Kill Switch (2017)
Set in a future world, this is the story of a military experiment gone wrong. Now, a pilot must save his family and the rest of mankind.
Morgan Trau Retweeted
me to @MorganTrau every holiday that falls on a weekend now…
— Karl Capen (@capenxcv) April 18, 2022
excerpts, Daily Princetonian, Volume 88, Number 55, 28 April 1964
'The Impact of Science'
CP. Snow's celebrated concept of the two cultures has become a cliche, often thrown glibly about in cocktail-party conversation, but seldom considered constructively. While nearly everyone talks about it, no one seems to know what to do about it. "The Impact of Science," the second annual issue of Response Magazine, does not pretend to supply any easy solutions. However, it does take a significant first step by providing a thought-provoking introduction to a weekend symposium which promises to stimulate some serious discussion.
In parallel introductions to the magazine, historian Charles C Gillispie and physicist George T. Reynolds join in placing the responsibility for bridging the cultural gap on the non-scientist. This is fine in preface to a program designed primarily for the benefit of laymen who need to be impressed with the importance and possibility of their understanding science. However, as one reasonably well versed in science whose prejudices are decidedly humanistic, this reviewer feels obligated to point out the other side of the coin.
A large part of the problem of communication between science and society has been the scientist's unwillingness or inability to make the concessions necessary to explain his realm to the non-scientist. A science reporter learns only too well that the biggest part of the problem is one of language. Much of the difficulty arises because the scientist is used to working with things and quantities, while the humanist is accustomed to dealing with persons and qualities. Here, as Mr. Reynolds notes, the scientist holds the advantage, for he also lives with people and talks their language, thus is more acclimatized to the humanist's enterprise than the humanist is to his.
It is this advantage that must be capitalized upon by the scientists participating in Response if any meaningful dialogue is to take place. Nonetheless, the laymen will have to meet them half-way. The scientist is justified in protesting that he "cannot be expected to persist as a missionary in an unfriendly land, where the natives refuse to make the effort necessary to learn a new language." Granted, but much translation is also necessary.
by me, Kerry Burgess, posted by me: November 10, 2017 10:00 pm
Kerry Burgess updated his status.
"Kill Switch" is surprisingly similar to what I was thinking of earlier today when I was outside walking around a few hours ago and a few hours before I had any idea I would be a few hours later watching for the first time the video "Kill Switch" on Amazon Prime.
Shouldn't be too surprising to any non-dim-wit who's been paying attention all these years to what I'm saying.
As for my conscience, I guess the point of what I'm doing is sort of for the conscience of the non-dim-wit too.
For you, the non-dim-wit, I have wasted so many of my good years trying to rationalize with all the dim-wits and dullards who have direct communication access to me personally, and all who have wasted it. Because they're dullards. That's what they do. They're too dim-witted to understand.
Kill Switch (2017)
Release Info
USA 16 June 2017
Full Cast & Crew
Dan Stevens ... Will Porter
Kill Switch (2017)
Mia: What's it doing?
Will Porter, Physicist: Ha. It's working.
From 11/10/2017 ( by me, Kerry Burgess, posted by me ) To 4/18/2022 ( TODAY, Monday ) is 1620 days
1620 = 810 + 810
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/21/1968 ( the Thule Air Base crash of US Air Force B-52G Stratofortress and the reported uncontrolled destruction of four 1.1 megaton hydrogen bombs resulting in widespread radioactive contamination ) is 810 days
From 10/31/1882 ( patent #266,793 – Electric Distribution System issued to Thomas Edison ) To 10/1/1995 ( premiere US TV series episode "Space: Above and Beyond"::"The Farthest Man from Home" ) is 41242 days
41242 = 20621 + 20621
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 4/18/2022 ( ) is 20621 days
From 4/28/1964 ( from The Daily Princetonian publication: The Impact of Science ) To 4/18/2022 ( ) is 21174 days
21174 = 10587 + 10587
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 10/28/1994 ( premiere US film "Stargate" ) is 10587 days
From Wikipedia
In classical and medieval literature, ultima Thule (Latin "farthermost Thule") acquired a metaphorical meaning of any distant place located beyond the "borders of the known world".
#266,793 – Electric Distribution System
(application date: December 9, 1881 / issue date: October 31, 1882)
Kill Switch (2017)
(from internet transcript)
So... a physicist who can fly. It's no wonder NASA poached you from the air force. It's impressive.
Uh, thank you. Sorry, what is going on?
These NASA assessments claim you have... "Little to no risk aversion." A similar view held by your flight-school instructors.
Those assessments are classified. Wait. Is this... is this some kind of a job interview? 'Cause, you know, I appreciate the mystery flights and everything, but I could've saved you all a lot of time and trouble. I am not interested. Thank you.
You haven't heard our offer.
- posted by me, Kerry Burgess 1:01 PM Pacific-time USA Monday 04/18/2022