I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Wednesday, August 07, 2013
Another detail I noticed only by a lucky observation is that the collision repair company next to that McDonald's is also a Hertz rental car outlet. All that proves is there is probable cause to arrest the actor Will Smith for global terrorist activity.
The only reason I noted that detail about Hertz is because I was shopping around for cheap rental cars and I noted they have a listing for that location. I don't know how long they have had a presence there. I don't think you can look at the front of the building and see a sign indicating 'Hertz.'
I wasn't looking for a specific date. I booked a date and then I decided to change it. Only after booking the second date did I start thinking: this is now part of my email archive. So in accordance with my theory about my so-called time-traveler effect then I should find evidence of my so-called time-traveler effect variables. What that means to me is that the recipient of my time-traveler journal has *somehow* altered the environment to create details that match my time-traveler notes. But wait: what about the fact I am documenting now those details? Would not that mean the recipients of my time-traveler journal don't have to do anything? The dates and events in question are *after* 03 March 2003 so my logic suggests those recipients didn't have to create anything. The notion of my so-called time-traveler effect variables applies only to details I do *not* note here in my journal. Those details become variables because those details are not transferred back to the past as information to recipients from me the time-traveler. I have also established here in my blog about how this is teamwork between the recipient and myself, I inform and I am informed.
I watched that "Malice" episode several months ago for the first time and that was when I watched it on the DVD collection I purchased from amazon.com. I was writing about that time here in my blog, that time when I went back and watched some of those episodes for the first time. I had stopped watching the new episodes on television and I think that was before I cancelled my cable television subscription. I didn't have any particular reason for stopping watching the new episodes premiere but I did stop and I know there is still at least one episode on DVD that I have never watched before.
Why am I telling you this now? Why are you lurking out there listening to me tell you these private details that creeps me out to tell you about in the first place.
The only reason I decided to make this note is because the title of that episode of "Stargate: Universe" is "Malice" and because it associates with "Hang 'Em High" and I noted that association only after a pure random selection of that future date of this calendar month.
I have found similar instances but I am not going to publish those in public and only certain people were the recipients along with our friends at the NSA lurking around out there.
I guess also that the recipients of my time-traveler journal are establishing also contact with other people and I am adding something now to that dialog.
And finally, I have made associations similar to this on my own. Somehow I can do that without consciously thinking about it. That is what happened a couple years ago with the Life Savers candy and the $33.59 grocery bill. I have found similar instances where I have made astounding calculations with my mind that should not be possible. I think I noted here before about reading on the internet about how certain autistic people can instantly guess the day of week for any calendar date and then I read an explanation of how that is possible and presumably if that explanation is valid then that day-of-week trick is not so impressive. What I am doing here is something I can do only with computer code that I wrote a very long time ago. I still cannot consciously perform those calculations in my mind. I can only wonder if there is some other reason I do not want to often make those calculations with only the power of my mind.
That last sentence reminded me of how yesterday I watched for the first time the premiere episode of the 09 June 2000 television series "The Invisible Man." Several weeks ago I saw it listed for free on hulu.com and I thought about watching it but I did not and instead only made some calculations that are compelling about that premiere date, as yet unpublished by me. I could vaguely recall being aware of when that series was new on television but watching it yesterday nothing was familiar about it. As with my recollection of when it was new and of not watching it because it looked stupid I watched it yesterday and yep, it is really really really stupid. The numbers for that premiere date are neat though, you might think if this wasn't your life being stolen.
So anyway, "The Invisible Man." The guy who created the drug that does something or other to the device they installed with surgery into the brain of "The Invisible Man" tells him about how he created the conditions that require a counter-agent for the power of invisibility and the episode shows how "The Invisible Man" starts going really crazy after a while of using the power of invisibility and his eyes turn bright red and he generally causes havoc around him unless he gets another dose of the counter-agent drug. I have also been thinking today about how that chief bad guy does surgery on himself to cut out of his intestines the miniature disk drive he swallowed after he got busted by "The Invisible Man" for stealing project data from "The Invisible Man's" brother. "The Invisible Man's" brother rescued him from jail because he "did the crime" but he wouldn't be able to "do the time" in the prison that little brother is being sent to for blowing up a safe that was hidden behind a photo of Ronald Reagan.
2008 film "The Day the Earth Stood Still" DVD video: [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]
State Trooper: You, I'm not going to tell you again. Hands on the car.
Jacob Benson - Will Smith's lameoid son ruining a great old film with his lame-ass portrayal: Please don't hurt him.
