I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
"Hell, maybe I should track it down, see where it starts"
Hide and Q
Stardate: 41590.5
Original Airdate: 23 Nov, 1987
PICARD: And what he might said with irony, I say with conviction.
Rainbow Six (1998)
Tom Clancy
"What's this?"
Foster grinned over his drink. "What's it look like?"
The American Presidency Project
Dwight D. Eisenhower
XXXIV President of the United States: 1953-1961
39 - Special Message to the Congress Regarding a National Highway Program
February 22, 1955
To the Congress of the United States:
Our unity as a nation is sustained by free communication of thought and by easy transportation of people and goods. The ceaseless flow of information throughout the Republic is matched by individual and commercial movement over a vast system of interconnected highways criss-crossing the Country and joining at our national borders with friendly neighbors to the north and south.
Together, the uniting forces of our communication and transportation systems are dynamic elements in the very name we bear--United States. Without them, we would be a mere alliance of many separate parts.
The Nation's highway system is a gigantic enterprise, one of our largest items of capital investment. Generations have gone into its building. Three million, three hundred and sixty-six thousand miles of road, travelled by 58 million motor vehicles, comprise it. The replacement cost of its drainage and bridge and tunnel works is incalculable. One in every seven Americans gains his livelihood and supports his family out of it. But, in large part, the network is inadequate for the nation's growing needs.
In recognition of this, the Governors in July of last year at my request began a study of both the problem and methods by which the Federal Government might assist the States in its solution. I appointed in September the President's Advisory Committee on a National Highway Program, headed by Lucius D. Clay, to work with the Governors and to propose a plan of action for submission to the Congress. At the same time, a committee representing departments and agencies of the national Government was organized to conduct studies coordinated with the other two groups. All three were confronted with inescapable evidence that action, comprehensive and quick and forward-looking, is needed.
First: Each year, more than 36 thousand people are killed and more than a million injured on the highways. To the home where the tragic aftermath of an accident on an unsafe road is a gap in the family circle, the monetary worth of preventing that death cannot be reckoned. But reliable estimates place the measurable economic cost of the highway accident toll to the Nation at more than $4.3 billion a year.
Second: The physical condition of the present road net increases the cost of vehicle operation, according to many estimates, by as much as one cent per mile of vehicle travel. At the present rate of travel, this totals more than $5 billion a year. The cost is not borne by the individual vehicle operator alone. It pyramids into higher expense of doing the nation's business. Increased highway transportation costs, passed on through each step in the distribution of goods, are paid ultimately by the individual consumer.
Third: In case of an atomic attack on our key cities, the road net must permit quick evacuation of target areas, mobilization of defense forces and maintenance of every essential economic function. But the present system in critical areas would be the breeder of a deadly congestion within hours of an attack.
Fourth: Our Gross National Product, about $357 billion in 1954, is estimated to reach over $500 billion in 1965 when our population will exceed 180 million and, according to other estimates, will travel in 81 million vehicles 814 billion vehicle miles that year. Unless the present rate of highway improvement and development is increased, existing traffic jams only faintly foreshadow those of ten years hence.
To correct these deficiencies is an obligation of Government at every level. The highway system is a public enterprise. As the owner and operator, the various levels of Government have a responsibility for management that promotes the economy of the nation and properly serves the individual user. In the case of the Federal Government, moreover, expenditures on a highway program are a return to the highway user of the taxes which he pays in connection with his use of the highways.
Congress has recognized the national interest in the principal roads by authorizing two Federal-aid systems, selected cooperatively by the States, local units and the Bureau of Public Roads.
The Federal-aid primary system as of July 1, 1954, consisted of 234,407 miles, connecting all the principal cities, county seats, ports, manufacturing areas and other traffic generating centers.
In 1944 the Congress approved the Federal-aid secondary system, which on July 1, 1954, totalled 482,972 miles, referred to as farm-to-market roads--important feeders linking farms, factories, distribution outlets and smaller communities with the primary system.
Because some sections of the primary system, from the viewpoint of national interest are more important than others, the Congress in 1944 authorized the selection of a special network, not to exceed 40,000 miles in length, which would connect by routes, as direct as practicable, the principal metropolitan areas, cities and industrial centers, serve the national defense, and connect with routes of continental importance in the Dominion of Canada and the Republic of Mexico.
This National System of Interstate Highways, although it embraces only 1.2 percent of total road mileage, joins 42 State capital cities and 90 percent of all cities over 50,000 population. It carries more than a seventh of all traffic, a fifth of the rural traffic, serves 65 percent of the urban and 45 percent of the rural population. Approximately 37,600 miles have been designated to date. This system and its mileage are presently included within the Federal-aid primary system.
In addition to these systems, the Federal Government has the principal, and in many cases the sole, responsibility for roads that cross or provide access to Federally owned land--more than one-fifth the nation's area.
Of all these, the Interstate System must be given top priority in construction planning. But at the current rate of development, the Interstate network would not reach even a reasonable level of extent and efficiency in half a century. State highway departments cannot effectively meet the need. Adequate right-of-way to assure control of access; grade separation structures; relocation and realignment of present highways; all these, done on the necessary scale within an integrated system, exceed their collective capacity.
If we have a congested and unsafe and inadequate system, how then can we improve it so that ten years from now it will be fitted to the nation's requirements?
A realistic answer must be based on a study of all phases of highway financing, including a study of the costs of completing the several systems of highways, made by the Bureau of Public Roads in cooperation with the State highway departments and local units of government. This study, made at the direction of the 83rd Congress in the 1954 Federal-aid Highway Act, is the most comprehensive of its kind ever undertaken.
Its estimates of need show that a 10-year construction program to modernize all our roads and streets will require expenditure of $ 101 billion by all levels of Government.
The preliminary i o-year totals of needs by road systems are:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Billions
Interstate (urban $11 rural, rural $12 billion) --------------------------- $23
Federal-aid Primary (urban $10, rural $20 billion) ---------------------- 30
Federal-aid Secondary (entirely rural) ---------------------------------- 15
Sub-total of Federal-aid Systems (urban $21, rural $47 billion) --------- 68
Other roads and streets (urban $16, rural $17 billion) ------------------- 33
Total of needs (urban $37, rural $64 billion) ---------------------------$101
The Governors' Conference and the President's Advisory Committee are agreed that the Federal share of the needed construction program should be about 30 percent of the total, leaving to State and local units responsibility to finance the remainder.
The obvious responsibility to be accepted by the Federal Government, in addition to the existing Federal interest in our 3,366,000-mile network of highways, is the development of the Interstate System with its most essential urban arterial connections. In its report, the Advisory Committee recommends:
1. That the Federal Government assume principal responsibility for the cost of a modern Interstate Network to be completed by 1964 to include the most essential urban arterial connections; at an annual average cost of $2.5 billion for the ten year period.
2. That Federal contributions to primary and secondary road systems, now at the rate authorized by the 1954 Act of approximately $525 million annually, be continued.
3. That Federal funds for that portion of the Federal-aid systems in urban areas not on the Interstate System, now approximately $75 million annually, be continued.
4. That Federal funds for Forest Highways be continued at the present $22.5 million per year rate.
Under these proposals, the total Federal expenditures through the ten year period would be:
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Billions
Interstate System ------------------------------------------$25.000
Federal-aid Primary and Secondary ------------------------- 5.250
Federal-aid Urban -------------------------------------------- .750
Forest Highways ---------------------------------------------- .225
Total ------------------------------------------------------ $31.225
The extension of necessary highways in the Territories and highway maintenance and improvement in National Parks, on Indian lands and on other public lands of the United States will continue to be treated in the budget for these particular subjects.
A sound Federal highway program, I believe, can and should stand on its own feet, with highway users providing the total dollars necessary for improvement and new construction. Financing of interstate and Federal-aid systems should be based on the planned use of increasing revenues from present gas and diesel oil taxes, augmented in limited instances with tolls.
I am inclined to the view that it is sounder to finance this program by special bond issues, to be paid off by the above-mentioned revenues which will be collected during the useful life of the roads and pledged to this purpose, rather than by an increase in general revenue obligations.
At this time, I am forwarding for use by the Congress in its deliberations the Report to the President made by the President's Advisory Committee on a National Highway Program. This study of the entire highway traffic problem and presentation of a detailed solution for its remedy is an analytical review of the major elements in a most complex situation. In addition, the Congress will have available the study made by the Bureau of Public Roads at the direction of the 83rd Congress.
These two documents together constitute a most exhaustive examination of the National highway system, its problems and their remedies. Inescapably, the vastness of the highway enterprise fosters varieties of proposals which must be resolved into a national highway pattern. The two reports, however, should generate recognition of the urgency that presses upon us; approval of a general program that will give us a modern safe highway system; realization of the rewards for prompt and comprehensive action. They provide a solid foundation for a sound program.
053116_a_svwlf_ (1015).jpg
Hide and Q
Stardate: 41590.5
Original Airdate: 23 Nov, 1987
Q: The redoubtable Commander Riker, whom I noticed before. You seem to find this all very amusing.
