I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Has Anybody Seen My Gal
The Americans Season 4 Episode 9
The Day After
Aired Wednesday 10:00 PM May 11, 2016 on FX
AIRED: 5/11/16
F.D. » Transcripts » 0-9&A » The Americans
04x09 - The Day After
[Knock on the door] Hey. What are you doing? Math. Are you almost done? Not really. I had Bible study last night, youth group Tuesday night, and food pantry two mornings last week. There's a lot of homework this year. Yeah. You should finish. Yeah. Or... we could go for another driving lesson... in the Camaro. Really? Really.
chron Houston Chronicle Archives
Soviet warships being watched in Gulf
Houston Chronicle News Services
A U.S. Navy vessel is closely monitoring the movements of two Soviet warships that entered the Gulf of Mexico and came within 40 miles of the Texas coast, the U.S. Navy said.
The USS Taylor, American guidedmissile frigate, has been tracking the Soviet ships - a guided-missile destroyer and a guided-missile frigate - since they left Havana Thursday, said Lt. Cmdr. Craig Quigley, a Navy spokesman in Norfolk, Va.
The Taylor is always "within visual range" of the Soviet vessels that were last reported about 100 miles southwest of Tampa, Fla., and moving in a southeasterly direction, possibly toward Cuba, said Quigley.
However, there was no way to determine whether the Soviet warships were preparing to leave the Gulf and return to Havana. "They can always change rudder at a moment's notice," he said.
The destroyer and frigate - part of a larger group of four Soviet ships that entered the Caribbean in September - entered the Gulf Thursday, Quigley said. The vessels always remained within international waters, he said.
The Navy took pictures of the two Soviet ships Saturday when a P-3 maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare aircraft flew over the ships about 40 miles southeast of the Houston-Galveston area.
"That's international waters," Quigley said. "They've never come closer than 20 miles to our shore."
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JOURNAL ARCHIVE: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2013/05/princeton.html - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 2:58 PM Pacific Time Seattle USA Saturday 11 May 2013
Back at Ashdown Arkansas High School there was a class by Mr. Finley on history and as I best recall the name of the class was Advanced American History.
The class was optional for 10th graders and so I personally decided to procrastinate my attendance of that class and because it was optional for 10th graders I did not attend the class until my senior year. I recall my sister attended the class with me because she selected it while in the tenth grade and I recall she boasted to me several times she had better grades in that class than I.
I recall sitting there in Mr. Finley's class my senior year because sitting in front of me was Janyne Clark. I sure did like her.
She invited me over to watch "The Day After" when it broadcast new on television. As best I recall that was a Sunday night. I remember I was excited that she invited me over to her house.
One other time she was riding in my blue 1967 Chevrolet pickup that was a junker and always made me regret not keeping the red 1967 Ford F-100 pickup I had first. I recall I thought the brakes were failing in that Chevrolet when she was riding with me. Another time I showed her a pair of ignition keys and I remember she guessed that my parents had bought me a new car. Nope, I said, I was referring to how I had to use a short screwdriver to turn the ignition because that was how it was when I bought the truck and I was showing her the keys because I had replaced the ignition switch.
Anyway the premiere date of "The Day After" is listed as 20 November 1983 so that must have been when she was in the 10th grade attending history class with me. I probably mentioned that I was already in the United States Navy Delayed Entry Program and that I would be leaving for US Navy basic training after I graduated in May 1984. I think Janyne Clark and I wrote a few letters to each other after I graduated and went on active duty in the US Navy.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 11 May 2013 excerpt ends]
The Day After (1983 TV Movie)
Denise Dahlberg: Do you know Bruce Gallatin? He... he's a senior.
Stephen Klein: No.
Denise Dahlberg: But... but you're from Lawrence, so maybe Bruce is all right.
Stephen Klein: Well... I don't know what happened to Lawrence. I was close to Harrisonville when it started. There must have been five or six of them to the north, and... a whole string of them to the south.
Jim Dahlberg: They must have hit every missile silo from Sedalia to Eldorado Springs.
The Day After (1983 TV Movie)
Denise Dahlberg: [the stress of the aftermath has taken its toll on Denise's mind] I can't remember.
Eve Dahlberg: You can't remember what?
Denise Dahlberg: It's only been five days, and I can't remember what Bruce looks like.
Eve Dahlberg: And now we've been through a lot, sittin' here in the dark.
Denise Dahlberg: What are we doin' down here anyway? It's all over now, isn't it? It smells so bad down here I can't even BREATHE!
Eve Dahlberg: Now listen Denise you get a hold of yourself. Now you know we can't go out of here and...
Denise Dahlberg: Why did I have to use that thing? We'd be married now anyway. Why didn't I at least get pregnant?
Jim Dahlberg: Just pipe down Denise.
Bart the Murderer [ The Simpsons ]
Wiggum: Find anything this time, boys?
Cop: Uh, no sign of him, Chief.
Wiggum: Princess Opal?
Opal: I see nothing here, but I'm afraid it's splitsville for Delta Burke and Major Dad.
Wiggum: But they seem so happy!
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)
TORG: Sir, may I suggest.
KRUGE: Say the wrong thing, Torg...
Homer Defined [ The Simpsons ]
Milhouse: Bart, my mom won't let me be your friend any more. That's why you couldn't come to the party.
Bart: What's she got against me?
Milhouse: She says you're a bad influence.
Bart: [slams his hand on the table] Bad influence, my ass! How many times have I told you? Never listen to your mother!
The Day After (1983 TV Movie)
Newscaster: The looming question is... how far will Warsaw pact forces go? Will the Russians advance straight for the Rhine and defy NATO's declared policy of defense by all means including the use of tactical nuclear weapons? The Defence Department today reported that...
Cynthia: Fantasyland.
Aldo: You think they're making this up? You think this is "War of the Worlds" or something?
Cynthia: Look, did we help the Czechs, the Hungarians, the Afghans *or* the Poles? Well we're *not* gonna nuke the Russians to save the *Germans*! I mean if you were talking oil in Saudi Arabia, then I'd be real worried.
The Day After (1983 TV Movie)
Radio Announcer: Warsaw Pact forces are close to announcing a cease-fire along the German border. There are still no eyewitness accounts to substantiate the rumor that low-kiloton range nuclear weapons were detonated this morning during the conflict, resulting in the reported destruction of Wiesbaden and the outskirts of Frankfurt...
[electronic alarm cuts in]
EBS Announcer: This is the Emergency Broadcast System. All persons currently in transit in the Kansas City metropolitan area are advised to proceed immediately to the municipal shelter facility in the community or township closest to your current location. While there is no immediate danger to the Kansas City area, the Federal Emergency Management Agency urges you to learn the steps to be taken in the event of a probable attack.
The Day After (1983 TV Movie)
Dr. Russell Oakes: What's going on? Do you understand what's going on in this world?
Dr. Landowska: Yeah. Stupidity. Has a habit of getting its way.
The Day After (1983 TV Movie)
Release Info
USA 20 November 1983
The American Presidency Project
Gerald Ford
XXXVIII President of the United States: 1974 - 1977
373 - Remarks at Dedication Ceremonies for the National Environmental Research Center, Cincinnati, Ohio.
July 3, 1975
Thank you very much, Russ Train. Bob Taft, distinguished Members of the House of Representatives, Bill Gradison, Don Clancy, Gene Snyder, John Breckinridge, Bud Brown, President Bennis, Russ Peterson, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:
It is really a great privilege and pleasure to be in Cincinnati again at a time when so many aspects of technology and automation are being questioned as well as challenged.
It's awfully good to be in a city where everybody is for a Big Red Machine. Let me say just one thing about the Cincinnati Reds. Any organization that could go more than 2 weeks without making an error, that organization should forget about sports. We could use them in government. At the very least, they should be making cornerstones. [Laughter]
The dedication of this National Environmental Research Center is an event of great significance, not only to Cincinnati but to our Nation. It is a message 214 million Americans are sending to future generations of Americans.
It is $30 million worth of laboratories, research facilities, equipment, and training capacity, saying to our children and to their children: We care. We care about the air you breathe, the water you will drink, the land that you will need. It is a message about environment that says to all of us: America-handle with care!
