Monday, October 11, 2010

Chile miners

This Chile miners spectacle might mean something. I have been tracking it for a while. I suspect that manufactured media circus is connected to the next Bill Gates-Barack Hussein Obama-General Electric-NBC TV terrorism event against the United States federal government.

The fact is - for a fact - that Bill Gates has people currently living underground in Seattle King County Washington state on station of a very large scale thermonuclear bomb that is some kind of doomsday weapon they have constructed as a key element to extorting control over the United States federal government.

The only way to neutralize that threat against the US federal government is to drill down to the living quarters of the domestic terrorists or to explode a nuclear bomb near the underground very large thermonuclear bomb, which the season premiere of the terrorist propaganda media channel "Stargate Universe" suggests is not possible because they are sealed off and are too far underground to have any effect.

The bomb, if exploded by Bill Gates, who will be thousands of miles away at the time, probably, will kill outright over half of the population of the United States and then will kill over 95 per cent of the population of the United States of America in the aftermath.

The global effect will be equally catastrophic.