I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
God Is Ignorance. Jesus Is For Fourth Graders. Your "Faith" Is Only False Hope.
Vincenzo Maculani
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vincenzo Maculani (11 September 1578 - 16 February 1667) was an Italian Catholic Cardinal, inquisitor and military architect. He was known as a severe man, harsh and without compassion, who preferred the black cappa of his order to the brighter purple he was later entitled to wear as a cardinal.
The Inquisition
Thereafter, Maculani was called to Rome by Pope Urban VIII, who named him procurator-general of his order during a visit to France. He became an inquisitor (the official title being Commissary General) under Urban's Cardinal-Nephew; Grand Inquisitor of the Roman Inquisition, Francesco Barberini.
After Galileo Galilei's falling-out with Pope Urban VIII, Maculani conducted the first interview with the scientist (on 12 April 1633); the inquiry was conducted in Fra Vincenzo's chambers at the Palace of the Inquisition in Rome. This was the first stage in Galileo's trial and persecution by the Inquisition. Maculani personally delivered the report of the First Examination to Pope Urban VIII and the Cardinals on April 27, 1633 Maculani also presided at the Third Examination on May 10, 1633. Urban VIII ordered a Fourth Examination, to inquire into Galileo's 'intent' in publishing his Dialogue, and specifically authorized Maculani to threaten to use torture. However, while Maculani was generally cold and uncaring, it was he who determined that Galileo was too old and too ill to undergo torture.
Spacecraft Hubble: Out with the Old: Replacing the High Resolution Spectrograph (1997)
OCT 26 2016, 2:20 PM ET
DoD Sec. Ash Carter Orders Pentagon to Stop Reclaiming Reenlistment Bonuses
Defense Secretary Ash Carter ordered the Pentagon on Wednesday to stop clawing-back the bonuses that thousands of soldiers got for reenlisting to serve in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"There is no more important responsibility for the Department of Defense than keeping faith with our people," Carter said in a statement. "Today, in keeping with that obligation, I am ordering a series of steps to ensure fair treatment for thousands of California National Guard soldiers who may have received incentive bonuses and tuition assistance improperly as a result of errors and in some cases criminal behavior by members of the California National Guard."
White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters on Wednesday that the message to struggling soldiers is President Obama "has their back."
"The President makes the fair treatment of our service members a top priority," Earnest said. "When a promise is made to our men and women in uniform, we should keep. That's certainly the view of the President."
Spacecraft Hubble: Camera Crew: Taking Pictures of the Mission (1997)
SM2: A Typical Day on the Job
About the Image Id: hst_service_mission_2d_hi
Type: Photographic
Release date: 21 February 1997
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/09/arlington-road.html ]
STS-82 Day 4 Highlights
Back to STS-82 Flight Day 03 Highlights:
On Friday, February 14, 1997, 6:00 a.m. CST, STS-82 MCC Status Report # 7 reports:
Astronauts Mark Lee and Steve Smith worked throughout the night in the cargo bay of the Shuttle Discovery, conducting a spacewalk lasting six hours and 42 minutes to upgrade the Hubble Space Telescope, which now contains new science instruments for an expanded view of the universe.
Springfield! Springfield!
Mission To Mars (2000)
You hang tight, Woody. We'll get in the REMO, drop her down and come scoop you up.
Sounds good, Jim.
The Telegraph
How Galileo brought the stars down to Earth
Four hundred years ago, Galileo used a simple telescope to stand every known belief on its head. Paolo Galluzzi and Albert van Helden examine the impact he made – and the dire consequences
By Paolo Galluzzi and Albert van Helden 7:28PM BST 06 Apr 2009
In the spring of 1609, an unknown professor of mathematics at the University of Padua first held a strange object, formed of a short cardboard tube with two lenses fixed at the end. He was not the first to hold a telescope, nor to point it at the Moon and draw what he saw there.
So why, 400 years later, do we celebrate that moment as one of the most important in science?
We do so because that man, Galileo Galilei, discovered the true face of the Moon – and in doing so, marked a sharp break in our history. From his observations, he drew revolutionary conclusions in terms of physics and philosophy. He immediately realised that the general belief in a difference between the imperfect, changeable Earth and the perfect, immutable heavens – one of the central tenets of Greek and later Christian cosmology – was groundless.
