This Is What I Think.

Friday, August 02, 2024

Today is 08/02/2024, Post #2

Today is 07/29/2024, Post #3

Stealth (2005)

(from internet transcript)

(Lt.'s Gannon and Purcell)

I didn't want for this to happen.

Come on.

I tried for it not to. Navy's got rules about it but it's like this force and it's got ahold of me. I love her.

B, you and I both know that Kara Wade is being groomed by the Navy. She's a poster girl, you know? She went to the right schools, got the right background, connections. If any woman is gonna rise to the top of this business, it's gonna be her.

I agree.

And you're in a perfect position to mess all that up. So I hope that your love is powerful.


To Be Continued.

Jaws (1975)

Hooper: [annoyed] This was no boat accident.

Jaws (film)

From Wikipedia

After the medical examiner concludes it was a shark attack, newly hired police chief Martin Brody closes the beaches; Mayor Larry Vaughn persuades him to reconsider, fearing the town's summer economy will suffer. The coroner, apparently under pressure, now concurs with the mayor's theory that it was a boating accident.

Pa. Gov. Josh Shapiro, Michigan governor hold 'Harris for President' rally in Montgomery County

Monday, July 29, 2024 7:34PM

"Vice President Harris has been battle-tested. She is ready to not just be the standard bearer of our party, but to be the 47th president of the United States of America," Shapiro said.


From 4/9/2009 ( premiere USA TV series "Appalachia: A History of Mountains and People" ) To 7/13/2024 ( the Donald Trump incident in Butler, Pennsylvania ) is 5574 days

5574 = 2787 + 2787

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 6/20/1973 ( ) is 2787 days

From 4/9/2009 ( premiere USA TV series "Valley Peaks"::series premiere "Welcome to the VP" ) To 7/13/2024 ( the Donald Trump incident in Butler, Pennsylvania ) is 5574 days

5574 = 2787 + 2787

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 6/20/1973 ( ) is 2787 days

From 4/9/2009 ( premiere USA TV series "Southland" ) To 7/13/2024 ( the Donald Trump incident in Butler, Pennsylvania ) is 5574 days

5574 = 2787 + 2787

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 6/20/1973 ( ) is 2787 days

From 6/20/1973 ( ) To 4/18/1988 ( as me, Kerry Burgess, while enlisted paygrade E-5, designated Fire Controlman Petty Officer Second Class (FC2), from my official enlisted US Navy records: during USA Armed Forces Expeditionary Operation Earnest Will with my personal participation and commendation - CF-division, Missile Plot - guided-missiles Fire Control Computers Complex (UNIVAC digital-computers Mk152 Terrier System for, primarily, SM2-ER {Extended Range} Standard Missiles ordnance) - aboard the USS Wainwright CG-28 US Navy the United States Operation Praying Mantis ) is 5416 days

5416 = 2708 + 2708

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 4/2/1973 ( debut of LexisNexis ) is 2708 days

Chicago Tribune

Navy Rises To Occasion In Duel At Sea

April 19, 1988 By David Evans, Chicago Tribune.

WASHINGTON — For the first time in more than 40 years, enemy warships have seriously challenged the U.S. Navy at sea. The Navy won - decisively.


Los Angeles Times

U.S. Attacks Iran Frigates, Oil Platforms, Sinks Boat : American Helicopter Is Missing

April 18, 1988 Times Wire Services

MANAMA, Bahrain U.S. warships and aircraft destroyed two of Iran's Persian Gulf oil platforms today, sank a patrol boat and damaged two Iranian frigates that fired missiles at American planes.

Iranian naval forces responded with attacks on Arab oil facilities, U.S., British and Cypriot commercial vessels and on a press helicopter chartered by NBC.

It was the most intense direct U.S.-Iran conflict since President Reagan ordered last summer that Navy forces be strengthened in the gulf, where Iran and Iraq have been at war since September, 1980.

Later today Defense Secretary Frank C. Carlucci said that a two-man U.S. attack helicopter was missing and "we are concerned."

Defense Department officials said naval forces were searching for the Cobra chopper, a Marine aircraft that had been stationed aboard the cruiser Wainwright.

Washington called destruction of the oil platforms a "measured response" to the explosion of a mine, allegedly planted by Iran, that blew a hole in an American frigate last week and wounded 10 sailors.

