I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Keffer Hartline
See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/12/freeway-park.html
Freeway Park
The American Presidency Project
Richard Nixon
XXXVII President of the United States: 1969 - 1974
356 - Radio Address on the Philosophy of Government.
October 21, 1972
Good afternoon:
In election campaigns, it is customary to talk only about programs and differences of opinion on current issues. But even more important than what a man advocates is what he believes, because what he believes will determine how he will act when issues arise in the future which are not currently before the Nation.
That is why I want to talk today about my philosophy of government, so that the American people will know the principles which will guide me in making decisions over the next 4 years.
The central question, which goes to the heart of American government and is sure to affect every person in this land, is this: Do we want to turn more power over to bureaucrats in Washington in the hope that they will do what is best for all the people? Or do we want to return more power to the people and to their State and local governments, so that people can decide what is best for themselves?
Now, people of good conscience differ on this issue. Certainly in the past generation there were cases in which power concentrated in Washington did much to help our people live in greater fairness and security and to enable our Nation to speak and act strongly in world affairs.
When the will of the people is best expressed by the Nation acting as one people, I strongly support the use of effective Federal action. But the concentration of power can get to be a dangerous habit. Government officials who get power over others tend to want to keep it. And the more power they get, the more they want.
We all remember the waste and the resentment of the sixties, the growing alienation of people who felt that they no longer counted, the feeling of frustration in dealing with a faceless machine called the Federal bureaucracy.
In a family, when a father tells the rest of the family what to do, that's called paternalism. In a business, when an employer tells workers he knows what is best for their future, that is called paternalism. And in government, when a central authority in Washington tells people across the country how they should conduct their lives, that, too, is paternalism.
In each of those cases, the motive of the man in charge may be to do what he sincerely thinks is best for the people under his control. But the trouble is this: Most Americans don't like to be under anybody's control, no matter how benevolent that control may be. It is one thing to be well taken care of, but for those able to take care of themselves, it is far more important to be free.
At the root of all of our rights is an idea of justice and genius, the idea that government derives its power from "the consent of the governed."
Of course, every politician since Jefferson's time pays lip service to the consent of the governed, along with "majority rule" and "the will of the people."
But the truth is that a great many people in politics and elsewhere believe that the people just do not know what's good for them. Putting it bluntly, they have more faith in government than they have in people. They believe that the only way to achieve what they consider social justice is to place power in the hands of a strong central government which will do what they think has to be done, no matter what the majority thinks.
To them, the will of the people is the "prejudice of the masses." They deride anyone who wants to respond to that will of the people as "pandering to the crowd." A decent respect for the practice of majority rule is automatically denounced as "political expediency." I totally reject this philosophy.
When a man sees more and more of the money he earns taken away by government taxation, and objects to that, I don't think it is right to charge him with selfishness, with not caring about the poor and the dependent.
When a mother sees her child taken away from a neighborhood school and transported miles away, and she objects to that, I don't think it is right to charge her with bigotry.
When young people apply for jobs--in politics or in industry--and find the door closed because they don't fit into some numerical quota, despite their ability, and they object, I do not think it is right to condemn those young people as insensitive or racist.
Of course, some people oppose income redistribution and busing for the wrong reasons. But they are by no means the majority of Americans, who oppose them for the right reasons.
It is time that good, decent people stopped letting themselves be bulldozed by anybody who presumes to be the self-righteous moral judge of our society.
There is no reason to feel guilty about wanting to enjoy what you get and get what you earn, about wanting your children in good schools close to home, or about wanting to be judged fairly on your ability. Those are not values to be ashamed of; those are values to be proud of. Those are values that I shall always stand up for when they come under attack.
We will change America for the better by attacking our real problems, and not by attacking our basic values. We will improve the quality of our public dialogue by respecting, not impugning, the motives of the people that the winning candidate will ultimately represent.
The rights of each minority must be vigorously defended--and each minority must be protected in the opportunity to have its opinion become accepted as the majority view.
But on these basic concerns, the majority view must prevail, and leadership in a democracy is required to respond to that view. That is what "majority rule" and "the consent of the governed" really means--and we would all do well to take these ideas seriously.
We have achieved a high level of leadership throughout our history because we have put aside the notion of a "leadership class." The advantage of a superior education should result in a deep respect for--and never contempt for--the value judgments of the average person.
Does this mean that a President should read all the public opinion polls before he acts, and then follow the opinion of the majority down the line? Of course not.
A leader must be willing to take unpopular stands when they are necessary. But a leader who insists on imposing on the people his own ideas of how they should live their lives--when those ideas go directly contrary to the values of the people themselves--does not understand the role of a leader in a democracy. And when he does find it necessary to take an unpopular stand, he has an obligation to explain it to the people, solicit their support, and win their approval.
Let me cite an example: In every Presidency there are moments when success or failure seems to hang in the balance, when an expression of confidence by the American people is vitally important.
One of those moments came toward the end of my first year in office. I had declared that we were going to end our involvement in the war in Vietnam with honor. I had made it plain that we fully understood the difference between settlement and surrender. As you may recall, the organized wrath of thousands of vocal demonstrators who opposed that policy descended on Washington. Commentators and columnists wondered whether we would witness what they referred to as "the breaking of the President."
On November 3, 1969, I came before my fellow Americans on radio and television to review our responsibilities and to summon up the strength of our national character.
The great silent majority of Americans-good people with good judgment who stand ready to do what they believe to be right--immediately responded. The response was powerful, nonpartisan, and unmistakable. The majority gave its consent, and the expressed will of the people made it possible for the Government to govern successfully.
I have seen the will of the majority in action, responding to a call to responsibility, to honor, and to sacrifice. That is why I cannot ally myself with those who habitually scorn the will of the majority, who treat a mature people as children to be ordered about, who treat the popular will as something only to be courted at election time and forgotten between elections.
That is also why I speak with pride of the "new majority" that is forming not around a man or a party, but around a set of principles that is deep in the American spirit.
The new American majority believes that each person should have more of a say in how he lives his own life, how he spends his paycheck, how he brings up his children.
The new American majority believes in taking better care of those who truly cannot care for themselves, so that they can lead lives of dignity and self-respect.
The new American majority believes in taking whatever action is needed to hold down the cost of living so that everyone's standard of living can go up.
And the new American majority believes in a national defense second to none, so that America can help bring about a generation of peace.
These are not the beliefs of selfish people. On the contrary, they are the beliefs of a generous and self-reliant people, a people of intellect and character, whose values deserve respect in every segment of our population.
A few weeks ago, one of the Nation's most perceptive journalists asked me what I thought it would be like to be a second-term President free to govern with no thought of another election. Actually, he was asking one of the deepest questions of all: Would I do what I thought was best for the people, or would I do what the people thought was best for themselves?
Fortunately, what the new majority wants for America and what I want for this Nation basically are the same.
But a profound question deserves a thoughtful answer.
In the years to come, if I am returned to office, I shall not hesitate to take the action I think necessary to protect and defend this Nation's best interests, whether or not those actions meet with wide popular approval. I will not begin at this stage of my life to shy away from making hard decisions which I believe are right.
At the same time, you can be certain of this: On matters affecting basic human values--on the way Americans live their lives and bring up their children--I am going to respect and reflect the opinion of the people themselves. That is what democracy is all about.
In the next 4 years, as in the past 4, I will continue to direct the flow of power away from Washington and back to the people. In meeting our material needs, we must never overlook every American's spiritual need for personal freedom. When freedom is taken away from the individual, in the name of the people, the people lose their freedom.
This is the land of opportunity, not the land of quotas and restrictions.
This is the land that holds all men to be created equal, not the land that demands that all citizens become the same.
Above all, this is the land where an alien paternalism has no place at all-because we deeply believe in a system that derives its power from the consent of the governed.
All of my life I have had faith in the ultimate wisdom of the people and in the values of fairness and respect and compassion that spring from within the American spirit. As President, I shall never break that faith.
Thank you, and good afternoon.
