This Is What I Think.

Sunday, March 09, 2025

Today is 03/09/2025

by me, Kerry Burgess, 03/09/2025 09:36 AM

Accepted the impulse in my conscious-mind to check what is streaming in the so-called "Live TV" channels on Amazon Prime Video

Quickly settled on "The Lost Room" on the Lionsgate channel

Watched it before, maybe several times, but watching it now, only vaguely familiar

I began streaming it today towards the end of the first episode, almost 1.5 hours into the episode

He and accomplice have broken into the mansion and sealed themselves into some sort of safe-room

He has a door-key that seems to reveal "The Lost Room" in any door it's inserted into. He thought ahead and brought a door-knob with him

Then he has the conversation with Ruber, as the episode closes

Watching the next episode now, feel I am not watching close enough

Stopped the video-stream about the 1 hour point of that next episode. Intend to later go back and start watching from the beginning, maybe later. Tired all day, need to make a sandwich, not feeling great, very tired today.

Posted by Kerry Burgess at 9:24 AM

Sunday, July 05, 2015

All I know for certain is that I have the theory that this universe I believe is real could have come into existence only a few seconds ago.

The memory in my mind of the near and distant past is just a data stream. The data stream created just a few seconds ago when my conscious mind registered this existence.

I think I've seen the ending before of this episode as a rebroadcast. I think that is the only part I've seen before until starting to watch it today.

I would just try to ignore all this but as I've written before I believe there is another real person out there doing something.

So my audience is simply: The System.

There are no other real people in this town. Nobody in this entire country. The world doesn't exist.

I am talking only to The System.

My guess is you - The System - have been running simulations of human's minds for so many thousands of years real time on this dead planet and now you - The System - are incapable of understanding the mind of The Living.

Event Date variable: 03/09/2025 ( Today )

Search Date variable: 12/11/2006 ( premiere USA TV series "The Lost Room" )


The Lost Room

The Key and the Clock (2006)


Wally Jabrowski: Sometimes when you start getting Objects together, weird things happen. New things. New properties. Totally unpredictable. Take the Watch. Useless, right?

Joe Miller: The Watch?

Wally Jabrowski: Wristwatch. Cooks eggs. Nothing else, just eggs. Put an egg in the middle - hardboils it. I don't know how somebody figured that out, but they did. Anyway, nobody used to care much about the Watch until one day somebody found out that if you put the Watch and the Knife together, you get a... kind of telepathy.


The Lost Room

The Key and the Clock (2006)


Anna Miller: Stuff keeps disappearing in the room

Joe Miller: What room?

Joe Miller (or spoken by Anna?): The magic room.


The Lost Room

The Key and the Clock (2006)


Wally Jabrowski: You ever feel that something's wrong with the universe?

Joe Miller: Yeah, sure.

Wally Jabrowski: Well, you're right. Things like this shouldn't happen. But in that motel room, they did.


The Lost Room

The Key and the Clock (2006)


Lou Destefano: Hey, Rube, come on, this is crazy. Whose side are you on?

Dr. Martin Ruber: My side.


The Lost Room

The Key and the Clock (2006)


Dr. Martin Ruber: I've been waiting all my life for something. It's this.

The Lost Room s01e02

"The Clock"

(from internet transcript)

I need to see you and Joe Miller.
It's important.
It's about the key.
This isn't just a random collection of things.
There is something going on.
Some people think that these things are a way to communicate with God.
Some say the objects are God.
Come on.
I am not saying I believe that.
I don't know what I believe.
It's just Can I see the key please? I just have to know if it's real.
I've been waiting all my life for something.

From 12/11/2006 ( premiere USA TV series "The Lost Room" ) To 3/9/2025 ( Today ) is 6663 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/30/1984 ( ) is 6663 days



From 6/19/2012 ( ) To 3/9/2025 ( Today ) is 4646 days

4646 = 2323 + 2323

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/13/1972 ( ) is 2323 days



Between Time and Timbuktu

Release info

United States March 13, 1972

Full Cast & Crew

Ray Goulding ... Walter Gesundheit

From 10/28/1994 ( premiere USA film "Stargate" ) To 3/9/2025 ( Today ) is 11090 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/14/1996 ( ) is 11090 days


The Lost Room s01e02

"The Clock"

(from internet transcript)

What I used to believe is that there were these things spread throughout the world that looked like ordinary things, but weren't .
But if you could find all these things, they would lead a path, and you could know the mind of God.
I used to believe I belonged to a cabal, a group that was dedicated to collecting all the objects for this holy purpose.
But some of the objects are full of holy fire.
You--you see, when I was when I was touched with the pen It burned.
It burned.
- A pen? - Yes.
A ballpoint pen? Did they--did they send you to kill me? - Who? - The Order.
Mr. Vrang, I need you to tell me everything you know, please.
Tell me about the key.
What the hell? It took you long enough, Detective.
Make sure you get all of them.

- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 10:56 AM Pacific-timezone USA Sunday 03/09/2025