This Is What I Think.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Today is 07/16/2024, Post #1

Star Trek - "Metamorphosis" - tv series Season 2 Episode 9 - 11/10/1967

(from internet transcript)

Dr. MCCOY: Do you feel hot?

NANCY Hedford, Federation Commissioner: I feel infuriated, deeply put upon, and absolutely outraged.

MCCOY: It was quite a hike here. You're tired. Just take it easy for a while.

NANCY: I'll rest later, Doctor.

MCCOY: Temperature, Captain. First sign.

KIRK: Yes, I know. It means we're running out of time.

SPOCK: Captain, Doctor.

(From the doorway, the three see a swirly thing which then disappears. Cochrane comes in with a tray of drinks.)

KIRK: What was that?

Zefram COCHRANE: Well, sometimes the light plays tricks on you. You'd be surprised what I've imagined I've seen around here sometimes.

by me, Kerry Burgess, January 14 2020

Makes perfect sense. Mike Pence. Sitting there on the toilet taking a tinkle of his urine with a big grin on his face feeling the love of Jesus Christ standing behind him, the bearded man from "up there" with the puppy-dog eyes loves to hear Mike tinkling

From 6/7/1959 ( Mike Pence ) To 3/1/2010 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Two and a Half Men"::"Tinkle Like a Princess" ) is 18530 days

18530 = 9265 + 9265

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/16/1991 ( from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate and possibly - or something - the date of the top-secret, doctorate-degree credential from Princeton University, I can theorize only ) is 9265 days


Star Trek - "Metamorphosis" - tv series Season 2 Episode 9 - 11/10/1967

(from internet transcript)

KIRK: You'll find I have a very low tolerance level where the safety of my people are concerned. We find you out here, where no human has any business being. We were virtually hijacked in space and brought here. Now I'm not just requesting an explanation, Mister. I'm demanding one.

COCHRANE: All right. It was the Companion.

KIRK: The what?

COCHRANE: That's what I call it. As a matter of fact, Captain, I didn't crash here. I was brought here in my disabled ship. I was almost dead. The Companion saved my life.

SPOCK: You were injured?

COCHRANE: I was dying, Mister Spock.

KIRK: You seem perfectly all right now. What was the matter?

COCHRANE: I was an old man.

KIRK: You were what?

COCHRANE: Well, I don't know how it did it, but the Companion rejuvenated me, made me young again, like I am now.

SPOCK: I prefer to reserve judgment on that part of your story, sir. Meanwhile, would you please explain exactly what this Companion of yours is?

COCHRANE: I told you, I don't know what it is. It exists, it lives, and I can communicate with it.

MCCOY: That's a pretty far out story.

KIRK: Mister Cochrane, do you have a first name?


KIRK: Zefram Cochrane of Alpha Centuri, the discoverer of the space warp?

COCHRANE: That's right, Captain.

MCCOY: But that's impossible. Zefram Cochrane died a hundred and fifty years ago.

SPOCK: The name of Zefram Cochrane is revered throughout the known galaxy. Planets were named after him. Great universities, cities.

KIRK: Isn't your story a little improbable, Mister Cochrane?

COCHRANE: No, it's true. I was eighty seven years old when I came here.

KIRK: You say this Companion found you and rejuvenated you? What were you doing in space at the age of eighty seven?

COCHRANE: I was tired, Captain. I was going to die, and I wanted to die in space. That's all.

SPOCK: True, his body was never found.

COCHRANE: You're looking at it, Mister Spock.

SPOCK: If so, you wear your age very well.

MCCOY: How do you feel?

NANCY: Terrible. How should I feel?

MCCOY: You're running a little temperature. Perhaps you should lie down.

NANCY: Doctor, will you please just leave me alone. It's the heat.

Star Trek - "Metamorphosis" - tv series Season 2 Episode 9 - 11/10/1967

(from internet transcript)

KIRK: You say you can communicate with it. Perhaps you can find out what we're doing here.

COCHRANE: I already know.

KIRK: You wouldn't mind telling us?

COCHRANE: You won't like it.

KIRK: I already don't like it.

COCHRANE: You're here to keep me company.

KIRK: You mean you brought us here?

COCHRANE: No, the Companion did. I told it I'd die of loneliness. I thought it would release me. Instead, it brought you here.