Note: The President spoke at 12:07 p.m. from Camp David, Md. The address was broadcast live on nationwide radio. Time for the broadcast was purchased by the Committee for the Re-Election of the President.
Google Maps
769 Seneca St
Seattle, Washington
Google Maps
1121 Hubbell Pl
Seattle, Washington
From 6/11/2005 To 5/30/2012 is 2545 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/21/1972 ( Richard Nixon - Radio Address on the Philosophy of Government ) is 2545 days
From 7/19/1950 ( Harry Truman - Radio and Television Address to the American People on the Situation in Korea ) To 2/13/1997 ( as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-82 pilot astronaut I begin repairing the US Hubble Telescope while in space and orbit of the planet Earth ) is 17011 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/30/2012 is 17011 days
From 12/22/1903 ( Haldan Keffer Hartline ) To 2/13/1997 ( as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-82 pilot astronaut I begin repairing the US Hubble Telescope while in space and orbit of the planet Earth ) is 34022 days
34022 = 17011 + 17011
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/30/2012 is 17011 days
From 2/24/1954 ( Sid Meier ) To 5/30/2012 is 21280 days
21280 = 10640 + 10640
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) is 10640 days
The Seattle Times
Local News
Woman dies in shooting outside Town Hall
Originally published May 30, 2012 at 7:16 pm Updated May 30, 2012 at 11:16 pm
A woman shot in a parking lot near Town Hall Wednesday morning was killed by the same gunman who killed four people in a Roosevelt neighborhood cafe, police say.
By Seattle Times staff
The woman shot Wednesday morning in a parking lot adjacent to Town Hall was killed by the same gunman who killed four people in a Roosevelt neighborhood cafe, police say.
The victim, Gloria Leonidas , is a married mother of two girls who attend the Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences. Her husband, Tom Leonidas, said he could not speak about Gloria’s life yet because the family needed “time to process this.”
Later in the afternoon, the suspect shot himself as police closed in. He died Wednesday night at Harborview Medical Center.
In the shooting near Town Hall, at Eighth and Seneca, witnesses saw the victim and a man arguing in the parking lot around 11:30 a.m. Ibrahim Frishak, a maintenance worker at an apartment building across the street from the shooting, said he was pressure-washing the sidewalk when he heard a loud pop. He looked over and saw a couple rush across the street and begin administering CPR to the woman.
“They are brave, I tell you,” Frishak said of the good Samaritans.
The suspect fled in the woman’s black Mercedes SUV.
The SUV later was found in the 4100 block of Delridge Way Southwest, and authorities searched the area for the suspect. Police say there was a black handgun in the front seat.
Julia Wood, who lives on Delridge, said she saw the SUV arrive in the neighborhood and figured the driver was parking there to catch the bus across the street, because that’s what a lot of people do. She was about to go over and warn him he could get towed if he stayed past 4 p.m.
“I didn’t have a chance, because he was booking,” she said, her hands shaking. “He just really hurried — slammed the door and ran.”
He crossed the street and went up some stairs, disappearing behind some foliage. Police arrived a short time later. She never saw his face.
Police searched for the suspect for hours, saturating the area. A number of schools in West Seattle were in a state of lockdown called “shelter in place.
Late in the afternoon, the suspect was spotted by a detective a mile or two from where the car was abandoned. When he saw officers approaching, he shot himself, according to Seattle police.
The Seattle Times
Local News
Good Samaritan tells dying woman, ‘You are not alone’
Originally published June 1, 2012 at 12:19 am Updated June 1, 2012 at 3:07 pm
Just after she saw Gloria Koch Leonidas shot in the head, Jo Ann Stremler and another bystander rushed to help the woman. "I didn't think we could save her when we started working on her, but that wasn't the point," Stremler said. "I knew that her family would not have wanted her to die alone."
By Jayme Fraser
Just before Ian Stawicki shot Gloria Koch Leonidas, he was standing over her, straddling her. He pulled out a black gun, leaned down and extended his arm. He fired one shot into her head.
Jo Ann Stremler saw it out her driver’s side window. She was heading west on Seneca Street after a doctor’s visit and was stopped at a light when she heard someone scream, “Help me! Help me!” She looked left to see a man kicking someone who was flat on the ground. She grabbed her phone and dialed 911.
That’s when Stawicki fired.
“It seemed to have this bounce and bounce, and I thought, ‘It’s going to bounce all the way out to the Sound,’ ” she said of the noise.
That shot at about 11:30 a.m., and several others earlier Wednesday, have reverberated throughout Seattle. It followed several at Cafe Racer in North Seattle, where Stawicki gunned down five people — four fatally. Somehow, he got to Eighth Avenue and Seneca Street and found Leonidas putting a parking receipt on her dashboard.
He needed her car and shot her for it.
As Stawicki sped off, Stremler and another good Samaritan ran across traffic to help Leonidas.
“I didn’t think we could save her when we started working on her, but that wasn’t the point,” Stremler said. “I knew that her family would not have wanted her to die alone.”
On Thursday, Stremler, 55, sat in a conference room at University Presbyterian Church where she plays the organ at three services each Sunday. She described how she acted without hesitation.
“I didn’t know I was capable of what I did yesterday,” Stremler said.
Springfield! Springfield!
The Americans
Do Mail Robots Dream Of Electric Sheep?
Are you a robber? No.
No, right.
You came here to fix something.
"All-- all marbles present and accounted for.
" That's something that my father used to say every morning before he started work.
What did he do? He was a farmer.
Andy said the farm is a vineyard now.
A vineyard, like in France.
Yours? He was a coal miner.
Your mother? An office worker.
And she cooked, cleaned, waited in line for food.
Oh, dear.
Is she alive? Yes.
Where does she live? Russia.
Your English is very good.
I've been well-trained.
[ Voice breaking ] Yeah.
You aren't going to let me leave are you? It's not possible, no.
The Seattle Times
Local News
Good Samaritan tells dying woman, ‘You are not alone’
Originally published June 1, 2012 at 12:19 am Updated June 1, 2012 at 3:07 pm
Police officers, friends and family later would tell her she was lucky that he didn’t turn around and shoot her, too, for seeing him.
The Seattle Times
Local News
Good Samaritan tells dying woman, ‘You are not alone’
Originally published June 1, 2012 at 12:19 am Updated June 1, 2012 at 3:07 pm
“Betsy” asked Stremler, “Do you know how to do CPR?”
She did. “Betsy” took Leonidas’ pulse and began chest compressions. Stremler, listening to the woman’s shallow breathing, grabbed her left hand and told her, “Whoever you are, we are here. You are not alone.”
She traded places with “Betsy.” They traded again.
Stremler didn’t notice the blood on her hands and clothes. She didn’t hear anything.
“It was like I was in a cocoon with this woman I’d never met and another woman I’d never met and she’s dying,” Stremler said, looking over at a box of Kleenex but not taking one.
The Triumph Of The Ratfuckers
OCT 4, 2013
As the Reign Of The Morons enters its third day, let us pause for a moment to pay tribute to a political visionary whose entire career presaged the current moment, anticipating the essential dynamic in play in Washington right now in all of its petulant, kindergartenish glory. Let us raise a morning glass to Donald Segretti, the ratfucker.
(As any student of Watergate knows, "ratfucking" was the word used by Segretti and a number of other officials in the Nixon White House for the dirty tricks they ran in student elections when they all were at the University of Southern California. Segretti -- as well as his pal, Dwight Chapin -- simply transferred these techniques to our national elections.)
There are two basic philosophical foundation stones to ratfucking. The first is that political sabotage for its own sake is a worthy enough goal. There doesn't necessarily have to be an obvious purpose or obvious logic behind it. Everything is simply tactics. Those tactics either work or they don't. To believe this, of course, one must first believe that all politics is a essentially a zero-sum game of power; you win and the other guy loses. Who rules? Period. One cannot for a moment contemplate the notion that politics -- and therefore, government -- has anything to do with the public good. I trust I don't have to spell out the parallels between this elemental basis of ratfucking and what the Republicans are about in their current campaign of vandalism. This has now entered a time in which we are seeing sabotage for sabotage's own sake. Remember, the conservative rump faction has brought this shutdown upon the country because its members refuse to agree to a federal budget that contains lower discretionary spending than even Paul Ryan contemplated. That's because now -- as Congressman Marlin Stutzman pointed out clearly yesterday -- this isn't about the budget, or even about economics, it's about who wins and who loses. It's about whether or not John Boehner, the castrato Speaker Of The House, can keep his job. The public, as was said during our previous Gilded Age, be damned.
