I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, October 12, 2018
Wayward Pines
Brilliant television program.
Even better watching the second time around.
From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2006 6:12 PM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: Microsoft might take a new look at lethal injection
A decade ago, when Microsoft executives made lethal injection the primary way to execute pesky competition, it was considered less barbaric than hanging and less likely to bring long, costly trips to the woods.
Bill Gates has called lethal injection "undoubtedly innovative" and said that ruling otherwise would be "tantamount to forbidding the death penalty altogether for our competitors."
But now, as death row competitors in other states claim it's cruel punishment because it may not bring a peaceful death as once believed, some managers say Bill Gates will likely have to look for another more painful method.
"It's pretty clear that this method of execution has the potential to cause a great deal of pain -- and maybe even more pain than some of the methods we're using now and we like that."
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 07 March 2006 excerpt ends]
DSC00588.jpg - Kerry Burgess, 11 October 2018
DSC00590.jpg - Kerry Burgess, 11 October 2018
DSC00538.jpg - Kerry Burgess, 11 October 2018
DSC01429.jpg - Kerry Burgess, 11 October 2018
DSC01440.jpg - Kerry Burgess, 11 October 2018
DSC01467.jpg - Kerry Burgess, 11 October 2018
from my private journal as Kerry Burgess: 01/09/09 1:37 PM
That maintenance worker for this building said something to me earlier in the elevator as I was going to do my laundry that Paris Hilton must always be seen smiling because she never has to do her own laundry.
A short while ago, as I was trying to fall asleep for a nap, which I just now gave up on trying to fall asleep, I remembered a dream I had just before waking up this morning about being in some kind of underground facility and I was restrained by two people and they were going to put me into a washing machine. At some point, after waking up, I guess, I pondered briefly over how that person in the dream, that I represented, was actually that maintainence worker. So anyway, I had been fighting earlier with those two guys and the point with the washing machine seemed to be a point where they had subdued me and was looking for some place to further restrain me so, I guess, I could not get away. There had been several other scenes before in that dream but I cannot articulate any of those earlier scenes in a fashion that is relevant to this part of the dream. One scene I do remember well enough to describe to a certain degree is that at some point, I also seemed to exist in the form of some kind of unmanned surveillance drone that was hovering around in that facility and I was looking at the scenery of that facility from the perspective of that drone. I saw myself hover up through a rough hole in the top of that facility that looked more similar to a hole in the ground than anything else and that suggests to me that facility was underground. I remember also from the dream that there was a nuclear bomb next to that hole and I remember something about how I was, in my physical body form, supposed to escape through that hole, that was the roof of that underground facility, and then the nuclear bomb was going to collapse that hole so that the people chasing me could not escape and would be trapped in that underground facility. So then in the dream, I was back in that area with the two guys I had been fighting and I commented that I would drown if they put me into that washing machine. I have pondered over that washing machine several times since I have been awake especially because I could visualize it well and it was actually a rectangular structure instead of a round structure as you would expect from a washing machine. It seems important to note that I am not recording the actual sequence of how these thoughts and notion developed in my mind today after I have been awake from the dream, and I think the final notions developed in my mind as I was trying to fall asleep again, but I arrived at the notion that I was actually dreaming of a torpedo tube that a nuclear-equipped Tomahawk missile was being loaded into. The reason I saw it as a rectangular structure, I assume, is because Tomahawk are transported in rectangular containers and Tomahawks are also fired from rectangular containers when those missiles are external-mounted, similar to Harpoon missiles. But the distinction with Harpoons are that, as far as I know, Harpoons have no nuclear capabilities and Harpoons are always in round canisters, which could confuse me into thinking I saw a Harpoon being loaded into a round torpedo tube, which is possible, but I was not supposed to assume that I saw a Harpoon being loaded into a torpedo tube because Harpoons are not nuclear-capable. The reason I made the commented about drowning is because the torpedo tube floods with the outside ocean water when the torpedo tube doors are opened which has to happen because the ordnance in the torpedo tube can be fired from the torpedo tube.
From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2013 5:19 PM
Subject: RE: Let's see if you can do I-90.
So that's what it was. That's what I dreamed of very early this morning or last night.
I had been aware for a long time of the "Stargate: Atlantis" television series but I had never, until this past hour, given some serious thought about the plot elements that form the drama of that television series. I have never before watched any episode from that television series. I have seen glimpses of scenes but the notion of "Wraith" is new to me today.
I started to wonder about how that 16 July 2004 premiere happens after 03 March 2003.
And then looking at those creepy figures in the images, the "Wraith" I had to look at it a few minutes, after having read a lot about them a few minutes, that is what I must have seen in my dream the last time I was sleeping today.
I am wondering about it because of how prescient are my other dreams lately.
Maybe I am winning against them by telling you this.
