This Is What I Think.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Today is 09/11/2024, Post #1



from my private journal, as me, Kerry Burgess, typed after being released from the USA Veterans Affairs psychiatric hospital enduring many months sitting in a grungy two-computer room in a homeless shelter on the waterfront in downtown Seattle:

From: Kerry Burgess {me}

Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 11:04 AM

To: Kerry Burgess {me}

Subject: Re: Journal May 21, 2006

Kerry Burgess wrote:

I think it was my first thought after waking up this morning that I used to date Julia Roberts a long time ago.

I also have these unexplained thoughts that I was a fighter pilot in the U.S. military, although I'm not sure which service, but I may have been in two different branches over time. I am also confused about thoughts that I may have been a helicopter pilot. What's next? A space shuttle pilot? Seems like a lot for someone that is only 40. And, while I am not sure when this divergence happened, I am reasonably certain it was before I turned 33. So I must have been a pretty busy guy. Especially because I have thoughts that I was some kind of mathmetician too. I have these thoughts too that I was captured by enemy forces at some point and tortured while in captivity.

by me, Kerry Burgess, excerpts from my private journal: 9/26/2006 3:06 PM

As I was trying to go to sleep last night, I had a thought that I have a doctorate in computer science from Princeton.

and I had thoughts that I studied music as well at Princeton.

from my private journal, as me, Kerry Burgess, typed after being released from the USA Veterans Affairs psychiatric hospital enduring many months sitting in a grungy two-computer room in a homeless shelter on the waterfront in downtown Seattle:

by me, Kerry Burgess, excerpts from my private journals: 9/28/2006 7:13 PM

This sounds very interesting. In my memory of taking Physics my Senior year at Ashdown, I remember being very interested in the class, but we didn’t cover such an interesting topic.

Ayan Chatterjee (left) and Mark Daly measure piano strings as part of a lab project for professor Pierre Piroué's freshman seminar on "Sound, Music and ... Physics."

9/28/2006 7:37 PM

I think I even have memories of the graduate degree process. I am not sure of the terms to describe the process.

9/28/2006 7:47 PM

I actually do remember... something... I can’t explain it. It feels that I am holding an unmarked, undistinguishable book that I don’t know the name of or the contents but I know I have read it already.

9/28/2006 8:34 PM

A few minutes ago I started thinking that maybe I started at Princeton University in 1972. I would have been 13 at the time as Thomas Ray. I remember that Kerry Burgess started first grade in 1972. But then I decided that I probably started Princeton earlier than 1972 and maybe 1972 was the year I completed my first major degree. Or 1972 doesn’t really mean anything in particular to Thomas Ray; rather it is there for continuity sake for the life of Kerry Burgess.

by me, Kerry Burgess, posted by me: H.V.O.M at 3:06 AM Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Also, "Salesman." I saw that in a dream while sleeping recently. I saw myself going through an induction process in the United States Marine Corps and I woke up understanding that I was dreaming of my actual experience in 1990. I saw a document that indicated I was being inducted to the United States Marine Corps with the officer grade of Chief Warrant Officer 2. I saw in the dream another document associated with my induction and that document indicated I had been assigned the informal name "Salesman."




excerpts, unpublished - original work by me, Kerry Burgess - may or may not become finished by me and published as a formal draft report from me

From 5/13/1936 ( ) To 3/22/1995 ( premiere USA TV series "Sliders" ) is 21497 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/10/2024 ( ) is 21497 days

From 11/4/1887 ( ) To 7/22/2005 ( as me, Kerry Burgess, from my official records United States Veterans Affairs psychiatric-hospital in Seattle: "Mr. Burgess checked into Urgent Care this AM complaining of constipation" - Psychiatry Emergency Services ) is 42994 days

42994 = 21497 + 21497

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/10/2024 ( ) is 21497 days

From 10/28/1994 ( premiere USA film "Stargate" ) To 9/10/2024 ( ) is 10910 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/16/1995 ( ) is 10910 days




From 9/10/1948 ( Thedia Newman {circa 1965:} Burgess - the surrogate mother of Kerry Burgess -*me*- the human being cloned from another human being {Thomas Reagan} ) To 7/25/1978 ( from Wikipedia on the global-internetwork: Louise Brown ) is 10910 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/16/1995 ( ) is 10910 days


The American Presidency Project

{puppet-in-chief} WILLIAM J. CLINTON

42nd President of the United States: 1993 - 2001

The President's Radio Address

September 16, 1995

Good morning. Last week I spoke with you about what I believe must be done to reform our Nation's broken welfare system. I said that real welfare reform should reflect the values all of us as Americans share: work, personal responsibility, and family. And I challenged the Senate to put aside its partisan differences to stand up to ideological extremism and to find common ground and higher ground.

Ever since the 1992 campaign, I've been appealing to Americans to join me in an effort to end welfare as we know it. Since I became President, I've been working to reform welfare State by State while pushing for national action in Congress.

Our administration has freed 34 States from Federal rules to enable them to move people from welfare to work. We've offered all 50 States the opportunity to set time limits on welfare, require people to work or stay in school, give private employers incentives to work. And it's working. The welfare rolls are down, the food stamp rolls are down across America. But we still need national action in Congress.

The votes taken this week by the United States Senate under the leadership of a bipartisan coalition of Democrats and moderate Republicans give us hope that a conclusion to this effort may only be days or weeks away.

After months of sometimes bitter debate, we are now within striking distance of transforming the welfare system in four fundamental ways: First, people on welfare will have to work in return for the help they receive. Second, no one who can work will be able to stay on welfare forever. Third, we will begin to make work possible by providing child care for mothers of young children. And fourth, we will put in place the toughest child support enforcement measures ever.

It wasn't always this way. Not long ago, some in Congress wanted to punish children for the mistakes of their parents, and some still do.



[ by me, Kerry Burgess: The Catholic Pope and any other clergy of any religion are being paid real money to peddle their bunk to you. {Those Catholic-superstiton purveyors and their gullible, willing victims just stopped reading at this point} *You* are gullible and naive and cowardly terrified of mortality and *you* are paying real money to those scam-artists to deliver their false promises and superstition to you. Pathetic. Immoral. Theology is nothing better than circular-reasoning. ]

Louise Brown

From Wikipedia

Ethical and religious issues

See also: Moral theology of John Paul I

Louise Brown

From Wikipedia

Although the media referred to Brown as a "test tube baby", her conception actually took place in a Petri dish.


From Wikipedia

Cloning is the process of producing individual organisms with identical genomes, either by natural or artificial means. In nature, some organisms produce clones through asexual reproduction; this reproduction of an organism by itself without a mate is known as parthenogenesis. In the field of biotechnology, cloning is the process of creating cloned organisms of cells and of DNA fragments.


- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 07:55 AM Pacific-timezone USA Wednesday 09/11/2024