This Is What I Think.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Today is 07/29/2024, Post #2

Hey, you're being Black.

Good for you.

Because no one takes seriously words spoken by a white, suburban person unless they have on their 21st-century Blackface


From 8/15/1964 ( ) To 6/7/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in deep space of solar system in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day was his first landing the Saturn moon Phoebe, 27 days before his strike to divert comet nicknamed "Lucifer", threatening extinction by death and destruction to all life on this planet Earth ) is 4314 days

4314 = 2157 + 2157

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/29/1971 ( premiere USA TV series "McMillan and Wife" ) is 2157 days

From 8/15/1964 ( ) To 1/3/1989 ( Ronald Reagan, 40th President of USA: Message to the Congress Transmitting Proposed Whistleblower Protection Legislation ) is 8907 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/23/1990 ( premiere USA film "Pretty Woman" ) is 8907 days

From 9/18/1947 ( Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of America begins active-duty ) to 8/15/1964 ( ) is 6176 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/30/1982 ( premiere USA TV series "Cheers" ) is 6176 days

From 8/15/1964 ( ) To 3/18/1986 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Frontline"::"Who's Running this War?" ) is 7885 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 6/5/1987 ( as me, Kerry Burgess, my official enlisted US Navy documents includes: Earned NEC 1189 - Based on graduation from the Terrier Mk 152 Guided-missiles Fire Control Computers Complex course - Naval Guided Missiles School, Dam Neck, Virginia Beach, Virginia, US Navy - leading to permanent assignment until 1990 to CF-division, Missile Plot - guided-missiles Fire Control Computers Complex (UNIVAC digital-computers Mk152 Terrier System for, primarily, SM2-ER {Extended Range} Standard Missiles ordnance), USS Wainwright CG-28, US Navy, while enlisted paygrade E-5, designated Fire Controlman Petty Officer Second Class (FC2) ) is 7885 days

From 9/10/1948 ( Thedia Newman {circa 1965:} Burgess - the surrogate mother of Kerry Burgess -*me*- the human being cloned from another human being {Thomas Reagan} ) To 8/15/1964 ( ) is 5818 days

5818 = 2909 + 2909

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 10/20/1973 ( Richard Nixon, 37th President of USA: President of USA: Letter Directing the Acting Attorney General To Discharge the Director of the Office of Watergate Special Prosecution Force ) is 2909 days

From 8/15/1964 ( ) To 8/29/1980 ( I'm only 14-years-old and Thedia just got married again for the 5th time to some new Arkansas yokel, all during my lifetime ) is 5858 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/16/1981 ( premiere USA TV series episode "General Hospital" number 1.4757 ) is 5858 days

From 8/15/1964 ( ) To 7/21/1979 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan and my sister-in-law Phoebe Cates {THAT Phoebe Cates} are lawfully married in the state of Vermont ) is 5453 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 10/7/1980 ( premiere USA film "Private Benjamin" ) is 5453 days

From 7/16/1963 ( Phoebe Cates - the world-famous actor AND from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: the United States Army veteran and the Harvard University graduate medical doctor and the world-famous actor and the spouse of my biological brother Thomas Reagan ) to 08/15/1964 ( ) is 396 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) to 12/3/1966 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Please Don't Eat the Daisies"::"And What Does Your Husband Do?" ) is 396 days

Encyclopædia Britannica

Melinda Gates

ARTICLE from the Encyclopædia Britannica

Melinda Gates, née Melinda Ann French (born Aug. 15, 1964, Dallas, Texas, U.S.), American businesswoman and philanthropist who—with her husband, Microsoft Corporation cofounder Bill Gates




From 1/20/1953 ( Jeffrey Epstein ) To 9/14/2002 ( at Overlake hospital in Bellevue Washington State the announced birth of Phoebe Gates the daughter of Microsoft Corbis Bill Gates the transvestite and Microsoft Corbis Bill Gates the 100% female gender as born to brother-sister genetic-sibling parents ) is 18134 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 6/27/2015 ( ) is 18134 days

From 9/10/1955 ( premiere USA TV series "Gunsmoke"::series premiere "Matt Gets It" ) To 5/4/2005 ( the incident at the police department City of Kent Washington State after my voluntary approach to report material criminal activity directed against my person and I am secretly drugged against my consent ) is 18134 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 6/27/2015 ( ) is 18134 days

From 12/7/1998 ( as Kerry Burgess my first day as full-time employee of Microsoft Corporation in Seattle until 02/06/2004 as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and the active duty United States Marine Corps lieutenant colonel circa 1998 ) To 6/27/2015 ( ) is 6046 days

6046 = 3023 + 3023

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 2/11/1974 ( premiere USA film "The Last Detail" ) is 3023 days

From 9/17/1965 ( premiere USA TV series "Hogan's Heroes" ) To 6/27/2015 ( ) is 18180 days

18180 = 9090 + 9090

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/22/1990 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Star Trek: The Next Generation"::"The Best of Both Worlds - Part Two" ) is 9090 days

The American Presidency Project

Barack Obama

44th President of the United States: 2009 ‐ 2017

The President's Weekly Address

June 27, 2015

Hi, everybody. Five years ago, we finally declared that in America, health care is not a privilege for a few, but a right for all. And this week, after more than 50 votes in Congress to repeal or weaken this law, after a Presidential election based in part on preserving or repealing this law, after multiple challenges to this law before the Supreme Court, we can now say this for certain: The Affordable Care Act still stands, it is working, and it is here to stay.