The second basic philosophical tenet of ratfucking is that it is essentially bullying. It is essentially about ridicule and deceit as ends in themselves. Segretti's activities were meant to bring embarrassment and public scorn upon his targets. They were not aimed at proving to voters that the opposition was wrong. They were aimed at making it look ridiculous. Hubert Humphrey's bastard child. Edmund Muskie's rallies cancelled. Sooner or later, of course, the viciousness and the schoolyard taunting can't be contained.
The Seattle Times
Local News
Good Samaritan tells dying woman, ‘You are not alone’
Originally published June 1, 2012 at 12:19 am Updated June 1, 2012 at 3:07 pm
Then she heard the sirens and told Leonidas, “Oh, help is right around the corner. I can hear them coming.”
seattle pi - Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Police credit homeless felon for helping at tragic shooting
Ian Stawicki killed Gloria Leonidas and four others in Seattle
By CASEY MCNERTHNEY, SEATTLEPI.COM STAFF Updated 8:47 pm, Friday, June 1, 2012
Jason Yori sheds a tear as he talks about helping Gloria Leonidas after she was shot in the head by Ian Stawicki during a day of rampage that left six people dead in Seattle.
When Seattle police officers met Jason Yori years ago, circumstances weren't ideal.
From the corner of Seventh and Pine where he regularly stands with a sign, the now-sober Yori shares stories of the drugs, alcohol and homelessness that made officers know his name. There were times they almost locked horns, he admits.
That's why some officers who responded Wednesday morning to the shooting at Eighth Avenue and Seneca Street said Yori's actions were so moving.
He had been in Freeway Park and was around the corner from the Town Hall parking lot when he heard a gunshot.
Gloria Leonidas, a married mother of two, had dropped off a friend and was planning to rejoin him after paying to park when Ian Stawicki – a man on a murderous spree – approached and began beating her.
Leonidas fought for her life, and Stawicki's .45-caliber handgun jammed. At one point, police say, she knocked it to the ground. While another bystander was talking to a 911 dispatcher, the fatal shot rang out.
"I ran up to her right away and there was just a massive pool of blood there," said Yori, 58, who helped along with other bystanders. "I didn't know anything about her, so I spoke to her as a human being who was in the wrong place at the wrong time."
The Navy veteran said he gave her last rites.
"I felt really special to be able to do that – for us to be there when nobody else was there with her," said Yori, 58.
He saw Leonidas' black Mercedes-Benz SUV drive off, but didn't get a good look at Stawicki driving it.
JoAnn Stremler, who was on her way to the freeway from Virginia Mason, said she made eye contact with the suspect, who gave her the finger. Stremier said she left her car running and attended to Leonidas, as did another woman and her husband.
"Her eyes were fixed and dilated," Yori said, "and when your eyes are fixed and dilated there's no sense in going further."
But bystanders and medics did.
As Yori held Leonidas, a woman in scrubs gave CPR, he said. Stremler said she and that woman both tried to resuscitate the Bellevue mom. Medics rushed her to Harborview Medical Center, but police said it was clear to the first-arriving officers that she wouldn't survive.
Detectives also recognized early similarities - the handgun caliber and parts of the shooter's description - between the Town Hall scene and Cafe Racer, where five others were shot.
A police supervisor who recognized Yori told him to leave, not knowing he was trying to help. Another officer who also recognized Yori next to the victim asked him to keep onlookers away from the crime scene, which he did. He also stayed to give officers a statement.
"Once the gun went off, it echoed for what seemed like minutes," Stremler said.
Yori, who grew up a self-described military brat in Europe, said he came here years after his wife died in 1986 and was drawn by the movie "Sleepless in Seattle."
But he's often slept on the streets or in dumpsters for cover. His history includes three confirmed felonies, all drug cases, and a criminal trespass conviction.
Once, years ago, before Yori became sober, he was giving CPR to another man. A friend watching told him to leave because the cops were coming and things could end badly.
"I said, 'No, man. You don't do that to somebody.'"
Yori's no longer on Department of Corrections supervision, and said he's working to set up a tent city for homeless veterans. Still, he wasn't sure how some police would respond to him at the Eighth and Seneca shooting scene.
Officers with the Department of Corrections' Northwest Community Response Unit, which handled Yori's case in rougher times, said his actions were commendable. Yori gives them credit, too, for helping him stay sober and conviction-free for years.
After giving Leonidas last rites, Yori went to his church, Seattle First Presbyterian on Eighth Avenue, and prayed for her. Later that night, he went to sleep as he usually does in the church's doorway.
Told Thursday she had two young children, Yori's striking blue eyes welled with tears.
"I got to thinking, what would it be like to come home expecting your wife to be there, expecting your mom to be there and all of a sudden, she'd been shot.
"That reaction, you feel so helpless. Absolutely helpless."
Sid Meier
Date of Birth 24 February 1954, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
Birth Name Sidney K. Meier
Sid Meier
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sidney K. "Sid" Meier (born February 24, 1954) is a Canadian programmer, designer, and producer of several popular strategy video games and simulation video games, most notably the Civilization series.
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/BhoQZ8scbXg/maxresdefault.jpg Sid Meier's Civilization (DE) #8 - YouTube
The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1967
Ragnar Granit, Keffer Hartline, George Wald
Haldan Keffer Hartline
Born: 22 December 1903, Bloomsburg, PA, USA
Died: 17 March 1983, Fallston, MD, USA
Affiliation at the time of the award: Rockefeller University, New York, NY, USA
Prize motivation: "for their discoveries concerning the primary physiological and chemical visual processes in the eye"
Field: ocular physiology
Prize share: 1/3
Our vision functions because light from the surrounding world is captured by many light-sensitive cells in the retina at the back of the eye. A series of reconnections and transformations of chemical and electrical signals finally result in visual impressions. In studies of the horseshoe crab around 1950, Keffer Hartline analyzed how the primary signals from visual cells are processed in a network of nerve cells. Among other things, he showed that when a cell is stimulated, signals from surrounding cells are suppressed. This makes it easier to understand the concept of contrasts.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 2:09 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Saturday 31 December 2016
Friday, December 30, 2016
Escape to Witch Mountain (1975)
See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/12/homestead-day-1190-same-shit-different.html
Encyclopædia Britannica
Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg, in full Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation, a nonprofit organization (since 2000) that maintains an electronic library of public domain works that have been digitized, or converted into e-books, by volunteers and archived for download from the organization’s Web site: www.gutenberg.org. The project got its start on July 4, 1971, when Michael Hart, a student at the University of Illinois, began typing the U.S. Declaration of Independence into the school’s computer system for distribution free of charge. He soon followed with the works of William Shakespeare and the Bible. Thus began Project Gutenberg, the oldest digital library. The copyright on any book published before 1923 expired no more than 75 years later, at which point it entered the public domain. Any work published between 1923 and 1977 retains its copyright for 95 years. The copyright on any work published in later years expires 70 years after the author’s death or 95 years after publication in the case of a corporate work.