This meant not just that Copernicus’s much-mocked idea that the Earth goes round the Sun was in fact true. It meant that the structure of the universe, and man’s relationship with the cosmos, had to be thought of in entirely new terms.
Observed through Galileo’s telescope, the Milky Way was seen to be a mass of innumerable stars; the Sun was marred by dark spots, suggesting that celestial bodies, just like the Earth, were subject to corruption and change.
His discoveries, entrusted to a little volume called the Sidereus Nuncius, the “Messenger from the Stars”, quickly ended up on the desks of Europe’s most eminent scholars. Soon afterwards, representatives of the clergy began to express subtle insinuations, then veiled threats, then explicit denunciations of the menace these discoveries posed to the faith.
To reply to his adversaries, Galileo had to throw off his mask and vigorously declare that the telescope, as it had now been christened, not only revealed the true appearance of the celestial bodies, but also showed the need for a thoroughgoing reform of natural philosophy: one that involved freedom of research and freedom of thought.
The ensuing battle was one of the defining moments in the dawn of the modern world – but for Galileo it meant years of hope followed by disappointment, of renewed effort and implacable hostility.
Then came the dramatic and ultimately tragic outcome: a trial in 1633 which concluded with him being “strongly suspected of heresy”, and the forced abjuration of his beliefs.
For Galileo, it was a tragedy. But the intellectual earthquake he had unleashed would determine the shape of our modern world. PG
In October 1608, a Dutchman called Hans Lipperhey applied for a patent on a spyglass he claimed to have invented. The Hague was the scene of peace negotiations between Spain and the Netherlands, and the news of this device spread rapidly through diplomatic channels: a printed newsletter describing events in The Hague reached Venice in November, and hence came to Galileo.
Once he had a description of the spyglass – which arrived late in the spring, from France – Galileo quickly made a copy with lenses bought in a spectacle-maker's shop. But while it could provide three-fold magnification, this was simply not good enough for astronomy. With glasses, we focus through an area the size of our pupil, so can tolerate small imperfections in the lens; with a telescope, all the light entering the chamber becomes part of the image, which means that imperfections in the lens's curvature have to be tiny. To get an accurate image, Galileo would have to make the lenses himself.
Slowly, he trained himself in the difficult and tedious task of grinding and polishing. By the end of August 1609, he had made a spyglass that magnified about eight times, which he presented to the Senate of Venice. From the top of a high tower, the senators could identify ships several hours earlier, clearly making the device of strategic value. They saw to it that Galileo was finally given a permanent appointment (rather than a yearly contract) as a professor at the University of Padua, with a doubling of his salary.
Up to this point, there was no significant mention of astronomical applications. The newsletter from The Hague mentioned that a spyglass showed many more stars than were visible with the naked eye, and no doubt Galileo had from time to time directed it to the heavens, but he could surely not have seen much of interest. The only thing the eightfold spyglass could observe was the Moon. He found that the terminator, the line separating the dark from the light, was not smooth but jagged, and that some areas were smooth and others rough.
It was not until he had made better and more powerful telescopes – up to 20-powered by November 1609 – that Galileo could begin a detailed research project. Now his telescope showed many small, round, spots (we know them as craters) and light points in the dark part near the terminator. He observed that the round spots were darkly outlined towards the Sun, and that as the Moon waxed, the light part swallowed up the light spots ahead of the terminator. This was the play of light and shadow: the round spots were depressions and the light spots mountains.
The telescope worked fine for lunar observations, but was not good enough for Jupiter, the other bright body in the evening sky. It was not until after Christmas – January 7, 1610 – that Galileo managed to improve it sufficiently to allow him to see Jupiter as a round disc, like a little full moon. But at that point, he made an amazing discovery: three bright little stars in a straight line with Jupiter, two on the eastern and one on its western side.
The formation interested Galileo enough to return to the observation the next evening. The stars were still there, on a straight line with Jupiter, but now they were all on the western side of the planet. Galileo thought that, because these were fixed stars, Jupiter had passed them. But that would mean that Jupiter was moving in the wrong direction. Over the next few nights, he found that there were four, not three, of these "stars", and he determined that they were moving with Jupiter, while at the same time changing their positions. By January 12, Galileo had concluded that these four bodies were moons.