RIKER: I might, if we weren't on our way to help some suffering and dying humans who
Q: Your species is always suffering and dying.
PICARD: No, Lieutenant Worf. You'll make no move against him unless I order it.
Q: Pity. You might have learned an interesting lesson. Macro head with a micro brain.
PICARD: You said you had the realisation of impossible dreams to offer us. When this rescue is completed, I am prepared to listen carefully to whatever proposal you wish to make and subject to it being acceptable
Q: Subject to your foolish human values? Oh, come, Picard. Why do you distrust me so?
PICARD: Why? At our first meeting you seized my vessel. You condemned all humans as savages, and on that charge you tried us in a post-atomic twenty first century court of horrors, where you attacked my people. You again seized my vessel.
Q: And that angered you, did it? Seized my vessel, seized my vessel.
PICARD: You interfered with our Farpoint mission. You threatened to convict us as ignorant savages
From 2/22/1955 ( Dwight Eisenhower - Special Message to the Congress Regarding a National Highway Program ) To 11/23/1987 ( premiere US TV series episode "Star Trek: The Next Generation"::"Hide and Q" ) is 11962 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/3/1998 is 11962 days
From 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) To 8/3/1998 is 2697 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/22/1973 ( Richard Nixon - Message to the Senate Transmitting the Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent Classification ) is 2697 days
From 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) To 8/3/1998 is 2697 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/22/1973 ( Professor George Gray describes the liquid crystal display ) is 2697 days
From 7/19/1989 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush kills 111 passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 232 and destroys the United Airlines Flight 232 aircraft because I was a passenger of United Airlines Flight 232 as United States Navy Petty Officer Second Class Kerry Wayne Burgess and I was assigned to maintain custody of a non-violent offender military prisoner of the United States ) To 8/3/1998 is 3302 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/17/1974 ( premiere US TV series episode "Nova"::"The Hunting of the Quark" ) is 3302 days
From 3/3/1951 ( premiere US film "Corn Plastered" ) To 8/3/1998 is 17320 days
17320 = 8660 + 8660
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/19/1989 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush kills 111 passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 232 and destroys the United Airlines Flight 232 aircraft because I was a passenger of United Airlines Flight 232 as United States Navy Petty Officer Second Class Kerry Wayne Burgess and I was assigned to maintain custody of a non-violent offender military prisoner of the United States ) is 8660 days
From 3/21/1962 ( Matthew Broderick ) To 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) is 11962 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/3/1998 is 11962 days
From 6/4/1963 ( premiere US film "The Nutty Professor" ) To 8/3/1998 is 12844 days
12844 = 6422 + 6422
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/3/1983 ( premiere US film "WarGames" ) is 6422 days
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/01/rainbow-six-1998.html ]
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/05/hell-maybe-i-should-track-it-down-see.html ]
The Seattle Times
Sunday, August 2, 1998
An Action-Packed Summer Read -- Tom Clancy's Latest Storms The Shores
By Melinda Bargreen
Seattle Times Staff Critic
------------------------------- "Rainbox Six" by Tom Clancy Putnam, $27.95 -------------------------------
Rumblings in the distance are growing louder, as a phalanx of trucks approaches local bookstores. There is a diesel storm rising.
Tom Clancy is back.
Yes, fans, the latest humongous Clancy doorstop of a book - at 752 pages, a veritable Cortez Kennedy among action-thrillers - officially hits stores tomorrow.
Los Angeles Times ARCHIVES
L.A. Times Archives
Cornwall, Clancy Leading Summer Charge
Los Angeles Times - Los Angeles, Calif.
Date: Jul 2, 1998
Abstract (Document Summary)
Tom Clancy's "Rainbow Six" (Putnam) will be available starting Aug. 3. Clancy, one of the heavyweight champs of commercial fiction and master of the techno-thriller, is delivering his first hardcover novel since 1996. He is bringing back John Clark, the former Navy SEAL from "Without Remorse," who takes on a maniacal bunch of terrorists this time around. First printing: around 2 million copies.
Rainbow Six Hardcover – August 3, 1998
by Tom Clancy (Author)
Product Details
Hardcover: 738 pages
Publisher: Putnam Adult; First Edition edition (August 3, 1998)
Rainbow Six (1998)
Tom Clancy
Got any more of these?"
"Sure." Foster rose and pulled open a desk drawer. He tossed a leather pouch over. Mark caught it, surprised by the weight
Springfield! Springfield!
WarGames (1983)
Now, children, come on over here.
I'm going to tell you a bedtime story.
Are you sitting comfortably?
Then I'll begin.
Once upon a time, there lived
a magnificent race of animals
who dominated the world
through age after age.
They ran and they swam
and they fought and they flew.
Until suddenly,
quite recently, they disappeared.
Nature just gave up and started again.
We weren't even apes then.
We were just these smart little rodents
hiding in the rocks.
And when we go, nature will start again.
With the bees probably.
Nature knows when to give up, David.
Hide and Q
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Season: 1 Ep. 9
Air Date: 11/23/1987
Hide and Q
Stardate: 41590.5
Original Airdate: 23 Nov, 1987
[Planet surface]
(Riker is sitting on a rock, laughing)
Q: Something amuses you? Perhaps you'll share the joke with me?
RIKER: The joke is you.
Q: Strange gratitude, from one who has been granted a gift beyond any human dream. How can you not appreciate being able to send your friends back to their ship, or sending the soldiers back to the nothingness from which they came? Certainly, you must understand that at this moment you can send yourself back to the ship or to Earth, or change your shape and become anything else you want to be.
RIKER: What do you need, Q?
Q: Need?
RIKER: You want something from us, desperately. What is it?
Q: Want something from you foolish, fragile, non-entities? Oh come, Riker. You're beginning to sound like your Captain.
RIKER: Now that's a compliment, Q. But that's not an answer.
Q: Riker, we have offered you a gift beyond all other gifts!
RIKER: Out of the goodness of your heart.
Q: After Farpoint, I returned to where we exist. The Q Continuum.
RIKER: Which means exactly what?
Q: The limitless dimensions of the galaxy in which we exist.
RIKER: I don't understand.
Q: Of course you don't, and you never will until you become one of us.
RIKER: Until? Would you mind going over that again?
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 10:18 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 31 May 2016
"No, I admire the Indians, but I ain't one myself."
Hide and Q
Stardate: 41590.5
Original Airdate: 23 Nov, 1987
[Ready Room]
PICARD: Listen to me, Q. You seem to have some need for humans.
Q: Concern regarding them.
PICARD: Whatever it is, why do you demonstrate it through this confrontation? Why not a simple, direct explanation, a statement of what you seek? Why these games?
Q: Why these games? Why, the play's the thing. And I'm surprised you have to ask when your human Shakespeare explained it all so well.
PICARD: So he did, but don't depend too much on any single viewpoint
Q: It's a pity you don't know the content of your own library. Hear this, Picard, and reflect. All the galaxy's a stage.
PICARD: World, not galaxy. All the world's a stage.
Q: Oh, you know that one? Well, if he were living now he would have said galaxy. How about this? Life is but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
PICARD: I see. So how we respond to a game tells you more about us than our real life, this tale told by an idiot? Interesting, Q.
Q: Oh, thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Perhaps maybe a little Hamlet?
PICARD: Oh, no. I know Hamlet. And what he might said with irony, I say with conviction. What a piece of work is man. How noble in reason. How infinite in faculty. In form, in moving, how express and admirable. In action, how like an angel. In apprehension, how like a god.
Q: Surely you don't really see your species like that, do you?
PICARD: I see us one day becoming that, Q. Is it that what concerns you?
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 6:26 PM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: subjective
Particular to a given person; personal
taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias; "a subjective judgment"
"Kerry began to suspect that performance reviews were mostly an exercise in appearances rather [ than ] a measurement of reality."
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 27 February 2006 excerpt ends]
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 7:03 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 31 May 2016
"The Grail Diary?"
Oh, right. The RV. I have thought about that several times today.
I didn't note it earlier because that detail didn't fit in with the recurring themes.
But now I recall that I did think later about how those people in the elevator were the same people in the RV.
So the way that part went in my sleeping dream early this morning is that I found myself in a large Recreational Vehicle that I had purchased, obviously fiction because I can't even afford a new (non-used) car.
The strange part is that some people were there in the RV with me and some details have now faded from my mind by now but seems that we had to share the RV for a few days because they had rented it before I had purchased it.
There was some dialog among us about sharing the vehicle during the time we were all there in it but some of those details have faded now from my mind.
Doesn't really seem important to note that my sleeping dreams are prescient.
