This Is What I Think.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Today is 07/13/2024, Post #1

by me, Kerry Burgess: March 26, 2019

The typical United States American is childish and naive. Your feeble, dim-wit mind always thinks that movies, are always about *somebody*.

Americans, in their pathetic lives, are incapable of seeing through the messenger to the message.


Blue Tree


Phoebe Cates Kline opened Blue Tree in the fall of 2005! Phoebe's dream was "to have it be like a general store but according to me." :) A surprise around every turn, the shop has built up a loyal following not only in the neighborhood of Carnegie Hill but all over the world. Known for its eclectic and inspired selection of women's clothing and jewelry, Blue Tree also carries unique and carefully chosen items in home, gift, fragrance, music, delicacies, etc. There are no rules. And we are always re-inventing, recreating in the hopes of delighting.


O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)


[first lines]

Ulysses Everett McGill: Say, any of you boys smithies? Or, if not smithies per se, were you otherwise trained in the metallurgic arts before straitened circumstances forced you into a life of aimless wanderin'?

From 10/29/1938 ( premiere US film "Brother Rat" Ronald Reagan, Jane Wyman ) to 08/26/1942 ( ) is 1397 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) to 08/30/1969 ( the first ARPANET node established ) is 1397 days

From 8/26/1942 ( ) To 11/10/1967 ( premiere US TV series episode "Star Trek"::"Metamorphosis" ) is 9207 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/17/1991 ( from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 officially the United States Apache attack helicopter pilot ) is 9207 days

From 8/26/1942 ( ) To 4/27/1953 ( Ellen Louise Shulman Baker ) is 3897 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 7/4/1976 ( at extreme personal risk to himself my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship successfully intercepts the comet nicknamed "Lucifer" - threatening extinction by death and destruction of all life on this planet Earth - in the outer solar system beyond planet Saturn and diverts it away from our planet Earth ) is 3897 days

John E. Blaha

From Wikipedia

John Elmer Blaha (born August 26, 1942, in San Antonio, Texas) is a retired United States Air Force colonel and a former NASA astronaut. He is a veteran of five space missions aboard the Space Shuttle and Mir.


Main article: STS-58

STS-58 was a shuttle mission utilizing the Columbia. The shuttle launched on October 18, 1993, from Launch Complex 39B. Blaha served as the commander for this mission, marking his fourth journey to space.

Ellen S. Baker

From Wikipedia

Ellen Louise Shulman Baker (born April 27, 1953) is an American physician and a former NASA astronaut. Baker is a veteran of three shuttle flights and logged more than 686 hours in space. Baker served as Chief of the Education/Medical Branch of the NASA Astronaut Office until her retirement in 2011 after more than 30 years of service to NASA.

From 6/9/1997 ( {puppet-in-chief} Bill Clinton, 42nd President of USA: Remarks Announcing Proposed Human Cloning Prohibition Legislation ) To 11/13/2004 ( ) is 2714 days

2714 = 1357 + 1357

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 7/21/1969 ( disguised, my biological brother Thomas Reagan the United States Navy Commander circa 1969 was United States Apollo 11 Eagle spacecraft United States Navy astronaut landing and walking on the planet Earth's moon - his 1st of his 6 Earth-Lunar lunar-landings with USA Project Apollo, strictly in planning and preparation for his personal activities in deep-space 1975-1977 ) is 1357 days

From 10/18/1993 ( the launch of the US space shuttle Columbia orbiter vehicle mission STS-58 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps commissioned-officer and United States STS-58 pilot astronaut and my 2nd official United States of America National Aeronautics Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) To 11/13/2004 ( ) is 4044 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/28/1976 ( desperate for oxygen replenishment from loss due to accident months earlier, my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in solar system deep space in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship leaves this day from his first landing the Jupiter moon Callisto on 11/26/1976 - from his successful strike in the outer solar system beyond planet Saturn to divert comet nicknamed "Lucifer", threatening the existence by death and destruction of all life on this planet Earth ) is 4044 days

From 5/28/1954 ( George E. Mahlberg ) To 6/8/1993 ( commencement, Princeton University Class of 1993 ) is 14256 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/13/2004 ( ) is 14256 days

Saturday Night Live

Season 30 Episode 5

Modest Mouse

Aired Saturday 11:30 PM Nov 13, 2004 on NBC

Episode Summary

Modest Mouse performed "Float On" and "Ocean Breathes Salty.