Event Date variable: 03/01/2010

Target (of association of variables) Date variable: 06/07/1959

Results include: 07/27/2016


Wayward Pines Season 2 Episode 10

Bedtime Story

Aired July 27, 2016 on FOX


The lights go out through Wayward Pines.

Whistling, Dale finishes painting and then hangs himself.

The pods fill with volcanic sand and everyone goes into hibernation.

Margaret looks down on the Abbies.

CJ prepares to terminate his pod. His wife Eileen appears to him and says that he can make the world whatever he wants.

Kerry steps out through the fence.

CJ looks at Eileen and smiles, and then enters his pod and goes into suspended animation.

The gate closes behind Kerry, and the Abbies move in.

Wayward Pines ends an intriguing second season

By Alex McLevy

Jul 27, 2016 9:00 PM

Three-fourths of the way through Bedtime Story, Dr. Theo Yedlin records a message for the future generations of humanity, those who will emerge from the cryostasis pods years from now, give or take a millennia. And it s a simple one. David Pilcher was wrong about everything.

It s no coincidence this message is coming at the end of season two of a show that was never intended to be more than a one-off miniseries.

With half the town getting back into their pods, and the other half left to riot in the streets, Bedtime Story did little more than abruptly pull the plug on everything that happened this season, the events of the past weeks having been consigned to the past by survivors attempting to again restart their lives in the distant future.

Stray Observations:

Speaking of which, what an odd, out-of-character moment for CJ, to have him briefly ponder whether to just kill everyone.

Star Trek - "Metamorphosis" - tv-series Season 2 Episode 9, 11/10/1967

Episode Summary

When their shuttle is diverted to a planetoid, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy encounter Earth's Warp Drive pioneer, Zefram Cochrane, who appears to have survived there alone for 150 years.

(from internet transcript)

Star Trek - "Metamorphosis" - tv series Season 2 Episode 9 - 11/10/1967

(from internet transcript)

KIRK: How do you do it?

Zefram COCHRANE: I just sort of clear my mind and it comes.

(He walks to the edge of the garden then stands with his eyes closed. The Companion appears, then moves to envelope him.)

KIRK: Bones, what do you make of that?

MCCOY: Almost a symbiosis of some kind, a sort of joining.

KIRK: Exactly what I think. Not exactly like a pet owner speaking to a beloved animal, would you say?

MCCOY: No, it's more than that.

KIRK: Agreed. More like love.

(The Companion vanishes, so Kirk and McCoy go over to Cochrane.)

MCCOY: Are you all right?

COCHRANE: Yes. It kind of drains me a little, but I'm all right.


current70 .jpg from internet - Phoebe Cates
New+York+sw7lnoug6NXx .jpg from internet - Phoebe Cates


lace080 .jpg from internet - Phoebe Cates

Star Trek - "Metamorphosis" - tv-series Season 2 Episode 9, 11/10/1967

Episode Summary

When their shuttle is diverted to a planetoid, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy encounter Earth's Warp Drive pioneer, Zefram Cochrane, who appears to have survived there alone for 150 years.

(from internet transcript)

"Metamorphosis" [ Star Trek ]

Original Airdate: Nov 10, 1967

NANCY Hedford, Federation Commissioner: What's happening? I demand to know.


"Metamorphosis" [ Star Trek ]

Original Airdate: Nov 10, 1967

KIRK: You already know as much as we do, Miss Hedford. Whatever that thing is outside, it's yanked us off course from the Enterprise.

SPOCK: Now on course nine eight mark one two, heading directly toward Gamma Canaris region.

MCCOY: Jim, we've got to get Miss Hedford to the Enterprise. Her condition.

KIRK: I know, Bones, but there's nothing I can do about it.

NANCY: I insist you make your scheduled rendezvous with the Enterprise.

KIRK: Miss Hedford, we'll do what we can, when we can. At the moment, we're helpless. You might as well sit back and enjoy the ride.

from my private journal, as me, Kerry Burgess, typed after being released from the USA Veterans Affairs psychiatric hospital enduring many months sitting in a grungy two-computer room in a homeless shelter on the waterfront in downtown Seattle:

by me, Kerry Burgess, excerpts from my private journals: From: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 6:24 PM

To: Kerry Burgess

Subject: Re: Journal May 27, 2006

Went to Camp Couchdale in the summer of '81, after graduating 9th grade.