I was thinking last night when trying to fall asleep there is a distinction between predicting the future and sensing the future. I have no control over trying to predict the future. I have no idea about when I will sense details about the future.
album: "C'Mon, C'Mon" (2002)
"Soak Up The Sun"
My friend the communist
Holds meetings in his RV
I can't afford his gas
So I'm stuck here watching TV
I don't have digital
I don't have diddly squat
It's not having what you want
It's wanting what you've got
I'm gonna soak up the sun
Gonna tell everyone
To lighten up (I'm gonna tell 'em that)
I've got no one to blame
For every time I feel lame
I'm looking up o I'm gonna soak up the sun
I'm gonna soak up the sun
I've got a crummy job
It don't pay near enough
To buy the things it takes
To win me some of your love
Every time I turn around
I'm looking up, you're looking down
Maybe something's wrong with you
That makes you act the way you do
Maybe i am crazy too
I'm gonna soak up the sun
While it's still free
I'm gonna soak up the sun
Before it goes out on me
Don't have no master suite
I'm still the king of me
You have a fancy ride, but baby
I'm the one who has the key
From 5/24/1989 ( premiere US film "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" ) To 5/13/2006 is 6198 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/22/1982 ( premiere US film "Rambo: First Blood" ) is 6198 days
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/05/glutton-for-punishment.html ]
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/05/the-grail-diary.html ]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 1:49:58 PM
Subject: Sleep journal 5/13/06
In an office, my boss's boss, was telling me that I had made history today. She said something about me proving how a single person can make a difference. She handed me some stuff including a chain that you use for dog tags. I was looking at it and there was something about it being too long, or needing to have some links taken out of it. I don't recognize me boss's boss, but my boss was familar. The senior person told me that my boss appreciate's people that are passionate about their work, after I was commenting on how much I enjoy my work.
I have also been thinking today again about the distinction between free will and mind control. The exhausting part about all this, as really with any kind of direction, is from rejecting the advice I don't want to follow. That is the stuff I don't remember, the advice or direction I didn't want to follow.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 13 May 2006 excerpt end]
First Blood (1982)
Release Info
USA 22 October 1982
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Release Info
USA 24 May 1989
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Elsa: Don't look at me like that. We both wanted the Grail. I would have done anything to get it. You would have done the same.
Indiana Jones: I'm sorry you think so.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 5:44 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 31 May 2016
Just saying.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 7:06 PM Thursday, June 26, 2008 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2008/06/combination-cover.html
combination cover
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: ----- Original Message ----
From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 1:49:58 PM
Subject: Sleep journal 5/13/06
In an office, my boss's boss, was telling me that I had made history today. She said something about me proving how a single person can make a difference. She handed me some stuff including a chain that you use for dog tags. I was looking at it and there was something about it being too long, or needing to have some links taken out of it. I don't recognize me boss's boss, but my boss was familar. The senior person told me that my boss appreciate's people that are passionate about their work, after I was commenting on how much I enjoy my work.
I have also been thinking today again about the distinction between free will and mind control. The exhausting part about all this, as really with any kind of direction, is from rejecting the advice I don't want to follow. That is the stuff I don't remember, the advice or direction I didn't want to follow.
Description and Wear of Uniform Components
Cap, Combination
Male Officers/CPOs. A military style cap with black visor, rigid standing front, flaring circular rim and black cap band worn with detachable khaki, green or white cap cover, as required.
2. Visor Ornamentation
a. Male flag officers' cap visors are covered with dark blue cloth, embroidered with two rows of gold oak leaves and acorns.
Uniforms of the United States Navy
Combination cover with full fretting to be worn by Admirals
An ornamental design consisting of repeated and symmetrical geometric figures, often in relief, contained within a band or border. Also called key pattern.
tr.v. fret·ted, fret·ting, frets
To provide with such a design or headdress.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Sleep journal 2/27/06
There was a bunch of stuff in my dreams last night, but I only remember one part. I was also very tired when I woke up, but couldn't go back to sleep. The part of the dream I do remember is where I was walking down some stairs. It seemed to be outside, as in stairs leading down the outside of a building, a factory maybe. I am thinking it was at the end of something, a conclusion of something. I turned around after going down a couple of the stairs and was organizing some stuff, books maybe. I couldn't get them all together or something and I think I was going to have to make a second trip to bring them all down. Within the boxes and books, I pulled out a hat and put it on. It was a U.S. Navy Officer's cover.
fret fret·ted, fret·ting
to feel or express worry, annoyance, discontent, or the like
"The Long Run"
I used to hurry a lot, I used to worry a lot
I used to stay out till the break of day
Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
- I've never even met Admiral Kirk.
- Admiral?
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 26 June 2008 excerpt ends]
12 Monkeys Season 2 Episode 7
Aired Monday 9:00 PM May 30, 2016 on Syfy
AIRED: 5/30/16
Springfield! Springfield!
12 Monkeys
[dramatic music] What are you doing? Hey, he's trying to tell us something.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 5:12 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 31 May 2016
"It appears to be a multi-phasic temporal convergence in the space-time continuum."
After waking today I started to wonder if there is a pattern to the days I have the recurring dreams about hallways and corridors and passageways and elevators and stairwells. I wrote a brief description without going to a lot of detail I can still visualize and after waking and then just now late this afternoon I thought to check the date for the pattern.
5/31/2016, office building, lots of people, some are supposed to be people I know from real life, vivid details, check my wristwatch at one point as I am walking around inside the large building, 7:07 AM on my watch, not late for work. Opened front door grand entrance with my keys, later the door was open and unlocked for regular business hours. As usual couldn't reach the correct floor in the elevator because the elevator would never stop on the floor for the button I pushed and that is highly consistent and recurring in my sleeping dreams.
From 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) To 5/31/2016 ( --- ) is 9208 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/18/1991 ( premiere US film "Flight of the Intruder" ) is 9208 days
All Good Things [ Star Trek: The Next Generation ]
Stardate: 47988
Original Airdate: May 23, 1994
[Future - USS Pasteur Bridge]
PICARD: On screen! On screen! Let's see it!
(just a starfield)
DATA: As you can see, sir, there's nothing there.
(a little later)
DATA: Still nothing, Captain. I've conducted a full sensor sweep out to one light year from the Pasteur. No temporal anomalies, no particle fluctuations, nothing.
PICARD: I don't understand. It was here in the other two time periods. Why isn't it here now?
1991 film "Flight of the Intruder" DVD video:
US Navy Commander "Cowboy" Parker - USS Independence CV 62 air squadron Executive Officer: Hey, man, what are you doing up? You should be in the sack. You got an alpha strike tomorrow.
US Navy lieutenant Jake "Cool Hand" Grafton - USS Independence CV 62 US Navy A-6 Intruder pilot: Oh, I couldn't sleep. I'm walking it off.
Parker: Watch out, skipper's on the prowl. Shitter posted a strike. Said he's going to piss. That doubles his capabilities. It's getting very dangerous. He could hit anywhere. Steam irons, after-shave bottles... Just think of the targets available.
Grafton: What are you doing up?
Parker: Don't lose sleep over it, Grafton. The price of peace is eternal vigilance.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 4:36 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 31 May 2016
Remarks at the Cornerstone-Laying Ceremony for the Central Intelligence Agency Building, Langley, Virginia
album: "The Division Bell" (1994)
"Coming Back To Life"
Where were you when I was burned and broken
While the days slipped by from my window watching
And where were you when I was hurt and I was helpless
'Cause the things you say and the things you do surround me
While you were hanging yourself on someone else's words
Dying to believe in what you heard
I was staring straight into the shining sun
Lost in thought and lost in time
While the seeds of life and the seeds of change were planted
Outside the rain fell dark and slow
While I pondered on this dangerous but irresistible pastime
I took a heavenly ride through our silence
I knew the moment had arrived
For killing the past and coming back to life
I took a heavenly ride through our silence
I knew the waiting had begun
And headed straight ...into the shining sun
Scott and Eli arrive back at the Control Room. Rush stares at the ball following along behind.
RUSH: What's that?
WALLACE (nonchalantly): Flying camera ball. I'm calling it a Kino.
SCOTT: Don't ask!
(Eli types on his handheld device and the Kino floats closer to Rush. He stares at it.)
RUSH: Why, it's marvellous!
WALLACE: It comes with a remote. I thought we could use it to look around.
Springfield! Springfield!
Tomorrowland (2015)
Does it work?
Sure. Yeah. Mostly. Just doesn't really, you know, technically... fly.
But if it did, "You know,"technically fly," what would its purpose be?
RUSH: Look, what I'm saying is, it shouldn't be someone with potentially valuable knowledge, or abilities we might need to help us survive beyond this.
(Eli turns and throws a wide-eyed look at the Kino.)
ARMSTRONG: What, are you really suggesting what I think?
SCOTT (to Rush): A lot of people on this ship already wanna kill you.
RUSH: I don't care.
ARMSTRONG: You can't ask someone to sacrifice themselves, period!
RUSH: Politicians ask military personnel to sacrifice themselves for the good of others all the time. If someone doesn't go in there and close that door, we're all gonna die.
(He looks at Chloe pointedly.)
RUSH: Period.
SCOTT: How did you know that?
RUSH: The ship detected a Stargate on a planet within range that may have what we need.
YOUNG: What? Why the hell are there even Stargates out here?