AIRED: 11/13/04


George E. Mahlberg


Born May 28, 1954 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

Died April 2, 2011

Nicknames Dr. Cosmo

Astrophysicist, Mt. Palomar & Mt. Wilson, CA 1974-1978

Host - Nocturnal Transmissions (1990-present) - WPRB-FM 103.3, Princeton, New Jersey [April 2005]


APRIL 4, 2011

In many ways, the most influential part of my college education took place not in the classroom, but at the radio station. WPRB 103.3FM may be housed on the Princeton campus, but it’s independently funded and gives a handful of Princeton students a musical outlet, work experience, and the too-rare opportunity to interact with members of the community. During my time at WPRB, one of these people was Dr. Cosmo, a DJ who had a Friday night show since the early 90s.

from my private journal, as me, Kerry Burgess, typed after being released from the USA Veterans Affairs psychiatric hospital enduring many months sitting in a grungy two-computer room in a homeless shelter on the waterfront in downtown Seattle:

From: Kerry Burgess {me}

Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 11:04 AM

To: Kerry Burgess {me}

Subject: Re: Journal May 21, 2006

Kerry Burgess wrote:

I think it was my first thought after waking up this morning that I used to date Julia Roberts a long time ago.

I also have these unexplained thoughts that I was a fighter pilot in the U.S. military, although I'm not sure which service, but I may have been in two different branches over time. I am also confused about thoughts that I may have been a helicopter pilot. What's next? A space shuttle pilot? Seems like a lot for someone that is only 40. And, while I am not sure when this divergence happened, I am reasonably certain it was before I turned 33. So I must have been a pretty busy guy. Especially because I have thoughts that I was some kind of mathmetician too. I have these thoughts too that I was captured by enemy forces at some point and tortured while in captivity.

by me, Kerry Burgess, excerpts from my private journal: 9/26/2006 3:06 PM

As I was trying to go to sleep last night, I had a thought that I have a doctorate in computer science from Princeton.

and I had thoughts that I studied music as well at Princeton.

from my private journal, as me, Kerry Burgess, typed after being released from the USA Veterans Affairs psychiatric hospital enduring many months sitting in a grungy two-computer room in a homeless shelter on the waterfront in downtown Seattle:

by me, Kerry Burgess, excerpts from my private journals: 9/28/2006 7:13 PM

This sounds very interesting. In my memory of taking Physics my Senior year at Ashdown, I remember being very interested in the class, but we didn’t cover such an interesting topic.

Ayan Chatterjee (left) and Mark Daly measure piano strings as part of a lab project for professor Pierre Piroué's freshman seminar on "Sound, Music and ... Physics."

9/28/2006 7:37 PM

I think I even have memories of the graduate degree process. I am not sure of the terms to describe the process.

9/28/2006 7:47 PM

I actually do remember... something... I can’t explain it. It feels that I am holding an unmarked, undistinguishable book that I don’t know the name of or the contents but I know I have read it already.

9/28/2006 8:34 PM

A few minutes ago I started thinking that maybe I started at Princeton University in 1972. I would have been 13 at the time as Thomas Ray. I remember that Kerry Burgess started first grade in 1972. But then I decided that I probably started Princeton earlier than 1972 and maybe 1972 was the year I completed my first major degree. Or 1972 doesn’t really mean anything in particular to Thomas Ray; rather it is there for continuity sake for the life of Kerry Burgess.

by me, Kerry Burgess, posted by me: H.V.O.M at 3:06 AM Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Also, "Salesman." I saw that in a dream while sleeping recently. I saw myself going through an induction process in the United States Marine Corps and I woke up understanding that I was dreaming of my actual experience in 1990. I saw a document that indicated I was being inducted to the United States Marine Corps with the officer grade of Chief Warrant Officer 2. I saw in the dream another document associated with my induction and that document indicated I had been assigned the informal name "Salesman."


by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 7:01 PM

Number 878: The Farthest Man From Home

I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Today is 07/04/2024, Post #1

The Simpsons

"Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?"

Season 2 Episode 15

Aired Feb 21, 1991 on FOX


(Homer makes demands to the car engineers about what needs to go in the new car.) Homer: All right, you eggheads! I want a place in this car to put my drink!

Engineer: Sir, the-the car has a beverage holder.

Homer: Hello! Hello, Einstein!

[excerpts ends - by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 7:01 PM July 04, 2024]

FOX News

Trump calls George Clooney a 'rat' for turning on Biden

'What does Clooney know about anything?' the former president remarked after the superstar actor wrote an op-ed urging Biden to step down

By Timothy H.J. Nerozzi Fox News

Published July 11, 2024 10:48am EDT

Former President Trump lashed out at actor George Clooney on Wednesday night, calling the Democratic Party ally a "rat"


- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 4:09 PM Pacific-timezone USA Saturday 07/13/2024