This Is What I Think.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Today is 09/22/2024, Post #1

"Requiem For Methuselah" [ Star Trek ]

Original Airdate: 14 Feb, 1969

(from internet transcript)

(first lines)

Captain's log, stardate 5843.7. The Enterprise is in the grip of a raging epidemic. Three crewmen have died and twenty three others have been struck down by Rigelian fever. In order to combat the illness, Doctor McCoy needs large quantities of ryetalyn, which is the only known antidote for the fever. Our sensors have picked up sufficient quantities of pure ryetalyn on a small planet in the Omega system. We are beaming down to secure this urgently needed material.

KIRK: I'm Captain James Kirk

FLINT: I know who you are. I have monitored your ship since it entered this system.

KIRK: Then if you know who we are, you know why we're here, Mister?

FLINT: Flint. You will leave my planet.

SPOCK: Did you say your planet, sir?

FLINT: My retreat from the unpleasantness of life on Earth, and the company of people.

KIRK: Mister Flint, I have a sick crew up there. We can't possibly reach another planet in time. You can't refuse us the ryetalyn.

FLINT: You're trespassing, Captain.

KIRK: We're in need! We'll pay for it, work for it, trade for it.

FLINT: You have nothing I want.

KIRK: But you have the ryetalyn that we need! If necessary, we'll take it.

KIRK: Mister Flint, if anything happens to us, four deaths and then my crew comes down and takes that ryetalyn.

FLINT: An interesting test of power. Your enormous forces against mine. Who would win?

SPOCK: Mister Flint, unless you are certain, I would suggest you refrain from a most useless experiment.

KIRK: We need only a few hours.

MCCOY: Have you ever seen a victim of Rigelian fever? They die in one day. The effects are like bubonic plague.

FLINT: Constantinople, summer 1334. It marched through the streets, the sewers. It left the city by ox cart, by sea, to kill half of Europe. The rats, rustling and squealing in the night as they, too, died. The rats.

SPOCK: Are you a student of history, sir?

FLINT: I am. The Enterprise, a plague ship. You have two hours, at the end of which time you will leave.

KIRK: With all due gratitude.

"Requiem For Methuselah" [ Star Trek ]

Original Airdate: 14 Feb, 1969

(from internet transcript)

RAYNA: Let me meet them.

FLINT: They are selfish, brutal, a part of the human community which I rejected and from which I've shielded you.

RAYNA: Soon they will be gone. Let me meet them.

FLINT: Rayna. (nearly kisses her) Have you been lonely?

RAYNA: What is loneliness?

FLINT: It is thirst. It is a flower dying in the desert.

RAYNA: Flint, don't take this opportunity away from me. It's so exciting.

FLINT: Exciting? You have never made a demand of me before.

RAYNA: I'm sorry.

FLINT: Do not be sorry. It might be interesting.

(Kirk is having a look around when Rayna enters and goes to a closed door)

KIRK: You left us. The room became lonely.

RAYNA: It is a thirst, a flower dying in the desert.

KIRK: What? What's in there?

RAYNA: I do not know. Flint told me never to enter. He denies me nothing else.

From 2/14/1969 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Star Trek"::"Requiem for Methuselah" ) To 8/6/2006 ( ) is 13687 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 4/24/2003 ( ) is 13687 days

From 3/6/1963 ( premiere USA film "Diary of a Madman" ) To 12/8/2003 ( premiere USA TV miniseries "Battlestar Galactica" ) is 14887 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 8/6/2006 ( ) is 14887 days

From 10/24/1994 ( premiere USA film "Stargate" ) To 8/6/2006 ( ) is 4304 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 8/15/1977 ( the so-called "Wow!" signal received at the Ohio State University Big Ear Observatory ) is 4304 days

From 6/9/1905 ( Annalen der Physik publishes "On a Heuristic Point of View concerning the Production and Transformation of Light" by Albert Einstein ) To 12/15/1986 ( the Microsoft Corporation payout settlement for the software code Bill Gates stole from Seattle Computer Products another victim in a long string of larceny victims of Microsoft Corporation ) is 29774 days

29774 = 14887 + 14887

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 8/6/2006 ( ) is 14887 days

from my private journal, as me, Kerry Burgess, typed after being released from the USA Veterans Affairs psychiatric hospital enduring many months sitting in a grungy two-computer room in a homeless shelter on the waterfront in downtown Seattle:

by me, Kerry Burgess, excerpts from my private journals: August 6, 2006

and the third phase being some kind of trek across the desert to, I guess, Djibouti.

Microsoft News Center

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Is Available Worldwide Today

SAN FRANCISCO, April 24, 2003 Microsoft Corp. today announced the general availability of Windows Server (TM) 2003

The Seattle Times

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Gates gives $70 million for genome work at UW

By Luke Timmerman

Seattle Times business reporter

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, in the largest donation ever to a Northwest university, today is announcing a $70 million gift to strengthen the University of Washington's already renowned center for human-genome research.

Battlestar Galactica - tv miniseries - 12/08/2003, 12/09/2003

(from internet transcript)

(Colonial One - Dr. Gaius Baltar is alone, with paperwork spread out before him)

Six: I see they've put you to work. (He looks over, sees her sitting next to him.) Ignoring me won't help.

Baltar: No, I've decided you're an expression of my, uh, subconscious mind playing itself out through my waking states.

Six: Oh, I'm only in your head?

Baltar: Exactly.

Six: Hmm. Have you considered the possibility that I could very well exist *only* in your head? Without being a hallucination? Maybe you see and hear me, because while you were sleeping, I implanted a chip in your brain that transmits my image right into your conscious mind.

Baltar: No, no, see that's me again. My subconscious self is expressing irrational fears, which I must choose to ignore.

Six: (moving closer to him) What are you working on?

Baltar: If you were really a chip in my head, I wouldn't have to tell you, now would I?

Six: Indulge me.

Baltar: I'm trying to figure out how you managed to pull this kind of an attack. You virtually shut down the entire defense network without firing a shot. Entire squadrons lost power just as they engaged the enemy. The CMP's a navigation program, but you, uh, you made changes to the programs that you were building in, backdoors for your company to exploit later.

Six: All true, in a sense.

Everything But The Girl - Missing (Official Music Video)

Everything But The Girl

(from YouTube)

- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 5:29 PM Pacific-timezone USA Sunday 09/22/2024