State Trooper: I'm not going to hurt him, so long as he -
Jacob Benson: I wasn't talking to you.
Klaatu: The pain will only last a moment.
2008 film "The Day the Earth Stood Still" DVD video:
Klaatu: This is it. Stop here.
Dr. Helen Benson: Should -
Jacob Benson: Uh, Helen, who is this guy?
Dr. Helen Benson: A friend.
Jacob Benson: What kind of friend?
Dr. Helen Benson: Scootch over. He's a work friend.
Jacob Benson: What's his name.
Dr. Helen Benson: Klaatu.
Jacob Benson: Klaatu.
Dr. Helen Benson: Yeah.
Jacob Benson: What kind of name is that?
Dr. Helen Benson: It's foreign, I think. [ sniffles ]
Jacob Benson: I never heard you talk about him before.
Dr. Helen Benson: Well, I haven't known him for very long. We're just giving him a ride.
Jacob Benson: Where?
Dr. Helen Benson: Here.
Jacob Benson: The forest?
The New York Times
Article Preview
Pope Pius Proclaims St. Clare As Patron Saint of Television; Co-Founder of 'Poor Ladies,' Chosen as Benefactress of Stations Everywhere
By ARNALDO CORTESISpecial to The New York Times. ();
February 18, 1958,
, Section , Page 29, Column , words
ROME, Feb. 17 -- St. Clare of Assisi was proclaimed the patron saint of television everywhere in the world today by Pope Pius XII. She was a co-founder of the Order of Poor Ladies, or Poor Clares.
Clare of Assisi
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Saint Clare of Assisi (sometimes spelled Clair, Claire, etc.) (July 16, 1194 – August 11, 1253), born Chiara Offreduccio, is an Italian saint and one of the first followers of Saint Francis of Assisi. She founded the Order of Poor Ladies, a monastic religious order for women in the Franciscan tradition, and wrote their Rule of Life—the first monastic rule known to have been written by a woman. Following her death, the order she founded was renamed in her honor as the Order of Saint Clare, commonly referred to today as the Poor Clares.
Pope Pius XII designated her as the patron saint of television in 1958, on the basis that when she was too ill to attend Mass, she had reportedly been able to see and hear it on the wall of her room.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Friday, February 3, 2006 6:56:36 PM
Subject: Nice talking with you in the morning
I think I am in love with Lily Jang. It seems crazy to even write that, with all things considered, but, well, what isn't crazy right now?
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 3 February 2006 excerpt ends]
2X15 - SCAR
Original Airdate (SciFi): 03/FEB/2006
BB: Who's Scar?
Duck: Not who. What. Toaster's top gun. Deadliest raider in the cylon fleet.
Jo Jo: Gimme break. Come on they're machines. one's the same as the next.
Yeah, that's what we thought till Captain thrace cut the brain out of one.
Hotdog: Scar's the best they got. Lotta pilots die going after that bastard.
BB: Why do they call him Scar?
Kat: You'll find out soon enough. He's got a taste for nuggets. Easy pickings.
2X15 - SCAR
Original Airdate (SciFi): 03/FEB/2006
Galactica - Brig
Boomer: This guy's probably died and been reborn a dozen times. You may have faced him before.
Starbuck: So what, raiders reincarnate? Just like you?
Boomer: Yeah, just like me.
Starbuck: Great. What a frakkin' world.
Boomer: A raider's much like a trained animal, with the basic consciousness and survival instinct. But with the destruction of the resurrection ship, when they die, they're really dead. So, they're not gonna mount mass attacks where they could have major casualties.
Starbuck: Raiders reincarnate?
Boomer: Makes sense, doesn't it? It takes months for you to train a nugget into an effective viper pilot. And then they get killed. And their experience, their knowledge, their skill sets. They're all lost forever. So, if you could bring 'em back and put 'em in a brand new body, wouldn't you do it? 'Cause death then becomes a learning experience. How, uh-- how many pilots have we lost? I mean, have you lost?
Starbuck: You know, there are times when I look at you and I forget what you are. All I see is that kid that pooched her landings day after day. The kid that was frakkin' the chief and thinking she was getting away with it.
Boomer: Yeah, I remember. [Crying] You were like a big sister to--
Boomer reaches out to touch Starbuck on the leg. The marines promptly cock and raise their rifles to stop her.
Boomer: Kara, um-- be careful of Scar, okay? He's filled with rage.
Starbuck: About what?