The research facility that we dedicate today is a major achievement in realizing an environment that will add to our life experience rather than to subtract from our lifespan. It is one of the most advanced laboratories of its kind in the world. But Cincinnati is no stranger to landmark environmental research.
Over 60 years ago, the very first environmental health activities on a national level were begun here when the U.S. Public Health Service set up a stream pollution investigation station in 1913. Since then, the Queen City has become internationally known as a research center furthering a wide variety of environmental disciplines.
It is particularly fitting that my good and fine friend, Bob Taft, the distinguished senior Senator from Ohio, is here with us today. He carries on the commitment and the principles of his father in these vital areas of ecological caution and concern.
The Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center--named in honor of Bob's father, who so ably served the State of Ohio as its Senator for 14 years--this was dedicated in 1954 and for two decades has contributed important research in the areas of radiation, air pollution, and solid waste.
The facilities we dedicate today will expand still further the capacities of Cincinnati's efforts in this field. Built on 20 acres of land donated by the city of Cincinnati and with ready access to the University of Cincinnati, this center will help provide the research and development so urgently needed to once again reconcile the needs of our society and nature. It is a time of reconciliation.
I would propose in this circumstance one more area of greater understanding. I would suggest a detente with nature. Spinoza once said, and I quote: "The power of nature is the power of God." We have too long treated the natural world as an adversary rather than as a life-sustaining gift from the Almighty. If man has the genius to build, which he has, he must also have the ability and the responsibility to preserve.
We stand here today before one of the instruments necessary to achieve this preservation. Research and development are the foundation of any effort to protect and secure this environment.
Through research, we acquire the essential understanding of the impact of pollution on the health of man and on the functioning of natural systems.
Research permits us to devise and to develop, at minimum cost--a minimum cost to the consumer--the necessary technologies to control pollution. Such research will be actively pursued within the walls of this fine facility. The construction of this wonderful building by your Government's Environmental Protection Agency symbolizes the growth and the maturing of our ongoing policy to protect and to preserve America's precious air, land, and water.
When the decade of the seventies began, we made the achievement of a cleaner and healthy environment a matter of the highest national priority. We achieved steady and substantial progress toward that goal. And you have my strong personal pledge that this country will remain firmly committed to continuing that progress. And I should add, as long as I have anything to say about it, this country's symbol will never be an empty beer can in a river of garbage.
With the formation of the Environmental Quality Council and the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency, this Nation took a major step in establishing a new environmental agenda. Since 1969, we have seen the passage of significant legislation to provide the tools to keep America the beautiful.
And when Congress returns from the Fourth of July recess, I will submit a proposal to establish a comprehensive and uniform system for fixing liability and settling claims resulting from oil pollution damages in America's waters and coastlines.
This proposal will implement two international conventions now under consideration by the Congress, dealing with the problem of oil pollution caused by tankers on the high seas. I consider this initiative to be one of great national importance.
America's energy needs require the accelerated development of our offshore oil and gas resources and the increased use of our deepwater ports. This proposal will allow us to proceed with determination, but in a manner that is environmentally acceptable and sound.
We ask all citizens and groups concerned with the quality of America's environment to join with us in seeking new ways to preserve it. This is not a Federal concern alone. It is the responsibility of every level of government and each individual--all the way from the White House to your house. We all breathe the same air--or smog. And it's up to us.
I am convinced that an active partnership between the Federal, State, and local agencies is the proper formula for assuring the future success of our environmental efforts. This is not idle theorizing. Such cooperation has already brought about in many, many areas of our country a remarkable improvement in air and water quality. Great rivers and lakes, once given up as dead, have shown dramatic new life.
Lake Erie, the butt of many a joke, was virtually written off by some as unsalvageable. It now shows signs of a healthy recovery. Even more encouraging, salmon have reappeared in the Connecticut and Hudson Rivers. They cough a lot, but they have reappeared.
Cooperation and prudent self-interest has also made for other solid advances. Nearly 80 percent of all major stationary sources of air pollution--utility plants, factories, large buildings--are now complying with emission regulations or are meeting an abatement schedule.
The result of these and other clean air regulations is very apparent. The citizens of many, many great cities have already benefited from the life-giving improvement in the purity of their air. There is much more to be done, but let us not be indifferent to what already has been accomplished.
As some of you may know, I have always retained a very special interest in sports activity. I like to swim, to golf, to ski, to play tennis, to take walks in the atmosphere that renews and returns perspective. I cherish the out-of-doors, and I stand with those who fight to preserve what is best in our environment.
But as President, I can never lose sight of another insistent aspect of our environment-the economic needs of the American people. Your security, your well-being must enter into every decision I make--and it does.
I pursue the goal of clean air and pure water, but I must also pursue the objective of maximum jobs and continued economic progress. Unemployment is as real and as sickening a blight as any pollutant that threatens the Nation.
If accomplishing every worthy environmental objective would slow down our effort to regain energy independence and a stronger economy, then of necessity I must weigh all factors involved. My decision must reflect the needs of the future but also the demands of the present. And I will do my very best to neglect neither.
The building we dedicate today is imposing proof of our commitment to tomorrow. Within its walls and within the laboratory of other such facilities, problems will be defined and solutions will be found.
Working together, we Americans have always been able to find the difficult answers. Here in Cincinnati I know that you will find more than your share. Ours is a bountiful land. Let us resolve to live in it, at one with man, with nature, and with God.
Thank you very much.
Note: The President spoke at 1:10 p.m. at the Center, which was located on the campus of the University of Cincinnati.
The Day After (1983 TV Movie)
Joleen Dahlberg: [dog's barking] Rusty. Dad, we left Rusty out.
Jim Dahlberg: We may be down here a long time. There's not going to be enough food and water for Rusty.
Joleen Dahlberg: You mean he's just going to die out there?
The Day After (1983 TV Movie)
MCCC Cpt. Stanton: [an alarm goes off in the Launch Control Center of the Minuteman III ICBM "Oscar Wing" at Whiteman AFB ] Standby to copy the message.
DMCCC Lt. Krause: Standing by.
Intercom: Flashing, flashing, flashing. Message follows: Alpha, seven, eight, November, Foxtrot, one, five, two, two... Delta X-Ray.
MCCC Cpt. Stanton: That's a J.C.S. execution from the President.
DMCCC Lt. Krause: I agree, the message is valid, also.
MCCC Cpt. Stanton: Step One: Launch Keys inserted.
DMCCC Lt. Krause: Roger.
MCCC Cpt. Stanton: [both officers retrieve the Launch Keys and insert them into the console] Let's enable the missiles! Program Flight Switch enable?
DMCCC Lt. Krause: Roger.
MCCC Cpt. Stanton: Flight: All. L.F.: All. Unlock Codes inserted?
MCCC Cpt. Stanton: Standby...
[proceeds to enter the Unlock Codes]
MCCC Cpt. Stanton: ... Unlock Codes inserted!
MCCC Cpt. Stanton: Enable Switch enable?
DMCCC Lt. Krause: [turns a knob on the console] Enabled.
MCCC Cpt. Stanton: Coordinate enable command?
DMCCC Lt. Krause: [phone on the DMCCC's console beeps; he picks it up] Yes, this is Oscar. All are enabled. Thank you.
[hangs up phone]
MCCC Cpt. Stanton: [puts his hand on the MCCC Launch Key] Key Turn on my mark!
DMCCC Lt. Krause: [puts his hand on the DMCCC Launch Key] Standing by!
MCCC Cpt. Stanton: Five... four...
