This Is What I Think.

Monday, July 08, 2024

Today is 07/08/2024, Post #1

Yahoo! News

The Telegraph

I’d like to believe the Moon landings were faked – the alternative is far bleaker

Mary Harrington

Sun, July 7, 2024 at 11:00 AM PDT

Harrison Schmitt of the Apollo 17 mission, December 1972 - Universal History Archive/Getty

In September 2002, the astronaut Buzz Aldrin – the second man to walk on the Moon – was confronted in Beverly Hills by a camera crew led by Bart Sibrel. Sibrel, the creator of several documentaries alleging that the Moon landings never happened, shoved a Bible at Aldrin and demanded he swear on it that he wasn’t lying about walking on the Moon, before calling him “a coward and a liar”.

In response Aldrin, then 72, punched Sibrel in the face. Aldrin’s angry reaction didn’t reassure anyone, though, and just fuelled a new wave of conspiracy theories. The central claim: the Apollo landings were a gigantic scam, perpetrated on the whole world by the American government.


Thomas E. Dewey

From Wikipedia

Thomas Edmund Dewey (March 24, 1902 – March 16, 1971) was an American lawyer and politician who served as the 47th governor of New York from 1943 to 1954. He was the Republican Party's nominee for president of the United States in 1944 and 1948, losing the latter to Harry S. Truman in a major upset.

Federal prosecutor

Dewey first served as a federal prosecutor, then started a lucrative private practice on Wall Street; however, he left his practice for an appointment as special prosecutor to look into corruption in New York City—with the official title of Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. It was in this role that he first achieved headlines in the early 1930s, when he prosecuted bootlegger Waxey Gordon.

Dewey had used his excellent recall of details of crimes to trip up witnesses as a federal prosecutor; as a state prosecutor, he used telephone taps (which were perfectly legal at the time per Olmstead v. United States of 1928) to gather evidence, with the ultimate goal of bringing down entire criminal organizations.

Special prosecutor

Dewey became famous in 1935, when he was appointed special prosecutor in New York County (Manhattan) by Governor Herbert H. Lehman. A "runaway grand jury" had publicly complained that William C. Dodge, the District Attorney, was not aggressively pursuing the mob and political corruption. Lehman, to avoid charges of partisanship, asked four prominent Republicans to serve as special prosecutor. All four refused and recommended Dewey.

More than any other American of his generation except [Charles] Lindbergh, Dewey became a creature of folklore and a national hero. What he appealed to most was the great American love of results. People were much more interested in his ends than in his means. Another key to all this may be expressed in a single word: honesty. Dewey was honest."

The Chicago Daily Tribune printed "DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN" as its post-election headline, issuing 150,000 copies before the returns showed Truman winning.

Elected President Truman holds up the erroneous Chicago Daily Tribune headline on November 3, 1948, the day after the election.

from my private journal, as me, Kerry Burgess, typed after being released from the USA Veterans Affairs psychiatric hospital enduring many months sitting in a grungy two-computer room in a homeless shelter on the waterfront in downtown Seattle:

From: Kerry Burgess {me}

Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 11:04 AM

To: Kerry Burgess {me}

Subject: Re: Journal May 21, 2006

Kerry Burgess wrote:

I think it was my first thought after waking up this morning that I used to date Julia Roberts a long time ago.

I also have these unexplained thoughts that I was a fighter pilot in the U.S. military, although I'm not sure which service, but I may have been in two different branches over time. I am also confused about thoughts that I may have been a helicopter pilot. What's next? A space shuttle pilot? Seems like a lot for someone that is only 40. And, while I am not sure when this divergence happened, I am reasonably certain it was before I turned 33. So I must have been a pretty busy guy. Especially because I have thoughts that I was some kind of mathmetician too. I have these thoughts too that I was captured by enemy forces at some point and tortured while in captivity.

by me, Kerry Burgess, excerpts from my private journal: 9/26/2006 3:06 PM

As I was trying to go to sleep last night, I had a thought that I have a doctorate in computer science from Princeton.

and I had thoughts that I studied music as well at Princeton.

from my private journal, as me, Kerry Burgess, typed after being released from the USA Veterans Affairs psychiatric hospital enduring many months sitting in a grungy two-computer room in a homeless shelter on the waterfront in downtown Seattle:

by me, Kerry Burgess, excerpts from my private journals: 9/28/2006 7:13 PM

This sounds very interesting. In my memory of taking Physics my Senior year at Ashdown, I remember being very interested in the class, but we didn’t cover such an interesting topic.