Met a girl named Phoebe, took her out on the lake in a boat and paddled around. We wrote letters for a long time afterwards.

"Metamorphosis" [ Star Trek ]

Original Airdate: Nov 10, 1967

NANCY Hedford, Federation Commissioner: How perceptive of you to notice I needed one.

From 11/10/1967 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Star Trek"::"Metamorphosis" ) To 8/13/1982 ( ) is 5390 days

5390 = 2695 + 2695

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/20/1973 ( premiere USA TV series pilot "Police Story" ) is 2695 days

From 6/7/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in deep space of solar system in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day was his first landing the Saturn moon Phoebe, 27 days before his strike to divert comet nicknamed "Lucifer", threatening extinction by death and destruction to all life on this planet Earth ) To 8/13/1982 ( ) is 2258 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/8/1972 ( premiere USA TV movie "The Astronaut" ) is 2258 days

From 7/20/1969 ( disguised, my biological brother Thomas Reagan the US Navy Commander circa 1969 was United States Apollo 11 Eagle spacecraft US Navy astronaut landing and walking on the planet Earth's moon - his 1st of his 6 Earth-Luna lunar-landings with USA Project Apollo to the Earth's moon ) To 8/13/1982 ( ) is 4772 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/26/1978 ( premiere USA TV episode "Battlestar Galactica"::"The Living Legend - Part 1" ) is 4772 days

From 1/17/1976 ( USA NASA launches the Communications Technology Satellite ) To 8/13/1982 ( ) is 2400 days

2400 = 1200 + 1200

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 2/14/1969 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Star Trek"::"Requiem for Methuselah" ) is 1200 days

From 1/3/1913 ( Thomas Edison gave the first demonstration of his new invention the kinetophone ) To 7/25/1946 ( the United States Operation Crossroads - Bikini Atoll - 2nd of 2 atomic bomb detonations and underwater detonation code-name Baker ) is 12256 days

12256 = 6128 + 6128

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 8/13/1982 ( ) is 6128 days


Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)

Release Info

USA 13 August 1982

Full Cast & Crew

Phoebe Cates ... Linda Barrett


The Astronaut (Sci-Fi, Drama) ABC Movie of the Week - 1972

The Made-For-Television Movie

Original Airdate: January 8, 1972



Aired in United States January 8, 1972

The Astronaut (1972 film)

From Wikipedia

Original release January 8, 1972

Television coverage of Brice Randolph, the first astronaut on the surface of Mars, is interrupted, indicating the signal has been lost. Shortly afterward, Eddie Reese is recruited, and shown what happened after the TV signal was interrupted


The Astronaut (1972 TV Movie)

Release Info USA 8 January 1972 ABC Movie of the week

Gail Randolph: [ slaps him ] Stop it! Stop looking at me with his face!

from my private journal, as me, Kerry Burgess, typed after being released from the USA Veterans Affairs psychiatric hospital enduring many months sitting in a grungy two-computer room in a homeless shelter on the waterfront in downtown Seattle:

10/11/2006 5:32 PM

As I was writing about my memories of Phoebe at Camp Couchdale, I was thinking about this scene from "2001." I was writing a while back about how she told me to never forget that dance where we first met.

by me, Kerry Burgess: Journal May 27, 2006

They lined up all the girls at the start of the dance and told me to pick who I wanted to dance with. I still remember thinking about how she just seemed the right choice.

Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)

Linda Barrett: He's no high school boy.

Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

(from internet transcript)

[Montana woods]

(Cochrane, running away pursued by Riker and Geordi, is confronted by four guards)

GUARD #1: Doctor!

GUARD #2: Sir.

LAFORGE: Still looking for the bathroom?

Dr. Zefram COCHRANE: I'm not going back.


Police Story


Episode aired Mar 20, 1973

Star Trek - "Metamorphosis" - tv series Season 2 Episode 9 - 11/10/1967

KIRK: Mister Cochrane. We were forced off our course and taken here by some force we couldn't identify.

SPOCK: Which seems to be on the surface of this body at the moment.

COCHRANE: Well, I wouldn't know anything about that.

SPOCK: You say we'll be unable to get the ship to function again?

COCHRANE: Not a chance. There's some sort of damping field down here. Power systems don't work. Take my word for it.

