied hands, Of loyalty, of history, in shades of grey"
From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Sunday, September 9, 2018, 9:38:01 PM PDT
All my story does is to remind people of why they hate their boss.
Posted online by me as Kerry Burgess
May 04, 2018 7:06pm
People don't use Facebook because they want to read a lot of stuff.
They just want to see moronic pictures and GIFs that make them for better for a few second of the clock about their pathetic and meaningless lives.
Me, I just remind them of why they hate their Boss.
Posted by Kerry Burgess
MONDAY, APRIL 23, 2018
I started off on 4/22/2018 to post the following note to a television news journalist's Facebook page as an add-on to other comments I made.
But Facebook wouldn't let me post it even on my own page because it's too long.
After chopping it down a few times I finally managed to get it posted on my personal Facebook page but gave up trying on the other person's page.
Long ago I encountered similar problem with Blogger.com but this content is nowhere close to being too long for this page.
The hell with it.
Makes for a good summary though so I'm posting it here too.
Jane McCarthy
At the risk of "beating a dead horse" in the sense of how no one wants to discuss a very complex topic, I want to point out another reference that has nothing to do with KREM 2 CBS.
What's important to this is that some person and persons are trying very hard to create the pattern I am interpreting.
The primary question I think anyone should ask is: Why?
Why are they doing it? Why does it have anything to do with me? All that fantastic stuff I have written is nothing from my conscious memory. But yet, the thoughts had to exist in the first place in my conscious mind for me to start looking closer.
The thought appeared in my mind that the reason *why*, as I've been asking, is because people out there - people you possibly don't even know - possibly in your CBS corporate environment - who want my attention because they don't understand what's happened to me.
I'm living in diminished conditions and "they" don't understand that. They don't understand because, I theorize, when they knew me, I suspect (and with good reason), I was an exceptional intelligence. Now I'm diminished. Diminished to normal intelligence.
This is why I have tried so much to prove my personal activities in July 1989. Unsuccessfully I have tried to pinpoint the day of the month I remember my United States Navy ship leaving with me still inport on the Charleston Naval Station headquarters where I remember working temporarily while the ship was out to sea for a few days. All I can remember consciously now is sitting at a desk in an office on the base and I was crumpling up documents that were classified information and that I was loading into bags that would be burned. I had to stay behind because I had a doctor's appointment at the base hospital. No one will respond to me about my complete records for that medical treatment. I know that I was in the hospital from April 17 to 19 and I know that July 19, 1989, was precisely 3 months later. I remember vaguely I was fully healed by that time when the ship was out to sea and I was working temporarily on the base. I know for a fact that my official United States Navy records prove that by that time I had attended training on "Physical security, baton training, use of force, and levels of force".
See also from my personal blog: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/09/levels-of-force.html
I have had the strongest *feeling* since they let me out of the United States Veteran's Affairs hospital in Seattle that July 1989 was some sort of divergence for me. Everything else, other than July 1989, hypothetically, and then the 1990s and 2000s, is a big mystery of my exceptional self.
I have conscious memory of the 1990s and 2000s but I seriously question the accuracy of that collection of memory. Quite possibly I can recall consciously only 50 days of that 1990s decade. Somehow my mind is extrapolating those details and causing me to think there was nothing else. I am reminded of something I read about how the human brain does something similar with eyesight.
Going back to those people I suspect are lurking in the shadows and who are causing the code pattern to become active in your organizations scheduling, there must be a reason for it.
They seem to be creating some sort of historical record.
I have been working - in the context of my current mindset - for the past 12 years trying to figure out their motive.
Once again: Why?
Are they creating a historical record for an Event that is going to happen in the future?
Are they creating a historical record because they want more people to generate intelligent observations about this situation?
In my opinion, the vast majority of the public out there are incapable of recognizing and incapable of understanding exceptionalism in other people. Indeed, I believe that most people, and I believe that includes most of your audience, are resentful of exceptional people in America.
Posted online by me as Kerry Burgess
Aug 03, 2018 5:10pm
I knew better than to try to watch this next one while on the stationary bicycle.
"We're going to need a bigger boat", said Jane McCarthy last hour on live television.
Don't know what they'll next read off the teleprompter in the television news studio.
- posted by Kerry Burgess 6:33 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 12 October 2018