I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, February 14, 2025
Today is 02/14/2025, Post #4
Another Day
More truth
from internet
OurLadyOfBeasts @OurLadyOfBeasts
Aug 9
It's whistleblower reprisal. This needs to be seriously investigated. This shit is happening right before our eyes. Im truly disgusted but glad this asshole couldn't wait to tell on himself. Action must be taken
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UAP Files - Jimmy @UAPFilesPodcast
Aug 9
Ken Klippenstein from @theintercept just said in @blackvaultcom’s Spaces that intel sources told him to look in to previous arrests for David Grusch.
Semantics is rife right now that medical records were/were not leaked.
Do we need to define what a ‘leak’ is?
If I work in Human Resources for the DoD and leak personal medical records to a reporter, that’s a leak. We can all agree.
If I work in Human Resources for DoD and call a reporter directly and say, “I can’t give you the documents, but I’ll give you a tip, if you put a FOIA in for his previous arrests, you’ll find something interesting…” Knowing exactly what he’d find in the FOIA return.
That’s still a leak, no?
7:13 PM August 9, 2023
from internet
OurLadyOfBeasts @OurLadyOfBeasts
Aug 9
It's whistleblower reprisal. This needs to be seriously investigated. This shit is happening right before our eyes. Im truly disgusted but glad this asshole couldn't wait to tell on himself. Action must be taken
7:13 PM August 9, 2023
Kerry Wayne Burgess @hvom2022
You are seriously uninformed.
But don't worry. Read *my* reports and you don't have to worry about sounding like such an ignorant dumbass again.
David Grush is *not* being intimidated. There is *no* reprisal.
DOD/IC did their *job*
From my reports, Grusch committed crimes
9:48 AM August 12, 2023
[Hammond is seated at his desk when Rundell and Bregman enter.]
General Hammond, sir? This is Mister Bregman.
[Rundell places a folder on Hammond's desk in front of the General.]
(with wide grin)
I'm very excited to be here, sir.
[Bregman holds out his hand for Hammond to shake. Hammond ignores it and opens the file folder.]
beth @bethbourdon
this is right up there with the time ken pissed people off so bad someone made a diss track: https://twitter.com/jesse_jett/status/1408810478147715073?s=46&t=xwBzJHfw-z_rfHvPDAjLVQ
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cosmicjudas @cosmicjudas
Ken Klippenstein will serve a life sentence
Kerry Wayne Burgess @hvom2022 replying to beth @bethbourdon
Great job! Found your efforts very helpful!
There is *one* and *only* one REAL "aerial" anomaly that needs to be solved: My pursuit of disclosure about my theory of 07/19/1989
by me: DON-NAVY-2023-005110 Request
"exclusive right ... a creative work"
{ 1996-02-11_0-a }
6:52 AM · Aug 12, 2023
Stargate SG-1
Heroes: Part 1
Episode aired Feb 13, 2004
Civil War (2024)
Release info
United States April 12, 2024
Stargate SG-1
"Heroes - Part 2"
TV-series s7e18, 02/20/2004
(from internet transcript)
You said it in black and white, and I don't think you would dare do such a thing if this wasn't a classified operation. The President has asked a documentary team to get to the truth of what's going on around here. Why don't we just go down and give them the whole truth as you see it? Right now.
[Woolsey gathers his files. Hammond glares at him with disgust.]
That memo is classified. This investigation is classified. If you so much as utter even a hint of either, I'll see you are put away in a cold, dark place for the rest of time.
[Woolsey leaves. Hammond remains, visibly trying to compose himself.]
- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 3:50 PM Pacific-timezone USA Friday 02/14/2025