SPOCK: You don't mind if we continue to try?

COCHRANE: Go right ahead. You've got plenty of time.

KIRK: What about you, Cochrane? How did you get here?

COCHRANE: Marooned, I told you. Look, we'll have lots of time to learn about each other. I have a small place over that way. All the comforts of home. I can even offer you a hot bath.

NANCY: How perceptive of you to notice I needed one.

KIRK: If you don't mind, Mister Cochrane, I'd like more than just a statement that you were marooned here. It's a long way off the beaten path.

COCHRANE: That's right. That's why I'm so glad to see you. Look, I'll tell you everything you want to know, but not here. Your ship is sure a beauty.

KIRK: Yes, she is. And you've been out of circulation quite a while. The principles may be new to you. Mister Spock, why don't you explain our methods of propulsion to Mister Cochrane?

(Spock and Cochrane go to the other side of the shuttlecraft.)

MCCOY: Talks a lot, but he doesn't say much.

KIRK: I've noticed something else.

MCCOY: What's that?


KIRK: He looks familiar.

MCCOY: Familiar? Now that you mention it, he does.

KIRK: I can't quite place him, but. What about Miss Hedford?

MCCOY: No temperature yet, but we've got to get under way soon, Jim. I guarantee you, it will develop.


From 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash in Sioux City Iowa and from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: the end of Kerry Burgess - *me* - the natural human being cloned from another human being {Thomas Reagan} ) To 8/6/1991 ( ) is 748 days

748 = 374 + 374

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/11/1966 ( disguised, my biological brother Thomas Reagan the US Navy officer and astronaut was United States Gemini 12 spacecraft US Navy astronaut entering orbit of the planet Earth ) is 374 days

From 11/28/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in solar system deep space in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day launched from the Jupiter moon Callisto to return to the planet Earth ) To 8/6/1991 ( ) is 5364 days

5364 = 2682 + 2682

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/7/1973 ( premiere USA TV series pilot "The Six Million Dollar Man"::"The Moon and the Desert" ) is 2682 days

From 2/6/1942 ( from The Daily Princetonian publication, Princeton University: MARINE CORPS OFFICER WILL VISIT PRINCETON ) To 11/10/1967 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Star Trek"::"Metamorphosis" ) is 9408 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 8/6/1991 ( ) is 9408 days

From 3/15/1938 ( from The Daily Princetonian publication, Princeton University: "Profoundly Moving Creature" On Boards As Reviewer Praises Intime's "Falstaff" ; Commending Smoothness Of First-Night Performance, Professor Gerould Cites Difficulty In Complete Portrayal Of "Fat Old Man Moving In A World, The Standards And Codes Of Which He Defied." ) To 9/19/1989 ( premiere USA TV series "Doogie Howser, M.D." ) is 18816 days

18816 = 9408 + 9408

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 8/6/1991 ( ) is 9408 days

From 3/8/1988 ( as me, Kerry Burgess, while enlisted paygrade E-5, designated Fire Controlman Petty Officer Second Class (FC2), my official enlisted US Navy documents includes: Terrier MK 152 guided-missiles Fire Control Computers Complex Operator (UNIVAC digital-computers Mk152 Terrier System for, primarily, SM2-ER {Extended Range} Standard Missiles ordnance) - CF-division, Missile Plot, USS Wainwright CG-28, US Navy, following my graduation Naval Missiles School, Dam Neck, Virginia ) To 8/6/1991 ( ) is 1246 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 4/1/1969 ( NASA director of engineering and development at the Manned Spacecraft Center Maxime Faget proposes design of the space shuttle ) is 1246 days

From 10/31/1940 ( biographical - from Wikipedia: John Renshaw Carson dead ) To 5/7/1992 ( IN THE FUTURE: the first launch of the United States space shuttle Endeavour orbiter vehicle mission STS-49 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps commissioned-officer and United States STS-49 pilot astronaut and my 1st official United States of America National Aeronautics and Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) is 18816 days

18816 = 9408 + 9408

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 8/6/1991 ( ) is 9408 days

Time magazine

The Web at 25: Revisiting Tim Berners-Lee's Amazing Proposal


On March 12, 1989, British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee distributed a document to his colleagues at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, in Geneva. His unprepossessing title, "Information Management: A Proposal," indicates that he wasnt trying to change the world. He just knew that CERN had vast quantities of valuable information stored all over the place, and that it would be easier to find if it were all linked together in a way that made it accessible from any computer. So returning to concepts he had started exploring in 1980 during an earlier tour of duty at CERN he recommended creating a networked hypertext system to manage all that knowledge.