On Thursday, when the Court upheld a critical part of the Affordable Care Act, it was a victory for hard-working Americans all across this country whose lives are more secure because of this law. This law means that if you're a parent, you can keep your kids on your plan until they turn 26. If you're a senior or an American with a disability, this law gives you discounts on your prescriptions. You can't be charged more just because you're a woman. And you can't be discriminated against just for having a preexisting condition.

This law is working exactly as it's supposed to and, in some ways, better than we expected it to. So far, more than 16 million uninsured Americans have gained coverage. Nearly one in three Americans who was uninsured a few years ago is insured today. The uninsured rate in America is the lowest it's been since we began to keep such records.

The law has helped hold the price of health care to its slowest growth in 50 years. If your family gets insurance through the workplace, not through the Affordable Care Act, you're paying about $1,800 less per year on average than you would be if trends before this law had continued, and that's good for workers, and it's good for the economy.

The point is, this is not some abstract political debate. For all the misinformation campaigns and doomsday predictions, for all the talk of death panels and job destruction, for all the repeal attempts, this law is helping tens of millions of Americans. This isn't just about Obamacare, this is health care in America.

With this case behind us, we're going to keep working to make health care in America even better and more affordable and to get more people covered. But it's time to stop refighting battles that have been settled again and again. It's time to move on.

Because as Americans, we don't go backwards, we move forwards. We take care of each other. We root for one another's success. We strive to do better, to be better, than the generation before us, and we try to build something better for the generation coming behind us. With this behind us, let's come together and keep building something better right now.

Thanks, and have a great weekend.

from my private journal, as me, Kerry Burgess, typed after being released from the USA Veterans Affairs psychiatric hospital enduring many months sitting in a grungy two-computer room in a homeless shelter on the waterfront in downtown Seattle:

From: Kerry Burgess {me}

Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 11:04 AM

To: Kerry Burgess {me}

Subject: Re: Journal May 21, 2006

Kerry Burgess wrote:

I think it was my first thought after waking up this morning that I used to date Julia Roberts a long time ago.

I also have these unexplained thoughts that I was a fighter pilot in the U.S. military, although I'm not sure which service, but I may have been in two different branches over time. I am also confused about thoughts that I may have been a helicopter pilot. What's next? A space shuttle pilot? Seems like a lot for someone that is only 40. And, while I am not sure when this divergence happened, I am reasonably certain it was before I turned 33. So I must have been a pretty busy guy. Especially because I have thoughts that I was some kind of mathmetician too. I have these thoughts too that I was captured by enemy forces at some point and tortured while in captivity.

by me, Kerry Burgess, excerpts from my private journal: 9/26/2006 3:06 PM

As I was trying to go to sleep last night, I had a thought that I have a doctorate in computer science from Princeton.

and I had thoughts that I studied music as well at Princeton.

from my private journal, as me, Kerry Burgess, typed after being released from the USA Veterans Affairs psychiatric hospital enduring many months sitting in a grungy two-computer room in a homeless shelter on the waterfront in downtown Seattle:

by me, Kerry Burgess, excerpts from my private journals: 9/28/2006 7:13 PM

This sounds very interesting. In my memory of taking Physics my Senior year at Ashdown, I remember being very interested in the class, but we didn’t cover such an interesting topic.

Ayan Chatterjee (left) and Mark Daly measure piano strings as part of a lab project for professor Pierre Piroué's freshman seminar on "Sound, Music and ... Physics."

9/28/2006 7:37 PM

I think I even have memories of the graduate degree process. I am not sure of the terms to describe the process.

9/28/2006 7:47 PM

I actually do remember... something... I can’t explain it. It feels that I am holding an unmarked, undistinguishable book that I don’t know the name of or the contents but I know I have read it already.

9/28/2006 8:34 PM

A few minutes ago I started thinking that maybe I started at Princeton University in 1972. I would have been 13 at the time as Thomas Ray. I remember that Kerry Burgess started first grade in 1972. But then I decided that I probably started Princeton earlier than 1972 and maybe 1972 was the year I completed my first major degree. Or 1972 doesn’t really mean anything in particular to Thomas Ray; rather it is there for continuity sake for the life of Kerry Burgess.

by me, Kerry Burgess, posted by me: H.V.O.M at 3:06 AM Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Also, "Salesman." I saw that in a dream while sleeping recently. I saw myself going through an induction process in the United States Marine Corps and I woke up understanding that I was dreaming of my actual experience in 1990. I saw a document that indicated I was being inducted to the United States Marine Corps with the officer grade of Chief Warrant Officer 2. I saw in the dream another document associated with my induction and that document indicated I had been assigned the informal name "Salesman."

Modest Mouse - Float On (Official Music Video)

Modest Mouse

from YouTube

- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 10:45 AM Pacific-timezone USA Monday 07/29/2024