Tuesday, December 27, 2016

10/11/2006 "And if I am not mistaken, Clarke’s book, 2001,” which I read recently while in the gulag, was about Saturn but the movie changed it to Europa of Jupiter."

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: August 29, 2006

My doctor asked me why I wanted to return as Thomas Ray. As I was riding back on the bus, I decided that the real reason is that I want to prosecute the people that revealed my covert activities. I also miss my family. It is quite the lonely feeling to realize you miss people that you can't even remember.

I wonder if my family knew I went to Mars. That would have been lonely if they didn't even know where I was. It would be lonely because I was millions of miles away and even lonelier because they didn't know I was out there.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 29 August 2006 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 10/12/2006 3:35 PM
As I recall, Phoebe Bailey wrote in a letter to me to “never forget that dance where we met because I never will.” That is quite humorous, really more humorous than I can articulate, if it represents me landing on Saturn’s moon, Phoebe. I have these moments where I want to scream because there is something locked in my mind that I can’t articulate. I was thinking something similar about the ‘darkness’ surrounding my spacecraft as I was billion miles away. There is truly a “great lakes” of emotion stored in my mind associated with so much that is forgotten. I feel this great humor in my mind about that comment from Phoebe, I feel that if I remember, I will laugh and laugh and laugh, for days on end probably.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 12 October 2006 excerpt ends]



Red Dawn (1984)


Matt Eckert: I'm your brother. Make it count.

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 05:02 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 27 December 2016