President Clinton's Secretary of Housing and Urban Development was born 6/11/47. His 33rd birthday was 3 years, 59 days, after 4/14/77. I believe that 4/14/77 was when I returned to Earth after my mission to intercept the comet in the outer solar system. I was born 3/3/59 and I was 18.11 years when I returned to Earth on 4/14/77.
Henry G. Cisneros
Secretary of Housing and Urban DevelopmentHenry G. Cisneros was nominated by President Clinton to serve as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development on December 17, 1992. He was confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate on January 21, 1993, and sworn into office by Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist on January 22, 1993.
Born on June 11, 1947