Ayan Chatterjee (left) and Mark Daly measure piano strings as part of a lab project for professor Pierre Piroué's freshman seminar on "Sound, Music and ... Physics."

9/28/2006 7:37 PM

I think I even have memories of the graduate degree process. I am not sure of the terms to describe the process.

9/28/2006 7:47 PM

I actually do remember... something... I can’t explain it. It feels that I am holding an unmarked, undistinguishable book that I don’t know the name of or the contents but I know I have read it already.

9/28/2006 8:34 PM

A few minutes ago I started thinking that maybe I started at Princeton University in 1972. I would have been 13 at the time as Thomas Ray. I remember that Kerry Burgess started first grade in 1972. But then I decided that I probably started Princeton earlier than 1972 and maybe 1972 was the year I completed my first major degree. Or 1972 doesn’t really mean anything in particular to Thomas Ray; rather it is there for continuity sake for the life of Kerry Burgess.

by me, Kerry Burgess, posted by me: H.V.O.M at 3:06 AM Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Also, "Salesman." I saw that in a dream while sleeping recently. I saw myself going through an induction process in the United States Marine Corps and I woke up understanding that I was dreaming of my actual experience in 1990. I saw a document that indicated I was being inducted to the United States Marine Corps with the officer grade of Chief Warrant Officer 2. I saw in the dream another document associated with my induction and that document indicated I had been assigned the informal name "Salesman."


September 1944

From Wikipedia

The following events occurred in September 1944:

September 19, 1944

Thomas E. Dewey made a nationally broadcast campaign speech in Portland, Oregon in which he said that the making of peace was too important "to be dependent upon the life span and continued friendship of two or three individuals." Dewey said that there were "no indispensable men."

"Challenges F. R. One-Man Theory". The Spokesman-Review. Spokane, Washington: 1. September 20, 1944.


DSC03397_ -1 .jpg, by me, Kerry Burgess, previously referenced


From 9/19/1944 ( the speech broadcast nationally by politician Thomas E. Dewey: "no indispensable men." ) To 9/9/2002 ( ) is 21174 days

21174 = 10587 + 10587

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 10/28/1994 ( premiere USA film "Stargate" ) is 10587 days

From 6/27/1994 ( the US NASA Stargazer Pegasus rocket failure ) To 9/9/2002 ( ) is 2996 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/15/1974 ( premiere USA TV series "Happy Days" ) is 2996 days

From 4/9/1955 ( premiere USA TV series "Science Fiction Theatre" ) To 9/9/2002 ( ) is 17320 days

17320 = 8660 + 8660

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash in Sioux City Iowa and from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: the end of Kerry Burgess - *me* - the natural human being cloned from another human being {Thomas Reagan} ) is 8660 days

From 5/11/1963 ( biographical - Herbert Spencer Gasser dead ) To 9/9/2002 ( ) is 14366 days

14366 = 7183 + 7183

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 7/3/1985 ( premiere USA film "Back to the Future" ) is 7183 days

From 4/7/1995 ( premiere USA TV series episode "The Outer Limits"::"Blood Brothers" ) To 9/9/2002 ( ) is 2712 days

2712 = 1356 + 1356

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 7/20/1969 ( disguised, my biological brother Thomas Reagan the United States Navy Commander circa 1969 was United States Apollo 11 Eagle spacecraft United States Navy astronaut landing and walking on the planet Earth's moon - his 1st of his 6 Earth-Lunar lunar-landings with USA Project Apollo to this Earth's moon, strictly in planning and preparation for his personal activities in deep-space 1975-1977 ) is 1356 days

From 8/13/1969 ( US Air Force colonel Buzz Aldrin - the established hero - accepts the Presidential Medal of Freedom for US Apollo 11 Eagle on behalf of my biological brother Thomas Reagan the US Navy Commander and - disguised - the US Apollo 11 Eagle and US Navy astronaut ) To 9/9/2002 ( ) is 12080 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/29/1998 ( premiere USA TV "Aldrich Ames: Traitor Within" AND premiere USA TV "The Real C.I.A.: Enemies, Secrets and Spies" ) is 12080 days