The Boy from Oklahoma (1954)
Release Info
USA 27 February 1954
From 2/27/1954 ( premiere US film "The Boy from Oklahoma" ) To 7/16/1963 ( Phoebe Cates my sister-in-law and the United States Army veteran and the Harvard University graduate medical doctor and the world-famous actress and the wife of my biological brother Thomas Reagan ) is 3426 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/21/1975 is 3426 days
From 7/20/1969 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the United States Navy Commander circa 1969 was United States Apollo 11 Eagle spacecraft United States Navy astronaut landing and walking on the planet Earth's moon ) To 3/21/1975 is 2070 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/4/1971 ( the debut of Project Gutenberg ) is 2070 days
From 3/6/1964 ( Cassius Clay becomes Muhammad Ali ) To 7/23/1973 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the attorney passes the United States of America Multistate Bar Examination ) is 3426 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/21/1975 is 3426 days
Escape to Witch Mountain (1975)
Release Info
USA 21 March 1975
Escape to Witch Mountain (1975)
Full Cast & Crew
Kim Richards ... Tia Malone
Ike Eisenmann ... Tony Malone
Synopsis for
Escape to Witch Mountain (1975)
Fake papers are drawn showing Mr. Deranian as the children's long lost uncle.
Escape to Witch Mountain (1975)
Lucas Deranian: Look as far as you can see. Mr. Bolt owns everything in sight.
From 10/26/1947 To 2/27/1954 ( premiere US film "The Boy from Oklahoma" ) is 2316 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/6/1972 ( premiere US TV series pilot "The Delphi Bureau" ) is 2316 days
From 12/6/1943 ( premiere US film "In Old Oklahoma" ) To 10/26/1947 is 1420 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/22/1969 ( premiere US TV series pilot "The New People" ) is 1420 days
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2014/04/back-to-archives-or-that-was-week-that.html ]
Biographical Directory of the United States Congress
CLINTON, Hillary Rodham, (1947 - )
CLINTON, Hillary Rodham, (wife of President William Jefferson Clinton), a Senator from New York; born on October 26, 1947
From 8/15/1964 To 3/21/1975 ( premiere US film "Escape to Witch Mountain" ) is 3870 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/7/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in deep space of the solar system in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day was his first landing the Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to my brother Thomas Reagan ) is 3870 days
Encyclopædia Britannica
Melinda Gates
ARTICLE from the Encyclopædia Britannica
Melinda Gates, née Melinda Ann French (born Aug. 15, 1964, Dallas, Texas, U.S.), American businesswoman and philanthropist who—with her husband, Microsoft Corporation cofounder Bill Gates
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 7:17 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 30 December 2016
Homestead Day 1190. Same Shit, Different Day. Friends = Zero. Change = None. Losses = Everything.
Wow. We're communicating somehow. We really are. We don't need email.
Sure hope there's a good reason for all this though. I would really prefer email!!!!
Escape To Witch Mountain (1975)
Tony, you promised me
and I promised you
we wouldn't do the kind of stuff
you did with Truck.
Remember when we thought
it was all funny, like a game?
And all the other kids thought we
were freaks or witches.
I know, Tia.
We lost all our friends until
we quit doing the spooky stuff.
- You should have let Truck hit you.
- Are you kidding?
He's much bigger than me!
Then you should have made it
look like he won.
I suppose.
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
BORG QUEEN: I am the Borg.
DATA: Greetings. ...I am curious, do you control the Borg collective?
BORG QUEEN: You imply disparity where none exists. I am the collective.
DATA: Perhaps I should rephrase the question. I wish to understand the organisational relationship. Are you their leader?
BORG QUEEN: I bring order to chaos.
DATA: An interesting, if cryptic response.
BORG QUEEN: You are in chaos, Data. You are the contradiction. A machine who wishes to be human.
DATA: As you seem to know so much about me, you must be aware that I am programmed to evolve and better myself.
BORG QUEEN: We too are on a quest to better ourselves. Evolving toward a state of perfection.
DATA: Forgive me. The Borg do not evolve. They conquer.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 6:34 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 30 December 2016
Freeway Park
See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/12/the-origin-of-chemical-elements.html
The Origin of Chemical Elements
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 11:59 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Thursday 29 December 2016 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/12/the-origin-of-chemical-elements.html
seattle pi - Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Attack, robbery near Freeway Park; 2 suspects arrested
By Scott Sunde on October 19, 2009 at 7:43 AM
Police arrested two men early Monday morning for robbing and attacking a man near Freeway Park.
They may have committed a similar attack earlier.
About 3 a.m. a man was walking near Hubbell Place and Union Street, where the three men attacked him. He may have been hit in the head and knocked unconscious.
A witness saw one suspect kicking the victim in the head.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 29 December 2016 excerpt end]
Holiday Lodge (TV Series)
The Secret Convention (1961)
Release Info
USA 25 June 1961
Holiday Lodge (1961– )
The Secret Convention
30min Comedy Episode aired 25 June 1961
Season 1 Episode 1
Release Date: 25 June 1961 (USA)
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 5:17 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 14 November 2014 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2014/11/to-serve-man.html
To Serve Man
That card I have from that homeless shelter is dated 6/11/2005. I can still recall walking upstairs there to check in and the woman took a photo of me and gave me that card. That is the place I have compared before to that "burning Polaroid" scene with "Kyle Reese" in the 1984 "The Terminator."
So I must have gone to the Redmond police on 6/11/2005.
If I remember this correctly the Redmond police in the Seattle suburbs of King County Washington State sent me to Harbor View hospital in Seattle. I can vaguely recall speaking to a nurse there in the emergency room. They sent me to the Bellevue hospital Overlake.
I might have that backwards. The Redmond police might have sent me by ambulance to Overlake and then they sent me to Harbor View and that makes more sense because Harbor View is inside the city of Seattle.
I feel certain I spoke to a Red Cross social worker while I was in the admitting area or the discharge area of Harbor View while in the city of Seattle and that woman is the one who got me into the Downtown Emergency Services Center and that is the entry pass card I still have and that is date stamped 6/11/2005.
From there I can recall stumbling around outside and I sat in a city park, the maps labels it Freeway Park, reading a book and munching on a bag of dry Froot Loops cereal another social worker had given me which I think was the day before I went to the Redmond police department.
So I am thinking now that I was waiting at that DESC building for more than one day because they set up an appointment for me to talk to someone at a Seattle hospital. I couldn't recall the name of that hospital as I started of to write here but I looked at the map and the location I remember walking to and I guess that was the Swedish Medical Center. I can recall going to a specific building and looking at the map I don't recall enough to find it again although I might find it because I can still vaguely visual details about the exterior surroundings.
I can recall walking there. Somehow I must, I guess, have had access to a computer and looked it up on a map. Uncertainty lingers in my whether that was in June 2005 I went to the Swedish Medical Center hospital in First Hill but I want to think that was the timeframe and not later after I was in the Compass Center on Washington Street next to the viaduct.
Yeah, I think that much have been June 2005 I was at the Swedish Medical Center hospital because I can vaguely recall the woman I was talking to had an ambulance come get me and I am thinking they took me to University of Washington Medical Center.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 14 November 2014 excerpt ends]
The American Presidency Project
Gerald Ford
XXXVIII President of the United States: 1974-1977
112 - Letter to the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice of the House Judiciary Committee Offering To Testify Concerning the Pardon of Richard Nixon
September 30, 1974
Dear Bill:
This is to advise you that I expect to appear personally to respond to the questions raised in House Resolutions 1367 and 1370.
It would be my desire to arrange this hearing before your Subcommittee at a mutually convenient time within the next ten days.
Thank you for your help and assistance in this matter.