RUSH: The Ancients sent out a number of unmanned ships ahead of this one. They're programmed to gather data, resources, then manufacture Stargates and deposit them on habitable worlds. Any relevant information is relayed back here to help plot the course.
YOUNG: You're telling me that the ship knows we're in trouble?
RUSH: Yes. Because I told it we were. Essentially we're flying on autopilot. This ship may have stopped when it was within range of a Stargate regardless of our need, but I have reason to believe ...
(He turns to face the Gate just as it kawhooshes.)
YOUNG: So, what we need is on the other side of that wormhole.
RUSH: An educated guess? Yes.
YOUNG: There's one way to find out.
(He starts to limp towards the Gate.)
RILEY: Sir, you can't do that. We have no idea what's on the other side.
WALLACE: We can use the Kino to find out.
RUSH: I expect that's the purpose of this device.
Houston Chronicle Archives
New `Office' launch likely to improve Microsoft's outlook
STEVE LOHR New York Times
TUE 01/14/1997
NEW YORK - Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft, will take the stage of Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center in Manhattan on Thursday to introduce "Office 97," the new version of the company's software bundle for office computing.
But the real star of the show, analysts say, will probably be a new application, called "Outlook,"
JAG Season 5 Episode 2
Rules of Engagement (2)
Aired Friday 9:00 PM Sep 28, 1999 on CBS
Harm: (when Mac, who recommends X-Man be prosecuted, sits at his table) Why don't you give me the bubonic plague, too, while you're at it?
The Weather Channel
Tropical Storm Bonnie Recap: Flooding Rain Swamps Parts of South Carolina on Memorial Day Weekend 2016
Published: May 30 2016 10:45 PM EDT
Tropial Storm Bonnie may not have been a strong tropical cyclone, but its heavy rain triggered significant flash flooding on Memorial Day weekend 2016.
(MORE: News Impacts From Bonnie)
Bonnie made landfall just east of Charleston, South Carolina, on the Isle of Palms around 8:30 a.m. Sunday, May 29, as a tropical depression.
This was the second straight season a named tropical cyclone made landfall in the Carolinas in the month of May. On Mother's Day weekend 2015, Tropical Storm Ana soaked parts of the Carolinas, as well.
(MORE: Hurricane Central)
Bands of heavy rain caused flash flooding in South Carolina on Sunday. Part of Interstate 95 southbound was closed for the majority of the day Sunday.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 1:54 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 31 May 2016
Milky Way
The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 21
The Old Man and the Lisa
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Apr 20, 1997 on FOX
Mr. Burns: Ketchup ... Catsup. Ketchup ... Catsup. Cats... K... K... uh, I'm in way over my head!
Store Clerk #1: He's talking to the ketchup now. Burns is sure acting nutty!
Store Clerk #2: Maybe going broke and losing his plant has destroyed his brain!
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/22/09 11:50 AM
We can repair him. We have the technology.
090420-N-1522S-005 CHARLESTON, S.C. (April 20, 2009) Cryptologic Technician (Repairman) 2nd Class Richard Swank and Information Systems Technician Seaman Michael Cunningham take some time out of their liberty to volunteer at the Lowcountry Food Bank. The Sailors are assigned to Pre-commissioning Unit USS Truxtun (DDG-103). The guided-missile destroyer will be commissioned Apr. 25 in Charleston, South Carolina. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Leah Stiles/Released)
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 22 April 2009 excerpt ends]
Stargate: The Movie (1994)
Set up a camp down here. Organize our supplies.
You've got your orders.
[Kawalski sighs and moves away, others following.]
[Men continue to cart supplies to their camp, set just outside the pyramid. Some tents are already pitched.]
Geez, it's hot.
You know, I can't believe we're stuck here.
Don't be such a doomsayer, Ferretti.
Yeah, give it a rest.
Yes, please. If we're not back soon, they'll just turn on the 'gate from the other side.
Oh, no. It doesn't work that way. You see, if you don't turn it on from here, we're screwed. So I'm telling you guys, we're not going anywhere!
Shut up.
The Old Man and the Lisa [ The Simpsons ]
Original Airdate on FOX: 20-Apr-1997
% At the grocery store...
[pushing a cart]
[to a woman]
I'm shopping!
-- Mr. Burns, not losing the common touch, "The Old Man and the Lisa"
From 10/28/1994 to 4/22/2009 is 5290 days
From 3/16/1991 to 9/8/2005 is 5290 days
From 4/20/1997 to 10/14/2011 is 5290 days
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: posted by H.V.O.M at 1:31 PM Monday, September 12, 2005
Sanity was statistical
[ Excerpt: George Orwell "Nineteen Eighty-Four" ] He had capitulated, that was agreed. In reality, as he saw now, he had been ready to capitulate long before he had taken the decision. From the moment when he was inside the Ministry of Love -- and yes, even during those minutes when he and Julia had stood helpless while the iron voice from the telescreen told them what to do -- he had grasped the frivolity, the shallowness of his attempt to set himself up against the power of the Party. He knew now that for seven years the Thought police had watched him like a beetle under a magnifying glass. There was no physical act, no word spoken aloud, that they had not noticed, no train of thought that they had not been able to infer. Even the speck of whitish dust on the cover of his diary they had carefully replaced. They had played sound-tracks to him, shown him photographs. Some of them were photographs of Julia and himself. Yes, even ... He could not fight against the Party any longer. Besides, the Party was in the right. It must be so; how could the immortal, collective brain be mistaken? By what external standard could you check its judgements? Sanity was statistical. It was merely a question of learning to think as they thought. Only! [ Excerpt: George Orwell "Nineteen Eighty-Four" ]
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 12 September 2005 excerpt ends]
Stargate (1994)
Release Info
USA 28 October 1994
Jack Night
NightJack - An English Detective
The blog of a pseudonymous English detective.
After winning the first-ever Orwell Prize for Blogs, Jack Night was revealed to be Richard Horton by The Times following a landmark High Court ruling, The Author of a Blog vs Times Newspapers Limited.
Gritty police blog wins prestigious literary award for disturbing picture of officers' work in Brown's Britain
Last updated at 11:14 AM on 24th April 2009
An anonymous police officer has won a prestigious prize for a gritty blog about life at the front-line of policing.
Jack Night - not his real name - won the special award for blogs at the Orwell Prize ceremony for Nightjack - an English Detective.
Over a 13-month period Jack Night exposed the day-to-day realities of dealing with criminals, life on the beat, courts and bureaucracy.
Sometimes making for difficult reading, the blog told tragic real-life tales as well as offering advice to law-abiding citizens in their day-to-day dealings with the police.
Judges described the blog as 'wonderful'.
In making the award, the judges said: 'The insight into the everyday life of the police that Jack Night's wonderful blog offered was - everybody felt - something which only a blog could deliver, and he delivered it brilliantly.
'It took you to the heart of what a policeman has to do - by the first blogpost you were hooked, and could not wait to click on to the next one.'
A fair cop: Policeman's 'perfect' blog wins Orwell prize
Sam Jones
The Guardian, Thursday 23 April 2009
The pages of a policeman's notebook, clumped as they are with impenetrable acronyms and tales of suspects proceeding in northerly directions, seldom crackle with urgent prose or lapse into howls of sardonic anger and moments of compassion.
But one serving officer, who used his daily jottings and professional experiences as raw material for a blog, has just been rewarded with the Orwell special prize for blogs.
According to the judges, the pronouncements of "Night Jack - An English Detective" provided a perfect example of the medium's power and importance.
"The insight into the everyday life of the police that Jack Night's wonderful blog offered was - everybody felt - something which only a blog could deliver, and he delivered it brilliantly. It took you to the heart of what a policeman has to do - by the first blogpost you were hooked, and could not wait to click on to the next."
Errrm Hello....Is This Thing On
Posted on April 22, 2009 by nightjack
As you may konw, this blog was put up on bricks on 1st May 2009 for several reasons, not least of which was that I want to concentrate on writing a book. However, if you have anything on your mind, I am still reading any e-mails that come my way and I answer most of them. I am at thenightjack@hotmail.co.uk I’m also sure that I will be back at some point in the future.
This post was my immediate reaction, live blogged, to winning the Orwell Prize.
I am sitting here at home with a glass of fizz at one hand and sausage, chips and beans at the other. My representative at the Orwell Prize Ceremony has just rung me with the news that I have won. It has also just been twittered on Iain Dale’s Diary so it must be true.
I couldn’t go to the ceremony but I got a friend from way, way back to go in my stead. This is what I asked him to say
When I started the Night Jack blog back in February last year, I was standing on the shoulders of others. I heard about a Police blog called Inspector Gadget at work. I read it and I agreed with it. My comments on there started to get so long that one evening I sat down with my laptop and started a blog of my own.
As I wrote more posts I found that people were coming to my site to read and leave comments. Arguments started, some of them even came close to being reasoned debates. Then people in other blogs started linking to some of my posts and saying they were worth reading. As the readership headed over 1,000 a day, I started getting the occasional e-mail from the news media asking for an interview. I even got the obligatory Police blogging book offer. I am not now, nor have I ever been, a media cop.