Boomer: Dying's a painful and traumatic experience. Every time he's reborn, he's filled with more bitter memories. Scar hates you every bit as much as you hate him.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Friday, February 3, 2006 5:05:57 PM
Subject: You looking at me, punk?
I'm back online and I still hate you spying bastards.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 03 February 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE:----- Original Message ----
From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 6:25:22 PM
I haven't been able to follow Battlestar Galactica this past year
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 17 May 2006 excerpt ends]
SGU 2.08 "Malice"
[Rush continues to work on the explosive device. Simeon moves from his position. A kino comes through the Stargate.]
[Young and Scott go to the console where Volker has the video feed from the kino on the screen. It shows Rush working on the device on Park's back.]
(on screen)
I'm going to try and remove the cover.
[Rush removes the cover from the device, and it starts beeping. There are small yellow crystals inside.]
Rush, this is Volker. Can you hear me? You can't…
[Rush is putting on his glasses.]
(over radio)
…disarm it, but you can remove the proximity sensor.
Yeah. Please shut up.
[Volker watches the screen.]
[The explosive device is beeping.]
There's a fuse.
(on video screen)
I know. I just…
These pinholes are too small. I just…I don't have anything that's going to do this.
[Rush drops his hands in despair.]
I'm sorry, I…I can't.
[Young watches the screen.]
(on video screen, panting for breath)
Oh, God!
Okay. It's okay. It's okay. Get out of here. It's okay.
[Volker watches the screen helplessly. James is clearly upset.]
(on screen)
It's okay.
[Rush has a sudden realization and removes his glasses.]
Wuh…wait, wait, wait, wait.
[He removes the wire that he had previously used to replace one of the arms of the glasses frame. The beeping is getting faster now. He takes the wire and inserts it into the device.]
[Young and Volker watch the screen.]
[Rush inserts the wire into the pinhole above one of the tubes and uses the other arm of his glasses frame to flick one crystal from its place. The beeping becomes rapid as Rush removes the device from Park's back and throws it away. He grabs her and throws her to the ground, shielding her with his body as the device explodes a short distance away.]
Are you okay?
Are you all right?
Gunsmoke Season 12 Episode 26
Mistaken Identity
Outlaw Ed Carstairs trades identities with a man dying of a snakebite wound, then is suprised when the man is brought into Dodge and seems to be recovering.
AIRED: 3/18/67
Jefferson Drum Season 1 Episode 1
After the old newspaper editor in Jubilee dies, Jefferson Drum arrives to take his position.
AIRED: 4/25/58
Memorable quotes for
Hang 'Em High (1968)
Jed Cooper: You're lynching those boys. Why?
Judge Adam Fenton: Why? Because of you, Cooper. Because of that beautiful, that magnificent journey you took to bring three killers to justice. Because if the law didn't hang them, the next posse that goes out will say, "Hang 'em and hang 'em high, there's no justice in Fort Grant." And if there's no justice in Fort Grant, Cooper, there will be no statehood for this territory.
SGU 2.08 "Malice"
[Rush is watching through binoculars from a high rocky outcrop as Simeon limps across a sandy plain. Scanning around, he sees a large herd of the animals they had seen earlier, grazing some way up the valley floor. He opens Scott's pack to find a block of C4 explosive.]
[Scott arrives, helping Greer to walk. James and several soldiers are standing guard at the 'gate. One of the soldiers goes to help with Greer.]
They stalled the clock yet?
No, Sir. Less that two hours now until Destiny jumps again, and they say that's it.
Dial the 'gate.
[James gets into position and begins dialing with the remote.]
What about Rush?
[Scott checks his watch and looks back, concerned and discouraged.]
[Simeon is limping across the wide valley floor when several shots hit the dirt beside him. He turns and sees Rush, standing among some rocks, firing his handgun at him, missing every time. Rush lowers his weapon and Simeon smiles. Rush fires off a few more rounds, until Simeon raises his rifle and starts firing back. Rush takes cover as Simeon continues to advance slowly towards him, firing round after round. Rush fires a few more times, and when he has just one bullet left in the magazine, he takes out a detonator and sets off an explosion up the valley. Simeon looks confused, until he hears a stampede approaching. He turns and stands directly in its path. Rush sits behind the rocks, listening to the herd stampeding past, trampling Simeon. When the herd has passed, Rush walks slowly to where Simeon lies badly injured in the dirt. As Rush approaches, Simeon rolls from his front to his back.]
