I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, December 09, 2016
A Dangerous Method (2011)
excite tv
A Dangerous Method (2011)
538 STZCIP: Friday, December 9 1:40 PM [ 1:40 PM Friday 09 December 2016 Pacific Time USA ]
2011, R, ***, 01:39, Color, English, CAN/DEU,
Dr. Carl Jung (Michael Fassbender) treats Sabina (Keira Knightley), a beautiful and unbalanced patient, using the methods of his mentor, Dr. Sigmund Freud (Viggo Mortensen), but a rivalry between the doctors forms as each falls under her spell.
Cast: Keira Knightley, Viggo Mortensen, Michael Fassbender, Sarah Gadon, Vincent Cassel, AndrĂ½ Hennicke, Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey, Wladimir Matuchin, Jost Grix, Severin von Hoensbroech, Torsten Knippertz, Dirk S. Greis, Katharina Palm Director(s): David Cronenberg Producer(s): Jeremy Thomas Executive Producer(s): Thomas Sterchi, Matthias Zimmerman, Karl Spoerri, Stephan Mallmann, Peter Watson
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: Miniseries [ Monday 08 December 2003 USA ]
Six: I see they've put you to work.
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: Miniseries [ Monday 08 December 2003 USA ]
Baltar: I'm trying to figure out how you managed to pull this kind of an attack. You virtually shut down the entire defense network without firing a shot.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 08/02/09 9:33 AM
I dreamed just now of what seems to be the flight of the Stargazer aircraft on 6/27/1994 but the visualizations I assume are mostly just the product of a dream. As usual, there seem to be details that happened before the part I can remember enough to write about that I can not now remember. In the dream, I was onboard that aircraft and we were traveling along towards the point where we would deploy the rocket as it fired and traveled towards space. All I can really visualize though is that the aircraft seemed to be invisible. To me at least. I have the sense that other people could see it. We also were no high over the ground but we were very close to the ground and we were traveling at a rate of motion that did not seem very fast. This all was taking a long time too. I kept expecting the rocket to depart from the aircraft but it did not. I can see the terrain very well. There seemed to be people on the ground looking up and to watch us fly over. We were at another point so close the ground above a highway that I saw a woman in a police car looking up at the sky and I think she was watching us fly over. I think it was before that we were flying over new terrain and I was marveling at the color of the foliage of the trees and it might have seemed that I could even touch the trees with my feet. I remember that very well. But that part is disorienting. It is as though I was standing very close to a wall but then that wall was not actually there and what I saw in front of me was the sky and terrain and everything associated with flying in that aircraft above the ground. It seemed I was talking to the other two men on the aircraft flight deck just then and I become slightly aware as I think about the dream of equipment and instruments around me although that could be the last part. I do have the sense they are wearing uniforms and I think I am too. I am in the middle and I seem to be talking to the guy on my right. Then the part with the woman in the police car seems to happen and then we travel over an area where the terrain drops suddenly and I am marveling at that because I can clearly see everything directly below us. Just because the drop I commented to the guy on my left, who might have actually been me, that there was a stop sign on the road below us at what seemed to be a T-intersection. We seemed to have been following the highway and the highway ended at that intersection with the other highway running perpendicular to it but we continued on a straight line and that was when I saw the terrain drop sharply below us. I commented to the guy to my left who I guess was the pilot about that stop sign below and I cannot now remember our exact words but he responded to me with something about how that was my name on that stop sign and I wish I could remember better that scene from the dream although that was basically the important part. So I think this part is when the rocket was supposed to transfer to space but that is not really clear anymore. What I do remember is that now I am clinging to the side of a mountain and I have no idea where I am although I still have an association in my mind that I was on that aircraft I have been writing about. It is as though I was on the side of that mountain because I had been attached to a rope that was attached to that aircraft and the aircraft had been traveling along with me on that rope. I don't really understand enough to explain what I feel was going on in this part. I don't know. Maybe it doesn't matter. I remember the ground was very steep and I remember there was snow and I seemed to be examining the snow-covered foliage and I am aware of how steep the ground is and I am concerned because I no longer am connected to that aircraft by the rope. I am stuck there on the ground and I have no idea where I am or how to get back to anywhere. I can see what seems to be a level portion of the ground and I guess it is a trail. I can also see a window of a building and it really seems out of place because a consistent thought is that I might as well be on Mount Everest right now but that doesn't really make any sense because I remember seeing all those signs of civilization we flew over. So anyway, I am still lying on or clinging to the mountain in the same position but I am looking at the window and I can