From 2/6/1911 ( my biological maternal grandfather Ronald Reagan ) To 11/8/1985 ( United States President Ronald Reagan and United States Public Law 99-145 authorizes the United States Prisoner of War Medal for the United States of America military forces ) is 27304 days
27304 = 13652 + 13652
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/20/2003 is 13652 days
From 11/20/1983 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day After" ) To 3/20/2003 is 7060 days
7060 = 3530 + 3530
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/3/1975 ( Gerald Ford - Remarks at Dedication Ceremonies for the National Environmental Research Center, Cincinnati, Ohio ) is 3530 days
From 2/13/1967 ( Lyndon Johnson - Statement by the President on the Resumption of Bombing in North Vietnam ) To 3/20/2003 is 13184 days
13184 = 6592 + 6592
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/20/1983 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day After" ) is 6592 days
From 2/17/1909 ( Geronimo deceased ) To 11/20/1983 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day After" ) is 27304 days
27304 = 13652 + 13652
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/20/2003 is 13652 days
From 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 also known as Matthew Kline for official duty and also known as Wayne Newman for official duty ) To 3/20/2003 is 4445 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/3/1978 ( Jimmy Carter - New Delhi, India Remarks on Signing the Delhi Declaration ) is 4445 days
From 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) To 3/20/2003 is 4445 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/3/1978 ( Jimmy Carter - New Delhi, India Remarks on Signing the Delhi Declaration ) is 4445 days
From 9/1/1953 ( premiere US film "Mr. Denning Drives North" ) To 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 also known as Matthew Kline for official duty and also known as Wayne Newman for official duty ) is 13652 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/20/2003 is 13652 days
From 9/1/1953 ( premiere US film "Mr. Denning Drives North" ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 13652 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/20/2003 is 13652 days
From 5/14/1992 ( as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps chief warrant officer circa 1992 and United States chief test pilot I performed the first flight of the US Army and Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow ) To 3/20/2003 is 3962 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/7/1976 ( Gerald Ford - Remarks Upon Signing the Child Day Care Bill ) is 3962 days
From 5/14/1992 ( as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps chief warrant officer circa 1992 and United States chief test pilot I performed the first flight of the US Army and Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow ) To 3/20/2003 is 3962 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/7/1976 ( Gerald Ford - Remarks on Administration Efforts To Account for Americans Missing in Action in Vietnam ) is 3962 days
From 3/3/1959 ( the birthdate in Hawaii of my biological brother Thomas Reagan ) To 7/18/1996 ( premiere US TV movie "CBS Reports: The Last Revolutionary" ) is 13652 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/20/2003 is 13652 days
From 6/19/1975 ( the introduction of the United States of America congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 General of the Armies of the United States applies personally and professionally to my biological brother United States Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan the General of the Armies of the United States ) To 3/20/2003 is 10136 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/3/1993 ( Bill Clinton - Statement on Senate Action Confirming Ruth Bader Ginsburg as a Supreme Court Associate Justice ) is 10136 days
From 6/19/1975 ( the introduction of the United States of America congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 General of the Armies of the United States applies personally and professionally to my biological brother United States Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan the General of the Armies of the United States ) To 3/20/2003 is 10136 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/3/1993 ( Bill Clinton - Executive Order 12856 - Federal Compliance With Right-to-Know Laws and Pollution Prevention Requirements ) is 10136 days
From 6/19/1975 ( the introduction of the United States of America congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 General of the Armies of the United States applies personally and professionally to my biological brother United States Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan the General of the Armies of the United States ) To 3/20/2003 is 10136 days
10136 = 5068 + 5068
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/18/1979 ( premiere US TV series "The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo" ) is 5068 days
From 7/23/1973 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the attorney passes the United States of America Multistate Bar Examination ) To 3/20/2003 is 10832 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/30/1995 ( premiere US TV series episode "Biography"::"Crazy Horse: The Last Warrior" ) is 10832 days
From 7/23/1973 ( Monica Lewinsky ) To 3/20/2003 is 10832 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/30/1995 ( premiere US TV series episode "Biography"::"Crazy Horse: The Last Warrior" ) is 10832 days
From 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/20/2003 is 3712 days
3712 = 1856 + 1856
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/2/1970 ( the United States Environmental Protection Agency formed ) is 1856 days
From 9/4/1955 ( Bernard Kerik ) To 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) is 13652 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/20/2003 is 13652 days
From 12/14/1944 ( premiere US film "National Velvet" ) To 3/20/2003 is 21280 days
21280 = 10640 + 10640
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) is 10640 days
From 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) To 3/20/2003 is 3012 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/31/1974 ( Richard Nixon - Remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast ) is 3012 days
From 10/17/1914 ( Jerry Siegel ) To 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash ) is 27304 days
27304 = 13652 + 13652
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/20/2003 is 13652 days
From 12/1/1945 ( premiere US film "Dick Tracy" ) To 3/20/2003 is 20928 days
20928 = 10464 + 10464
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/27/1994 ( the US NASA Stargazer Pegasus rocket failure ) is 10464 days
From 6/25/1952 ( premiere US film "Has Anybody Seen My Gal" ) To 3/20/2003 is 18530 days
18530 = 9265 + 9265
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) is 9265 days
From 6/12/1930 ( Jim Nabors ) To 10/28/1967 ( Julia Roberts ) is 13652 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/20/2003 is 13652 days
From 5/11/1927 ( the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences founded ) To 9/25/1964 ( premiere US TV series "Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C."::series premiere episode "Gomer Overcomes the Obstacle Course" ) is 13652 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/20/2003 is 13652 days
From 12/5/1950 ( Pyongyang is abandoned to the communists as UN forces retreat ) To 3/20/2003 is 19098 days
19098 = 9549 + 9549
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/25/1991 ( as United States Marine Corps chief warrant officer Kerry Wayne Burgess I was prisoner of war in Croatia ) is 9549 days
From 12/5/1990 ( premiere US film "The Grifters" ) To 3/20/2003 is 4488 days
4488 = 2244 + 2244
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/25/1971 ( George Walker Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States confined to federal prison in Mexico for illegally smuggling narcotics in Mexico ) is 2244 days
Beyond the War in Iraq: Chronology
A Timeline of Events in the Current Iraqi Conflict
March 20, 2003: The U.S. launches a pre-dawn missile attack on what President Bush calls "selected targets of military importance" in Iraq. Hours after missiles fall on Baghdad, Saddam Hussein appears on Iraqi television to denounce the attacks and rally his people.
The Washington Post
Iraq’s crisis: Don’t forget the 2003 U.S. invasion
By Ishaan Tharoor June 16, 2014
We're all watching the situation in Iraq with sadness and horror. ISIS, a loathsome jihadist group incubated in Syria, has carved out a large territory and plunged the wider region deeper into crisis. There are reports of shocking mass executions, while tens of thousands of Iraqis are fleeing their homes as ISIS pushes forward.
In Washington and elsewhere, pundits and politicos are indulging in the blame game. Some accuse the Obama administration of being too keen to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq in 2011; others harp on the provocative Shiite sectarianism of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, which has created conditions for Sunni extremists like ISIS to flourish.
Curiously, quite a few of the most outspoken critics were prominently involved in the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq. Rarely in their current diagnoses do they acknowledge the tumult unleashed after the toppling of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. In a lengthy piece posted to his personal Web site, former British prime minister Tony Blair went so far as to dismiss the legacy of the war he helped start. "We have to liberate ourselves from the notion that ‘we’ have caused [the current crisis]. We haven't," Blair wrote. He added: "The fundamental cause of the crisis lies within the region not outside it."
Blair has been widely criticized for his comments in the U.K., where there's a sharper conversation on the consequences of the Iraq war and the reasons invoked more than a decade ago to justify the invasion. Blair is right that the various tensions now smoldering in Iraq lie "within the region" -- but outside intervention had real effects. Here's why that should remain better in focus.
It opened a Pandora's box of sectarianism
Saddam Hussein was a nasty, murderous tyrant who brutalized much of his country and was guilty of war crimes. But Iraq under the rule of his nominally secular Ba'ath party was not the sectarian charnel house that it became in the years following Hussein's overthrow and eventual execution.
The Iraqi politicians who found traction in U.S.-occupied Iraq did little to build an inclusive, pluralist politics. Nor did they have much incentive. Traumatized by decades of authoritarianism and indulged by foreign partners, they sought to consolidate their own political fiefdoms to the detriment of the fragile Iraqi state.
The Sunni-Shiite bloodletting that followed scarred communities that for centuries had lived in relative peace alongside each other. The divisive politics of Maliki's government inflamed passions in Iraq's Sunni heartland, while violence in Baghdad saw the once cosmopolitan capital become heavily Shiite.
Meanwhile, the invasion's aftermath hollowed out the country's Christian population, with hundreds of thousands fleeing as refugees. They were once protected minorities in both Iraq and Syria, but the upheavals that followed the collapse of Ba'athist rule have made them vulnerable targets.
