This Is What I Think.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Today is 07/11/2024, Post #1

by me, Kerry Burgess, 07/11/2024 4:36 PM Pacific-timezone USA


Joe Biden is losing it.

"Vice-president Donald Trump"

It's very depressing to me

I'm 58 years old right now

Joe Biden is 81 years old right now

And I can understand those mistakes he's making

Because I see that beginning in myself. Maybe it's always been there and I'm just systemized in my thinking because - perhaps - of bias about old-people

But the important issue is that he's practiced at that sort of thing

He's a slick-talker practiced with a life-time of pitching out his snake-oil. He shouldn't be making those sort of mistakes

I've got a few draft posts I'm working on now

THESE MUST BE THE REASON I am stuck out here like this still after all this time

THESE MUST BE the answer for me finding my way out of here

Update by me at 4:46 PM: They cut him off and resumed local live-tv news just a moment after I initially published this blog-post

- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 4:43 PM Pacific-timezone USA Thursday 07/11/2024