Awards Ceremony 2009
Wednesday 22 April, 2009
Foreign Press Association
11 Carlton House Terrace, London
Jack Night wins Special Prize for Blogs for NightJack – An English Detective
The winners of the Orwell Prize 2009 were announced on Wednesday 22nd April 2009 from 7pm at a ceremony
The Old Man and the Lisa [ The Simpsons ]
Original Airdate on FOX: 20-Apr-1997
% In the cereal aisle, Mr. Burns pesters Krusty to help him find a
% cereal that's "for him."
Burns: Uh, oh, excuse me, could you tell me where I might find the "Burns-Os"?
Krusty: Sorry, pops. They don't put nobodies on cereal boxes.
[notices a box of "Count Chocula" cereal with a cartoon of a vampire on it] Hmm. I suppose this one looks a _bit_ like me.
-- Mr. Burns goes shopping, "The Old Man and the Lisa"
% A grocer walks down the dairy aisle and happens by Mr. Burns, who
% has managed to trap himself inside a refrigerated milk compartment.
% Blue from freezing, Mr. Burns taps on the door and the grocer opens
% the door.
Burns: Oh, thank you, shopee. I ventured in to search for milk when the door snapped shut behind me!
Man: Yeah, those dairy cases are death traps.
The Old Man and the Lisa [ The Simpsons ]
Original Airdate on FOX: 20-Apr-1997
Burns: Sir, we've never met before, but my name is Mr. Burns and I want your daughter to help make me rich again.
Homer: You mean Maggie?
[Maggie stares at Mr. Burns and gestures her hand like a gun aimed at him]
From 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) To 7/26/1999 ( premiere US TV series "Undressed" ) is 3054 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/14/1974 is 3054 days
From 4/28/1974 ( premiere US TV series episode "Nova"::"Are You Doing This for Me, Doctor?" ) To 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 also known as Matthew Kline for official duty and also known as Wayne Newman for official duty ) is 6108 days
6108 = 3054 + 3054
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/14/1974 is 3054 days
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/05/are-you-doing-this-for-me-doctor.html ]
Grace Park
Date of Birth 14 March 1974, Los Angeles, California, USA
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: posted by H.V.O.M at 9:36 PM Thursday, September 08, 2005
Nothing today.
Another day of trying to breathe through this block of carbonite. Maybe they'll unfreeze me tomorrow.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 08 September 2005 excerpt end]
Stargate: The Movie (1994)
Jackson! It's all right. It's over.
(to Brown)
Stay with him.
[O'Neil moves away.]
Jackson, just listen to me. Keep moving. It wears off in a minute.
Filename: movie01_0106.JPG
Album name: GateWorld / Stargate (The Movie)
Filename: movie01_0319.JPG
Album name: GateWorld / Stargate (The Movie)
The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 21
The Old Man and the Lisa
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Apr 20, 1997 on FOX
AIRED: 4/20/97
The American Presidency Project
Barack Obama
XLIV President of the United States: 2009 - present
Remarks at the General Motors Orion Assembly Plant in Lake Orion, Michigan
October 14, 2011
President Obama. Hello, Detroit! Hello! Everybody, please have a seat. Have a seat. It is great to be back in the Motor City. I notice the mood's a little brighter on this particular visit. [Laughter] I'd like to think it's because everybody is excited about the Korea Free Trade Agreement, but I suspect it might just have a little bit to do with your Lions beating up on my Bears. All right, all right, all right. [Laughter] Don't get carried away now. [Laughter] Not to mention your Tigers hanging in there last night.
As you can see, President Lee is a pretty good politician. [Laughter] He knows how to get on your good side. Today I brought a good friend and one of our closest allies, President Lee of South Korea. Some of you may know, President Lee has got a remarkable story. He grew up a little ways from Detroit, but he embodies that same spirit that Detroit's all about. Through sheer grit and determination, he worked his way from the humblest beginnings. The South Korea of his childhood was an extraordinarily poor country. But he worked his way up, worked his way up, went to school while cleaning streets, and eventually went on to run a Hyundai machinery plant--so he knows a little bit about cars--then the whole company, and ultimately was elected the President of the Republic of Korea. And this is a country that's staged one of the world's greatest economic comebacks that we've ever seen.
So President Lee knows what it's like to go through tough times. He knows what it's like when folks have counted you out. And he knows what it's like to make a big comeback.
So with that, I want to welcome President Lee to Detroit and have him say just a few words.
President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea. Thank you. Folks, I'm a little bit shorter than President Obama, so I'm going to adjust the microphone. [Laughter] I hope you'll understand.
Well, first of all, ladies and gentlemen, it's a great pleasure visiting your factory here in Detroit along with one of my closest friends, President Obama.
Well, folks, as you know, the global economy is going through some tough times, and so there's one thing on the minds of both President Obama and I, and that is jobs. It is about creating good, decent jobs, and it is about keeping those jobs. And this is what keeps us awake.
Ladies and gentlemen, before I came here to see you, I just had a brief tour given to me by the members of this factory and I heard about the history, and I also heard about the danger of how this factory was on the brink of being closed. But now, as you can see, we have so many people here, like all of you here working here and earning a good living. And I think more than anyone else here in this factory, I think it's President Obama who's the happiest man to see this factory being so energetic and enthusiastic.
Ladies and gentlemen, it was 3 years ago when I first met with President Obama, and back then I still remember how we talked about a lot of things. And one of the things that was on President Obama's mind was how to revive the U.S. automotive industry. Because we all know that the U.S. automotive industry was, and is, the leader in the world, and President Obama was concerned what he can do to revive Motor City and the United States automotive industry. And we talked a lot about that. And, folks, I know one or--a few things about automobiles because back when I was in the private sector, I used to build cars myself. So I know a thing or two about automobiles, and I think perhaps this was the reason why President Obama raised this subject. But we talked a lot about how to revive the U.S. automobile industry.
Ladies and gentlemen, President Obama just briefly talked about my past, how I really worked hard throughout my life. And I was once just like you. I was--I did work in factories, and I was also in the boardroom as well, as a CEO of one of the largest companies in Korea. But one thing I learned throughout my experience in my life is this: During times of challenges, when you're faced with difficulties and if you want to create good jobs and maintain these good jobs, there's only one thing and the surest way to do that is for the workers and for the managers to work together. It is about cooperating together, and that is the surest way to ensure good jobs and for you to keep your jobs.
And, ladies and gentlemen, we are here with President Obama because when I was a worker I knew that, more than anything, for all of us to enjoy good life is for all of us to have a good, decent job. And I know how important it is for anyone to have a good, decent job. And the factory here--as I was looking around, I felt once again how important it is for all of us to work together, because I know that 3 years ago, GM Korea and GM Orion, you guys worked together to set up this factory. And today, you are building models here and you're manufacturing cars that 3 years ago--GM Korea and your company has been working together, and that is the reason why I came here, so I can see with my own eyes the good work that all of you are doing here.
Folks, when I was President, as soon as I became President of Korea, I visited GM Korea factory not once, but twice, which was quite unusual for the President of Korea to do so. But I came here today, and as I watch the factory and I took on a tour, I was very, very--and deeply impressed by the way you're operating this factory. I was impressed by the fact that this factory is very proenvironment. You take care of the environment. Also you've adopted the latest IT technology so that efficiency is up. You have the highest standards, and you're building excellent cars here in this factory. And I am confident that this factory is going to continue, and it's going to make good cars, and your lives are going to be good. And I'm sure--and I'm confident in the future.
Lastly, folks, I just want to say one thing before I go. As you know, the KORUS FTA will soon be implemented. I know, folks, that some of you here may think that with the implementation of the KORUS FTA, that somehow your jobs may be exported or go somewhere else. But let me tell you one thing: That is not true. I am here with President Obama today because I want to give this promise to you, and that is that the KORUS FTA will not take away any of your jobs. Rather it will create more jobs for you and your family, and it is going to protect your jobs. And this is the pledge that I give you today.
Soon, folks, Motor City is going to come back again, and it's going to revive its past glory. And I have all the confidence in the world that you are going to do that.
Thank you.
President Obama. Thank you. Give President Lee a big round of applause.
All right. Well, thank you, President Lee.
Thank you, to everybody who has joined us here today. A couple of people I just want to mention. First of all, the CEO of General Motors, Dan Akerson, is here. Where's Dan? There he is. The UAW president, one of the key people who helped make this agreement possible, that is my dear friend Bob King. And my U.S. Trade Representative, who spent a lot of long nights with his Korean counterpart, Ron Kirk is in the house.
I just want to follow up President Lee's remarks with a few words about what the Korea Free Trade Agreement will mean for American jobs and for the American economy. In the last decade, we became a country that was known for what we bought and what we consumed. And a whole bunch of goods poured in here from all around the world, and we spent a lot of money and took on a lot of debt, in a lot of cases, to buy those goods. But it didn't necessarily produce a lot of jobs here in the United States.