From 7/26/1947 ( Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of America is established ) To 6/1/1984 ( premiere USA film "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock" ) is 13460 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/9/2002 ( ) is 13460 days

From 5/5/1917 ( The United States Army established the 4th and 5th Aero Squadrons. ) To 1/17/1991 ( from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: the date of record of my US Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 officially the United States Apache attack helicopter pilot ) is 26920 days

26920 = 13460 + 13460

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/9/2002 ( ) is 13460 days

From 5/14/1992 ( the Intelsat 6 successful rescue during US space shuttle Endeavour orbiter vehicle mission STS-49 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps commissioned-officer and United States STS-49 pilot astronaut and my 1st official United States of America National Aeronautics and Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) To 9/9/2002 ( ) is 3770 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 2/28/1976 ( from The Daily Princetonian publication - Special Alumni Day Issue - Princeton University: Dictionary To Tell Life Stories Of Colonial Alumni ) is 3770 days

From 4/3/1982 ( UN Security Council demanded Argentina withdraw from Falkland Islands ) To 9/9/2002 ( ) is 7464 days

7464 = 3732 + 3732

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/21/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut bound for deep space in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day was his first landing the planet Mars and his documented and lawful exclusive claim to the territory of the planet Mars ) is 3732 days

From 12/20/1994 ( from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: in non-aviator related duties boots on the ground in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my US Navy Cross medal date of record ) To 9/9/2002 ( ) is 2820 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 7/23/1973 ( from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: my biological brother Thomas Reagan the 1969 medical-doctor graduate of Princeton University and the 1973 law-doctorate graduate of University of Oxford, England, passes the United States of America Multistate Bar Examination ) is 2820 days

From 7/4/1976 ( at extreme personal risk to himself my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship successfully intercepts the comet nicknamed "Lucifer" - threatening extinction by death and destruction of all life on this planet Earth - in the outer solar system beyond planet Saturn and diverts it away from our planet Earth ) To 9/9/2002 ( ) is 9563 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/8/1992 ( George H.W. Bush, presently 41st President of USA, vomits on Prime Minister of Japan ) is 9563 days


This Day In History:

September 9 2002

72-year-old Buzz Aldrin punches a moon landing conspiracy theorist in the face

On September 9, 2002, astronaut Buzz Aldrin—the second human to set foot on the moon—is walking outside a Beverly Hills hotel when a conspiracy theorist starts harassing him and accusing Aldrin of lying about the Apollo 11 moon landing. Incensed, Aldrin punches his heckler in the face.

“You’re the one who said you walked on the moon when you didn’t,” Bart Sibrel told Aldrin as he walked by his filming crew outside the Luxe Hotel. “Calling a kettle black …”

“Will you get away from me?” an irate Aldrin warned the man in the incident caught on video.

Sibrel responded, “You’re a coward and a liar and a … ”

Aldrin, then 72, socked Sibrel in the jaw, right when he finished the sentence with “thief.”

During the widely reported incident, Sibrel—who has badgered Apollo astronauts more than once—even shoved a Bible in Aldrin’s face and asked him to swear on it that the moon landing was real and that Aldrin actually walked on the lunar landscape. Aldrin was lured to the hotel on the pretext of an interview for a children’s television show, and then Sibrel accosted him.

Sibrel tried to press assault charges against Aldrin, but the court threw out the case and called Sibrel the instigator.




USS_Wainwright_(CG-28) , US Navy .jpg, from internet

by me, Kerry Burgess, posted by me: November 27, 2022

On Now, MeTV channel Spokane, 12:00 AM 11/27/2022

Kolchak: The Night Stalker


An evil succubus from ancient Mesopotamia murders young men to maintain her immortality.

Kolchak: The Night Stalker

"Demon in Lace"

s1-e16, 02/07/1975

Kolchak: (narrating) It had all turned to dust. However, published story or not, I can only say to you that should you ever meet a young woman who seems just too lovely to be really of this world, well, just remember, there's a very good chance that she isn't.

Kolchak: The Night Stalker

"Demon in Lace"

s1-e16, 02/07/1975

Now Hansen had been working as an associate, helping out Professor C. Evan Spate, an archaeologist


Who's busy deciphering some ancient clay tablets that were discovered in the Near East by Dr. Julius Whitehead.

Whitehead-Julius Whitehead? Didn't we carry an item on him recently? He found something in a desert somewhere and went bananas?