visualize it well and I can see the various details of the configuration and I am wondering if I can slide through that window or if it is too small for me to get through. There seems to be no other place to go than through that window where it looks warm and cozy and I see no other signs of civilization other than that window. Then I seem to have made it through the window and I am vaguely aware of being inside the business that runs there and I vaguely recall talking to someone but I cannot remember enough about that conversation to articulate. What seems to happened was that I explained that I was lost from that flight and what they seemed to have done is to put me on a shuttle bus for a hotel and they sent me to a hotel where I can stay. I am aware that I have access to my funds but that is only a notion. I have only the clothes on my back and I am still confused about where I am. I am aware of another person on the bus and I can visualize the we got to the hotel while riding that bus and I can visualize walking through some parts of that hotel and I see that I walked into the registration lobby but then I turned around and walked back out without registering and I am not certain what I was going to do. I still have no idea where I am. I am thinking that the people I was with will probably look for me and I think that if I use my bank card they will know where I am on the ground. I think that was the end. I think the dream ended after I walked back outside the hotel and I was standing outside looking around. I can vaguely visualize the surroundings but I have no idea where it was.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 02 August 2009 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 11:40 AM Sunday, January 02, 2011
Stampede Pass
I must have been lying in bed for over four hours last night and could not fall asleep for that much time and longer because I started thinking during the night last night that Stampede Pass is where I materialized after the L-1011 Stargazer spiraled down from over forty thousand feet after breaking into pieces and then crashed with such force that it virtually vaporized on contact with that ground. I started thinking of how that scene with "Picard" and his wife announcing that dinner was ready could be a detail I created to represent the details I read about the source of the name for Stampede Pass, as well as how "Kirk" mentions that he smell something burning in the kitchen. I thought over many details last night as I hoped to fall asleep and I was thinking of how the dialog with the statue in the 1996 film "Star Trek: First Contact" is about how after I understood that my aircraft was unflyable because, for one reason, a wing had just broken off due to impact with debris from the Pegasus rocket that had just exploded in front of my windshield, I was turned around part ways in my seat as the pilot and I had my had outreached to shake the hand of Kerry Burgess and I spoke that flying with had been an honor but the aircraft was spinning too fast for us to shake hands. When I materialized at Stampede Pass I felt as though I had materialized about one inch or two above the ground and I found myself standing there in the woods on that dirt road with absolutely no idea where I was and I was standing there with my hand still reaching out to shake his hand.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 02 January 2011 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 04:30 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Monday 21 July 2014 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2014/07/wow-if-that-doesnt-just-cut-it-then-i.html
As I have noted here before, the thoughts in my mind suggest that Thomas Reagan looks exactly the same as I do. The only difference is he is 6.5 years older in age and he is a few inches taller than I am.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 21 July 2014 excerpt ends]
Carl Jung: I go this way.
Sigmund Freud: What do you mean?
Carl Jung: I left my wife to make the arrangements. I'm afraid she's booked me a first-class state room.
Sigmund Freud: I see.
Carl Jung: I was on the Swiss-Austrian border somewhere in the mountains at dusk. There was a long wait... because everybody's baggage was being searched. I noticed a decrepit customs official wearing the old royal and imperial uniform. And I was watching him walking up and down..with his melancholy and disgruntled expression, when someone said to me, "He isn't really there". He's a ghost, who still hasn't found out how to die properly.
Sigmund Freud: Is that the whole dream?
Carl Jung: All I can remember.
Sigmund Freud: Did you say the Swiss-Austrian border?
Carl Jung: Yes.
Sigmund Freud: Must have something to do with us.
Carl Jung: You think so?
Sigmund Freud: Everybody is being searched.
Carl Jung: Hm?
Sigmund Freud: Perhaps that's an indication that the ideas which used to flow so freely... between us are now subject to a most suspicious examination.
Carl Jung: You mean the ideas flowing in your direction.
Sigmund Freud: And I'm afraid the old relic shuffling about in this entirely useless fashion... must almost certainly be me.
Carl Jung: Wait a minute.
Sigmund Freud: Whom you very mercifully wish... could be put out of his misery. A humane death wish. Perhaps the fact that he was unable to die... simply indicated the immortality of his ideas.
Carl Jung: Oh.
Sigmund Freud: Yes. So you agree, it must have been me?
Carl Jung: I didn't say that.
Sigmund Freud: No. Never mind. Most entertaining example.
Carl Jung: What about you? You have a dream to report?
Sigmund Freud: Hmm? I had a most elaborate dream last night. Particularly rich.
Carl Jung: Let's hear it.