(speaking with difficulty, but smiling)
I have information.
[Rush raises his gun and fires the bullet at Simeon. He walks away.
Under the Dome Season 1 Episode 7
Imperfect Circles
AIRED: 8/5/13
Synopsis for
"Under the Dome"
Imperfect Circles (2013)
The Dundee brothers hide out at the junkyard. Junior and Linda get the drop on them and disarm them. Linda is putting cuffs on one when he knocks her down and runs. The other brother gets away from Junior and he chases him down.
The Dundee brother near Linda starts shooting at her and she has no choice but to fire at him. Meanwhile, Junior stalks down the other, unarmed brother, who is on the ground and says he'll go quietly. Junior shoots him in the chest while he's down.
From 11/16/2010 ( premiere US TV series episode "Stargate Universe"::"Malice" ) To 8/14/2013 ( --- ) is 1002 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/31/1968 ( premiere US film "Hang 'Em High" ) is 1002 days
From 11/16/2010 ( premiere US TV series episode "Stargate Universe"::"Malice" ) To 8/14/2013 ( --- ) is 1002 days
1002 = 501 + 501
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/18/1967 ( premiere US TV series episode "Gunsmoke"::"Mistaken Identity" ) is 501 days
From 2/17/1958 ( the pope declares Saint Clare the patron saint of television ) To 3/3/2003 ( date hijacked from me:as a time traveler from the future I arrived this date near the town of George in Washington State and the Ancient Lake and then as arranged earlier I resided in Bellevue Washington until my 9 May 2003 departure as a time traveler for another time period ) is 16450 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/16/2010 ( premiere US TV series episode "Stargate Universe"::"Malice" ) is 16450 days
From 4/25/1958 ( premiere US TV series "Jefferson Drum" ) To 5/9/2003 ( date hijacked from me:as a time traveler from the future in the past this was my departure date to time travel away from the past to another time period ) is 16450 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/16/2010 ( premiere US TV series episode "Stargate Universe"::"Malice" ) is 16450 days
Stargate Universe Season 2 Episode 8
Rush sets off to find Simeon and have his revenge when the Lucian soldier escapes, and Young and Greer attempt to stop him.
AIRED: 11/16/10
Stargate Universe Season 2 Episode 8
Rush tries to shoot Simeon with his handgun, but misses repeatedly. Simeon returns fire, forcing Rush to take cover. As Simeon limps toward him, Rush sets off an explosive charge, panicking the herd animals. They stampede, trampling Simeon. Rush walks out and confronts the wounded man, who says that he has information. Rush shoots him once in the head and walks away.
SGU 2.08 "Malice"
(speaking with difficulty, but smiling)
I have information.
[Rush raises his gun and fires the bullet at Simeon. He walks away. Later, Scott's backpack on his back, he walks through ravines, over rocks and across sandy plains, in the direction of the Stargate. He is clearly exhausted.]
[Arriving at the Stargate, perhaps at dusk, Rush finds himself alone. He looks at the ground in despair. Suddenly Scott emerges from behind the Stargate platform; other soldiers emerge from positions all around them. Rush is clearly surprised to see them. He falls to his knees and sighs in relief. Scott and James approach him, Scott holding a water bottle.]
You're late.
I know.
(handing him a water bottle)
Nine hours late.
How's Greer?
He's going to be okay. You?
[Drinking the water, Rush doesn't respond.]
You didn't answer your radio.
The battery died. A long time ago. You didn't come after me.
Well, Eli figured out how to track the kino remote, same way you did. We saw two signals heading back this way together, figured one of you had them both and the other was dead.
Man, you couldn't have known you had so much extra time. What in the hell were you thinking?
I knew Eli would figure out how to stall the clock.
Really? Because he didn't.
Chloe calculated a new FTL course. She turned the ship around to come back and get you.
Good for her.
You gave her those equations knowing she might be able to figure it out.
I did.
(to James)
Dial the 'gate.
(to Rush)
Eli said there may still be unforeseeable consequences as a result.
Well, there always are, aren't there?
I hope you were right about Simeon not telling us about the attack on Earth.
(standing to face the Stargate)
I'd hate to think we could have prevented it.
[He looks down at Rush, who appears guild-ridden and uncertain.]
Body Snatchers (1993)
Carol Malone: Where you gonna go, where you gonna run, where you gonna hide? Nowhere... 'cause there's no one like you left.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 4:41 PM Pacific Time near Seattle Washington State USA Wednesday 07 August 2013