He went bananas in Iraq.

He should have stayed in Chicago.

Princeton University

Daily Princetonian, Volume 71, Number 98, 28 May 1947


Physics Department Emphasizes Subjects Of Lasting Import In All Phases Of Work


A phot (ph) is a photometric unit of illuminance, or luminous flux through an area. It is not an SI unit, but rather is associated with the older centimetre gram second system of units. The name was coined by André Blondel in 1921.


Stripes (1981)


Cruiser: I thought I'd better join before I got drafted.

Sergeant Hulka: Son, there ain't no draft no more.

Cruiser: There was one?


The American Presidency Project


37th President of the United States: 1969 - 1974

Radio Address About the State of the Union Message on the Economy.

February 21, 1973

Good afternoon: Tomorrow I will send to the Congress the economic section of my State of the Union report.

One fact stands out above all others in this report: For the first time in nearly 20 years, we can look forward to genuine prosperity in a time of peace.

For most people, talking about the economy brings to mind some vast, complicated machine. Today, I want to talk about the economy in personal terms-about its impact on you and your family.

From 11/15/1938 ( biographical - André-Eugène Blondel dead ) To 11/10/1967 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Star Trek"::"Metamorphosis" ) is 10587 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 10/28/1994 ( ) is 10587 days

From 3/16/1991 ( from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate and possibly the date of the top-secret, doctorate-degree credential from Princeton University, I can theorize only ) To 10/28/1994 ( ) is 1322 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 6/16/1969 ( Richard Nixon, 37th President of USA: Executive Order 11475 - Adjusting the Rates of Monthly Basic Pay for Members of the Uniformed Services ) is 1322 days

From 7/9/1987 ( as Kerry Wayne Burgess enlisted United States Navy Fire Controlman Petty Officer 2nd Class (FC2)(E-5) selectee I arrived at my second US Navy fleet assignment for permanent assignment until 1990 to CF-division, Missile Plot - guided-missiles Fire Control Computers Complex (UNIVAC digital-computers Mk152 Terrier System for, primarily, SM2-ER {Extended Range} Standard Missiles ordnance), USS Wainwright CG-28, US Navy, while enlisted paygrade E-5, designated Fire Controlman Petty Officer Second Class (FC2) ) To 10/28/1994 ( ) is 2668 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 2/21/1973 ( Richard Nixon, 37th President of USA: Radio Address About the State of the Union Message on the Economy ) is 2668 days

From 2/12/1946 ( from The Daily Princetonian publication, Princeton University: Dean Gauss Taking Two Months' Leave; Intends To Write And Speak In Florida ; Dean Of The Alumni, Class Of 1900 Professor Of Modern Languages, To Add Chapter To Book ) To 2/7/1975 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Kolchak: The Night Stalker"::"Demon in Lace" ) is 10587 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 10/28/1994 ( ) is 10587 days

From 1/17/1991 ( from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: the date of record of my US Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer US Marine Corps circa 1991 officially the United States Apache attack helicopter pilot ) To 10/28/1994 ( ) is 1380 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 8/13/1969 ( US Air Force colonel Buzz Aldrin accepts the Presidential Medal of Freedom for US Apollo 11 Eagle on behalf of my biological brother Thomas Reagan the United States Navy Commander and the US Apollo 11 Eagle and US Navy astronaut ) is 1380 days

From 1/17/1991 ( from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 officially the United States Apache attack helicopter pilot ) To 10/28/1994 ( ) is 1380 days

1380 = 690 + 690

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/23/1967 ( premiere USA TV series "Speed Racer" ) is 690 days

From 5/4/1974 ( Richard Nixon, 37th President of USA: Remarks Opening Expo '74, Spokane, Washington ) To 10/28/1994 ( ) is 7482 days

7482 = 3741 + 3741

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/30/1976 ( Gerald Ford, 38th President of USA: Remarks at the Swearing In of George Bush as Director of Central Intelligence ) is 3741 days

From 6/12/1946 ( premiere USA film "Somewhere in the Night" ) To 10/28/1994 ( ) is 17670 days

17670 = 8835 + 8835

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/10/1990 ( from The Daily Princetonian publication, Princeton University: University begins steps to revoke Ph.D. on charges of plagiarism ) is 8835 days