It spawned terror groups and redrew the geopolitical map
ISIS emerged as al-Qaeda splinter group operating in the wake of the invasion, a fringe, lethal faction within a larger Sunni insurgency. While beaten back by the U.S. surge in 2007, the elements that would reform as ISIS would find fertile ground amid Syria's civil war, where it began a campaign of conquest and slaughter that has yielded it a virtual mini-state.
Now, as ISIS's onslaught nears Baghdad, Shiite militias that had first risen up in the wake of the U.S.-led invasion are once more mustering and joining the battle. Many of these factions didn't exist -- or were deep underground -- under Hussein. This is not to say that Saddam Hussein deserved to remain in power. But the security vacuum after his fall and the presence of foreign occupiers led to Iraq becoming a breeding ground for jihad and religious extremism. It also led to Iran developing significant influence in a neighboring country that was once ruled by a bitter foe.
It offers many cautionary tales
On Monday, the strategic northern city of Tal Afar fell to ISIS fighters. It's known for its sizable population of ethnic Turkmen, which has made the city vulnerable to assault in the past. But in 2006, as the Associated Press notes, Tal Afar was hailed by the U.S., then waging counterinsurgency, as a model of success. President George W. Bush said then that the city showed "the outlines of the Iraq that we and the Iraqi people have been fighting for: A free and secure people are getting back on their feet." Last week, ISIS seized Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city and another lapsed U.S. success story. In 2004, it was the petri dish for then-Gen. David Petraeus's much-vaunted tactics of pacification.
These were all fleeting victories that eventually serve, more than anything, as reminders of the limits of American power and Washington's ability to reshape facts on the ground. Petraeus's "Mosul model" is now just one more forgotten chapter in a long, bloody journey that began in 2003. The wishful thinking of U.S. leadership in Iraq was on display in the build-up to the war, when its main proponents showed little appreciation for the resources and troops the U.S. would have to deploy in a near-decade long occupation.
Now, the U.S. faces a hard set of choices, in a context shadowed by conflicting imperatives and the agendas of other regional powers. One can understand the caution shown by the administration -- at least as much as the zeal of those who want the U.S. to be embroiled in the region once more.
The Grifters (1990)
Release Info
USA 5 December 1990 (limited)
Business Insider
Bush, Rumsfeld and Iraq: Is the Real Reason for the Invasion Finally Emerging?
FEB. 6, 2011, 10:34 PM
In Donald Rumsfeld’s new book, Known and Unknown, out February 8, Rumsfeld offers an account of George W. Bush’s early interest in Iraq. This was just days after the 9/11 attacks. There were no apparent reasons for Bush to focus on Iraq, instead of on the actual perpetrators of the attacks.
Herskowitz said that Bush expressed frustration at a lifetime as an underachiever in the shadow of an accomplished father.
George H. W. Bush
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George Herbert Walker Bush (born June 12, 1924) is an American politician who served as the 41st President of the United States (1989–1993). A Republican, he had previously served as the 43rd Vice President of the United States (1981–1989), a congressman, an ambassador, and Director of Central Intelligence. He is the oldest living former President and Vice President. He is also the last living former President who is a veteran of World War II. Bush is often referred to as "George H. W. Bush", "Bush 41", "Bush the Elder", Bush I, or "George Bush, Sr." to distinguish him from his son, former President George W. Bush. Prior to his son's fame or notability, he was widely known simply as George Bush.
a person who is sexually attracted to members of the same sex
George H. W. Bush
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George Herbert Walker Bush (born June 12, 1924) is an American politician who served as the 41st President of the United States (1989–1993). A Republican, he had previously served as the 43rd Vice President of the United States (1981–1989), a congressman, an ambassador, and Director of Central Intelligence. He is the oldest living former President and Vice President. He is also the last living former President who is a veteran of World War II. Bush is often referred to as "George H. W. Bush", "Bush 41", "Bush the Elder", Bush I, or "George Bush, Sr." to distinguish him from his son, former President George W. Bush. Prior to his son's fame or notability, he was widely known simply as George Bush.
a person who is sexually attracted to children
MAY 8 2016, 1:11 PM ET
Sandusky Case Bombshell: Did 6 Penn State Coaches Witness Abuse?
As many as six assistant coaches at Penn State allegedly witnessed "inappropriate behavior" between Jerry Sandusky and boys, stretching as far back as the 1970s, NBC News has learned.
It is unclear if any of the men made a report to higher-ups at Penn State before the sex-abuse scandal erupted in 2011.
The information, which comes from court documents and multiple sources with direct knowledge of legal proceedings, raises new questions about how long the abuse went on, why no one stopped it and whether there could be even more victims than previously known.
Sandusky — who worked in the football program at Penn State under legendary head coach Joe Paterno for three decades — is serving 30 to 60 years in prison after being convicted of molesting 10 boys he met through a charity starting in 1994.
But sources told NBC News that one former Penn State assistant coach witnessed an incident in the late 1970s. Three other coaches — who have gone on to work in the NFL and at Division I colleges — allegedly saw inappropriate conduct between Sandusky and boys in the early and mid-1990s.
"You won't believe what I just saw," one of those three coaches blurted out after bursting into a room filled with Penn State football staff
Springfield! Springfield!
Last Boy Scout, The (1991)
- He got a beef with Baynard?
- The senator got him fired.
What was he, a cop?
Secret Service?
And Baynard had you fired?
How come?
None of your business.
What are you doing here?
I knocked out 4 of his teeth.
Under Siege (1992)
[Krill reads his personal file while he is still dressed as a drag queen]
Commander Krill: Listen to the shit I've had to put up with: "In the past few weeks, Commander Krill has become increasingly hostile to the crew, possibly due to anger over my last reviews of his performance. I recommend he be given a psychological evaluation before taking over his next ASSIGNMENT!"
[slams file on table]
Commander Krill: Do I look like I need a psychological evaluation?
William Strannix: Not at all.
Springfield! Springfield!
Under Siege (1992)
President Bush is paying final tribute to the ship... ... and her great history.
Springfield! Springfield!
Under Siege (1992)
My God, look at him.
Commander Krill.
Welcome to the revolution.
This party'll make history.
No wonder he wanted everyone here.
Maybe Krill isn't
such an asshole after all.
Memorable quotes for
"The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"
The Fresh Prince Project (1990)
Will: Hey look, man, I don't have the problem, all right. YOU have the problem. I remind you of who you are and what you used to be. Now I don't know, somewhere between Princeton and the office, you got soft. You forgot who you are
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2013/02/stargate-atlantis-home.html - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 9:01 PM Pacific Time Seattle USA Wednesday 27 February 2013
Most women love being well-known stars in the Hollywood of America because all the male stars are homosexual and the women don't have to sleep around to become successful. The male heroes such as Will Smith aka "The Fresh Butthole" has had many dues to pay to get where he is now.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 27 February 2013 excerpt ends]
Houston Chronicle Archives
Saddam talks to hostages on Iraqi TV/Troops ready to surround embassies
Houston Chronicle News Services
THU 08/23/1990
NICOSIA, Cyprus - Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, in a tape from Iraq televised today, talked to a group of Western children and adults in his office in an apparent attempt to show the hostages were not being mistreated.
He told the group of Westerners, some believed to be British, that "your presence here and other other places is meant to prevent war."
The talk was broadcast by Cable News Network, which said it was a tape of the meeting. It was not known when the meeting took place.
Saddam was shown sitting in a business suit, patting the Western children on the head. He was surrounded by army officers and an interviewer who provided some translation of the conversation.
One of the officers also repeatedly stroked the head of one child as Saddam spoke to the boy. The grim-faced boys were dresssed in shorts and T-shirts. Saddam talked briefly with them about playing sports.
The Iraqi TV broadcast gave Saddam an unusual forum to repeat the Iraqi position.
A group of adults sat around the room, and also spoke with Saddam through an interpreter. Saddam asked them for forgiveness for keeping them there.
"Your presence here will not be for too long," he said.
"Your presence here is not a source of pleasure for us. This does not make us happy. What would make us happy would be to see you back in your countries or back in the streets of Baghdad (as in normal times)," Saddam said.
Saddam appeared relaxed as he spoke with a boy, identified only as Ian, 7. Saddam asked the boy if he was getting enough milk and food. The child, through an interpreter, said he was getting enough milk and cornflakes.
