I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Monday, August 05, 2013
Barack Obama is al Qaeda's Little Punk Sissy Bitch.
You just don't get a much clearer message from al Qaida as the one I am working on decoding today.
Barack Obama is most definitely the little punk sissy bitch for the continued success of al Qaida inside the United States.
I mean, come on. "Police Story" 1952 and 1/19/1993. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
Roger Bannister.
"Creature from the Black Lagoon" and 12/20/1994.
The list goes on, Archimedes. Take your pick.
Chicago Tribune
Obama in Africa
A view through the bars
( Tribune photo by Pete Souza / August 20, 2006 )
U.S. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) peers out of what was Nelson Mandela's prison cell Sunday on Robben Island off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 1:52 PM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: Re: WHY AM I STILL HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kerry Burgess wrote:
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 15 July 2006 excerpt ends]
Chicago Tribune
Obama returns to Africa with fanfare of celebrity
August 20, 2006 By Jeff Zeleny, Tribune correspondent
Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) embarked Saturday on a 17-day, six-nation tour of Africa
The Internet Movie Database
Memorable quotes for
Sidney Deane: Billy, listen to me. White men can't jump.
Chicago Tribune
Obama returns to Africa with fanfare of celebrity
August 20, 2006 By Jeff Zeleny, Tribune correspondent
CAPE TOWN, South Africa — The last time he traveled to Africa, he wore a backpack and walked with anonymity. Fourteen years later, he arrives with a title, an entourage and such jubilation that some roads in his father's village have been freshly paved in his honor.
Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) embarked Saturday on a 17-day, six-nation tour of Africa, a journey steeped in governmental significance and personal reflection as he returns to the continent of his father for the first time as a U.S. senator.
Even before arriving, Obama feared his visit had incorrectly raised expectations that he could deliver prosperity to a place flush with poverty.
"There is a sense that somehow I can deliver the largesse of the U.S. government to that region," Obama said in an interview last week as he prepared for his trip. "And I can't."
Instead, Obama said he hoped to learn about the troubles--and the prospects--of Africa as he travels from South Africa to Rwanda, Congo to Kenya, Djibouti to Chad. By shedding light on what he finds, he said, he hopes to convey to Americans the importance of the continent.
A chance to promote himself
While countless celebrities have focused attention and put the spotlight on Africa, Obama's authentic tie to the continent has stirred considerably more interest. It also offers a time to promote himself--he intends to file his own reports to supporters through his Web site--and add another rank to his foreign policy credentials.
"Obviously, I've got a personal connection to Africa that makes the trip special," Obama said. "I also have a deep, abiding interest in what happens to the African continent as a whole."
While it's hardly unusual for members of Congress to take fact-finding trips to Africa, the visit by Obama has taken on increased meaning: He is the only African-American in the U.S. Senate and has a grandmother and a host of relatives in eastern Kenya.
Obama, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee on Africa, said the homecoming was only a small portion of his visit. He said he hoped to learn more about the spread and treatment of AIDS, bird flu and other diseases, in addition to genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan.
Obama had intended to include Sudan on his itinerary but instead will visit nearby Chad after the Sudanese government repeatedly delayed granting him a visa. In Chad, Obama will see African Union forces and refugees who have fled across the Sudanese border.
He also is scheduled to visit Congo, which only weeks ago held its first free legislative and presidential elections in 46 years. About 17,000 United Nations peacekeepers were deployed to oversee the voting out of a concern that fear and intimidation could influence the results.
Earlier this year, Obama sponsored a bill that would provide up to $52 million to Congo while letting President Bush withdraw the aid if Congo fails to show significant progress toward democracy.
While Africa is hardly at the forefront of the long list of U.S. foreign policy concerns, Obama said the continent should not be overlooked, particularly as a breeding ground for terrorism.
"Unfortunately, our foreign policy seems to be focused on yesterday's crises rather than anticipating the crises of the future," Obama said. "Africa is not perceived as a direct threat to U.S. security at the moment, so the foreign policy apparatus tends to believe that it can be safely neglected. I think that's a mistake."
While in South Africa, Obama hopes to meet with Nelson Mandela, but the prospects were uncertain, given the former president's failing health. Obama will, however, tour Robben Island, where Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years.
`A sense of hopefulness'
He also is scheduled to deliver speeches in Cape Town and Nairobi, Kenya, focusing his message on government corruption and democracy.
"It's critically important to capture a sense of hopefulness on trips like this," Obama said, "to give people in Africa and people outside Africa a sense that for all the strife and hardship that the continent has been through, the spirit of the people remains resilient."
Obama's wife, Michelle, and their two daughters are scheduled to join the senator on the Kenyan portion of the trip.
Local media accounts last week described preparations for the visit with all the pomp of a presidential arrival, complete with a request for locals to donate bulls and goats for a homecoming feast.
During a one-day trip to his father's home village, however, he said he does not intend to follow the Luo custom of constructing a homestead on the land of his father, which townspeople had been wishing for months.
"I won't be doing it on this trip. The tradition is that you would build a homestead. How well that tradition is still observed, I don't know."
Rain Man (1988)
Doctor: Raymond, do you know what autistic is?
Raymond: Yeah.
Doctor: You know that word?
Raymond: Yeah.
Doctor: Are you autistic?
Raymond: I don't think so. No. Definitely not.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 7:17 PM Pacific Time near Seattle Washington State USA Monday 05 August 2013