Reagan said today's operations were a warning to Iran that "we will protect our ships and, if they threaten us, they'll pay a price. We undertook this action to make sure the Iranians have no illusions about the cost of irresponsible behavior."

No casualties were reported among U.S. forces. Iran's official Islamic Republic News Agency said there were deaths and injuries aboard the platforms but it did not say how many.

Gave Advance Warning

On Reagan's instructions, about 9 a.m. gulf time, two groups of Navy warships struck the Iranian oil platforms Sassan and Sirri, 100 miles apart in the southern Persian Gulf.

They gave the Iranians advance warning to evacuate the platforms, which have been used as speedboat bases for attacks on neutral shipping. Reagan ordered the attacks as retaliation for the mine that holed the frigate Samuel B. Roberts on Thursday.

Both platforms were destroyed and left ablaze, one by naval gunfire and the other by explosives that were placed on it, according to statements in Washington.

The Iranian news agency said U.S. warships hit the Sassan platform at 9 a.m. and, 23 minutes later, the Sirri platform off nearby Sirri Island.

IRNA said Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Velayati wrote a letter of protest to U.N. Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar that said, in part: "Iran will never submit to the policy of violence and intimidation and will definitely respond to the cowardly U.S. attacks."

Gunboats on Rampage

After the U.S. attacks, Iranian gunboats went on a rampage in the southern gulf. They attacked oil facilities and commercial vessels at the Mubarak oil field off the Sharjah emirate and, hours later, a Cypriot freighter leaving the United Arab Emirates with a load of fertilizer.

Carlucci said a Navy helicopter was fired on during the raid on the platforms but was not hit. Iranians shot at a press helicopter carrying an NBC-TV crew and an Associated Press photographer but missed.

AP photographer Norbert Schiller said the "Iranians fired at least half a dozen .50-caliber rounds and small-arms fire" at the helicopter.

Two Iranian warplanes tried to harass a U.S. warship but the ship fired missiles and the aircraft fled, shipping sources reported.

They said an Iranian patrol boat fired at the Wainwright, one of the ships attacking Sassan and Sirri, but did not hit it.

Houston Chronicle Archives

U.S. blasts 5 Iranian targets

Houston Chronicle News Services


He said an Iranian patrol boat fired on the U.S. cruiser Wainwright, which took part in the attack on one of the platforms. The Wainwright was not hit.

Operation Earnest Will

Operation Earnest Will, the U.S. Navy escort of re-flagged Kuwaiti tankers, officially commenced in July 1987. However, on 25 May, U.S. Navy ships did provide escort for a Kuwaitiflagged cargo ship that was transporting U.S. arms to Bahrain. Operation Earnest Will would last from 24 July 1987 to 26 September 1988 and was the largest naval convoy operation since World War II.

H-018-1: No Higher Honor - The Road to Operation Praying Mantis, 18 April 1988

H-Gram 018, Attachment 1

Samuel J. Cox, Director NHHC

April 2018

Chandler opted to keep Wainwright's bow pointed at Joshan to minimize radar cross section. The Iranian Harpoon's seeker either failed to activate or was lured off by chaff, and the missile passed close aboard down Wainwright's starboard side. Bagley also fired a Harpoon at Joshan, which missed. The U.S. ships then sank the crippled patrol boat with guns. The Joshan suffered 15 sailors killed; among the severely wounded was Captain Mallek with a severed leg. While the surface action was going on, two Iranian F-4 Phantom fighter-bombers were orbiting too close for comfort and Wainwright engaged them with two extended-range Standard missiles.

USS_Wainwright_(CG-28) US Navy .jpg, from internet
107-1 .jpg, USS Wainwright Veterans Association
108-1 .jpg, USS Wainwright Veterans Association
1990 CG28 cover
1990 CG28 pa
1990 CG28 pg (14)
1990 CG28 pg (15)


On April 2, 1973, with four big firms as the first subscribers, MDC launched the LEXIS legal reference service. LEXIS provided a lawyer with the ability to search the full text of New York and Ohio codes and cases, the federal code, and a federal tax library.

LEXIS was what was known as a 'dial up' system. To connect with MDC, a lawyer at a subscribing firm dialed a number and placed the telephone receiver into the cradle of a modem that converted the signals coming from Dayton. Then the lawyer only had to type a question into a custom-designed computer terminal and LEXIS would generate a listing of relevant case law from its database.

- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 2:50 PM Pacific-timezone USA Friday 08/02/2024