This Is What I Think.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Today is 02/17/2025, Post #2

by me, Kerry Burgess, 02/17/2025 5:57 PM

ONLY BECAUSE of their words spoken during the 5:30 PM broadcast of CBS News tv, with those two guys replacing Dopey Norah, am I making this note

Their words CAUSED me to look at these specific details

I looked back through my archive files to find similar words I transmitted across the wire

I was reading a Facebook post of people I have never known

A person in Oklahoma, where many Burgess are from, recklessly crashed her vehicle on some road over there, the way I remember it now

The monkeys started chittering about how their Monkey-God protected her, apparently unhurt

I responded the actual reason she was unhurt, not because of some ridiculous Imaginary Friend that you people are too gullible and naive to accept that was invented by cavemen because they were superstitious imbeciles.

Today, on CBS Evening News, the so-called journalist was calling it a "miracle", typically a buzzword of the superstition (as is any form of religion) of the Jesus Christ mythology superstition.

They're too dim-witted to recognize that it was their own God that did it in the first place.

They also broadcast a woman with commentary as an experienced commercial-airline pilot and that was all the cause of my search on this topic today, Event Date variable 02/17/2025

From 1/6/1958 ( ) To 4/23/2017 ( ) is 21657 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 2/17/2025 ( Today - Monday ) is 21657 days

CBS News

Delta plane crashes, flips upside down while landing in Toronto from Minneapolis

By Stephen Swanson

Updated on: February 17, 2025 / 7:26 PM CST / CBS Minnesota

At least 17 people are injured after a Delta Air Lines plane flipped upside down while landing amid wintry conditions Monday at Toronto Pearson International Airport.

The Federal Aviation Administration says 80 people were aboard Flight 4819, which originated from Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

by me, Kerry Burgess, April 23, 2017 10:52 am

Kerry Burgess commented

Reading these comments that show up in my personal timeline, I am thinking she should put her thanks in something real other than in some sort of fairy-tale. Thank the hard-working Americans who enforce the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966. Show some gratitude to real people who improve your lives.





From 11/17/1994 ( premiere USA film "Star Trek Generations" ) To 2/17/2025 ( ) is 11050 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 2/3/1996 ( premiere USA TV series episode "The Lazarus Man"::"The Palace of Dreams" ) is 11050 days


- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 6:22 PM Pacific-timezone USA Monday 02/17/2025