The idea floated out there for a while before it became reality, at CERN or anywhere else, but what Berners-Lee was proposing came to be known as the World Wide Web.

Several other early dates in web history matter as much as this one does. On November 12, 1990, for instance, Berners-Lee and a colleague, Robert Cailliau, returned to the idea from the 1989 document with a meatier proposal that coined the name "WorldWideWeb." By December 25, they had the WorldWideWeb software up and running at CERN in its most basic form. On August 6, 1991, people outside of CERN got access to the web as a public Internet service for the first time.

Even then, the web was a text-only service that didn t bear that much resemblance to the one that became a phenomenon a few years later. Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina s NCSA Mosaic, announced on January 23, 1993, made the web fully graphical; once that happened, it started to catch on, fast.

from my private journal, as me, Kerry Burgess, typed after being released from the USA Veterans Affairs psychiatric hospital enduring many months sitting in a grungy two-computer room in a homeless shelter on the waterfront in downtown Seattle:

From: Kerry Burgess {me}

Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 11:04 AM

To: Kerry Burgess {me}

Subject: Re: Journal May 21, 2006

Kerry Burgess wrote:

I think it was my first thought after waking up this morning that I used to date Julia Roberts a long time ago.

I also have these unexplained thoughts that I was a fighter pilot in the U.S. military, although I'm not sure which service, but I may have been in two different branches over time. I am also confused about thoughts that I may have been a helicopter pilot. What's next? A space shuttle pilot? Seems like a lot for someone that is only 40. And, while I am not sure when this divergence happened, I am reasonably certain it was before I turned 33. So I must have been a pretty busy guy. Especially because I have thoughts that I was some kind of mathmetician too. I have these thoughts too that I was captured by enemy forces at some point and tortured while in captivity.

by me, Kerry Burgess, excerpts from my private journal: 9/26/2006 3:06 PM

As I was trying to go to sleep last night, I had a thought that I have a doctorate in computer science from Princeton.

and I had thoughts that I studied music as well at Princeton.

from my private journal, as me, Kerry Burgess, typed after being released from the USA Veterans Affairs psychiatric hospital enduring many months sitting in a grungy two-computer room in a homeless shelter on the waterfront in downtown Seattle:

by me, Kerry Burgess, excerpts from my private journals: 9/28/2006 7:13 PM

This sounds very interesting. In my memory of taking Physics my Senior year at Ashdown, I remember being very interested in the class, but we didn’t cover such an interesting topic.

Ayan Chatterjee (left) and Mark Daly measure piano strings as part of a lab project for professor Pierre Piroué's freshman seminar on "Sound, Music and ... Physics."

9/28/2006 7:37 PM

I think I even have memories of the graduate degree process. I am not sure of the terms to describe the process.

9/28/2006 7:47 PM

I actually do remember... something... I can’t explain it. It feels that I am holding an unmarked, undistinguishable book that I don’t know the name of or the contents but I know I have read it already.

9/28/2006 8:34 PM

A few minutes ago I started thinking that maybe I started at Princeton University in 1972. I would have been 13 at the time as Thomas Ray. I remember that Kerry Burgess started first grade in 1972. But then I decided that I probably started Princeton earlier than 1972 and maybe 1972 was the year I completed my first major degree. Or 1972 doesn’t really mean anything in particular to Thomas Ray; rather it is there for continuity sake for the life of Kerry Burgess.

by me, Kerry Burgess, posted by me: H.V.O.M at 3:06 AM Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Also, "Salesman." I saw that in a dream while sleeping recently. I saw myself going through an induction process in the United States Marine Corps and I woke up understanding that I was dreaming of my actual experience in 1990. I saw a document that indicated I was being inducted to the United States Marine Corps with the officer grade of Chief Warrant Officer 2. I saw in the dream another document associated with my induction and that document indicated I had been assigned the informal name "Salesman."





- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 09:20 AM Pacific-timezone USA Tuesday 07/16/2024