From 12/25/1991 ( as United States Marine Corps chief warrant officer Kerry Wayne Burgess I was prisoner of war in Croatia ) To 10/19/2009 is 6508 days
6508 = 3254 + 3254
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/30/1974 ( Gerald Ford - Letter to the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice of the House Judiciary Committee Offering To Testify Concerning the Pardon of Richard Nixon ) is 3254 days
From 6/25/1961 ( premiere US TV series "Holiday Lodge" ) To 6/11/2005 is 16057 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/19/2009 is 16057 days
From 6/25/1961 ( Iraq announced plans to annex Kuwait ) To 6/11/2005 is 16057 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/19/2009 is 16057 days
From 5/21/1959 ( premiere US film "Godzilla Raids Again" ) To 10/19/2009 is 18414 days
18414 = 9207 + 9207
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 also known as Matthew Kline for official duty and also known as Wayne Newman for official duty ) is 9207 days
From 5/21/1959 ( premiere US film "Godzilla Raids Again" ) To 10/19/2009 is 18414 days
18414 = 9207 + 9207
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9207 days
From 11/21/1959 ( premiere US TV series episode "U.S. Marshal"::"The Tarnished Star" ) To 10/19/2009 is 18230 days
18230 = 9115 + 9115
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/17/1990 ( premiere US film "Quigley Down Under" ) is 9115 days
From 2/27/1953 ( premiere US film "Oiltown, U.S.A." ) To 2/13/1997 ( as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-82 pilot astronaut I begin repairing the US Hubble Telescope while in space and orbit of the planet Earth ) is 16057 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/19/2009 is 16057 days
Robbery near Freeway Park: suspects arrested
Written by Public Affairs on October 19, 2009 7:21 am
On 10/19/09, at approximately 3:00 a.m., the victim was walking in the area of Hubbell Place and Union Street near Freeway Park when at least three (3) males attacked him. The victim may have been struck him in the head with an unknown object rendering him unconscious.
One witness described seeing one suspect, a white male kicking the victim in the head. Officers responded to the area and located possible suspects, who fled, and after a short foot pursuit and Taser application, the suspects were captured.
The suspects were positively identified by witnesses and the victim.
The victim was examined and treated by Seattle Fire Dept at the scene, but declined to go to the hospital. An area check for the 3rd suspect was negative. Both suspects were booked for Investigation of Robbery.
This was the second reported attack by a group of males in the Freeway Park area within a short time period; however the earlier caller was not able to respond to the scene for a possible identification.
Burglary suspect arrested at Seattle Center
Written by Public Affairs on October 19, 2009 11:08 am
On 10/19/09, at approximately 7:45 a.m., a witness saw the suspect break into a business in the 100 block of Roy St., via the store’s front door. The suspect entered and took 17 pairs of glasses and some cash from the cash register.
The suspect then exited the store and the witness who was on a bike, followed him. This witness followed as the suspect ran onto the Seattle Center grounds. Officers arrived and set up containment. Officers and Seattle Center security and located the suspect on the fourth floor. The suspect was arrested without incident.
All stolen items were recovered. The witness positively identified the suspect. All items were returned to the store owner.
The suspect was booked into King County Jail for Investigation of Burglary.
Quigley Down Under (1990)
Crazy Cora: I remember once my Granddaddy told me how, when you're lost in the desert, you should sleep during the day and walk at night.
Matthew Quigley: Your Granddaddy tell you that? Did he also tell you we'll die, in the the desert, without those horses?
Crazy Cora: Well, what good are horses, if we die of thirst?
Matthew Quigley: Once in a while she actually makes a little sense.
Crazy Cora: What did you say, Roy?
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2014/06/childrens-television-act-of-1990.html ]
George Bush Presidential Library and Museum
Public Papers - 1990 - October
Statement on the Children's Television Act of 1990
I have decided to withhold my approval from H.R. 1677, the ``Children's Television Act of 1990,'' which will result in its becoming law without my signature. This bill is intended to increase the amount and quality of children's television programming and to diminish the commercialization of programming for children.
Quigley Down Under (1990)
Release Info
USA 17 October 1990 (Hollywood, California) (premiere)
Quigley Down Under (1990)
Full Cast & Crew
Tom Selleck ... Matthew Quigley
U.S. Marshal (TV Series)
The Tarnished Star (1959)
Release Info
USA 21 November 1959
U.S. Marshal (1958–1960)
The Tarnished Star
30min Western Episode aired 21 November 1959
Season 2 Episode 7
John Bromfield ... Marshal Frank Morgan
Release Date: 21 November 1959 (USA)
Google Books
Iraq: Sanctions and Wars
By Aftab Kamal Pasha
Google Books
Regional Guide to International Conflict and Management from 1945 to 2003
By Jacob Bercovitch, Judith Fretter
Google Books
War in the Gulf, 1990-91: The Iraq-Kuwait Conflict and Its Implications
By Majid Khadduri, Edmund Ghareeb
Google Books
Saudi Arabia and the United States: Birth of a Security Partnership
By Parker T. Hart
Godzilla Raids Again (1955)
Release Info
USA 21 May 1959
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/09/arlington-road.html ]
STS-82 Day 4 Highlights
Back to STS-82 Flight Day 03 Highlights:
On Friday, February 14, 1997, 6:00 a.m. CST, STS-82 MCC Status Report # 7 reports:
Astronauts Mark Lee and Steve Smith worked throughout the night in the cargo bay of the Shuttle Discovery, conducting a spacewalk lasting six hours and 42 minutes to upgrade the Hubble Space Telescope, which now contains new science instruments for an expanded view of the universe.
The first spacewalk of the second servicing mission of the Telescope began at 10:34 p.m. Central time Thursday night when Lee and Smith switched their spacesuits over to battery power. The spacewalk was slightly delayed to enable ground controllers to assess the unexpected movement of one of Hubble's solar arrays, which slewed from a horizontal to a vertical position as Discovery's airlock was depressurized. The motion was created by an apparent gust of air from the airlock, but caused no damage to the array which was repositioned horizontally.
Once outside, Lee and Smith went right to work, opening the aft shroud doors on Hubble to remove the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph and the Faint Object Spectrograph. The telephone-booth sized instruments slid out of their compartments and were replaced by two brand new instruments, the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph and the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer. STIS was installed in Hubble shortly before 1 a.m. Central time, followed almost two hours later by the NICMOS. Payload controllers send commands to check the health of the two instruments, which were declared alive and well and ready for calibration over the next several weeks. The aft shroud doors were finally closed as Lee and Smith stowed the old science gear in protective containers for the trip back to Earth. With their work successfully completed, Lee and Smith returned to Discovery's airlock at 5:17 this morning
Why Are Space Telescopes Better Than Earth-Based Telescopes?
By Remy Melina April 24, 2010 03:31am ET
The Hubble Space Telescope has beamed hundreds of thousands of images back to Earth over the past two decades. One might call it the most skilled paparazzo, snapping countless images of the stars.
Thanks to these images, scientists have been able to determine the age of the universe and shed light on the existence of dark energy. These extraordinary advancements have been possible because the Hubble images surpass those taken by Earth-based telescopes.
While ground-based observatories are usually located in highly elevated areas with minimal light pollution, they must contend with atmospheric turbulence, which limits the sharpness of images taken from this vantage point. (The effects of atmospheric turbulence are clear to anyone looking at the stars ? this is why they appear to twinkle.)
In space, however, telescopes are able to get a clearer shot of everything from exploding stars to other galaxies.
Another disadvantage for ground-based telescopes is that the Earth's atmosphere absorbs much of the infrared and ultraviolet light that passes through it. Space telescopes can detect these waves.
Newer ground-based telescopes are using technological advances such as adaptive optics to try to correct or limit atmospheric distortion, but there's no way to see the wavelengths that the atmosphere blocks from reaching Earth, according to the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), which manages the Hubble research program.
One downside to space telescopes like the Hubble is that they are extremely difficult to maintain and upgrade. The Hubble is the first telescope specifically designed to be repaired in space by astronauts, while other space telescopes cannot be serviced at all.
NASA scientists estimate that the telescope will only be able to keep taking pictures for five more years.
Oiltown, U.S.A. (1953)
Release Info
USA 27 February 1953 (Los Angeles, California)
Exhaust gas
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Exhaust gas or flue gas is emitted as a result of the combustion of fuels such as natural gas, gasoline, petrol, biodiesel blends, diesel fuel, fuel oil, or coal. According to the type of engine, it is discharged into the atmosphere through an exhaust pipe, flue gas stack, or propelling nozzle. It often disperses downwind in a pattern called an exhaust plume.
It is a major component of motor vehicle emissions (and from stationary internal combustion engines), which can also include:
Crankcase blow-by
Evaporation of unused gasoline
Motor vehicle emissions contribute to air pollution and are a major ingredient in the creation of smog in some large cities. A 2013 study by MIT indicates that 53,000 early deaths occur per year in the United States alone because of vehicle emissions.