From 5/28/1947 ( from The Daily Princetonian publication, Princeton University: Dr. Spitzer To Aid Solar Explorations For Naval Research ; New Observatory Director Specializes In Suns Theoretical Aspects ) To 10/28/1994 ( ) is 17320 days

17320 = 8660 + 8660

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash in Sioux City Iowa and from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: the end of Kerry Burgess - *me* - the natural human being cloned from another human being {Thomas Reagan} ) is 8660 days

From 12/9/1906 ( Grace Hopper ) To 11/28/1964 ( premiere USA TV series episode "The Outer Limits"::"The Inheritors - Part 2" ) is 21174 days

21174 = 10587 + 10587

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 10/28/1994 ( ) is 10587 days

From 6/5/1987 ( as me, Kerry Burgess, my official enlisted United States Navy documents includes: Earned NEC 1189 - Based on graduation from the Terrier Mk 152 Guided-missiles Fire Control Computers Complex course - Naval Guided Missiles School, Dam Neck, Virginia Beach, Virginia, US Navy - leading to permanent assignment until 1990 to CF-division, Missile Plot - guided-missiles Fire Control Computers Complex (UNIVAC digital-computers Mk152 Terrier System for, primarily, SM2-ER {Extended Range} Standard Missiles ordnance), USS Wainwright CG-28, US Navy, while enlisted paygrade E-5, designated Fire Controlman Petty Officer Second Class (FC2) ) To 10/28/1994 ( ) is 2702 days

2702 = 1351 + 1351

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 7/15/1969 ( Richard Nixon, 37th President of USA: Telegram to the Apollo 11 Astronauts on the Eve of the Launch ) is 1351 days


Stargate (1994)

Release Info USA 28 October 1994

From 7/26/1947 ( Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of America is established ) To 9/9/2002 ( ) is 20134 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 12/17/2020 ( premiere CBS tv adaption of Stephen King's "The Stand" ) is 20134 days

Kerry Wayne Burgess @hvom2022

Sure you're not just someone's Useful Fool in all this?

They're laughing behind your back?

You didn't seem very credible on News Nation recently

Read this and then tell me you have a clue.

by me, Kerry Burgess, 12/16/2023 6:57 PM

As for those UFO-bunkers, they STILL !!! do not explain WHY Tim Burchett has the same birthdate as the fictional character "Dr. Ellie Arroway" from the 1997 "Contact"

Just a bunch of losers

They want the USA Department of Defense to reveal important secrets FOR NO REASON other than to satisfy the obsessive-compulsion of you UFO-bunkers, so desperate to escape your mediocre life

You're an ineffective little guy in a pathetic attempt to exert dominance over those with real power, because their mere existence reminds you of your ineffectiveness.

Kevin Day doesn't know a damn thing about RADAR. Sean Cahill doesn't know a damn thing about RADAR. That guy bounces out the good name of the US Navy just to peddle his crappy product. And those ineffective little guys rage with threats to Area 51.

AND my personal interpretation suggests their heroic US Navy pilot *might be* an actual drunk who's never flown at 500 miles per hour and passed a mylar balloon

I gave a lot of people on Twitter the opportunity to refute my sensible rebuttal



2004-11-14_13 U-Freaking-O .jpg, illustration by me, Kerry Burgess

compilation: "99 Luftballons" (1984)


"99 Red Balloons"

You and I in a little toy shop
Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got
Set them free at the break of dawn
'Til one by one they were gone
Back at base bugs in the software
Flash the message: "something's out there!"
Floating in the summer sky
Ninety-nine red balloons go by

Ninety-nine red balloons
Floating in the summer sky
Panic bells, it's red alert
There's something here from somewhere else
The war machine springs to life
Opens up one eager eye
Focusing it on the sky
Where ninety-nine red balloons go by

Yahoo! News

The Telegraph

I’d like to believe the Moon landings were faked – the alternative is far bleaker

Mary Harrington

Sun, July 7, 2024 at 11:00 AM PDT

Harrison Schmitt of the Apollo 17 mission, December 1972 - Universal History Archive/Getty

In September 2002, the astronaut Buzz Aldrin – the second man to walk on the Moon – was confronted in Beverly Hills by a camera crew led by Bart Sibrel. Sibrel, the creator of several documentaries alleging that the Moon landings never happened, shoved a Bible at Aldrin and demanded he swear on it that he wasn’t lying about walking on the Moon, before calling him “a coward and a liar”.