So when I took office, I was determined to rebuild this economy based on what this country has always done best, not just buying and consuming, but building, making things, selling those goods all around the world, stamped with three proud words: Made in America. And that's why one of the first decisions that I made as President was to save the U.S. auto industry from collapse. Now--[applause].
There were a lot of politicians who said it wasn't worth the time and wasn't worth the money. In fact, there are some politicians who still say that. Well, they should come tell that to the workers here at Orion.
Because 2 years ago, it looked like this plant was going to have to shut its doors. All these jobs would have been lost. The entire community would have been devastated. And the same was true for communities all across the Midwest. And I refused to let that happen.
So we made a deal with the auto companies. We said if you're willing to retool and restructure, get more efficient, get better, get smarter, then we're going to invest in your future, because we believe in American ingenuity. Most importantly, we believe in American workers.
And today I can stand here and say that the investment paid off. The hundreds of thousands of jobs that have been saved made it worth it. An American auto industry that's more profitable and competitive than it's been in years made it worth it. The taxpayers are being repaid. Plants like this are churning out groundbreaking fuel-efficient cars like the Chevy Sonic, the only one of its kind that's made and sold in the United States of America.
And for folks who haven't tried it, you've got to sit in that car. There's a lot of room in there. [Laughter] Felt--even for a pretty tall guy like me, I felt pretty good. They took away the keys, though. Secret Service wouldn't let me--[laughter]--I checked in the dash. It wasn't there.
Now, here's the thing. We live in a global economy, and that means most of the potential customers for American companies like GM won't just be here in the United States, they'll be all around the world. And the more goods and services we sell abroad, the more jobs we create here at home.
In fact, every $1 billion in exports supports thousands of American jobs. And that's why I've set a goal of doubling our exports, and that's a goal that we're on track to meet. That's why we worked with Panama and Colombia, as well as South Korea, to resolve outstanding issues with these trade agreements, and that's why I pushed Congress to pass them as soon as possible.
Now, Korea is one that is critically important, because understand, Korea has 50 million people; it's one of the fastest growing countries in the world. It's one of our closest allies and our closest friends. And--President Lee and I talked about this when we had dinner the other night--our trade is basically balanced between the United States and Korea. They buy as much stuff from us as they sell to us. And that's how fair and free trade is supposed to be. It's not a one-sided proposition. That's how trade is supposed to be. And I know President Lee doesn't mind me saying this, even though he's a Hyundai guy. [Laughter] If Americans can buy Kias and Hyundais from Korea, then I know Koreans should be able to buy some Fords and Chryslers and Chevys that are made right here in the United States of America.
The other thing that happened was--this took a little longer than some people expected because I wasn't going to sign just any trade deal. President Lee wasn't either. We had to work hard to reach an understanding. It was like a scene from a GM dealership, where folks are negotiating about the heated seats and the extended warranty, and you're going back and forth and trying to figure how does it fit together so that it works for everybody. But when all was said and done, President Lee and I walked away with a trade agreement that is a win-win for both countries.
Here in the United States, this trade agreement will support at least 70,000 American jobs. It will increase exports. It will boost our economy by more than our last nine trade agreements combined. And as I said, the good thing is we've got a balanced situation. It's not just a matter of folks sending a bunch of stuff here. Koreans are also buying American products. That's what makes it a win-win.
And by the way, I also held out on sending this agreement to Congress until they promised to renew a law called the TAA--Trade Adjustment Assistance--that helps American workers who've been affected by global competition so that they are able to help transition.
Now, it's because of all these benefits that this trade agreement won the support of business and labor, from automakers and auto workers, from Democrats and Republicans. That doesn't happen very often. And it was good to finally see both parties in Congress come together and pass legislation that is good for the American people, an agreement that will not only build on our strong economic relationship that's been existing for years to come, but also promises, as we've seen at this plant, the capacity for us to exchange ideas and technologies and systems, which will improve productivity on both sides.
Nearly a decade ago, when a Korean business named Daewoo Motors went bankrupt, it was General Motors that stepped in and saved that company, which is now known as GM Korea. And years later, it was the engineers from GM Korea who helped make the Chevy Sonic possible and the collaboration with that company that's helped save this plant and these 17,050 jobs--1,750 jobs.
So on a larger scale, the closer economic ties between the United States and Korea are going to lead to more jobs, more opportunity for both nations. Already, Korean investment--and by the way, it's not just in the auto industry. Already, Korean investment is creating jobs here in Michigan, with LG Chem planning to make lithium and ion batteries in Holland, Michigan, and Hyundai manufacturing suspension modules in Detroit, and Mando opening a new research and development center for brakes and steering in Novi. In Korea, American businesses are going to be pursuing those same investments and opportunities. So it's truly a win-win for everybody involved.
So I just want to say thank you to President Lee for his cooperation and for his leadership. I want to thank the Members of Congress who fought so hard to get this done, especially the delegation from this State. I want to especially thank the people of Detroit for proving that despite all the work that lies ahead, this is a city where a great American industry is coming back to life and the industries of tomorrow are taking root, and a city where people are dreaming up ways to prove all the skeptics wrong and write the next proud chapter in the Motor City's history.
And that's why I came here today. Because for every cynic that's out there running around saying it can't be done, there are a whole bunch of folks that are saying, "Yes, we can."
Yes, times are tough. Times are tough, and they've been tougher in Detroit than just about anyplace else. But we've made it through tough times before. We do not quit. We've rolled up our sleeves. We remembered our history. And we said to ourselves there's nothing that we cannot do when we're willing to do it together. You are all a testimony to the American spirit. These cars are a testimony to the American spirit. And if we can take that same spirit and apply it across the board to all the challenges we face, there is nothing that we cannot do.
God bless you, and God bless the United States of America. Thank you.
Note: The President spoke at 2:10 p.m. In his remarks, he referred to Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Kim Sung-hwan of South Korea. President Lee spoke in Korean, and his remarks were translated by an interpreter.
Citation: Barack Obama: "Remarks at the General Motors Orion Assembly Plant in Lake Orion, Michigan," October 14, 2011.
Stargate: The Movie (1994)
[An exhausted Daniel listens to his dictated notes at a table in front of the cover stones. The table is covered with reference books, paper, candy wrappers, and a coffee mug, as well as the dictaphone.]
(on recording)
Completed search of cuneiform and other pre-dynastic hieroglyphics. No matches whatsoever. I've exhausted all reference material in comparing the symbols on the cartouche against all known writing samples from the period pre- and post-. Still no similarities...I'm never gonna get paid.
The Old Man and the Lisa [ The Simpsons ]
Original Airdate on FOX: 20-Apr-1997
% Mr. Burns is now trying to differentiate "Ketchup" from "Catsup."
% He resolves, "I'm in way over my head!"
Grocer: He's, uh, talking to the ketchup, now. Burns is sure acting nutty.
Supervisor: Maybe going broke and losing his plant destroyed his brain. [they go to Mr. Burns] [Mr. Burns shakes and listens to the "Catsup" and "Ketchup" bottles] Could you come along with us, sir?
Burns: Are you here to solve my ketchup problem?
Grocer: Yess, that's right.
The Old Man and the Lisa [ The Simpsons ]
Original Airdate on FOX: 20-Apr-1997
Sir! I'm so sorry my grocer committed you. We'll never shop there again!
-- Smithers, "The Old Man and the Lisa"
% "Not now, Smithers! I've got an empire to rebuild!
The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 21
The Old Man and the Lisa
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Apr 20, 1997 on FOX
Grandpa: That's the activity room. We're not allowed in there. That's the library. Not allowed in there either. And don't even think about going into the game room.
Burns: Egad, man! How are we supposed to pass the time?
Grandpa: Best bet is to stake yourself out a good spot at the staring window.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 11:52 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 31 May 2016
"Down the same streets that I did"
album: "Hot Fuss" (2004)
"Smile Like You Mean It"
On the same streets that I did
Springfield! Springfield!
Apocalypse Now (1979)
What's your name, sailor?
Gunner's Mate Third Class,
I. Johnson, sir.
Gunner's Mate...
Lance Johnson, the surfer?
Yes, sir.
Well, it's an honor|to meet you, Lance.
I've admired your|nose-riding for years.
I like your cutback, too.
Thank you, sir.
You cut the "sir"|crap, Lance.
I'm Bill Kilgore.|I'm a goofy foot.
This guy with you?
This is Mike|from San Diego,
Johnny from Malibu.
Pretty solid surfers.
Not anywhere near|your class, though.
We do a lot of|surfing around here.
I like to finish|operations early,
fly down to Vuong Tha|for the evening class.
With Him in the unity|of the Holy Spirit...
all glory and honor|is Yours, Almighty Father.
Let us pray in the words
Our Savior gave us.
Our Father who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come,|Thy will be done...
Kilgore had had|a pretty good day.
They choppered in|T-bones and beer
and turned the L.Z.|into a beach party.