So anyway, the dream started with me walking into a house. My mother was there with me and so was my sister. I think again now as I write this, as it seemed to me later after the dream, that figures in my dream are not literal. So I recall that I was very angry. There was a group of washing machines on the lower floor of the house we were in and there were enough of them there to seem it was a commercial facility but that doesn't get explained in the dream. The reason I am so angry is because I am looking at the manifold where clean water is supposed to flow into the washing machines, an observation was presently simply to my sleeping mind and that seems more complicated than it is while I describe it, and the water was very brown colored. I was very angry about that. I have been thinking all day since then about one of those episodes from the "Lost" television series where they found a pool of water in some secret building and that water has some kind of regeneration powers for humans, to the point of immortality, but the water had turned brown and the people who used it were concerned about it. I haven't thought about that episode in years. So anyway, I am upstairs in the house, which doesn't have anything familiar about it, and my mother is there and so is my sister. And then the zombies appear. At some point, I am seeing them in the yard walking along as I am talking to mother. I am angry at her now. She has threatened to cancel my source of income and there is some dialog that is now too vague to recall. And the hostility escalates to the point I am choking her by the throat and I said something in the dream similar to "I'll kill you too." But it wasn't her. As with most people in my dreams, I never see them clearly. They are figures similar to the people I see when I am outside and they are in my peripheral vision. I see people in dreams in a similar way. With few exceptions I never see anyone clearly and in detail. But I could see her in more detail now and after I looked at those photos of the "Wraith" that was very similar to what I was seeing and I had my hands around its neck and I was enjoying choking it. I think I stopped though and I didn't kill it. But the part I thought of most throughout today was the zombies. I cannot now recall if the zombies showed up first. I don't think they did. I think the dirty water caused the hostilities towards the person I was choking. Then the first zombie came in the house and I used my fist to hit it very hard and then I physically threw it out the same door it came in although that last part wasn't something I visualized. I did visualized the second zombie come in again towards us and that one I saw myself slam it against the wall and I knew in the dream that I also threw it out the same door it came in but that was a different door than the first zombie came through. The same story with the third and final zombie but I don't recall visualizing any of that action. I just knew it came through a third door and I simply knew I had thrown back out the same door it came through.
And then there were the zombies themselves. I don't think I have ever actually dreamed of zombies. I have written many times before that I dream while sleeping of activities I have worked on so it seems that my research on zombie topics would show up in my sleeping dreams but I guess I never woke up from any of those or that I never had any that I became aware of. Those zombies in my dream while last sleeping weren't actually doing anything threatening. They were just stumbling around and walking as you see zombies act in movies but they weren't biting anybody. They were just lumbering about with expressions that seemed kind of stupor. I was thinking later they might be something I used to call "pre-zombies" but they are advanced beyond that but not yet cannibalistic.
So anyway, the images of the "Wraith" make me think now in this hour about the similarities to the "Morlocks" from 1960.
Also, the predatory nature of the "Wraith" is similar to thoughts I have had for a while. As "Kirk" said in "Metamorphosis" "How do you beat something like that?" The "Wraith's" also resemble that chief "Morlock" in the 2002 remake of "The Time Machine" and there is the scene where he is strangling the starring character.
Also, if you stretch your imagination for a moment and try to believe something is possible then that all explains what my "mother" is supposed to represent in my dreams. I think about I have written before about that in the context of that ancient being in the 2000 "Mission to Mars" film.
Stretching it again you could understand why I would travel backwards in time when presented with the opportunity. That's only way to beat them.
And now look at me. Listen to the people in the world as they ignore me again today.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 07 February 2013 excerpt ends]
album: "Building Nothing Out Of Something" (1999)
"Never Ending Math Equation"
(from internet transcript)
I'm the same as I was when I was 6 years old
And oh my God I feel so damn old
I don't really feel anything
On a plane, I can see the tiny lights below
And oh my God, they look so alone
Do they really feel anything?
Oh my God, I gotta gotta gotta gotta move on
Where do you move where you're moving from
Is yourself? Is yourself?
The universe works on a math equation
that never even ever really even ends in the end
Infinity spirals out creation
We're on the tip of its tongues, and it is saying
We ain't sure where you stand
You ain't machines and you ain't land
And the plants and the animals, they are linked
And the plants and the animals eat each other
I'm the same as I was when I was 6 years old
And oh my God I feel so damn old
I don't really feel anything
On a plane, I can see the tiny lights below
And oh my God, they look so alone
Do they really feel anything?
Oh my God, I've gotta gotta gotta gotta move on
Where do you move where you're moving from
Is yourself? Is yourself?
The universe works on a math equation
that never even ever really even ends in the end
Infinity spirals out creation
We're on the tip of its tongue, and it is saying
Well, We ain't sure where you stand
You ain't machines and you ain't land
And the plants and the animals, they are linked
And the plants and the animals eat each other
Oh my God and oh my cat
I told my Dad what I need
Well I know what I have and want
But I don't know what I need
Well, he said he said he said he said
"Where we're going I'm dead."