Carbon monoxide poisoning
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs after breathing in too much carbon monoxide (CO). Symptoms of mild acute poisoning include lightheadedness, confusion, headache, feeling like the world is spinning, and flu-like effects. Larger exposures can lead to toxicity of the central nervous system and heart, and death. After acute poisoning, long-term problems may occur.
Carbon monoxide poisoning is the most common type of fatal poisoning in many countries. It has also commonly been used as a method to commit suicide, usually by deliberately inhaling the exhaust fumes of a running vehicle. Modern automobiles still produce levels of carbon monoxide which will kill if enclosed within a garage or if the tailpipe is obstructed (for example, by snow). Carbon monoxide poisoning has also been speculated as a cause of apparent haunted houses; symptoms such as delirium and hallucinations may have led people who have been poisoned to think they have seen ghosts.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 11:36 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 30 December 2016
Thursday, December 29, 2016
The Origin of Chemical Elements
See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/12/seattle_28.html
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 3:27 PM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: Re: Journal May 23, 2006
Kerry Burgess wrote:
I could have sworn that I passed Tom Clancy on the sidewalk the other day and he was looking at me as he walked by.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 23 May 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 5:17 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 14 November 2014 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2014/11/to-serve-man.html
To Serve Man
That card I have from that homeless shelter is dated 6/11/2005. I can still recall walking upstairs there to check in and the woman took a photo of me and gave me that card. That is the place I have compared before to that "burning Polaroid" scene with "Kyle Reese" in the 1984 "The Terminator."
So I must have gone to the Redmond police on 6/11/2005.
If I remember this correctly the Redmond police in the Seattle suburbs of King County Washington State sent me to Harbor View hospital in Seattle. I can vaguely recall speaking to a nurse there in the emergency room. They sent me to the Bellevue hospital Overlake.
I might have that backwards. The Redmond police might have sent me by ambulance to Overlake and then they sent me to Harbor View and that makes more sense because Harbor View is inside the city of Seattle.
I feel certain I spoke to a Red Cross social worker while I was in the admitting area or the discharge area of Harbor View while in the city of Seattle and that woman is the one who got me into the Downtown Emergency Services Center and that is the entry pass card I still have and that is date stamped 6/11/2005.
From there I can recall stumbling around outside and I sat in a city park, the maps labels it Freeway Park, reading a book and munching on a bag of dry Froot Loops cereal another social worker had given me which I think was the day before I went to the Redmond police department.
So I am thinking now that I was waiting at that DESC building for more than one day because they set up an appointment for me to talk to someone at a Seattle hospital. I couldn't recall the name of that hospital as I started of to write here but I looked at the map and the location I remember walking to and I guess that was the Swedish Medical Center. I can recall going to a specific building and looking at the map I don't recall enough to find it again although I might find it because I can still vaguely visual details about the exterior surroundings.
I can recall walking there. Somehow I must, I guess, have had access to a computer and looked it up on a map. Uncertainty lingers in my whether that was in June 2005 I went to the Swedish Medical Center hospital in First Hill but I want to think that was the timeframe and not later after I was in the Compass Center on Washington Street next to the viaduct.
Yeah, I think that much have been June 2005 I was at the Swedish Medical Center hospital because I can vaguely recall the woman I was talking to had an ambulance come get me and I am thinking they took me to University of Washington Medical Center.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 14 November 2014 excerpt ends]
From 2/19/1997 ( as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-82 pilot astronaut I begin repairing the US Hubble Telescope while in space and orbit of the planet Earth - the Hubble Space Telescope placed back into its own orbit of the planet Earth ) to 6/11/2005 is 3034 days
From 6/11/2005 to 10/1/2013 is 3034 days
From 5/19/1917 ( the first United States National Aircraft Insignia was adopted ) To 3/16/2013 ( the untimely demise of Kerry Burgess 2005 ) is 35000 days
35000 = 17500 + 17500
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/1/2013 is 17500 days
From 1/6/1919 ( Theodore Roosevelt dead ) To 10/1/2013 is 34602 days
34602 = 17301 + 17301
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/16/2013 ( the untimely demise of Kerry Burgess 2005 ) is 17301 days
From 4/1/1948 ( Ralph Asher Alpher and George Gamow publish the Alpher–Bethe–Gamow paper "The Origin of Chemical Elements" ) To 10/1/2013 is 23924 days
23924 = 11962 + 11962
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/3/1998 ( Tom Clancy "Rainbow Six" ) is 11962 days
Encyclopædia Britannica
Tom Clancy
Tom Clancy, in full Thomas Leo Clancy, Jr. (born April 12, 1947, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.—died October 1, 2013, Baltimore), American novelist who created the techno-thriller—a suspenseful novel that relies on extensive knowledge of military technology and espionage.
Clancy attended Loyola University in Baltimore (B.A. in English, 1969) and then worked as an insurance agent. His first novel was the surprise Cold War best seller The Hunt for Red October (1984; film 1990), which introduced his popular protagonist, CIA agent Jack Ryan, who was featured in a number of his later books. Red Storm Rising (1986), Patriot Games (1987; film 1992), Clear and Present Danger (1989; film 1994), The Sum of All Fears (1991; film 2002), Rainbow Six (1998), The Bear and the Dragon (2000), The Teeth of the Tiger (2003), Dead or Alive (2010), and Command Authority (2013) are subsequent novels.
Los Angeles Times
Tom Clancy: An appreciation
October 02, 2013 By Hector Tobar
Tom Clancy, who died Tuesday at age 66, was an author who created imaginary stories from the raw material of a real world in conflict. His audience seemed to grow exponentially as he conquered one media platform after another.
In his 1984 debut, "The Hunt for Red October," he proved himself a master of the late Cold War espionage novel, with assorted Russian generals and commissars as his foils. But his fictional creations also took life in movies, television programs and even in a series of video games to which he lent his name.
Today, millions of young people who've never read his novels, and who weren't alive when the Soviet Union existed, storm Russian (and Mexican and Kazakh) cities in the virtual worlds of video games that bear Clancy's name. In recent years, the value of his film, book and game empire surpassed $100 million.
PHOTOS: Tom Clancy: 1947-2013
In his novels, Clancy gave his readers the old-fashioned escapism of richly detailed worlds where simple moral dramas play out to unambiguous endings -- and where compassionate but tough American men use their courage and smarts to defeat evil empires and cruel warlords.Clancy came to the book world in midlife, after years as an insurance broker and military history buff. And his "military fiction," as it came to be known, helped create an American archetype: the savvy spy or warrior who parachutes in to sort out the mess created by assorted criminals, dictators and bureaucrats.
"The Hunt for Red October" opens with a sympathetic portrait of a Soviet naval officer (played by Sean Connery in the movie) that's colored with rich specificity: from the "five layers of wool and oilskin" the officer wears at an Arctic submarine base, to his "half Lithuanian" heritage and his father's past in "the Great Patriotic War," as World War II is known to Russians, with Clancy filling in the father's military back story with much accurate historical detail.
On screen, heartthrobs like Alec Baldwin and Harrison Ford gave Clancy's hero, Jack Ryan, a sex appeal and emotionality he lacked on the page -- the result was several nine-figure Hollywood blockbusters.
PHOTOS: Celebrities react on Twitter to Tom Clancy's death
Clancy's books appealed "to the most boy part of you," as the novelist Bob Shacochis wrote in a review of "Sum of All Fears" for The Times in 1991. Video game versions of those boy-friendly worlds were, perhaps, inevitable.
In the "Ghost Recon" game, released in 2001 and an early hit of the then-new Xbox and Playstation platforms, one could enter fantasy worlds where the details were constructed with screen pixels. Players walked through the rubble of cities in the Caucuses and assumed the roles of U.S. special-ops troops fighting a Russian nationalist army. The game spawned many sequels.
"Colonel, the United States of America once again emerged the victor in a great worldwide conflict," Scott Mitchell, the hero of many "Ghost Recon" game, intones in the sequel, "End War." "History won't soon forget what we've accomplished together..."