Sigmund Freud: I'd love to tell you... but I don't think I should.
Carl Jung: Why ever not?
Sigmund Freud: I wouldn't want to risk my authority.
Perfect Strangers Season 7 Episode 18
The Elevator
Aired Tuesday 8:30 PM Mar 14, 1992 on ABC
Larry and Balki deal with an uncooperative elevator when moving Mr. Wainright's new couch to his office.
AIRED: 3/14/92
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 08/01/10 12:08 PM
I never did have the power to deliberately deliver my active consciousness into that alternate reality, or whatever it is called. Only when I was killed did I gain access to it and then there is some kind of punishment aspect to it that is part of the process to keep me from trying to get to it by simply killing myself, which is frowned upon. The notion occurred to me recently about how one method of punishment for killing myself is that I would have to linger for a tremendous amount of time in an environment that is pitch black. I could sense my body but I could see nothing and I could feel nothing and all I seemed to do in float in that complete darkness and I was trapped there for such a long period that when I got out then I would definitely never want to do anything to cause me to go back there again.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 01 August 2010 excerpt end]
Springfield! Springfield!
Dangerous Method, A (2011)
What's odd is...
that case I was writing up last week,
I happened to pick the codename
Sabina S.
And here she is... Sabina Spielrein.
Quite a coincidence.
As you know, I don't believe
there is such a thing.
Spielrein's not a very Russian name.
No, Jewish.
Father's a very successful
import-export man.
And she's exceptionally well educated,
speaks fluent German.
Aspires to be a doctor herself,
Perhaps she's the one.
What one?
The one you've been looking for.
For your experimental treatment.
The talking cure.
Springfield! Springfield!
Dangerous Method, A (2011)
Miss Spielrein.
The Herr Direktor.
Blueleri feel you may have a little too much time on your hands. I'm a great believer in getting our patients involved in some productive work. What are your particular interests?
Suicide. Interplanetary travel.
From 8/01/2010 to 11/23/2011 is 479 days
From 11/23/2011 to 3/16/2013 ( the untimely demise of Kerry Burgess 2005 ) is 479 days
From 6/13/2005 ( in the dark of night the sudden expiration of Kerry Burgess 1994-B ) To 11/23/2011 is 2354 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/13/1972 ( the date of record of the 2nd United States Navy Medal of Honor for my biological brother Thomas Reagan circa 1972 the United States Navy Commander ) is 2354 days
From 2/28/1961 ( 38 United States Code 101 - the Vietnam Era ) To 11/23/2011 is 18530 days
18530 = 9265 + 9265
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) is 9265 days
From 3/3/1959 ( the birthdate in Hawaii of my biological brother Thomas Reagan the medical doctor and the United States of America military officer and veteran of the US involvement in the Vietnam war ) To 11/23/2011 is 19258 days
19258 = 9629 + 9629
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/14/1992 ( premiere US TV series episode "Perfect Strangers"::"The Elevator" ) is 9629 days
From 1/25/1951 ( Harry Truman - Executive Order 10208—Providing for the Administration of the Yugoslav Emergency Relief Assistance Act of 1950 ) To 2/14/1997 ( as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-82 pilot astronaut I begin repairing the US Hubble Telescope while in space and orbit of the planet Earth - extravehicular activity #1 ends ) is 16822 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/23/2011 is 16822 days
From 8/19/1953 ( CIA-assisted coup overthrows government of Iran ) To 11/23/2011 is 21280 days
21280 = 10640 + 10640
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) is 10640 days
From 6/27/1994 ( the US NASA Stargazer Pegasus rocket failure ) To 11/23/2011 is 6358 days
6358 = 3179 + 3179
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/17/1974 ( Richard Nixon - Statement on the Death of Dizzy Dean ) is 3179 days
From 10/28/1994 ( premiere US film "Stargate" ) To 11/23/2011 is 6235 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/28/1982 ( premiere US TV series "The Jeffersons"::"Death Smiles on a Dry Cleaner: Part 2" ) is 6235 days
A Dangerous Method (2011)
Release Info
USA 3 September 2011 (Telluride Film Festival)
USA 23 November 2011 (Los Angeles, California)
USA 23 November 2011 (New York City, New York)
A Dangerous Method (2011)
Full Cast & Crew
Michael Fassbender ... Carl Jung
Viggo Mortensen ... Sigmund Freud
Keira Knightley ... Sabina Spielrein
Sigmund Freud: I was interested in what you said about monotheism... that it arose historically out of some kind of patricidal impulse.
Carl Jung: Yes.