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thule (Latin: Thule, Tile) was the place located furthest north, which was mentioned in ancient Greek and Roman literature and cartography.
In classical and medieval literature, ultima Thule (Latin "furthermost Thule") acquired a metaphorical meaning of any distant place located beyond the "borders of the known world".
From 3/16/2013 ( the untimely demise of Kerry Burgess 2005 and I exist today as Kerry Burgess 2013 ) To 6/4/2015 is 810 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/21/1968 ( the Thule Air Base B-52 crash with one US Air Force B-52G Stratofortress crew fatality and the reported uncontrolled destruction of four 1.1 megaton hydrogen bombs resulting in widespread radioactive contamination ) is 810 days
From 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate ) To 6/4/2015 is 8846 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/21/1990 ( premiere US TV series episode "The Simpsons"::"Homer's Odyssey" ) is 8846 days
Wayward Pines Season 1 Episode 4
One of Our Senior Realtors Has Chosen to Retire
Aired Jun 04, 2015 on FOX
AIRED: 6/4/15
Wayward Pines Season 1 Episode 4
One of Our Senior Realtors Has Chosen to Retire
Aired Jun 04, 2015 on FOX
Ethan Burke: Morning, Peter.
Peter McCall: Is that my last meal?
Ethan Burke: Nothing's gonna happen to you.
Peter McCall: I've read through this thing 10 times. I forgot how much I forgot.
Ethan Burke: Why don't you tell me what you remember.
Peter McCall: It was 2001 and I was in Los Angeles for a conference. I went down for a, uh, quick drink at the bar. Struck up a conversation with a brunette named Denise. We really hit it off, you know. And, uh after five drinks I asked her to come back to my hotel room, take the party up a notch. I was still married at the time. I'd like to say that it was a temporary, fleeting moment of weakness a mistake that never happened before. That'd be a lie. Anyway, uh we went back to my room where I blacked out. Next thing I knew, I woke up in a hotel room. It wasn't the same hotel. The brunette from the bar was still there. But she was older. And her name wasn't Denise. It was Pam.
Wayward Pines Season 1 Episode 4
One of Our Senior Realtors Has Chosen to Retire
Aired Jun 04, 2015 on FOX
Ethan Burke: Time to go.
Peter McCall: 10:00 PM's really the cutoff time for a reckoning, Ethan.
Ethan Burke: There's not gonna be a reckoning. Let's go.
Peter McCall: Where are we going?
Ethan Burke: I'm gonna hide you, take you to the woods.
Peter McCall: They'll find me right away.
Ethan Burke: Well, that's a chance we're gonna have to take. We've gotta move.
Peter McCall: All right. Take me to the fence.
Theresa Burke: (in other scene, reading from document in curbside mailbox outside her home) "Dear Theresa, Congratulations. A spot has just opened at Wayward Pines Realty Associates. One of our senior Realtors has chosen to retire. Please come to the office tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM sharp."
Ethan Burke: Why did you bring me here, Peter?
Peter McCall: "Before I built a wall I'd ask to know what I was walling in or walling out." That's Robert Frost. Which is it? Is it keeping us in? Or something else out?
Ethan Burke: Why don't you tell me?
Peter McCall: Most people want to leave when they first get here, just like you. I didn't.
Peter McCall: It let me be someone new, you know, and forget my past. Problem is, you can't forget forever. It'll catch up to you. It's caught up to me. There's only one way out. But this is the end for me.
Ethan Burke: Hey, hey. You don't have to do this.
Peter McCall: You're right. You do. They're watching. You gotta earn their trust. Right? You can do this, or I can. But if you want to survive in this place, I suggest you give me a little push.
Ethan Burke: Hey. Peter. I'm not gonna do that. Okay? I'm not gonna do that.
Peter McCall: I know you're not.
Ethan Burke: Come on. Come on.
Peter McCall: That's why this town needs you.
The Simpsons Season 1 Episode 3
Homer's Odyssey
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Jan 21, 1990 on FOX
(A depressed Homer prepares to search for a new job)
Marge: There, there, Homer. You'll find a job. You've caused plenty of industrial accidents, and you've always bounced back.
The Simpsons Season 1 Episode 3
Homer's Odyssey
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Jan 21, 1990 on FOX
(Chief Wiggum speaks at the city council meeting.)
Chief Wiggum: Well, it's no secret. Our city is under siege by a graffiti vandal known as "El Barto." Police artists have a composite sketch to go over and if anyone has any information, please contact us.
(A sketch is passed around; Bart gets it and sees that the drawing is of an older, stubbly, mean looking version of himself.)
Bart: Cool, man.
- posted by Kerry Burgess 6:03 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 12 October 2018