This was important not only for its bearing on the structure of the universe, but for Galileo's own career. For some years, he had wanted to return to his native Tuscany, where, during the summer vacations, he had instructed Cosimo, the son of Grand Duke Ferdinand de' Medici. His previous attempts to obtain patronage had been unsuccessful. But things had changed. For one thing, his pupil was the new Grand Duke, and for another, Galileo now had a very precious gift to offer: because he had discovered these moons, he claimed the right to name them.
While continuing his observations of Jupiter's moons, mapping configurations of stars, and writing up his results, he approached the Tuscan court again, asking whether the Grand Duke would prefer the name "Cosmic Stars" (for Cosimo), or "Medicean Stars" (for his family). Anticipating, wrongly, that the Grand Duke would choose the first alternative, he had to glue a strip of paper with the correct phrase over the appropriate page in each of the 550 copies of the Sidereus Nuncius.
In the book – which was dedicated to the Grand Duke, and sold out almost at once – Galileo began with a brief description of his telescope and an explanation of how one determined magnification. He then launched into his observations of the lunar surface, illustrated with four engravings of different phases. His argument was that the Moon was rough and mountainous like the Earth's. For instance, the bright points in the dark region just beyond the terminator must be mountain peaks: wasn't that how the Sun illuminated the mountain tops at dawn, filling the valleys as it rose in the sky?
The next section dealt with the stars, arguing that nebulae, and the entire Milky Way, were agglomerations of stars too small to be discerned separately with the naked eye. He also pointed out that the telescope revealed a distinction between planets and fixed stars: "The planets present entirely smooth and exactly circular globes, that appear as little moons, entirely covered with light, while the fixed stars are not seen bounded by circular outlines, but rather as pulsating all around with certain bright rays." In the old cosmology, all heavenly bodies, including the Moon, were made up of the same stellar material, and the fixed stars were just beyond Saturn. Now, the difference in appearance indicated that the planets were much closer than the stars.
The last section of Sidereus Nuncius was devoted to Jupiter. Knowing full well that the existence of its four moons would be the most spectacular and controversial of his claims, Galileo tried to convince the reader by the sheer weight of evidence, presenting 65 annotated observations made from January 7 to March 2.
At the end of this brief section, Galileo ended the book with the sentence, "The fair reader may expect more about these matters soon." It was one of the greatest understatements in history.
museo galileo
Scientific Itineraries in Tuscany
Vincenzo Maculani (or Maculano)
He was born in Fiorenzuola on September 11, 1578, and at the age of sixteen donned the Dominican habit at the monastery of Pavia. After having taught at the convents where he had studied, and having been Provincial in various places, he was elected as Procurator and shortly thereafter as Vicar General of his Order, and resided in Rome. He soon made a name for himself there, and was called to take up the important posts of Commissioner of the Holy Office and Master of the Holy Apostolic Palace, and Urban VIII made him a cardinal with the title of Saint Clement, and then Archbishop of Benevento, where he remained until 1643. He also gained an excellent reputation as a military architect, and as such was engaged by the Pope to fortify the stronghold on the island of Malta against the Turks, and oversaw the fortifications of Bologna and some repair work carried out on the Castel Sant’Angelo, and was consulted concerning the walls with which Urban VIII wanted to gird Rome. He died in Rome on February 15, 1667.
The Works of Galileo Galilei, national edition edited by Antonio Favaro, Florence, Barbèra, 1899-1909, vol. XX, Biographical Index, to v.
Homer Goes to College [ The Simpsons ]
Original airdate in N.A.: 14-Oct-93
% Fortunately, the pig's OK. Homer, the Dean, and the nerds watch as
% the pig is airlifted to safety, tied into a harness under a
% helicopter.
Dean: I'm sorry, boys, I've -- I've never expelled anyone before, but...that pig had some powerful friends.
Nixon: [bitterly] Oh, you'll pay. Don't think you won't pay!