PHOTOS: Tom Clancy: A life of bestsellers
Clancy more than likely did not write that stilted dialogue. The best of his 18 novels were lively, original and unfailingly realistic. The late David Foster Wallace was a fan: He reportedly admired the novels for their ability to pack in facts.
In recent years, Clancy kept the literary department of his brand going by relying on "collaborators." The 2010 "Dead or Alive" credited Grant Blackwood, a veteran of similar collaborations with Clive Cussler, to tell the story of American operatives hunting down an Osama bin Laden-like terrorist.
In his review of "Dead or Alive" in The Times, Tim Rutten wrote that Clancy "has a tendency to both pander to popular fantasy (in this case, revenge) and, simultaneously, to play against it with hard-headed insights into the real world of military and intelligence operations. It's a fruitful tension that lends his books a quirky, appealing unpredictability that sometimes can survive even the author's eye-rolling politics."
Clancy was an outspoken conservative. Days after the 9/11 attacks, he said "the political left" was to blame, because it had "gutted" American intelligence agencies. But Clancy's appeal was, for the most part, bipartisan. Boys and men of all ages, especially, enjoyed the pleasure of losing themselves in the worlds he first built with mere words.
Los Angeles Times
Tom Clancy dies at 66; insurance agent found his calling in spy thrillers
Tom Clancy was a master of the techno-thriller who wrote 17 bestsellers with 100 million copies in print. He launched his career with 'The Hunt for Red October.'
October 02, 2013 By Elaine Woo
In 1980, Tom Clancy was making a decent living as an insurance agent. But underwriting fire, casualty and car policies wasn't the stuff of his dreams.
In his spare time he began to plot a novel — about an ex-Marine who worked for the CIA and a Soviet submarine commander who wanted to defect.
What happened next was the beginning of an American success story that far exceeded his expectations.
"I just wanted to be in the Library of Congress catalog," Clancy once said. But his debut novel, "The Hunt for Red October," launched one of the most lucrative publishing franchises in history and turned its author into a household name.
Gripping and loaded with an extraordinary degree of realistic detail about secret military technology, "The Hunt for Red October" was published in 1984 to rave reviews, including one from President Reagan declaring it "the perfect yarn."
It soared to the top of bestseller lists, inspired a blockbuster 1990 movie starring Alec Baldwin as CIA analyst Jack Ryan and Sean Connery as the defector, and catapulted Clancy into the enviable ranks of novelists with popular appeal and Hollywood draw.
Clancy, 66, a master of the techno-thriller who wrote 17 bestsellers with 100 million copies in print, died Tuesday at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore after a short illness, said his lawyer, J.W. Thompson Webb.
"I think Tom was really the first major writer in the genre to make realism the top priority," said Ben Affleck, who played Jack Ryan in 2002's "The Sum of All Fears," the fourth Clancy novel to be turned into a movie. "When you read one of his books, you had the distinct feeling that he was depicting military or espionage situations exactly as they really are. He hews to his research religiously, and the result is an indisputable sense of authenticity.... I think the movie adaptations have risen and fallen in direct proportion to how well they kept his sense of authenticity and nuts-and-bolts realism."
Members of the military, who formed the core of Clancy's early fans, attested to his technical prowess in describing such things as submarine warfare and mobile anti-aircraft guns.
"Clancy was one of one" said James Huston, a former Navy F-14 aviator and author of eight novels on military themes. "He was amazingly detailed and accurate. I was still on active duty when he was writing and found, like many others, that the closer you are to what he is writing about — in my case F-14s — the more you can discern his experience was secondhand yet was still shockingly impressive."
Clancy's sophisticated accounts of military gizmos and espionage were so convincing that some officers at the U.S. Naval Institute in Annapolis, Md., feared a security breach.
Retired Marine Maj. Gen. Bob Butcher, a decorated aviator from the Vietnam War who is board chairman of the Flying Leatherneck Historical Foundation in San Diego, recalled talking to submarine officers soon after "The Hunt for Red October" was published.
"They all had great respect for Clancy and his ability to find information that was not easily discoverable," Butcher said. "All his information was open-source but not easy to find. He put it together, piece by piece. The submariners were amazed at his ability."
After the novel was published, the U.S. Naval Institute, which allowed Clancy access for research and wound up becoming his first publisher, changed its rules to put certain information off-limits, Butcher said.
Clancy had detractors. Some focused on his tendency to create wooden characters. Others criticized the conservative political views espoused in his novels. In Clancy's world, the heroes are straitlaced patriots, might is always right, and military missions always go off as planned.
Scott Shuger, a former naval intelligence officer and journalist, wrote scathingly of Clancy in Washington Monthly magazine in 1990 for unrealistic depictions of the U.S. military as "a precise instrument, capable of almost effortless accuracy" and questioned the expertise of "an ex-insurance agent who never served a day on active duty."
Such criticism rankled Clancy, who never tried to hide his political stripes.
"The U.S. military is us," he once said. "There is no truer representation of a country than the people that it sends into the field to fight for it."
Thomas L. Clancy Jr. was born in Baltimore on April 12, 1947. His father was a letter carrier and his mother worked in a store's credit department. He went to Catholic schools and loved gadgets and reading military history that stoked dreams of being a tank commander.
At Loyola College in Baltimore he joined the ROTC but was barred from serving in Vietnam because of his extreme nearsightedness. After graduating in 1969 with a degree in English he married Wanda Thomas, a nursing student who became an eye surgeon, and entered the insurance business.
Los Angeles Times
(Page 2 of 2)
Tom Clancy dies at 66; insurance agent found his calling in spy thrillers
Tom Clancy was a master of the techno-thriller who wrote 17 bestsellers with 100 million copies in print. He launched his career with 'The Hunt for Red October.'
October 02, 2013 By Elaine Woo
In 1973 he joined O.F. Bowen Agency, a small Maryland insurance company founded by his wife's grandfather. He did well enough to buy the firm in 1980. By then he and his wife had a family and a comfortable middle-class life. But for Clancy it wasn't enough.
At the back of his mind was a newspaper story he had read in 1976 about the crew of a Russian frigate that wanted to defect to Sweden. He changed the frigate to a submarine and read everything he could find on the subject. He mined friends and clients who belonged to the Navy for stories about their military duties and especially about life on a sub.
He started ending his work day early to write. Soon the novel was consuming his weekends, too. "My wife gave me hell," Clancy recalled in the New York Times in 1988. She wanted him to go back to selling insurance.
When he heard the Naval Institute Press wanted to start publishing fiction, he submitted his manuscript. The editors loved it and paid him a $5,000 advance. Copies of the book were sent to Washington officials and area bookstores; the Washington Post called "The Hunt for Red October" "breathlessly exciting." It quickly sold 300,000 copies, sending Clancy on his way to becoming his own cottage industry.
With a multi-book, $3-million contract with G.P. Putnam's Sons, he produced a rapid succession of hits, including "Red Storm Rising" (1986), "Patriot Games" (1987), "The Cardinal of the Kremlin" (1988), "Clear and Present Danger" (1989) and "The Sum of All Fears" (1991).
He wrote of terrorist plots against British royals, the arms race and high-tech defense systems, and Colombian drug lords' threat to national security. Many of his books featured the stalwart Jack Ryan, whom Clancy described as "a new, improved version of me."
Joseph Wambaugh, the Marine Corps veteran who became a best-selling author, told The Times on Wednesday that he knew Clancy would succeed after reading an early review copy of "Red October" in 1984. "He was remarkable with the thriller; he was a natural-born storyteller. I knew this book was going to get the guy out of the insurance business."
Clancy later branched out into military nonfiction, with titles such as "Armored Cav: A Guided Tour of an Armored Cavalry Regiment" (1994).
In 1994, the Wall Street Journal reported that he had received a record-breaking $13-million advance for "Without Remorse," another thriller featuring Jack Ryan. He started a video game company and bought a share of the Baltimore Orioles baseball team.