Sigmund Freud: Akhnaton, who as far as we know, was the first... to put forth the bizarre notion that there was only one God. Also had his father's name erased and chiseled out of all public monuments.
Carl Jung: That's not strictly true.
Sigmund Freud: Not true?
Carl Jung: No.
Sigmund Freud: You mean, it was most probably a myth?
Carl Jung: No. I mean there were two perfectly straightforward reasons... for Akhnaton, or Amenhopis the IV as I prefer to call him, to excise his father's name from the cartouches. First... this was something traditionally done... by all new kings who didn't wish their father's name... to continue to be public currency.
Sigmund Freud: In much the same way as your article in the Yearbook, fails to mention my name?
Carl Jung: Your name is so well-known it hardly seemed necessary to mention it.
Sigmund Freud: Do go on.
Carl Jung: Secondly, Amenhopis only struck out the first half of his father's name, Amenhotep, because, like the first half of his own name, it was shared by Amon. One of the gods he was determined to eliminate.
Sigmund Freud: Hm.
Sigmund Freud: As simple as that?
Carl Jung: The explanation doesn't seem to me unduly simple.
Sigmund Freud: And do you think your man, whatever you call him, felt no hostility whatsoever toward his father?
Carl Jung: I have no means of proof, of course. For all I know, Amenhopis may have thought that his father's name familiar enough... and that now it might be time to make a name for himself.
Sigmund Freud: [ falls down ] How sweet... it must be to die.
Carl Jung: I dreamed... I dreamed about a horse, being hoisted by cables to a considerable height. Suddenly, a cable breaks and the horse is dashed to the ground. But it's not hurt. It leaps up and gallops away, impeded only by a heavy log, which it's obliged to drag along the ground. Then a rider on a small horse... appears in front of it, so that it's forced to slow down. And a carriage appears in front of the small horse... so that our horse is compelled to slow down even more.
Sigmund Freud: I imagine the horse is yourself.
Carl Jung: Yes.
Sigmund Freud: Your ambition has been frustrated in some way.
Sigmund Freud: The carriage in front... perhaps alludes to an apprehension that our two daughters, and other children perhaps still to come, will impede my progress even more. As a father of six, I can vouch for that. Not to mention the inevitable financial difficulties.
Carl Jung: No. Fortunately, my wife is extremely wealthy.
Sigmund Freud: Ah.
Carl Jung: Yes.
Sigmund Freud: That is fortunate. This log...
Carl Jung: Yes?
Sigmund Freud: I think, perhaps, you should entertain the possibility... that it represents the penis.
Carl Jung: Yes.
a teacher of the highest academic rank in a college or university, who has been awarded the title Professor in a particular branch of learning; a full professor
the principal lecturer or teacher in a field of learning at a university or college; a holder of a university chair
Springfield! Springfield!
Dangerous Method, A (2011)
I shall have to be extremely careful.
What do you mean?
He's so persuasive,
he's so convincing.
He makes you feel you should abandon your
own ideas and simply follow in his wake.
His followers in Vienna
are all... deeply unimpressive.
A crowd of Bohemians and degenerates,
just picking up the crumbs from his table.
Well, perhaps he's reached the stage
where obedience...
is more important to him
than originality.
I've tried to tackle him about his
obsession with sexuality, his insistence...
is left in every symptom
in sexual terms.
He's completely inflexible.
In my case, of course
he'd had been right.
Yes, as you would
expect him to be in many cases.
Possibly even in majority of cases.
There must be more than one hinge
into the universe.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 08/01/10 12:05 PM
That ability to deliver my active consciousness to that alternate reality is a function of the technology that I gained access to by landing on the Jupiter moon Callisto in 1976.
But that thought raises more questions in my mind now. Some of us had access to that kind of technology even before I went there.
Another question is about why I cannot now access that technology.
Did I promise to not use it as some kind of promise so that I would be more motivated to work through this until I find the ending?
