This Is What I Think.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Today is 02/23/2025, Post #2

None of this is any form of a real science.

I am not a scientist.

My blog-posts are nothing more scientific than me forming in my mind the shapes of clouds in the sky

by me, Kerry Burgess, 02/23/2025 2:01 PM

Recently, I wrote in a blog-post here pondering if I have learned anything from that fiction of the "Dark Matter" AppleTV+ streaming-video serial.

This is an example, systemized by "Dark Matter", of a familiar pattern in my conscious mind

Last night, I mostly finished a draft blog-post for here after watching the MeTV rebroadcast of a Star Trek episode. Is interesting to me, not sure if I will post it. I am thinking now at this time about "Dark Matter". That Star Trek episode is from the past, with a reference to that "Blade Runner" sequel from a few years ago

"Dark Matter" is about the future and I am using it to try to learn something new, and that leads me somewhere I want to go, which is not here.

A few hours ago from now, thoughts formed in my conscious mind about an episode of the 2005-2009 "Battlestar Galactica" tv-series

Had no idea of the episode name, much less the year it broadcast. I remember the scene from watching it a very long time ago and then today, I was reviewing it in my mind and I was imagining it in the context of it happening to real people and those real people's reaction to the situation, details that my conscious mind played out to me, which are not part of that original content and that seem specific to my own conscious mind

Hours later, more thoughts formed in my conscious mind and I began to pursue a line of thought using my original-work code-pattern

Started with Stargate from 1994. Started because I had just finished a pot of black coffee and was rinsing out the carafe in the sink, thinking about brewing another pot. Thought about capturing an image of my coffee-pot and using it as an illustration about the calendar-day 02/23/2025, of which I have found nothing of particular interest associated with this calendar-day

So, I looked at 1994 Stargate in my original-work code-pattern

The result then caused me to discover that episode of BSG that I had visualized earlier

So, now I am thinking of "Dark Matter"

by me, Kerry Burgess, 02/23/2025 4:11 PM

"However, we assume that in the relative laboratory frame the laboratory is stationary, so that all the time dependence is given by the particle precession; i.e. there is no clock built into the laboratory"

Wall Of Voodoo - Mexican Radio



movie01_0298 .jpg, from internet - Stargate (1994)
movie01_0301 .jpg, from internet - Stargate (1994)



From 10/28/1994 ( premiere USA film "Stargate" ) To 2/23/2025 ( Today - Sunday ) is 11076 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 2/29/1996 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Ancient Mysteries"::"The Puzzling Pyramids of Mexico" ) is 11076 days

From 10/28/1994 ( premiere USA film "Stargate" ) To 2/23/2025 ( ) is 11076 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 2/29/1996 ( the Siege of Sarajevo ends ) is 11076 days

From 10/31/1985 ( Houston Chronicle reports that Soviet warships are being watched in Gulf of Mexico by USS Taylor FFG-50, US Navy - my first permanent {1984-1986} fleet assignment of two during my 1984-1990 US Navy enlistment ) To 2/23/2025 ( ) is 14360 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 2/25/2005 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Battlestar Galactica"::"Flesh and Bone" ) is 14360 days

From 12/1/1989 ( ) To 2/23/2025 ( ) is 12868 days

12868 = 6434 + 6434

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 6/15/1983 ( ) is 6434 days




DSC09229 .jpg, by me, Kerry Burgess, 12/04/2023, excerpt



Battlestar Galactica


Flesh and Bone

Episode aired Feb 25, 2005

A humanoid Cylon is captured in the fleet, a copy of the Leoben model, who claims that he has planted a nuclear bomb in the Fleet before he was captured. Starbuck is tasked with interrogating him, which soon becomes a battle of wills as Starbuck has her marines to torture the Cylon to try to break him.



Original Airdate: February 25, 2005 (USA)

(from internet transcript)

Leoben - ( Coughing )

Starbuck - You're sick. You're not a person, you're a machine that's enjoying its own pain.

Leoben - All this has happened before, and all of it will happen again.

Starbuck - Don't quote scripture. You don't have the right to use those words.

Leoben - You kneel before idols and ask for guidance and you can't see that your destiny's already been written. Each of us plays a role, each time a different role. The last time, I was the interrogator and you were the prisoner. The players change, the story remains the same. And this time... this time, you're wrong.

Leoben - You have to deliver my soul unto god. Do it for me. It's your destiny, and mine. And I told you I had a surprise for you. Are you ready? You're gonna find Kobol, birthplace of us all. Kobol will lead you to Earth. This is my gift to you, Kara.

Roslin - What the hell is going o­n here? what exactly is it that you are doing here?

Starbuck - It's a machine, sir. There's no limit to the tactics I can use.

Roslin - And where's the warhead?

Starbuck - I don't know.

Roslin - You don't know. You've spent the last eight hours torturing this man... this machine, whatever it is. And you don't have a single piece of information to show for it.

Starbuck - He thinks he can see the future. Says he knows our destiny, our fate. He says we're gonna find Kobol and that it's gonna lead us to Earth.

Roslin - Clean him up, there's not much time.

Starbuck - Yes, sir.

Roslin - Do you know who I am?

Leoben - Yes.

Roslin - I apologize for what you've been through. Take his restraints off. Do it.

Leoben - Thank you.

Roslin - I can do more. I can guarantee your safety, I can order your release. We are running out of time, we have o­nly four minutes left until your bomb goes off. I've come here to tell you that this conflict between our peoples does not have to continue. It can stop right here with us. We have to trust each other. Trust me. I think you know you can. Tell me what I need to know and you will live.

Leoben - The warhead doesn't exist. I made it up. The Lt. Was right, I was too far out. I didn't wanna die, so when I got caught I made up a story to buy some time.

Roslin - I see. Thank you for the truth.

Leoben - Thank you, Madam President. Don't be too hard o­n Kara, she was just doing her job, the military... they teach you to dehumanize people.

Roslin - I'll take that into consideration. No ! Stand down !

Leoben - Laura, I have something to tell you. Adama is a Cylon.

Starbuck - Are you all right?

Roslin - I'm fine. The bomb?

Starbuck - Nothing.

Roslin - Put him out the airlock.

Starbuck - What? You can't do that, not after he told you the truth.

Roslin - Yes, I can. And I will. Lieutenant, look at me. You've lost perspective. During the time I've allowed him to remain alive and captive on this ship, he has caused our entire fleet to spread out, defenseless. He puts insidious ideas in our minds, more lethal than any warhead. He creates fear. But you're right, he is a machine and you don't keep a deadly machine around when it kills your people and threatens your future, you get rid of it.

Starbuck - He's not afraid to die. He's just afraid that his soul won't make it to god.

Starbuck - Lords of Kobol, hear my prayer. I don't know if he had a soul or not but, if he did, take care of it.

Adama - Hell of a risk you took today.

Roslin - Something I had to do.

Adama - Care to tell me why?

Roslin - President Adar once said that the interesting thing about being a president is that you don't have to explain yourself to anyone.



- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 9:07 PM Pacific-timezone USA Sunday 02/23/2025