It was then that Saddam giggled, and turning to an aide in military uniform, he said in Arabic: "He is getting more than our Iraqi children."
The New York Times
Published: March 20, 2003
WASHINGTON, Thursday, March 20— President Bush ordered the start of a war against Iraq on Wednesday night, and American forces poised on the country's southern border and at sea began strikes to disarm the country, including an apparently unsuccessful attempt to kill Saddam Hussein.
Mr. Bush addressed the nation from the Oval Office at 10:15 p.m. Wednesday night, about 45 minutes after the first attacks were reported against an installation in Baghdad where American intelligence believed Mr. Hussein and his top leadership were meeting. ''On my orders, coalition forces have begun striking selected targets of military importance to undermine Saddam Hussein's ability to wage war,'' the president said.
Speaking deliberately, with a picture of his twin daughters visible behind him, he added, ''These are opening stages of what will be a broad and concerted campaign.''
Mr. Bush sought to tamp down expectations of a quick victory with few casualties by warning that the battles in the days ahead ''could be longer and more difficult than some predict.'' [Transcript, Page A20.]
The results of the strike on Baghdad were unclear. However, Iraqi television broadcast a speech by Mr. Hussein, who is believed to have a number of doubles, after the attack. He denounced ''Junior Bush'' and promised the Iraqi people a victory.
The president's speech came about two hours after the expiration of his 48-hour deadline for Saddam Hussein to leave Iraq, an ultimatum dismissed with disdain by the Iraqi leader.
The first signs of the attack in Baghdad, which began just before first light there at 5:35 a.m., were an air raid siren followed by antiaircraft fire and loud explosions over the city that appeared to be bombs. The antiaircraft fire appeared to be ineffective.
Air Date: January 28, 1997
NARRATOR: Before the planes could attack, Task Force Normandy would fire the first shots of the war. Its Apache gunships had been training for months. Their mission was vital: to destroy at all costs two Iraqi radar sites that would otherwise give Baghdad an early warning of what was to come.
[1:00 A.M., January 17, 1991] It was a moonless night. Eight Apaches armed with Hellfire missiles took off towards Iraq. This is a pilot's eye view, videotape from one helicopter's night vision camera. The gunships flew just a few feet off the desert until they were eight miles from the radar dishes.
Lt. TOM DREW, Task Force Normandy: We slowed our air speed to about 40 knots, came up on line, all abreast, so we're all the same distance from the target. And at this point, I'm not looking through my goggles. I'm looking at a T.V. screen right in front of me. Watched the clock tick to zero and I gave the code word "Get some." At that point, everybody fired their Hellfires.
Get some!
1st HELICOPTER PILOT: Second missile.
NARRATOR: From a range of four miles, each crew aimed a laser beam that guided their missiles. The Iraqis had anti-aircraft guns, but could not see or hear the helicopters. This was a new kind of war.
Helo: Oh, frak.
Boomer: What?
Helo: Check the screen ahead.
Boomer: Guess we found the main fight.
Helo: Missile, lock!
Boomer: We've got one left. (They fire it; missile explodes, but some shrapnel hits the ship. It rips through the hull and catches Helo in the leg.)
Helo: Ahh!
Boomer: We're hit!
Helo: No, really?
Boomer: Helo. (He seals the hole.) Okay? Are you okay?
Helo: Present.
Boomer: Okay, we have a fuel leak.
From 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 ) To 12/8/2003 is 4708 days
4708 = 2354 + 2354
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/13/1972 ( the date of record of the 2nd United States Navy Medal of Honor of my biological brother Thomas Reagan the United States Navy Commander circa 1972 ) is 2354 days
From 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) To 12/8/2003 is 4708 days
4708 = 2354 + 2354
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/13/1972 ( the date of record of the 2nd United States Navy Medal of Honor of my biological brother Thomas Reagan the United States Navy Commander circa 1972 ) is 2354 days
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/01/death-in-afternoon.html ]
Battlestar Galactica Episode 1
Battlestar Galactica:The Mini-Series
AIRED: 12/8/03
Boomer: We have to put it down and repair it. Nearest world is Caprica.
Helo: (bandaging his leg) Lot of company between us and there.
Boomer: Yeah. (shuts off the power)
Helo: So we're cruising?
Boomer: Best way to avoid attracting attention. No power signature, go in a straight line. Unless somebody actually gets close enough to see us, we just look like a chunk of debris on the sensors. I think we have enough inertia to make it to Caprica's ionosphere. Then we power up, find a place to land.
Helo: Nice. Nice thinkin' there.
Original Airdate: February 25, 2005 (USA)
#6 - She probably doesn't know. Probably thinks she's just another little girl from Troy whose entire background vanished in a mysterious accident. Should be interesting to see how she responds when you tell her the truth. I'm guessing her Cylon side will take over and break your neck before you can give away her secret. Let's find out.
Baltar - Congratulations, it's green ! It's very bright green. You're not Cylon !
Boomer - Really?
Baltar - 100% human and-- and very, very bright green, as well.
Boomer - For a second I was... worried what you were gonna say.
Baltar - Were you?
Boomer - Yeah.
Baltar - Well-- well, there's nothing to be worried about anymore. Yeah, you couldn't be more human if you tried.
Boomer - Well, thanks.
Baltar - Any time.
Dawn Of The Dead
OK, here's a good one. Top ten ingredients to a successful relationship. I'm gonna skip to the top three. Number three. "He listens to me." Number two. "He tells me he loves me." And number one. It's trust. Number one is trust.
Encyclopædia Britannica
Jerry Siegel
(b. Oct. 17, 1914--d. Jan. 28, 1996)
Dick Tracy (1945)
Release Info
USA 1 December 1945
Has Anybody Seen My Gal (1952)
Release Info
USA 25 June 1952 (Los Angeles, California)
Julia Roberts
Date of Birth 28 October 1967, Smyrna, Georgia, USA
Birth Name Julia Fiona Roberts
8.18 "Threads"
Closing the door.
Yeah, deeply symbolic.
[Kerry sighs, smiling slightly at O'Neill.]
I really like you. We're good together.
[O'Neill stands.]
Yes. We are. But…
You have issues. It's okay, we all do. There's just one big one in particular that I don't think I can love with… live with. I need to get out before I get more involved. We can still work together, can't we? I'd hate to have to ask for reassignment. This is really important to me. We agreed this would never affect the job.
We did.
8.18 "Threads"
[Kerry turns and walks to the door.]
You know, there's just one thing I don't understand.
Just one?
Is the Air Force the only thing keeping you two apart? Rules and regulations?
Here’s How the First Oscar Nominations Worked
Lily Rothman Jan. 13, 2016
Interior view of formally dressed men and women seated at tables during the May 11, 1927, first organizational meeting of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in the Crystal Ballroom of the Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel.
Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. Season 1 Episode 1
Gomer Overcomes the Obstacle Course
Aired Friday 9:30 PM Sep 25, 1964 on CBS
AIRED: 9/25/64
Jim Nabors
Date of Birth 12 June 1930, Sylacauga, Alabama, USA
Birth Name James Thurston Nabors
National Velvet (1944)
Release Info
USA 14 December 1944 (New York City, New York) (premiere)
Quotes for
Crazy Horse (Character)
from They Died with Their Boots On (1941)
Chief Crazy Horse (1955)
Chief Crazy Horse: I'm not speaking of visions. I'm speaking of a way to silence their guns without death. Time after time we've gone into battle like a herd of buffalo made crazy by fear. Knowing this, their soldiers have cut down. I have watched their soldiers many, many times... and how their young men are held back by the commands of their leaders until the time for the killing. Our young warriors must learn this. They must be obedient! They must be like the lance... that is obedient to the hand until it is thrown.