His fortune enabled him to build a stone mansion overlooking Chesapeake Bay with two dozen rooms, an indoor pool, underground gun range and an unusual birthday gift from his wife: an M1A1 Abrams tank, which he proudly displayed on the front lawn.
Naval History and Heritage Command
United States Navy
U.S. Naval Aircraft Marking
Aircraft of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps have carried distinguishing markings almost from the beginning of naval aviation. The earliest being the aircraft building number, preceded by a block letter A, painted on a vertical surface, usually the rudder. Before the United States entered into World War I, naval aircraft were identified by an anchor design on the vertical tail surface, the use of which continued to the time a National Aircraft Insignia was adopted.
A National Aircraft Insignia consisting of a red disk within a five-pointed white star on a circular blue field, and red, white and blue vertical stripes on the rudder, of the shades specified for the American flag, was adopted.
One of these star designs was to be placed near each wing tip on the upper surface of the top wing and lower surface of the bottom wings. The blue stripe on the rudder was nearest the rudder hinge. This design was ordered to be placed on all U.S. naval aircraft on May 19, 1917. To avoid confusion with enemy markings and to conform more closely with designs used by our allies after our entry into the war, the star design was replaced early in 1918 with concentric circles of red and blue around a white center. The order of the rudder stripes was reversed placing the red forward nearest the rudder hinge. This design was required on all U.S. aircraft operating in Europe.
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/10/and-that-i-will-well-and-faithfully.html ]
Rainbow Six Hardcover – August 3, 1998
by Tom Clancy (Author)
Product Details
Hardcover: 738 pages
Publisher: Putnam Adult; First Edition edition (August 3, 1998)
American Physical Society
APS physics
APS News
This Month in Physics History
April 1, 1948: The Origin of Chemical Elements
On April 1, 1948 a paper was published in the Physical Review by Alpher, Bethe, and Gamow, entitled “The Origin of Chemical Elements.” The authors’ names were a bit of a joke (Hans Bethe hadn’t really contributed to the work), but the paper contains a significant scientific discovery. Ralph Alpher and George Gamow explained how the extreme conditions shortly after the big bang could explain the observed abundances of the most common elements in the universe.
Physicist George Gamow was born in Odessa (now in Ukraine), in 1904. He grew dissatisfied with the Soviet Union, and after one failed attempt, he fled and immigrated to the United States in 1934. He took a position at George Washington University in Washington, DC.
In the early 1940s, Gamow was working on explaining the observed abundances of elements. It had already been shown that in the cores of stars, hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium. But this process happens too slowly to account for the observed abundance of helium in the universe (about 1 atom of helium for every 10 atoms of hydrogen) and it didn’t account for the existence of elements much heavier than helium. Gamow wondered if the conditions of the very early universe could have produced the observed helium and other elements.
The research needed knowledge of nuclear physics, but most nuclear physicists in the US at the time had been recruited to the Manhattan project, so Gamow was essentially alone in working on the problem of nucleosynthesis.
He started making calculations, beginning by looking at the density of matter in the universe and essentially running the expansion of the universe backwards to get an estimate of what the early universe might have looked like. He then began trying to figure out the probabilities of nuclear reactions in early universe. As the universe expands, conditions constantly change, so the calculations were complicated. Not particularly adept at mathematical calculations himself, Gamow recruited PhD student Ralph Alpher to help.
They started by imagining the early stage of the universe as an extremely hot dense gas of neutrons, (which they called “ylem,” after a medieval word for matter). As the universe expanded, the hot compressed neutrons would decay into a mixture of protons and electrons and neutrinos. Then the protons would capture some of the remaining neutrons to form deuterium. Further neutron capture would build up heavier and heavier atomic nuclei. The process would continue as the universe expanded until it was too cool for further reactions to take place.
Alpher’s calculations of nuclear processes used some of the first electronic digital computers, which had been developed during World War II. He was also able to use new data on nuclear reaction cross sections that had become available after the war ended.
The calculations agreed with the known abundance of helium. Pleased with their result, Alpher and Gamow submitted a brief communication to the Physical Review, titled “The Origin of Chemical Elements.” They celebrated with a bottle of liqueur, which Gamow relabeled “ylem.”
Gamow, who was known for his sense of humor, saw that the paper they had submitted to Phys. Rev. was to appear on April 1, 1948. He added the name of his friend Hans Bethe, who was known for work on nuclear reactions in stars, among other things, to the paper, so the authors would be Alpher, Bethe, and Gamow, a pun on the first three letters of the Greek alphabet.
Alpher, as a PhD student struggling to make a name for himself, objected to the addition, fearing that the name of the famous Bethe would overshadow his own, reducing the credit he received for his crucial contribution to an important piece of research. But Gamow published it with Bethe’s name, despite Alpher’s objections.
The paper, still known as the alpha-beta-gamma paper, not only explained the origin of the most abundant elements in the universe, but also provided the first support for the big bang model since Hubble’s discovery in 1929 that distant galaxies are redshifted in proportion to their distance from us.
It later became clear that most elements actually cannot be produced by the successive neutron capture process Alpher and Gamow originally proposed because there is no stable nucleus with 5 nucleons. Another process was needed to bridge the gap to create heavier elements. The Alpher-Bethe-Gamow theory does, however, correctly explain the abundances of hydrogen and helium, which together account for more than 99 percent of the baryonic matter in the universe.
Following the publication, Alpher still had to complete his PhD. Scientists and the press heard about the Alpher-Bethe-Gamow result, and 300 people crowded in to hear Alpher’s thesis defense at George Washington University in the spring of 1948. The Washington Post, hearing Alpher’s statement that the creation of hydrogen and helium in the hot big bang took just 300 seconds, boldly reported that the “World Began in Five Minutes.”
Alpher was awarded his PhD, but his 15 minutes of fame soon ended. After finishing his PhD, he and Robert Herman (who resisted Gamow’s efforts to get him to change his name to Delter) continued work on the early universe. That research led them to predict the cosmic microwave background, but their prediction was ignored, and they were not given credit when the CMB was discovered in 1964. Alpher later became a researcher at General Electric. Gamow went on to study other topics as well, dabbling in the chemistry of DNA. Alpher died in 2007, shortly after receiving the National Medal of Science.
From 2/13/1633 ( Galileo Galilei arrives in Rome to face charges of heresy ) To 6/2/1664 ( Henri II de Lorraine dead ) is 11432 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/19/1997 is 11432 days
From 8/1/1963 ( John Kennedy - Remarks at the U.S. Naval Academy ) To 2/19/1997 is 12256 days
12256 = 6128 + 6128
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/13/1982 ( premiere US film "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" ) is 6128 days
From 2/18/1945 ( Franklin Roosevelt - Executive Order 9524 - AMENDING EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 9195 OF JULY 7, 1942, PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS RELATING TO AERIAL FLIGHTS BY PERSONNEL OF THE ARMY, NAVY, MARINE CORPS, COAST GUARD, AND NATIONAL GUARD ) To 6/7/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in deep space of the solar system in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day was his first landing the Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to my brother Thomas Reagan ) is 11432 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/19/1997 is 11432 days
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/10/galileo.html ]
STS-82 Day 9 Highlights
Back to STS-82 Flight Day 08 Highlights:
On Wednesday, February 19, 1997, 6:00 a.m. CST, STS-82 MCC Status Report # 17 reports:
Discovery's astronauts bid farewell to the Hubble Space Telescope early this morning as they placed the orbiting observatory back into its own orbit to continue its investigation of the far reaches of the universe.
seattle pi - Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Attack, robbery near Freeway Park; 2 suspects arrested
By Scott Sunde on October 19, 2009 at 7:43 AM
Police arrested two men early Monday morning for robbing and attacking a man near Freeway Park.
They may have committed a similar attack earlier.
About 3 a.m. a man was walking near Hubbell Place and Union Street, where the three men attacked him. He may have been hit in the head and knocked unconscious.
A witness saw one suspect kicking the victim in the head.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 11:59 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Thursday 29 December 2016
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