This Is What I Think.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Today is 02/28/2025, Post #3

I have written before about how it would be fascinating to travel backwards in time and exist in that past timeframe

What would be fascinating would be to travel back to before Edwin Hubble convinced the monkey-humans that other galaxies exist visibly in this universe.

Many of you monkeys today still cannot accept that *you* are not the center of the universe, moronic and mediocre.

Reading through the results of my research for the next possible blog-post by me, related to my most recent blog-post, I think again about that travel

I probably would have become a geologist if I had positive influence in my youth. I was always fascinated by the earth of this Earth.

Also, because of that other blog-post I am working on here, I suddenly remembered that first day of Camp Couchdale back in the year 1981.

They had us all standing together for a photograph.

I was heckling the other guys for standing with the other guys. The photo was just about completely segregated. I was mingling with the cute girls. I thought it was ridiculous: none of us knew each other. Why are you standing next to the other guys. I wanted to be among the girls. Later, back in my school, one of my buddies went even further by taking Home Ec. classes, which I had absolutely no desire for, practical as it seems. I did take a typing class in the 10th grade, in 1981, typically considered a female skill, but I had the foresight of the personal-computer revolution pending


Plate Tectonics Revolution

From Wikipedia

The Plate Tectonics Revolution was the scientific and cultural change which developed from the acceptance of the plate tectonics theory. The event was a paradigm shift and scientific revolution.

By 1967 most scientists in geology accepted the theory of plate tectonics. The root of this was Alfred Wegener's 1912 publication of his theory of continental drift, which was a controversy in the field through the 1950s. At that point scientists introduced new evidence in a new way, replacing the idea of continental drift with instead a theory of plate tectonics. The acceptance of this theory brought scientific and cultural change which commentators called the "Plate Tectonics Revolution".

- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 10:52 PM Pacific-timezone USA Friday 02/28/2025