The American Presidency Project
William J. Clinton
XLII President of the United States: 1993-2001
Executive Order 12856 - Federal Compliance With Right-to-Know Laws and Pollution Prevention Requirements
August 3, 1993
WHEREAS, the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (42 U.S.C. 11001–11050) (EPCRA) established programs to provide the public with important information on the hazardous and toxic chemicals in their communities, and established emergency planning and notification requirements to protect the public in the event of a release of extremely hazardous substances;
WHEREAS, the Federal Government should be a good neighbor to local communities by becoming a leader in providing information to the public concerning toxic and hazardous chemicals and extremely hazardous substances at Federal facilities, and in planning for and preventing harm to the public through the planned or unplanned releases of chemicals;
WHEREAS, the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 13101–13109) (PPA) established that it is the national policy of the United States that, whenever feasible, pollution should be prevented or reduced at the source; that pollution that cannot be prevented should be recycled in an environmentally safe manner; that pollution that cannot be prevented or recycled should be treated in an environmentally safe manner; and that disposal or other release into the environment should be employed only as a last resort and should be conducted in an environmentally safe manner;
WHEREAS, the PPA required the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to promote source reduction practices in other agencies;
WHEREAS, the Federal Government should become a leader in the field of pollution prevention through the management of its facilities, its acquisition practices, and in supporting the development of innovative pollution prevention programs and technologies;
WHEREAS, the environmental, energy, and economic benefits of energy and water use reductions are very significant; the scope of innovative pollution prevention programs must be broad to adequately address the highestrisk environmental problems and to take full advantage of technological opportunities in sectors other than industrial manufacturing; the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (Public Law 102–486 of October 24, 1992) requires the Secretary of Energy to work with other Federal agencies to significantly reduce the use of energy and reduce the related environmental impacts by promoting use of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies; and
WHEREAS, as the largest single consumer in the Nation, the Federal Government has the opportunity to realize significant economic as well as environmental benefits of pollution prevention;
Ensure that all Federal agencies conduct their facility management and acquisition activities so that, to the maximum extent practicable, the quantity of toxic chemicals entering any wastestream, including any releases to the environment, is reduced as expeditiously as possible through source reduction; that waste that is generated is recycled to the maximum extent practicable; and that any wastes remaining are stored, treated or disposed of in a manner protective of public health and the environment;
January 24, 2001 (10:01 a.m.)
Require Federal agencies to report in a public manner toxic chemicals entering any wastestream from their facilities, including any releases to the environment, and to improve local emergency planning, response, and accident notification; and
Help encourage markets for clean technologies and safe alternatives to extremely hazardous substances or toxic chemicals through revisions to specifications and standards, the acquisition and procurement process, and the testing of innovative pollution prevention technologies at Federal facilities or in acquisitions;
NOW THEREFORE, by the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the EPCRA, the PPA, and section 301 of title 5, United States Code, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Applicability.
1–101. As delineated below, the head of each Federal agency is responsible for ensuring that all necessary actions are taken for the prevention of pollution with respect to that agency’s activities and facilities, and for ensuring that agency’s compliance with pollution prevention and emergency planning and community right-to-know provisions established pursuant to all implementing regulations issued pursuant to EPCRA and PPA.
1–102. Except as otherwise noted, this order is applicable to all Federal agencies that either own or operate a "facility" as that term is defined in section 329(4) of EPCRA, if such facility meets the threshold requirements set forth in EPCRA for compliance as modified by section 3–304(b) of this order ("covered facilities"). Except as provided in section 1–103 and section 1–104 below, each Federal agency must apply all of the provisions of this order to each of its covered facilities, including those facilities which are subject, independent of this order, to the provisions of EPCRA and PPA (e.g., certain Government-owned/contractor-operated facilities (GOCO’s), for chemicals meeting EPCRA thresholds). This order does not apply to Federal agency facilities outside the customs territory of the United States, such as United States diplomatic and consular missions abroad.
1–103. Nothing in this order alters the obligations which GOCO’s and Government corporation facilities have under EPCRA and PPA independent of this order or subjects such facilities to EPCRA or PPA if they are otherwise excluded. However, consistent with section 1–104 below, each Federal agency shall include the releases and transfers from all such facilities when meeting all of the Federal agency’s responsibilities under this order.
1–104. To facilitate compliance with this order, each Federal agency shall provide, in all future contracts between the agency and its relevant contractors, for the contractor to supply to the Federal agency all information the Federal agency deems necessary for it to comply with this order. In addition, to the extent that compliance with this order is made more difficult due to lack of information from existing contractors, Federal agencies shall take practical steps to obtain the information needed to comply with this order from such contractors.
Sec. 2–2. Definitions.
2–201. All definitions found in EPCRA and PPA and implementing regulations are incorporated in this order by reference, with the following exception: for the purposes of this order, the term "person", as defined in section 329(7) of EPCRA, also includes Federal agencies.
2–202. Federal agency means an Executive agency, as defined in 5 U.S.C.
105. For the purpose of this order, military departments, as defined in 5 U.S.C. 102, are covered under the auspices of the Department of Defense.
2–203. Pollution Prevention means "source reduction," as defined in the PPA, and other practices that reduce or eliminate the creation of pollutants through: (a) increased efficiency in the use of raw materials, energy, water, or other resources; or (b) protection of natural resources by conservation.
January 24, 2001 (10:01 a.m.)
2–204. GOCO means a Government-owned/contractor-operated facility which is owned by the Federal Government but all or portions of which are operated by private contractors.
2–205. Administrator means the Administrator of the EPA.
2–206. Toxic Chemical means a substance on the list described in section 313(c) of EPCRA.
2–207. Toxic Pollutants. For the purposes of section 3–302(a) of this order, the term "toxic pollutants" shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, those chemicals at a Federal facility subject to the provisions of section 313 of EPCRA as of December 1, 1993. Federal agencies also may choose to include releases and transfers of other chemicals, such as "extremely hazardous chemicals" as defined in section 329(3) of EPCRA, hazardous wastes as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 6901–6986) (RCRA), or hazardous air pollutants under the Clean Air Act Amendments (42 U.S.C. 7403–7626); however, for the purposes of establishing the agency’s baseline under 3–302(c), such "other chemicals" are in addition to (not instead of) the section 313 chemicals. The term "toxic pollutants" does not include hazardous waste subject to remedial action generated prior to the date of this order.
Sec. 3–3. Implementation.
3–301. Federal Agency Strategy. Within 12 months of the date of this order, the head of each Federal agency must develop a written pollution prevention strategy to achieve the requirements specified in sections 3–302 through 3–305 of this order for that agency. A copy thereof shall be provided to the Administrator. Federal agencies are encouraged to involve the public in developing the required strategies under this order and in monitoring their subsequent progress in meeting the requirements of this order. The strategy shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following elements:
A pollution prevention policy statement, developed by each Federal agency, designating principal responsibilities for development, implementation, and evaluation of the strategy. The statement shall reflect the Federal agency’s commitment to incorporate pollution prevention through source reduction in facility management and acquisition, and it shall identify an individual responsible for coordinating the Federal agency’s efforts in this area.
A commitment to utilize pollution prevention through source reduction, where practicable, as the primary means of achieving and maintaining compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local environmental requirements. 3–302. Toxic Chemical Reduction Goals. (a) The head of each Federal agency subject to this order shall ensure that the agency develops voluntary goals to reduce the agency’s total releases of toxic chemicals to the environment and off-site transfers of such toxic chemicals for treatment and disposal from facilities covered by this order by 50 percent by December 31, 1999. To the maximum extent practicable, such reductions shall be achieved by implementation of source reduction practices.
The baseline for measuring reductions for purposes of achieving the 50 percent reduction goal for each Federal agency shall be the first year in which releases of toxic chemicals to the environment and off-site transfers of such chemicals for treatment and disposal are publicly reported. The baseline amount as to which the 50 percent reduction goal applies shall be the aggregate amount of toxic chemicals reported in the baseline year for all of that Federal agency’s facilities meeting the threshold applicability requirements set forth in section 1–102 of this order. In no event shall the baseline be later than the 1994 reporting year.
Alternatively, a Federal agency may choose to achieve a 50 percent reduction goal for toxic pollutants. In such event, the Federal agency shall delineate the scope of its reduction program in the written pollution prevention strategy that is required by section 3–301 of this order. The baseline
January 24, 2001 (10:01 a.m.)
for measuring reductions for purposes of achieving the 50 percent reduction requirement for each Federal agency shall be the first year in which releases of toxic pollutants to the environment and off-site transfers of such chemicals for treatment and disposal are publicly reported for each of that Federal agency’s facilities encompassed by section 3–301. In no event shall the baseline year be later than the 1994 reporting year. The baseline amount as to which the 50 percent reduction goal applies shall be the aggregate amount of toxic pollutants reported by the agency in the baseline year. For any toxic pollutants included by the agency in determining its baseline under this section, in addition to toxic chemicals under EPCRA, the agency shall report on such toxic pollutants annually under the provisions of section 3–304 of this order, if practicable, or through an agency report that is made available to the public.