In response Aldrin, then 72, punched Sibrel in the face. Aldrin’s angry reaction didn’t reassure anyone, though, and just fuelled a new wave of conspiracy theories. The central claim: the Apollo landings were a gigantic scam, perpetrated on the whole world by the American government.

Humans first landed on the Moon on July 20 1969. More than half a billion people watched on tele­vision as Neil Armstrong and Aldrin took their first steps on the arid surface. They left behind an American flag, a patch honouring the fallen crew of Apollo 1, and a plaque that read: “We came in peace for all mankind.” The sixth Apollo mission to land humans on the Moon concluded three years later. The Moon has not been visited by astronauts since December 1972.

By 1976, doubts were already creeping in. That year, Bill Kaysing, a former US Navy officer who had worked for one of Nasa’s rocket manufacturers, self-­published a pamphlet titled We Never Went to the Moon: America’s 30 Billion Dollar Swindle. In it, ­Kaysing pointed to unexplained optical anomalies – the absence of dust clouds or blast craters around the lunar module, and the lack of stars in surface photographs – to suggest that the footage was ­created in a studio.

Such hypotheses have proliferated into a body of literature that shades into hallucinatory weirdness: theories on the demonic nature of UFOs, astral projection, ancient aliens genetically engineering the human race, and other oddities.

The hoax is of such a vintage that it’s become a staple of popular culture. Already in 1971, James Bond was depicted stumbling upon a Nasa film set made to look like the lunar surface, before giving chase in a Moon buggy, in Diamonds Are Forever. In this month’s Fly Me to the Moon, Scarlett Johansson plays a marketing genius hired by Nasa to film a fake landing in case the Apollo 11 mission fails.

With that kind of pedigree, the Moon-landing hoax can’t just be explained away as a form of modern-day “fake news” that blooms and fades on social media. Scepticism about the Apollo space programme was swirling long before the advent of the internet, beginning almost immediately after the landings themselves.

In turn, a great deal of effort has been expended over the decades trying to use evidence to dispel the conspiracy ­theories. But attempting to debunk them logically is to misunderstand what such claims are communicating.

Today, one in eight Americans think the Moon landings were staged – as do one in 11 Britons. Why won’t we all just accept the facts? Perhaps because most people aren’t ­interested in or persuaded by facts alone. We need only recall how, when Covid broke out, the educated classes demanded officials discard the existing pandemic action plan to see this extends well beyond those routinely accused of ignorance and emotional reasoning. Conspiracy theories make most sense when understood not as factual claims but as emotional stories – allegories – that exist in oblique relation to empirical reality. They convey diffuse, and sometimes prophetic, intuitions about the world.

The pandemic illustrates this again. Among the many conspiracies that circulated concerning the Covid vaccination programme, one common claim was that vaccines were really a covert programme to inject each of us with a microchip that would allow Bill Gates to track our whereabouts or even control our minds.

This is, we can safely say, not true. Conversely, though, the vaccination programme really was acc­om­panied by the international rollout of digital “vaccine passports”, which link vaccination ­status to other biomedical data, as well as official state iden­tifiers. And while it’s no longer in active use, this architecture now enables states potentially to track individuals’ move­ments, and to index freedoms previously taken for granted – such as travel or access to public spaces – to co-operation with who-knows-what future mandatory medical interventions.

However, this probably isn’t a ­sin­i­ster plot, whatever the conspiracists may say. It does nevertheless prompt us to read the conspiracy differently – poetically – ­interpreting “Bill Gates” as ­personifying a fusion of tech and governance interests, and the “microchip injection” as symbolic shorthand for the discomfiting sense that unknown technologies wielded by this figurative “Bill Gates” increasingly intrude into our physical, embodied lives. It’s fancifully expressed, but is it really so far from the truth?

The Moon-hoax conspiracy also makes sense as allegory, when we consider what the Moon landings symbolised in mid-century American culture and international politics. The “space race” between America and Russia stood, symbolically, for the competition between capitalist West and communist East: that is, between two ways of organising a mass industrial civilisation. Which social framework was better at delivering rapid, ambitious advances in real-world engineering and technological progress? The race to reach the Moon served as a proxy for this competition, by virtue of the sheer immensity of the goal, as well as its technical demands. For a living human being to leave the Earth’s protective envelope for the emptiness of space and walk on the surface of a celestial body took extraordinary financial, organisational and technical resources, not to mention tremendous courage and ambition.