The more they tried|to make it like home,
the more they made|everybody miss it.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 08:58 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 31 May 2016
George Bush Presidential Library and Museum
Public Papers
Remarks to the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in Charleston, South Carolina
The President. Thank you, thank you. It is great to be here in Charleston
The Simpsons Season 10 Episode 16
Make Room for Lisa
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Feb 28, 1999 on FOX
Agnes: Seymour? You were supposed to call me three minutes ago.
Skinner: Sorry, mother, I was driving through a tunnel and my cell phone wouldn't work.
Agnes: I don't want you driving through tunnels. You know what that symbolizes.
Skinner: But Mother, it cuts ninety minutes off my drive.
Agnes: No tunnels!
Google Maps
E Sprague Ave
Spokane Valley, Washington
album: "Hot Fuss" (2004)
"Smile Like You Mean It"
On the same streets that I did
Encyclopædia Britannica
United Service Organizations, Inc. (USO)
United States agency
United Service Organizations, Inc. (USO), formerly (1941–51) United Service Organizations for National Defense, Inc., private, nonprofit social-service agency first chartered on February 4, 1941, to provide social, welfare, and recreational services for members of the U.S. armed forces and their families.
First proposed by Gen. George C. Marshall in 1940 to enhance the quality of life and morale of servicemen, the USO was established, at his urging, by representatives of the Salvation Army, the YMCA, the National Board of the YWCA, the National Jewish Welfare Board, the National Catholic Community Service, and (from March 1941) the Travelers Aid Association of America. USO service clubs and recreational centres began appearing in the summer of 1941, and USO Camp Shows, Inc., was incorporated in November 1941 to provide celebrity entertainment for military commands overseas and at home (especially, later, at veterans’ hospitals). In June 1943 the USO had its peak number of volunteers (739,000) and in March 1944 its peak number of recreational clubs (3,035); in July 1944 it handled 661,000 cases of travelers’ aid.
After the war, early in 1948, the old USO dissolved, but it was revived the following year and largely reorganized on March 27, 1951, after the outbreak of the Korean War. It expanded significantly in the 1950s and again in the 1960s, during the Vietnam War. In later years, it greatly enlarged its counseling services, offering housing information, drug-abuse programs, training services for war brides, and other human services. Among the USO’s entertainment services, Bob Hope’s Christmas Shows were especially popular.
Google Maps
1990 CG28 pg (3).jpg
1990 CG28 pg (69).jpg
From 10/28/1967 ( Julia Roberts ) To 2/21/1992 is 8882 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/26/1990 is 8882 days
From 2/4/1941 ( the United Service Organizations was created ) To 2/21/1992 is 18644 days
18644 = 9322 + 9322
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/12/1991 ( I was the winning race driver at the Formula One Monaco Grand Prix ) is 9322 days
From 2/4/1941 ( Franklin Roosevelt - Executive Order 8672 - AMENDING THE FOREIGN SERVICE REGULATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES ) To 2/21/1992 is 18644 days
18644 = 9322 + 9322
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/12/1991 ( I was the winning race driver at the Formula One Monaco Grand Prix ) is 9322 days
From 5/12/1991 ( I was the winning race driver at the Formula One Monaco Grand Prix ) To 2/21/1992 is 285 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/14/1966 ( Lyndon Johnson - Executive Order 11298 - Prescribing the Interest Rate For Deposit of Savings of Members of the Uniformed Services ) is 285 days
From 5/12/1991 ( I was the winning race driver at the Formula One Monaco Grand Prix ) To 2/21/1992 is 285 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/14/1966 ( the Unitd States Lunar Orbiter 1 enters orbit of Earth's moon ) is 285 days
From 11/25/1964 ( premiere US film "Voyage to the End of the Universe" ) To 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) is 9607 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/21/1992 is 9607 days
From 5/14/1990 ( departing as United States Navy Fire Controlman Second Class Petty Officer Kerry Wayne Burgess my honorable discharge from United States Navy active service ) To 2/21/1992 is 648 days
648 = 324 + 324
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/22/1966 ( premiere US TV series episode "Star Trek"::"Where No Man Has Gone Before" ) is 324 days
From 1/24/1964 ( premiere US TV series episode "The Twilight Zone"::"Number 12 Looks Just Like You" ) To 5/14/1990 ( departing as United States Navy Fire Controlman Second Class Petty Officer Kerry Wayne Burgess my honorable discharge from United States Navy active service ) is 9607 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/21/1992 is 9607 days
From 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash ) To 2/21/1992 is 947 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/6/1968 ( Lyndon Johnson - Statement by the President on the Death of Senator Kennedy ) is 947 days
The American Presidency Project
George Bush
XLI President of the United States: 1989 - 1993
Remarks to the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in Charleston, South Carolina
February 21, 1992
The President. Thank you, thank you. It is great to be here in Charleston, I'll tell you. I'm delighted to be back in the South. And may I say to our Governor, my dear friend Carroll Campbell, we're grateful for your hospitality and even more for your leadership as one of the finest Governors in the entire country, a real leader, Carroll Campbell. And I might say how pleased I am that Governor Campbell will serve as our national cochairman of the campaign and once again as southern regional chairman. I couldn't be in better hands, and thank you very much.
May I thank the Citadel Bulldog Band over there for some fine music. I appreciate it very much. And this is a real star-studded event. And I want to salute the Governors here today, past and present. I know Governor Jim Martin's here from North Carolina. And Members of the United States Congress, I think four or five Congressmen with us here today, a couple of them with us right here: Congressman Ravenel, hometown boy, and others. And other distinguished guests. And may I say that an early supporter and friend of mine is running for the Senate here, Tommy Hartnett. And I want to see him elected to the United States Senate -- former Member of Congress. And I also want to acknowledge key members of our political team: Rich Bond is with us, our new chairman, and Jeanie Austin, doing a superb job. And of course, the conference chairman Martha Edens' superb work here. Keep up the good work, and thank you very much, Martha.
And it's great to be here in South Carolina, host for the first time, but I'm sure not the last time, of this prestigious Southern Republican Leadership Conference. Four years ago, the South led our party to a great victory across the entire country. And this year, the South will lead us to victory in November 1992.
And just to be perfectly clear about it, I am confident of winning the Presidency for 4 more years. I come here fired up and confident. But I'll need your support. We have much to do these next few months because we have much to do these next few years. Together, we can finish what we've started and move this country forward.
Let me open with a true story from my own past about the old days, Midland, Texas, 1956, trying to organize -- I hear Ernie Angelo over there -- [laughter] -- trying to organize a Republican Party. And this is the gospel truth. I was a precinct judge, a poll judge, polling judge at primary election time, the first time the Republican Party had ever held a primary in Midland County. And Barbara and I were there alternating at the polls, poll watchers. She and I voted Republican, and we represented two-thirds of the Republican vote that year, gospel truth. The only other guy that voted was a slightly inebriated Democrat. He thought he was voting in the -- [laughter] -- and you can go back and look up the records.
But some of you all are old enough to remember those days. And sometimes if you tried to register Republican, they'd tell you not to bother because there was no Republicans to vote for in the primary. Or times, out and out, there was intimidation, sometimes violence. And we went through a lot back then. And in fact, I'm sure many of you can share similar experiences.
And you say, well, why did we do it? Why did we build a Republican Party in the South when some said it was impossible? We did it because we wanted change, and we did it because we believed in some fundamental values: faith and family, responsibility and respect, community and of course country, the United States of America. And we did it because we saw the Government getting too big and getting into our pockets, into every corner of our lives. And we did it because we worried about our families and our schools and our neighborhoods. And we did it because our taxes always seem to go up at the same time America's problems got worse. And each of us in our own small way finally said, "Enough is enough."
We were upstarts and mavericks. And we challenged the status quo. We challenged the old, what was known as the courthouse crowd, the closed-door, one-party rule of the Democrats. And we did it because we knew Republican principles were right. And they fought us every step of the way. But we fought hard, and we fought fair. And we took our message, smaller Government, better Government, to the people of the Carolinas and Virginia and Mississippi and Florida and the rest of this great region of America.
And we started winning, at first a House seat here and a Senate race there. But our momentum grew. Momentum grew, and it grew. And we owe a great debt of gratitude to our standard bearer in those early days, those that were out front: Howard Baker, the late John Tower, the Bo Calloways and Bill Brocks, Drake Edens and Clark Reeds, and Bill Dickinson and John Paul Hammerschmidt and of course, the phenomenal favorite son of South Carolina, right behind me, Strom Thurmond. When I think back to one year ago almost to this very day, the tough decision that had to be made about committing your sons and daughters into a war, Strom Thurmond was of more support to me than any single Senator in the United States Senate. And we should be grateful for him.
Well, these leaders paved the way, and they inspired a generation of talent that transformed the Nation's political landscape. And I'm thinking now of another South Carolinian, a good man and a good friend, Lee Atwater. We miss him. We miss him still. And it was great to have Sally Atwater flying down with us this afternoon on Air Force One. Sally, we're so pleased to be with you.