The head of each Federal agency shall ensure that each of its covered facilities develops a written pollution prevention plan no later than the end of 1995, which sets forth the facility’s contribution to the goal established in section 3–302(a) of this order. Federal agencies shall conduct assessments of their facilities as necessary to ensure development of such plans and of the facilities’ pollution prevention programs.
3–303. Acquisition and Procurement Goals. (a) Each Federal agency shall establish a plan and goals for eliminating or reducing the unnecessary acquisition by that agency of products containing extremely hazardous substances or toxic chemicals. Similarly, each Federal agency shall establish a plan and goal for voluntarily reducing its own manufacturing, processing, and use of extremely hazardous substances and toxic chemicals. Priorities shall be developed by Federal agencies, in coordination with EPA, for implementing this section.
Within 24 months of the date of this order, the Department of Defense (DOD) and the General Services Administration (GSA), and other agencies, as appropriate, shall review their agency’s standardized documents, including specifications and standards, and identify opportunities to eliminate or reduce the use by their agency of extremely hazardous substances and toxic chemicals, consistent with the safety and reliability requirements of their agency mission. The EPA shall assist agencies in meeting the requirements of this section, including identifying substitutes and setting priorities for these reviews. By 1999, DOD, GSA and other affected agencies shall make all appropriate revisions to these specifications and standards.
Any revisions to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) necessary to implement this order shall be made within 24 months of the date of this order.
Federal agencies are encouraged to develop and test innovative pollution prevention technologies at their facilities in order to encourage the development of strong markets for such technologies. Partnerships should be encouraged between industry, Federal agencies, Government laboratories, academia, and others to assess and deploy innovative environmental technologies for domestic use and for markets abroad.
3–304. Toxics Release Inventory/Pollution Prevention Act Reporting. (a) The head of each Federal agency shall comply with the provisions set forth in section 313 of EPCRA, section 6607 of PPA, all implementing regulations, and future amendments to these authorities, in light of applicable guidance as provided by EPA.
The head of each Federal agency shall comply with these provisions without regard to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) delineations that apply to the Federal agency’s facilities, and such reports shall be for all releases, transfers, and wastes at such Federal agency’s facility without regard to the SIC code of the activity leading to the release, transfer, or waste. All other existing statutory or regulatory limitations or exemptions on the application of EPCRA section 313 shall apply to the reporting requirements set forth in section 3–304(a) of this order.
January 24, 2001 (10:01 a.m.)
(c) The first year of compliance shall be no later than for the 1994
calendar year, with reports due on or before July 1, 1995. 3–305. Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Reporting Responsibilities. The head of each Federal agency shall comply with the provisions set forth in sections 301 through 312 of EPCRA, all implementing regulations, and future amendments to these authorities, in light of any applicable guidance as provided by EPA. Effective dates for compliance shall be: (a) With respect to the provisions of section 302 of EPCRA, emergency planning notification shall be made no later than 7 months after the date of this order.
With respect to the provisions of section 303 of EPCRA, all information necessary for the applicable Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC’s) to prepare or revise local Emergency Response Plans shall be provided no later than 1 year after the date of this order.
To the extent that a facility is required to maintain Material Safety Data Sheets under any provisions of law or Executive order, information required under section 311 of EPCRA shall be submitted no later than 1 year after the date of this order, and the first year of compliance with section 312 shall be no later than the 1994 calendar year, with reports due on or before March 1, 1995.
The provisions of section 304 of EPCRA shall be effective beginning January 1, 1994.
These compliance dates are not intended to delay implementation of earlier timetables already agreed to by Federal agencies and are inapplicable to the extent they interfere with those timetables.
Sec. 4–4. Agency Coordination.
4–401. By February 1, 1994, the Administrator shall convene an Interagency Task Force composed of the Administrator, the Secretaries of Commerce, Defense, and Energy, the Administrator of General Services, the Administrator of the Office of Procurement Policy in the Office of Management and Budget, and such other agency officials as deemed appropriate based upon lists of potential participants submitted to the Administrator pursuant to this section by the agency head. Each agency head may designate other senior agency officials to act in his/her stead, where appropriate. The Task Force will assist the agency heads in the implementation of the activities required under this order.
4–402. Federal agencies subject to the requirements of this order shall submit annual progress reports to the Administrator beginning on October 1, 1995. These reports shall include a description of the progress that the agency has made in complying with all aspects of this order, including the pollution reductions requirements. This reporting requirement shall expire after the report due on October 1, 2001.
4–403. Technical Advice. Upon request and to the extent practicable, the Administrator shall provide technical advice and assistance to Federal agencies in order to foster full compliance with this order. In addition, to the extent practicable, all Federal agencies subject to this order shall provide technical assistance, if requested, to LEPC’s in their development of emergency response plans and in fulfillment of their community right-to-know and risk reduction responsibilities.
4–404. Federal agencies shall place high priority on obtaining funding and resources needed for implementing all aspects of this order, including the pollution prevention strategies, plans, and assessments required by this order, by identifying, requesting, and allocating funds through line-item or direct funding requests. Federal agencies shall make such requests as required in the Federal Agency Pollution Prevention and Abatement Planning Process and through agency budget requests as outlined in Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars A–106 and A–11, respectively. Federal agencies should apply, to the maximum extent practicable, a life cycle analysis and
January 24, 2001 (10:01 a.m.)
total cost accounting principles to all projects needed to meet the requirements of this order.
4–405. Federal Government Environmental Challenge Program. The Administrator shall establish a "Federal Government Environmental Challenge Program" to recognize outstanding environmental management performance in Federal agencies and facilities. The program shall consist of two components that challenge Federal agencies; (a) to agree to a code of environmental principles to be developed by EPA, in cooperation with other agencies, that emphasizes pollution prevention, sustainable development and stateof-the-art environmental management programs, and (b) to submit applications to EPA for individual Federal agency facilities for recognition as "Model Installations." The program shall also include a means for recognizing individual Federal employees who demonstrate outstanding leadership in pollution prevention.
Sec. 5–5. Compliance.
5–501. By December 31, 1993, the head of each Federal agency shall provide the Administrator with a preliminary list of facilities that potentially meet the requirements for reporting under the threshold provisions of EPCRA, PPA, and this order.
5–502. The head of each Federal agency is responsible for ensuring that such agency take all necessary actions to prevent pollution in accordance with this order, and for that agency’s compliance with the provisions of EPCRA and PPA. Compliance with EPCRA and PPA means compliance with the same substantive, procedural, and other statutory and regulatory requirements that would apply to a private person. Nothing in this order shall be construed as making the provisions of sections 325 and 326 of EPCRA applicable to any Federal agency or facility, except to the extent that such Federal agency or facility would independently be subject to such provisions. EPA shall consult with Federal agencies, if requested, to determine the applicability of this order to particular agency facilities.
5–503. Each Federal agency subject to this order shall conduct internal reviews and audits, and take such other steps, as may be necessary to monitor compliance with sections 3–304 and 3–305 of this order.
5–504. The Administrator, in consultation with the heads of Federal agencies, may conduct such reviews and inspections as may be necessary to monitor compliance with sections 3–304 and 3–305 of this order. Except as excluded under section 6–601 of this order, all Federal agencies are encouraged to cooperate fully with the efforts of the Administrator to ensure compliance with sections 3–304 and 3–305 of this order.
5–505. Federal agencies are further encouraged to comply with all state and local right-to-know and pollution prevention requirements to the extent that compliance with such laws and requirements is not otherwise already mandated.
5–506. Whenever the Administrator notifies a Federal agency that it is not in compliance with an applicable provision of this order, the Federal agency shall achieve compliance as promptly as is practicable.
5–507. The EPA shall report annually to the President on Federal agency compliance with the provisions of section 3–304 of this order.