Winning the space race, then, served as proof positive that the Land of the Free was a more fertile home for this kind of ambition and innovation than any command-and-control socialist regime. Putting the first man on the Moon wasn’t just a “giant leap for mankind”, as Neil Armstrong famously said. It was also a watershed moment in the Cold War.

What, then, to make of the sceptics who appeared in the midst of that mid-century American triumphalism to cast aspersions on its veracity? It perhaps reflects an early intuition that America’s long, slow drift away from the material and sociocultural conditions that enabled the space race had already begun at the moment it was won.

To build the lunar landers, the Apollo programme drew on American engineering talent and heavy industry that has since been shredded by globalisation, outsourcing and changing educational priorities. By the last Apollo flight, this process was well under way: US manufacturing was already declining from its 1957 peak of more than a quarter of American GDP – and today it languishes at about 11 per cent.

Meanwhile, the sense of common American purpose that drove the project has also fractured. In a 2001 interview, Armstrong praised the mission’s low rate of engineering failure, which he attributed to a sense of common endeavour and striving towards excellence spread across the “hundreds of thousands” of engineers, makers and fitters involved in the mission. Among this number, he said, “every guy in the project, every guy at the bench building something, every assembler, every inspector, every guy that’s setting up the tests, cranking the torque wrench, and so on, is saying, man or woman, ‘If anything goes wrong here, it’s not going to be my fault, because my part is going to be better than I have to make it.’”

Since the Moon landings, though, the sense of civic unity that enabled this degree of co-ordinated striving towards excellence has become increasingly contested. No longer taken for granted as core American attributes, instead national pride and cultural homogeneity have come increasingly to be seen as actively inimical to American values. And this has occurred, the historian Christopher Caldwell argues in The Age of Entitle­ment (2020), as a consequence of the many state-mandated measures to impose equality by fiat, which have mushroomed since the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Though he does not endorse the segregation the act sought to dismantle, in Caldwell’s view its ratification in effect created a “rival Constitution”, which implicitly treats civic unity and patriotism not as necessary preconditions for high civilisation, but as obstacles to radical equality.

Other distractions have displaced the 20th-century drive for industrial innovation: though there are exceptions, such as Elon Musk’s SpaceX, there has been a notable shift away from trying to reach outer space towards a preoccupation with virtual worlds. Peter Thiel, the Silicon Valley investor, argues that this has been enabled by the digital revolution, whose advances serve, in his view, as a distraction from the stagnation and decline of ­real-world technological progress. In his notorious formulation: “We wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters.”

Understood against this backdrop, the eruption of scepticism about the Moon landings can be read as an early intuition that even at America’s crowning civilisational moment, the enabling conditions for that moment were already under threat. Deindustrialisation had already begun; the germinal form of “diversity, equity and inclusion” was already written into American law; the precursors of the internet were spreading.

Earlier this year, Bart Sibrel himself appeared on the wildly popular Joe Rogan Experience podcast. It’s not difficult to see how modern America might struggle to believe that their forebears were capable of the kind of engineering inventiveness, courage and large-scale co-operation required to make the Apollo missions a reality.

At its peak, Apollo involved some 400,000 people, across thousands of institutions. Even the rockets were built across multiple locations. It was an extraordinary feat of co-ordination, achieved in an age before modern computer-design programmes or tools for instantaneous communication. By contrast, when in the 2000s California invited bids for construction of a high-speed rail line through the state, the French rail firm SNCF tendered a proposal – only to withdraw it in 2011 to work on a similar project in Morocco, whose government, the SNCF engineers declared, was less politically dysfunctional than California’s. Morocco’s high-speed railway began operating in 2018. California’s is still not completed.

It is unlikely that the America of today could muster the degree of co-ordination and industrial resources that put Armstrong and Aldrin on the Moon in 1969. Were I an American raised on the conviction that progress moves only in one direction, I too might conclude that, logically, these feats could not have been achievable half a century ago.

The most comforting conclusion, in other words, might be that the Moon landings were a hoax. The alternative is far bleaker: that the achievements of mid-20th-century America were the achievements of a different civilisation, one now as distant and mysterious as the Moon.

- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 8:10 PM Pacific-time USA Monday 07/08/2024