I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Today is 02/28/2025
I made several recent posts about the calendar-day 02/27/2025
This post continues on that topic, an Event Date variable of my original-work code-pattern
"The Future"
That is the point of my so-called research here
What I am gathering evidence to support my thesis that I am not the only person affected by the conditions I describe
"The Past"
A neat post I worked on a few hours ago about past events. Still in draft on my computer-desktop. Heard some interesting comments on the radio. The observations of my discoveries about The Past are largely what has driven me to continue with this pseudo-research. Thanks, Linda Barrett! For all my past discoveries, 100% credit goes to you!
This post started because of specific words in the dialog of an episode "Perry Mason" on the tv to my left-side as I looked at my desktop-computer burning GPU with the "Captain of Industry" computer-game
Those words made me think to check for details in my original-work code-pattern. Looked at the clock just after the specific words: 2 minutes before midnight, and still 02/27/2025
What is the point of it, if it means anything at all sensible?
Well, I look at it from the standpoint of something like this happening to the majority of the asshole-monkey-humans infesting this planet Earth.
My * guess * is that whatever it's leading to will become obvious only much too late.
For the most obvious reason is: nothing
None of this has been the least bit useful to me personally.
I am not happier. I am not the least bit happier. All I have done is get worse. And finally understood it never gets better. Only gets worse from that point you go over that proverbial hill. What is the point of forcing me to finally understand that fact?
I have plenty of choices for new TPE-sculptures and no money for it. I mention it now only because if I did ever purchase that replacement I want for Evelyn, then I should name her Rocinante.
No great truths here tonight. Just another observation to toss onto the pile
excerpts, by me, Kerry Burgess, 12/01/2023 04:15 AM
As though the Julian Jaynes bicameral gods are telling me - non-verbally - stories that I will discover in the future. That's a contradiction, however, to the concept Julian Jaynes expertly describes in his book. I am extending his concept about what happened to the people of ancient times and adapting to my own personal observations about my own personal experiences and I am suggesting that everyone today is affected by the notion I theorize. Far as I know, Jaynes never tried to suggest that the human species - past and present - have some sort of "back door" vulnerability to foreign influence by extraterrestrial intelligence. And I am not suggesting E.T. is here *now* and is still mind-controlling people to do stuff they would not have done anyway. Rather, I am more inclined to accept the fictional notion established in tangible form under the name James Corey and his "protomolecule". The human species forced into a collective consciousness by an alien race but they created it more than a billion years ago so don't take it personally.
From 11/5/1905 ( from Wikipedia on the global-internetwork: Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright dismantled their revolutionary Wright Flyer III airplane and put it in storage to prevent competitors from learning its technology. ) To 6/27/2024 ( ) is 43334 days
43334 = 21667 + 21667
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 2/27/2025 ( Thursday ) is 21667 days
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2024 5:18 PM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: Re: New Order
Hello, order number:
Payment has been completed, and we will send you the tracking number again after delivery, thank you!
Have a nice day!
excerpts, by me, Kerry Burgess, 07/20/2024 05:50 AM
This is science.
This is a science instrument.
I call her Abbie Whoppers 2095
(explained in a previous blog-post here by me)
Wayward Pines (2015) s01e05
"The Truth"
Those quarters you now hold in your hand look very old because they are very old. They are the last known relics of human civilization a civilization that died out almost 2,000 years ago. This is not the year 2014. This is the year 4028.
Perry Mason
The Case of the Spurious Sister
Episode aired Oct 3, 1959
Perry Mason (1957–1966): Season 3, Episode 1 - "The Case of the Spurious Sister"
Didn't you tell me that your wife was once in show business?
Yes, before we were married.
What did she do?
Oh, she was part of a sister act. They played the nightclubs, but they weren't really sisters.
Perry Mason (1957–1966): Season 3, Episode 1 - "The Case of the Spurious Sister"
Do you remember the other woman's name?
Ginny. Ginny... I can't remember her last name. They called themselves Ginny and Marie, Dance Stylists.
She's still an entertainer, Perry. Full name's Ginny Hobart. She's billed as a "scintillating songstress and sensational stepper."
(where I left off reading yesterday)
"The Long Earth"
Chapter 12
by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 02:35 AM
Number 878: The Farthest Man From Home
I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Today is 02/27/2025
The Long Earth
From Wikipedia
Lobsang: an artificial intelligence who claims to be a reincarnated Tibetan motorcycle repairman.
- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 01:27 AM Pacific-timezone USA Friday 02/28/2025