5–508. To the extent permitted by law and unless such documentation is withheld pursuant to section 6–601 of this order, the public shall be afforded ready access to all strategies, plans, and reports required to be prepared by Federal agencies under this order by the agency preparing the strategy, plan, or report. When the reports are submitted to EPA, EPA shall compile the strategies, plans, and reports and make them publicly available as well. Federal agencies are encouraged to provide such strategies, plans, and reports to the State and local authorities where their facilities are located for an additional point of access to the public.
Sec. 6–6. Exemption.
January 24, 2001 (10:01 a.m.)
6–601. In the interest of national security, the head of a Federal agency may request from the President an exemption from complying with the provisions of any or all aspects of this order for particular Federal agency facilities, provided that the procedures set forth in section 120(j)(1) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, as amended (42 U.S.C. 9620(j)(1)), are followed. To the maximum extent practicable, and without compromising national security, all Federal agencies shall strive to comply with the purposes, goals, and implementation steps set forth in this order.
Sec. 7–7. General Provisions.
7–701. Nothing in this order shall create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable by a party against the United States, its agencies or instrumentalities, its officers or employees, or any other person.
William J. Clinton
August 3, 1993.
The American Presidency Project
Lyndon B. Johnson
XXXVI President of the United States: 1963-1969
50 - Statement by the President on the Resumption of Bombing in North Vietnam.
February 13, 1967
IT HAD BEEN our hope that the truce periods connected with Christmas, New Year, and Tet might lead to some abatement of hostilities and to moves toward peace.
Unfortunately the only response we had from the Hanoi government was to use the periods for major resupply efforts of their troops in South Vietnam.
Despite our efforts and those of third parties, no other response has yet come from Hanoi. Under these circumstances, in fairness to our own troops and those of our allies, we had no alternative but to resume full scale hostilities after the cease-fire.
But the door to peace is and will remain open and we are prepared at any time to go more than halfway to meet any equitable overture from the other side.
Note: The statement was read by George E. Christian, Special Assistant to the President, at his news conference at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, February 13, 1967, at the White House.
The American Presidency Project
Gerald Ford
XXXVIII President of the United States: 1974 - 1977
762 - Remarks on Administration Efforts To Account for Americans Missing in Action in Vietnam.
September 7, 1976
AT MY direction the American Embassy in Paris today contacted North Vietnamese representatives and informed them that we expect that the United States will be provided with a full accounting without further delay of all Americans missing in action in Vietnam.
Speaking on behalf of all Americans, I welcome the fact that the Vietnamese have finally begun to keep their promise to provide information on our men missing in action in Southeast Asia.
While the report on these 12 men was grim, it at least resolved their status and removed the crushing burden of anxiety and uncertainty from their relatives and their loved ones.
But none of us can be satisfied with this limited action by the Vietnamese. What they have done is to release information of only a dozen men. They still have information on hundreds more.
For wives, parents, and friends of the men still missing, the anxiety and the uncertainty continues. It is callous and cruel to exploit human suffering in the hope of diplomatic advantage.
The Vietnamese have an obligation to provide a full accounting of all Americans missing in action. I call upon them to do so without further delay. Normalization of relations cannot take place until Vietnam accounts for all our men missing in action.
Note: The President spoke at 4:32 p.m. in the Briefing Room at the White House.
The American Presidency Project
Gerald Ford
XXXVIII President of the United States: 1974 - 1977
759 - Remarks Upon Signing the Child Day Care Bill.
September 7, 1976
Members of the Congress and members of the administration and distinguished guests:
Ensuring an adequate day care bill for children is an important social service. It protects the well-being of thousands of American children and the economic independence of their working parents.
Earlier this year, I vetoed a bill on child day care, not because I disagreed with its goals, but because that bill, in my judgment, was the wrong means to a worthwhile end. Today, I sign a new and better child day care bill, the result of cooperation between the Congress and my administration, and I thank the Members of the Congress for working with the administration in that regard.
This new and better bill embodies a major compromise on a key issue which led to my original veto. States and localities will be spared the heavy burden of costly and controversial Federal standards for child day care services.
In a different area of social service, I am happy to see that this bill also adopts a concept supported by many older Americans and contained in my Federal assistance for community services proposal. Under the bill, older persons, as well as families who obviously qualify for federally assisted social services, will be able to get those services without a demeaning scrutiny of their personal affairs.
This is a better bill than the one which first crossed my desk, and I am pleased to see the result of this compromise. It's a better bill because my veto exerted a balancing influence on the deliberations of the Congress in this important area. Without this constitutional check and balance, the original bill might now be law and making day care services more costly to the taxpayer and increasing the Federal intrusion into family life.
The constitutional veto power has been used by me as well as my predecessors with one concern in mind--to protect the American people from unrealistic responses to their very real needs, to see that the Federal Government does not merely serve the people but serves the people well.
Thank you very much.
Note: The President spoke at 12:06 p.m. at a ceremony in the Rose Garden at the White House.
As enacted, the bill (H.R. 12455) is Public Law 94-401 (90 Stat. 1215).
Citation: Gerald R. Ford: "Remarks Upon Signing the Child Day Care Bill.," September 7, 1976.
CBS Reports: The Last Revolutionary (1996 TV Movie)
Release Info
USA 18 July 1996
Bill Summary & Status
94th Congress (1975 - 1976)
All Information
Latest Title: Joint resolution to provide for the appointment of George Washington to the grade of General of the Armies of the United States.
Sponsor: Rep Biaggi, Mario [NY-10] (introduced 6/19/1975) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 10/11/1976 Public law 94-479.
Establishes the grade of General of Armies of the United States which shall have precedence over all other grades of the Army, past and present. Authorizes the President to appoint George Washington posthumously to such grade effective July 4, 1976.
6/19/1975 Introduced in House
8/4/1976 Reported to House from the Committee on Armed Services, H. Rept. 94-1388.
8/24/1976 Passed/agreed to in House: Measure passed House, roll call #652 (275-107).
9/28/1976 Passed/agreed to in Senate: Measure passed Senate.
9/28/1976 Cleared for White House
10/1/1976 Measure presented to President.
10/11/1976 Signed by President.
10/11/1976 Public law 94-479.
Springfield! Springfield!
The Americans
The Magic of David Copperfield V: The Statue of Liberty Disappears
I'll talk to Jack, okay? You don't have to do anything that you don't want to do.
Jack will tell us anything. He probably got all sorts of women doing all sorts of shit.
Biography (TV Series)
Crazy Horse: The Last Warrior (1995)
Release Info
USA 30 June 1995
Biography (1987– )
Crazy Horse: The Last Warrior
46min Documentary, Biography Episode aired 30 June 1995
Trace the saga of one of the last great Indian warriors from his early battles in Wyoming to the Little Big Horn and beyond.
Release Date: 30 June 1995 (USA)
Encyclopædia Britannica
Monica Lewinsky
American White House intern
Monica Lewinsky, in full Monica Samille Lewinsky (born July 23, 1973, San Francisco, Calif., U.S.)
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/17/07 4:17 AM
I doubt the cigar and the blue dress - as they are elements from Pink Floyd and Depeche Mode songs - are a coincidence.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 17 April 2007 excerpt ends]
album: "Wish You Were Here" (1975)
"Have A Cigar"
Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar.
You're gonna go far, you're gonna fly high,
You're never gonna die, you're gonna make it if you try;they're gonna love you.
Well I've always had a deep respect, and I mean that most sincerely.
The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think.
Oh by the way, which one's Pink?
And did we tell you the name of the game, boy
we call it Riding the Gravy Train.
We're just knocked out.
We heard about the sell out.
You gotta get an album out,
You owe it to the people. We're so happy we can hardly count.
Everybody else is just green, have you seen the chart?
It's a helluva start, it could be made into a monster
if we all pull together as a team.
And did we tell you the name of the game, boy
we call it Riding the Gravy Trail.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 2:34 AM Saturday, December 11, 2010
From 3/14/1965 ( I am active duty United States of America Central Intelligence Agency officer and executive )
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 11 December 2010 excerpt ends]
The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 1
Treehouse of Horror VII
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Oct 27, 1996 on FOX
(From "The Thing and I")
Dr Hibbert: That means the evil twin is and always has been...Bart.
(They all turn around and stare at Bart.)
Bart: Oh, don't look so shocked.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 6:13 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Thursday 12 May 2016