From 9/11/1578 ( Vincenzo Maculani ) to 1/7/1610 ( Galileo Galilei first discovers the moons of Jupiter ) is 11441 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) to 2/28/1997 is 11441 days
From 7/31/1945 ( the scheduled arrival date of the United States Navy warship USS Indianapolis CA 35 but which had been destroyed by torpedoes the previous day by the Japanese navy ) To 11/26/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in solar system deep space in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day makes his first landing the Jupiter moon Callisto ) is 11441 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/28/1997 is 11441 days
From 8/2/1945 ( US Navy lieutenant Wilbur Gwinn discovers the survivors of USS Indianapolis CA 35 ) To 11/28/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in solar system deep space in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day launched from the Jupiter moon Callisto to return to the planet Earth ) is 11441 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/28/1997 is 11441 days
From 9/20/1981 ( premiere US TV series pilot "Code Red" ) To 2/28/1997 is 5640 days
5640 = 2820 + 2820
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/23/1973 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the attorney passes the United States of America Multistate Bar Examination ) is 2820 days
From 9/20/1981 ( premiere US TV series pilot "Code Red" ) To 2/28/1997 is 5640 days
5640 = 2820 + 2820
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/23/1973 ( Monica Lewinsky ) is 2820 days
From 1/14/1960 ( Dwight Eisenhower - Letter to T. Keith Glennan, Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, on High Thrust Space Vehicles ) To 5/12/1991 ( I was the winning race driver at the Formula One Monaco Grand Prix ) is 11441 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/28/1997 is 11441 days
From 1/9/1961 ( Dwight Eisenhower - Executive Order 10901 - Amendment of Executive Order 10501, Relating to Safeguarding Official Information in the Interests of the Defense of the United States ) To 5/7/1992 ( the first launch of the US space shuttle Endeavour orbiter vehicle mission STS-49 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-49 pilot astronaut ) is 11441 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/28/1997 is 11441 days
From 4/13/1943 ( Franklin Roosevelt - Address at the Dedication of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Washington, D.C. ) To 8/9/1974 ( Richard Nixon surrenders and abandons his illegal presence in the United States of America federal White House ) is 11441 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/28/1997 is 11441 days
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/08/clinton.html ]
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/10/god-is-ignorance-jesus-is-for-fourth.html ]
The Washington Post
Grounds for Impeachment, No. I
From independent counsel Kenneth Starr's report to the House on President Clinton. Some of the language in these documents is sexually explicit.
I. There is substantial and credible information that President Clinton lied under oath as a defendant in Jones v. Clinton regarding his sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky.
(1) He denied that he had a "sexual relationship" with Monica Lewinsky.
(2) He denied that he had a "sexual affair" with Monica Lewinsky.
(3) He denied that he had "sexual relations" with Monica Lewinsky.
(4) He denied that he engaged in or caused contact with the genitalia of "any person" with an intent to arouse or gratify (oral sex performed on him by Ms. Lewinsky).
(5) He denied that he made contact with Monica Lewinsky's breasts or genitalia with an intent to arouse or gratify.
(ix) Friday, February 28, 1997
Ms. Lewinsky testified that her next sexual encounter with the President occurred on Friday, February 28, 1997, in the early evening.(40) The President initiated this encounter by having his secretary Betty Currie call Ms. Lewinsky to invite her to the White House for a radio address. After the address, Ms. Lewinsky and the President kissed by the bathroom. The President unbuttoned her dress and fondled her breasts, first with her bra on and then directly. He touched her genitalia through her clothes, but not directly, on this occasion. Ms. Lewinsky performed oral sex on him.(41) On this day, Ms. Lewinsky was wearing a blue dress that forensic tests have conclusively shown was stained with the President's semen.
For Microsoft, 1976 was the first year with an official name, it was the first time Bill Gates raised the issue of piracy
November 26, 1976
The trade name, Microsoft, is registered with the Office of the Secretary of the State of New Mexico.
Google Maps
3617 159th Ave NE
Redmond, Washington
Titre VO
Krusty Gets Busted
Première diffusion
KRUSTY: Brittany, do the honors.
He hands her a flaming stick and she lights the cannon. Krusty holds his ears as it shoots and flies back.
Sideshow Bob falls out of several seconds later, his hair wired and straight, and close to completely undressed.
KRUSTY: Don't blame me.
KRUSTY + KIDS: I didn't do it.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 1:45 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Wednesday 26 October 2016