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 01 August 2010 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 08/01/10 11:24 AM
I always wonder if that day 5/9/1985 was the first time my active consciousness was delivered into that alternate world. I find myself wondering about that a lot. I am not certain. I know that my broken body had been regenerated before, such as on 6/8/1981 when I had been paralyzed after ejecting from my F-16 Falcon before it crashed, but, I don't know. I wasn't killed that day. Maybe that is why I am not certain. And then I wonder a lot about when I gained that ability to transfer my active consciousness into the alternate reality. Did I gain that ability after I returned to the planet Earth on 4/14/1977? That seems to make sense to me. I had some kind of powers before I even left but after I came back in 1977 is when I had that ability to deliver my consciousness into that alternate reality. I still feel as though I am missing something here though, something else that I cannot figure out what the hell it all means.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 08/01/10 11:33 AM
The series ended with the actual performance of "All Along the Watchtower" by Jimi Hendrix, and here I am just down the road from his gravesite. "Galen Tyrol" was headed to settle down, apparently, in the Highlands of Scotland. I had no idea there was such a place a Renton Highlands when the thought entered my mind to look for a new apartment in Renton. The only detail that entered my mind was to filter the apartments on the website I was looking at for apartments in Renton Washington.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 08/01/10 11:45 AM
The discovery of the original "Earth" they are looking for also seems to be a random incident. My imagination makes me wonder though. One detail I consider is that they simply traveled far enough along a path that they got within reception range of the distress signal that the original "Viper" that "Kara Thrace" was flying in was transmitting. Another notion is that "Saul Tigh" was facing death by execution and so they somehow triggered the signal as a defense mechanism, since they all supposedly held that knowledge somewhere in their "Cylon" minds.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 01 August 2010 excerpt ends]
Carl Jung: You think Freud's right? You think all neurosis is of exclusively sexual origin?
Otto Gross: I think Freud's obsession with sex probably has a great deal... to do with the fact that he never gets any.
I never mentioned this before, because I was feeling compelled not to, but now after reading this, I wanted to note that she was the woman I was imagining that was going to drive me around to collect the numbers from the bombs and then fly me to Tiger, WA, where I would record the numbers at the crossroads.
Denise Milani (model)
Denise Milani (born April 24, 1980)
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 08/1/10 2:16 AM
I have wondered many, many times why I was imagining that specific woman and the specific person who was going to drive me around to the location
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 01 August 2010 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/04/10 1:22 AM
A pleasant dream about an elevator has left me, after waking up from the nap, want to watch the 1991 film "Drop Dead Fred" and I might do that in a day or two.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 04 November 2010 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 06/25/10 5:17 AM
The line of thought about that passageway that was from the doorway I entered in a non-assuming building that seemed to be a large city area, such as downtown Seattle, progressed to where I went through a doorway at the other end of the passageway and there are several different and distinct lines of thought about what happened after that. In one line of thought, there was a person stationed there who put a fake disquise onto my face, such as a mustache and so, but the prevailing of thought is that no one else was around and I did that myself. I was left with the sense when the woman was there that she told me that I am doing a great job. The point of the fake disquise was because there was a car inside there and I would take the car and a lot of other necessary identification documents with me and drive away from the area. In one line of thought, there was a message there for me to wait at least three hours before I drove out and that was associated with how the zombies trailing me would be panicing because they lost me. I thought over about how I would drive off somewhere else, possibly Spokane, but then the thoughts were occurring to me, and I guess the notion was foremost, about how there was really no point to me leaving because they would just find me again somewhere else and so what was the point even to leaving the area. There was also a sense that I am not supposed to leave this area. So then the line of thought progressed along and I had a path of passageways and tunnels and elevators that would take me to another apartment in, I guess, another building, and I guess that is where I would stay for the future that was not defined in that extensive line of thought. I think that was the end of that series of thoughts and I think that was about the time I was walking back up to this apartment.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 25 June 2010 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 02/27/09 8:54 AM
Another scenario I pondered featured a nuclear weapon on the roof of the tallest building in downtown Bellevue too. I also pondered at another time a scenario where someone would bring me my U.S. Navy uniform for my rank as Fleet Admiral and then I would get dressed in it and I would walk to downtown to some destination I would become aware of in the future and I would know specific details such as security codes and I would go into a building and take the elevator
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 27 February 2009 excerpt ends]
Sigmund Freud: I don't think you have any notion of the true strengths and depths... to the opposition to our work. There's a whole medical establishment, of course, baying to send Freud to the auto-da-fe. But that's as nothing compared to what happens when our ideas begin... to trickle through in whatever garbled form they're relayed to the public. The denials, the frenzy, the incoherent rage.
Carl Jung: But might that not be caused by your insistence on the exclusively... sexual interpretation of the clinical material?
Sigmund Freud: All I'm doing is pointing out... what experience indicates to me must be the truth. And I can assure you that in a hundred year's time, our work will still be rejected. Columbus, you know, had no idea what country he'd discovered. Like him, I'm in the dark. All I know is I've set foot on the shore and the country exists.
Carl Jung: I think of you more as Galileo. And your opponents as those who condemned him, while refusing even to put their eye to his telescope.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 4:48 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 09 December 2016