I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Today is 04/24/2022, Post #6
Still isn't clear enough
But this is so consistent with a line of thought that formed in my mind a while back and that forms again and again
A merging of reality and some sort of dream-like state of existence
There's two of them, they don't know how long it's been going on
I'm a rational person and I don't dwell on imaginative fancy
Sure, my mind wanders sometimes imagining different circumstances
But that's simply escapism, which I believe is healthy for the mind
But I'm still rooted in reality
I know what I want to change and I'm not going to sit around and hope for the best without taking action, over and over again until I get what I want and deserve
I think back to when I was employed full-time at Microsoft Corporation
I've always been a tech-worker
I think back and remember that I never really gave much though to the fact that we were competively employed
Sure, I knew that I needed to stretch, but no one really challenged me
I was the one always talking about how we needed the company to succeed
I did well for myself there but I never really was personally competitive with my co-workers
I wanted us all to succeed.
The answer's here somewhere.
Danged if I can figure it out.
T H E M (2021)
T h e m (2021)
Release Info
USA 1 November 2021
Humans live in a comfortable dream that repeats itself. They control the dream. They were humans once too. Some humans wake up, most don't. Daniel wakes to be told that things could be different. Daniel believes it. For a while at least.
From 11/20/1908 ( ) To 11/1/2021 ( ) is 41254 days
41254 = 20627 + 20627
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 4/24/2022 ( Today, Sunday ) is 20627 days
Daily Princetonian, Volume 33, Number 125, 20 November 1908
President Wilson Delivers an Impressive Address on Its Relation to Impersonal Ambition.
President Wilson delivered an eloquent and interesting address before the mid-week meeting of the Philadelphian Society last evening. His subject, "Meditation," was developed from the second and third verses of the first Psalm. [ superstition ]
The President said that this is not a time when meditation is prevalent. True meditation is the result of letting one's thoughts dwell in private on things which are of permanent and not merely passing interest. It does not come from mere musing, nor is a real meditator the man who sits by the fire, and lets his thoughts drift along on pleasant things which slip away with the generation.
Meditation day and night on the law of God [ superstition ] is a quiet conscious effort to adjust ourselves to its majestic and almost irresistible course. The man who conforms his thoughts to the will of God,[ superstition ] is sure to find spiritual refreshment.[ superstition ]
There are times when men's lives are at their best, and everyone should be prepared for the season of fruitage, and should not let the sap ebb, but keep it ever on the flow. Men immersed in some selfish enterprise and in a narrow circle of self-interest inevitably dry up and fail to produce lasting results.
The man who goes through adversity with up-lifted countenance will inevitably prosper, just as our Lord stimulated others to spiritual endeavor, because of the way He bore His burdens. The real achievements of this world come from the men who pursue their undertakings impersonally.
As an example of work done impersonally and without reward for a long time, the President referral to President Eliot, of Harvard, who only realized the fruitage of forty years of effort in the last fifteen years of his service. Many of the sources of his strong administration at Cambridge were in his serene and undisturbed religious faith. [ superstition ]
The speaker closed by asserting that meditation gives one sanity of judgment, poise, and connection with the permanent forces of the moral universe, and he urged his hearers to give themselves opportunity for meditation and to make personal desires secondary to their ideals of doing right.
- posted by me, Kerry Burgess 5:58 PM Pacific-time USA Sunday 04/24/2022