Well, today the Republican Party is the force for positive change in the New South, and I'm proud to have played a modest role in that success. Our message then and our message now is simple. Carroll said a lot of it. We believe Government is too big and spends too much. We believe in good schools and safe streets and a Government worthy of the people's respect. And so, we believe in less Government, low taxes. Surely we believe in a strong defense. And we believe that we put America first when we put America's families first.
And so, we believe that parents, not the Government, should make the big decisions. Parents, not Government, should choose their children's schools. Parents, not the Government, should decide the family's health care. And parents should choose who cares for their children, not some bureaucrat in Washington, DC, telling us how to do it. And yes, we believe it ought to be okay to have a voluntary prayer for children in the classroom, and I'm not going to change my view on that ever.
Those are our beliefs. And those are why we built a party in the South and why we continue, with your help, to build it today. Those beliefs don't change from one election to the next. They still guide each and every one of us each and every day.
And now we're at the beginning of a new era in the history of our country. The cold war is over, and America won. The Soviet Union, as we remember it, has collapsed, gone. Imperial communism is finished for good. American leadership changed the world. Republican leadership will change America.
I know we've got tough times, but I am totally confident about our future. But we've got a lot of work ahead of us. There are some things that are simply on the wrong track in our country. Take our courts, for example. When fathers stop coaching Little League because they're afraid of liability lawsuits, something is wrong. And when doctors stop delivering babies because they fear a malpractice lawsuit, something's wrong. Or when people stop volunteering to help each other because they fear ambulance-chasing lawyers, something is terribly wrong. These days a sharp lawyer would tell the Good Samaritan, "Keep on walking."
We've proposed reforms to our court system -- they've got them sitting up there in the United States Senate now -- to address the questions of frivolous lawsuits, and that's a good step. But the real answer for solving problems is to be more concerned with helping each other than suing each other.
And then I think about our Nation's health care system. Our health care system provides, and let's not forget this, the highest quality care anywhere in the world. But it's not perfect. We all know that. And too many people do not have access to health insurance. Too many people worry that they're going to lose their coverage if they change jobs or, worse still, if they lose their job. And anybody who's had even minor surgery knows that health care costs are going through the roof.
The answer is not to go down the road of socialized medicine with its long lines and faceless, impersonal service. If that's what we wanted, we'd put our doctors and nurses to work for the department of motor vehicles. Our plan, my approach, written out in detail, is to reform our health system, make insurance available to all, keep the quality high, the bureaucracy low, and preserve choice. And that is vital. And the last thing we want is the Government standing between you and your doctor.
And then there's the sorry welfare system. It's pretty obvious that the system now too often perpetuates dependency when it should promote independence, promote initiative. We need to encourage individual success through personal responsibility, the dignity of a job. And so, I've asked the departments and agencies to make it easier -- and this is upon the advice of Jim Martin and Carroll Campbell and others -- to make it easier for State and local government to reform the system, reform policies that promote broken families. We need to get people to work, go after the deadbeat fathers who run out on those little kids, or as they do in Wisconsin, to make recipients work or study and to keep families together.
But we all know what the number one issue on the minds of Americans is, and it is the economy. And it's people worried about their jobs, providing for their families, meeting the everyday challenges of paying the bills and providing a home and teaching the kids and putting aside for our retirement.
The American people, your neighbors, want this economy fired up again, and so do I. And in my State of the Union Address, I put forward a two-part plan. And the first part gets business growing again right now, instantly upgrading plant and equipment again, hiring workers again. It uses incentives like an investment tax allowance. And yes, it is clearly time for the Congress to wake up and cut that tax on capital gains.
And to get housing back on its feet, I put forth several commonsense proposals -- they're sitting right there in House now -- to get people buying and building homes. And perhaps the most easily understood proposal is a $5,000 tax credit for first-time homebuyers. With our plan, young people almost able to buy that first home could do it with the extra $5,000 in their pocket. And the plan we're fighting against in the Congress this very day gives them absolutely nothing, nothing to that first-time homebuyer.
You're worried about the Democrats' current plan. I don't want to say too much about it. It's a nice evening here, and I don't want to ruin it. Current plan, I say current because it seems to change just about every hour as they change it to garner in some votes from the special interests, to buy votes. And that's why it's really not a plan. It is simply a bad deal. It smacks of, and you've heard it before, class warfare. And listen to the tradeoff in their deal: 25 cents a day in temporary tax relief for 2 years, paid for, true to form for the Democrats, by a large permanent tax increase.
Now, some Democrats in the Senate have other ideas. They want to get a bidding war going. But to pay for that they'd have to hike tax rates for the middle class, people making $35,000, you know, people like teachers and factory workers and everyday Americans. And they won't tell you that about their sorry plan. But that's the estimate I've been given by our experts. Any economist will tell you the last thing our economy needs now is a tax increase by that Democratic Congress. And their plan adds almost $30 billion to this deficit. And the jobs it creates are more likely to be for more tax collectors.
I believe the American people have about had it with this tax-and-spend thinking. And we drew a line in the sand in the Persian Gulf and kept our word, and I'll draw another line in the sand right here today. If the Democrats send me this nonsense they're talking about now, I will send it right back. I will veto it the minute it hits my desk.
I sent them a plan, a good one. And that's what they ought to work on, not some phony partisan maneuver that they know won't fly. And I'll say it again to the Congress: Here's the deadline, March 20th. And if we act by then, we can see some results this spring. No more games, no more empty gestures, just pass this plan and get the economy going again, and then we can have all the political fights we want. But let's set it aside now and do something for the American people that are hurting out there.
I said the plan had two parts; you may remember that from the State of the Union. The second part is a long-term plan to keep this country competitive, keep us vigorous. And it's a road map for competing and leading America in this fast-changing world of the 21st century.
Our plan revolutionizes America's educational system. Our plan gets the billions of dollars' worth of cutting-edge Government research and development into the hands of our private sector businesses and the workers faster than ever before. And that helps us get a real return on your tax dollars, investment helping to create new jobs and products.
Our plan provides tax relief to strengthen the family. We raised the tax deduction for children by $500. Make no mistake, I want this plan passed in this session of Congress. Keep the heat on the Congress, and we can get that done.
But a central idea behind our approach is that to succeed economically at home, we have to lead economically abroad. Carroll touched on this very eloquently. What he means and what I mean is jobs right here in America by opening markets for our exports all over the world. And I'm going to fight hard in every foreign market to do just exactly that. We've made headway. We have made dramatic headway with this increase in exports, but we are going to do even better.
Some people wish the rest of the world would just go away. That is naive, and that is defeatist. They're saying that a level playing field isn't level enough, that American ingenuity, American know-how, and the American can-do spirit are simply a bunch of hackneyed phrases. I don't believe it. I don't believe that for one minute, and neither do you. America is not going to cut and run, ever. We're going to stay involved, and we are going to continue to lead the entire world.
Before I finish now, I have something to say about this primary campaign. Of course, this campaign is important, not just to me but to you and to our country. And for the sake of our country, we must not turn over the Nation's leadership to the Democrats. Republican leadership must continue.
For 8 years, Ronald Reagan, I was at his side, led this country. For the last 3 years, I've stood on our principles and against a Democratic Congress that would undermine them. And with the help of our Republican leadership on Capitol Hill, 25 times our principles were upheld, vetoes of bad legislation sustained.
And the next 5 years of American history are just too important to entrust to the inexperienced. I believe the American people want to hear about how we're going to address our country's challenges, how we can unite our people, create more opportunity and hope for all Americans. And I believe the American people want to hear solutions, not just a lot of name-calling and running this country down.
And frankly, I also believe that sometimes somebody's got to stand up and say what's right about the United States of America. And you can't hear it from this campaign going on out there. We are number one, and make no mistake about it, and we're going to stay that way.
And another thing, maybe this is just my personal prejudice talking, let's not listen to the gloom and doom from all those intense talking heads who are happy only when they say something negative. We are the United States of America, and we don't have to put up with all that.
Audience members. Four more years! Four more years! Four more years!
The President. Let me just say, you and I believe in America, and we are optimistic about its future. And we believe in our party. And I am tremendously fortunate to serve as your President at this most exciting time in our Nation's history. Barbara and I count our blessings every day for the good fortune that we have to live in that majestic White House and to do our level-best to serve the people of this great country.
These next primaries are critical. I need your help. I need your help to keep our party strong and united so that we can win this fall. And yes, we have much to do. But I guarantee you, we will get the job done. And yes, we have many challenges before us. I guarantee you, we will meet them, each and every one of them. And yes, there's an election in November. And I guarantee you this: We will win it. I want to be your President for another 4 years.
Thank you very much. Thank you very, very much. Now let's go out and beat the Democrats in the fall. And may God bless the United States of America. Thank you.
Note: The President spoke at 4:40 p.m. at the Omni Hotel.
Voyage to the End of the Universe (1963)
Release Info
USA 25 November 1964
Voyage to the End of the Universe (1963)
Plot Summary
The year is 2163. Starship Ikaria XB 1 embarks on a long journey across the Universe, to search for life on the planets of Alpha Centauri.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 07:56 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 31 May 2016
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